Exemplo n.º 1
class SessionProcessor(PDU):
    """ Module which receives notifications that a new measurement is added
    to a trajectory. It searches for a nearby trajectory in the processed
    sessions DB, and if none is found, creates a new one.

    Search is done via spatial & temporal criteria.

    QUEUE = 'session_processor'

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(SessionProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.processed_session_store = ProcessedSessionStore()

    def process_message(self, message):

        # TODO(andrei): implement source_session_id -> dest_session_id
        # affinity table. Right now it's numerically unstable because of lack
        # of that.
        dst_session_id = self.processed_session_store.session_ending_at(
                                               message['time'], message['info'])

        # If no closely matching session is found, create a new one
        if dst_session_id is None:
            dst_session_id = self.processed_session_store.new_session_id()

        # Write the measurement to the "closest" matching destination session
    def setUp(self):
        super(ProcessedSessionStoreTest, self).setUp()
        settings.REDIS_SERVER = 'localhost'

        self.redis = redis.StrictRedis(host=settings.REDIS_SERVER,

        self.store = ProcessedSessionStore()
class ProcessedSessionStoreTest(TestCase):

    def setUpClass(cls):
        super(ProcessedSessionStoreTest, cls).setUpClass()
        # TODO(andrei): move this into a custom test runner

    def setUp(self):
        super(ProcessedSessionStoreTest, self).setUp()
        settings.REDIS_SERVER = 'localhost'

        self.redis = redis.StrictRedis(host=settings.REDIS_SERVER,

        self.store = ProcessedSessionStore()

    def test_new_session_id_returns_different_every_time(self):
        """ Check that new_session_id() always returns different results. """
        N = random.randint(5, 10)
        session_ids = [self.store.new_session_id() for _ in xrange(N)]
        eq_(len(session_ids), len(set(session_ids)),
            "Generated session ids should all be different!")

    def _create_new_session(self, N=None,
                            min_t=None, max_t=None,
                            min_x=None, max_x=None,
                            min_y=None, max_y=None,
                            min_z=None, max_z=None):

        N = N or random.randint(50, 100)
        min_t = min_t or int(time.time()) - 10
        max_t = max_t or int(time.time())

        sid = self.store.new_session_id()

        for _ in xrange(N):
            t = random.randint(min_t, max_t)
            info = {}
            if min_x is not None and max_x is not None:
                info['X'] = random.uniform(min_x, max_x)
            if min_y is not None and max_y is not None:
                info['Y'] = random.uniform(min_y, max_y)
            if min_z is not None and max_z is not None:
                info['Z'] = random.uniform(min_z, max_z)
            self.store.set(sid, t, info)

        return sid

    def test_no_session_returned_if_all_are_stale(self):
        """ Given a new measurement, and a set of stale sessions,
        check that no session is returned for matching with our without

        NOTE: for positional matching we deliberately set the session
        coordinates equal to the ones of the measurement so that we
        ensure the check is done temporally and not spatially.


        num_sessions = random.randint(10, 20)
        t = int(time.time() * 1000)
        threshold = ProcessedSessionStore.TIME_MATCHING_THRESHOLD_MS
        old_time_min = t - threshold - 20
        old_time_max = t - threshold - 10

        for _ in xrange(num_sessions):
            self._create_new_session(min_t=old_time_min, max_t=old_time_max)

        eq_(self.store.session_ending_at(t, {}), None,
            "No stale session should be returned")

        # Add some sessions with positional matching
        X = random.uniform(100, 500)
        Y = random.uniform(100, 500)
        Z = random.uniform(100, 500)
        for _ in xrange(num_sessions):
            self._create_new_session(min_t=old_time_min, max_t=old_time_max,
                                     min_x=X, max_x=X,
                                     min_y=Y, max_y=Y,
                                     min_z=Z, max_z=Z)

        eq_(self.store.session_ending_at(t, {'X': X, 'Y': Y, 'Z': Z}), None,
            "No stale session should be returned")

    def test_new_session_is_returned_with_temporal_match(self):

        num_sessions = random.randint(10, 20)
        t = int(time.time() * 1000)
        threshold = ProcessedSessionStore.TIME_MATCHING_THRESHOLD_MS
        old_time_min = t - threshold - 20
        old_time_max = t - threshold - 10

        for _ in xrange(num_sessions - 1):
            self._create_new_session(min_t=old_time_min, max_t=old_time_max)

        good_sid = self._create_new_session(min_t=t - threshold + 1,

        eq_(self.store.session_ending_at(t, {}), good_sid,
            "The good session (having fresh updated_at) should be returned")

