def parse_66ip(self, response): proxies = response.xpath('/html/body').re(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+:\d+)') for proxy_str in proxies: arr = proxy_str.split(':') if len(arr) > 1: proxy = Proxy('http://', arr[0], arr[1]) proxy.add() return None
def parse_youdaili_detail(self, response): for p in response.xpath('//div[@class="content"]/p'): str = p.xpath('text()').extract_first() ip = str.split(':')[0] port = str.split(':')[1].split('@')[0] if ip and port: proxy = Proxy('http://', ip, port) proxy.add() return None
def parse_pachong(self, response): for tr in response.xpath('//table/tbody/tr[position()>1]'): ip = tr.xpath('td[2]/text()').extract_first() port = tr.xpath('td[3]').re(r'\d{2,4}') if ip and port: proxy = Proxy('http://', ip, port) proxy.add() return None
def parse_cybersyndrome(self, response): for tr in response.xpath('//table/tbody/tr[position()>1]'): proxy_str = tr.xpath('td[2]//text()').extract_first() print(proxy_str) if proxy_str: arr = proxy_str.strip().split(':') if len(arr) > 1: proxy = Proxy('http://', arr[0], arr[1]) proxy.add() return None
class Core(object): def __init__(self, parsed_opts): FileManager.create_tmp_env() self.opts = parsed_opts self.nb_vulnerabilities = 0 def display_banner(self): banner = """ _ _ ____ | | | |_ __ | _ \__ ___ __ | | | | '_ \| |_) \ \ /\ / / '_ \\ | |_| | |_) | __/ \ V V /| | | | \___/| .__/|_| \_/\_/ |_| |_| |_| """ print banner def run(self): self.display_banner() print "[+] UpPwn is running !" self.test_scenario() print "[+] Scenario successfully loaded" self.run_proxy() self.run_modules() print "[+] Work is done, {} vulnerabilities have been found !".format( self.nb_vulnerabilities) return True def test_scenario(self): Xvfb.start() self.up_s = Scenario(self.opts.scenario) self.up_s.load() #if not self.up_s.has_succeeded(): return False def run_proxy(self): print "[+] Mitm proxy start" self.proxy = Proxy() self.proxy.start() def run_modules(self): print "[+] Upload vulnerabilities detection start" #time.sleep(120) def stop(self): print "[+] Close properly the proxy" time.sleep( 15 ) # All tcp connection have to be ended before stopping the MiTM / Has to be fixed self.proxy.stop() Xvfb.stop() print "[+] UpPwn stopped !"
def parse_kuaidaili(self, response): for tr in response.xpath('//table/tbody/tr/[position()>1]'): ip = tr.xpath('td[1]//text()').extract() port = tr.xpath('td[2]/text()').extract() speed = tr.xpath('td[6]/text()').re(r'([\.\d]+)') protocal = tr.xpath('td[4]/text()').extract() if ip and port and speed and protocal: if float(speed[0]) < self.allowed_max_speed: schema = 'http://' if str(protocal[0]).strip().upper() == 'HTTP': schema = 'http://' if str(protocal[0]).strip().upper() == 'HTTPS': schema = 'https://' proxy = Proxy(schema, ip[0], port[0]) proxy.add() return None
def parse_goubanjia(self, response): for tr in response.xpath('//table[@class="table"]/tbody/tr'): ip = tr.xpath('td[1]//string(.)').extract() speed = tr.xpath('td[6]/text()').re(r'([\.\d]+)') protocal = tr.xpath('td[3]/a/text()').extract() if ip and speed and protocal: arr = str.split(':') if len(arr) > 1 and float(speed[0]) < self.allowed_max_speed: schema = 'http://' if str(schema[0]).strip().upper() == 'HTTP': schema = 'http://' if str(schema[0]).strip().upper() == 'HTTPS': schema = 'https://' proxy = Proxy(schema, arr[0], arr[1]) proxy.add() return None
def start_requests(self): proxies = Proxy.all() for i in range(1, (self.try_times+1)): for proxy in proxies: req = Request('', dont_filter=True) proxy = proxy.decode('utf-8') req.meta['proxy'] = proxy req.meta['dont_retry'] = True req.meta['download_timeout'] = 5 yield req
def closed(self, reason): Proxy.remove_invalid() print(Proxy.all_valid())
def parse(self, response): proxy = response.meta['proxy'] Proxy.update_score(proxy) return None
def closed(self, reason): count = Proxy.count() self.log('现有代理' + str(count) + '条')
def run_proxy(self): print "[+] Mitm proxy start" self.proxy = Proxy() self.proxy.start()
def __init__(self, proxy_default=''): self.proxy_ips = Proxy.all_valid() if not self.proxy_ips: proxy_ip = settings.get('HTTP_PROXY', proxy_default) self.proxy_ips = [proxy_ip]
def _start_debug_session_wrapper(self, *args): func_call = args[0] target = Target(self.database.dsn) proxy = Proxy(self.database.dsn) self._start_debug_session(func_call, target, proxy)