        X = random.uniform(100, 500)
        Y = random.uniform(100, 500)
        Z = random.uniform(100, 500)

        eq_(self.store.session_ending_at(t, {'X': X, 'Y': Y, 'Z': Z}), None,
            "No session should be returned even if they are fresh because "
            "they have no positional data")

    def test_new_session_with_old_positional_data_is_not_returned(self):

        num_sessions = random.randint(10, 20)
        t = int(time.time() * 1000)
        threshold = ProcessedSessionStore.TIME_MATCHING_THRESHOLD_MS
        positional_threshold = ProcessedSessionStore.POSITION_MATCHING_THRESHOLD_MS
        old_time_min = t - threshold - 20
        old_time_max = t - threshold - 10

        for _ in xrange(num_sessions - 1):
            self._create_new_session(min_t=old_time_min, max_t=old_time_max)

        X = random.uniform(100, 500)
        Y = random.uniform(100, 500)
        Z = random.uniform(100, 500)

        # Create a "good" session. So far, it has no positional data.
        # We will add some "old" positional data, and see that it doesn't
        # get returned.
        good_sid = self._create_new_session(min_t=t - threshold + 1,
        N = random.randint(50, 100)
        for _ in xrange(N):
            old_timestamp = random.randint(t - positional_threshold - 20,
                                           t - positional_threshold - 10)
            self.store.set(good_sid, old_timestamp, {'X': X, 'Y': Y, 'Z': Z})

        eq_(self.store.session_ending_at(t, {}), good_sid,
            "The good session (having fresh updated_at) should be returned")

        eq_(self.store.session_ending_at(t, {'X': X, 'Y': Y, 'Z': Z}), None,
            "Good session should not be returned because it has old "
            "positional data")

    def test_new_session_with_fresh_but_far_positional_data_is_not_returned(self):

        num_sessions = random.randint(10, 20)
        t = int(time.time() * 1000)
        threshold = ProcessedSessionStore.TIME_MATCHING_THRESHOLD_MS
        positional_threshold = ProcessedSessionStore.POSITION_MATCHING_THRESHOLD_MS
        distance_threshold = ProcessedSessionStore.POSITION_MATCHING_THRESHOLD_MM
        old_time_min = t - threshold - 20
        old_time_max = t - threshold - 10

        for _ in xrange(num_sessions - 1):
            self._create_new_session(min_t=old_time_min, max_t=old_time_max)

        X = random.uniform(100, 500)
        Y = random.uniform(100, 500)
        Z = random.uniform(100, 500)

        # Create a "good" session. So far, it has no positional data.
        # We will add some "old" positional data, and see that it doesn't
        # get returned.
        good_sid = self._create_new_session(min_t=t - threshold + 1,
        N = random.randint(50, 100)
        for _ in xrange(N):
            new_timestamp = random.randint(t - positional_threshold + 1, t)
            info = {'X': X, 'Y': Y, 'Z': Z}
            coord = random.choice(info.keys())
            sign = random.choice([-1, 1])
            info[coord] += sign * (distance_threshold + random.uniform(0.5, 1))

            self.store.set(good_sid, new_timestamp, info)

        eq_(self.store.session_ending_at(t, {}), good_sid,
            "The good session (having fresh updated_at) should be returned")

        eq_(self.store.session_ending_at(t, {'X': X, 'Y': Y, 'Z': Z}), None,
            "Good session should not be returned because it has new but "
            "far away positional data")

    def test_new_session_with_fresh_and_near_positional_data_is_returned(self):

        num_sessions = random.randint(10, 20)
        t = int(time.time() * 1000)
        threshold = ProcessedSessionStore.TIME_MATCHING_THRESHOLD_MS
        positional_threshold = ProcessedSessionStore.POSITION_MATCHING_THRESHOLD_MS
        distance_threshold = ProcessedSessionStore.POSITION_MATCHING_THRESHOLD_MM
        old_time_min = t - threshold - 20
        old_time_max = t - threshold - 10

        for _ in xrange(num_sessions - 1):
            self._create_new_session(min_t=old_time_min, max_t=old_time_max)

        X = random.uniform(100, 500)
        Y = random.uniform(100, 500)
        Z = random.uniform(100, 500)

        # Create a "good" session. So far, it has no positional data.
        # We will add some "old" positional data, and see that it doesn't
        # get returned.
        good_sid = self._create_new_session(min_t=t - threshold + 1,
        N = random.randint(50, 100)
        for _ in xrange(N):
            new_timestamp = random.randint(t - positional_threshold + 1, t)
            info = {'X': X, 'Y': Y, 'Z': Z}
            coord = random.choice(info.keys())
            sign = random.choice([-1, 1])
            info[coord] += sign * (distance_threshold - random.uniform(0.5, 1))

            self.store.set(good_sid, new_timestamp, info)

        eq_(self.store.session_ending_at(t, {}), good_sid,
            "The good session (having fresh updated_at) should be returned")

        eq_(self.store.session_ending_at(t, {'X': X, 'Y': Y, 'Z': Z}), good_sid,
            "Good session should be returned because it has both new "
            "and near positional data")
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     super(SessionProcessor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
     self.processed_session_store = ProcessedSessionStore()