Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_tls_ciphers_used(self):
        Checks cipher-suites used is a subset of preconfigured list of cipher-suites.
        Checks for TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3
        for node in self.servers:
            self.log.info("Testing node {0}".format(node.ip))
            ports_to_scan = self.get_service_ports(node)
            for node_port in ports_to_scan:
                self.log.info("Port being tested: {0}".format(node_port))
                cmd = self.testssl.TEST_SSL_FILENAME + " --warnings off --color 0 {0}:{1}" \
                    .format(node.ip, node_port)
                self.log.info("The command is {0}".format(cmd))
                shell = RemoteMachineShellConnection(self.slave_host)
                output, error = shell.execute_command(cmd)
                output = output.decode().split("\n")
                check_next = 0
                stmt = ""
                tls_1_dot_2_obtained_list = []
                tls_1_dot_3_obtained_list = []
                for line in output:
                    if check_next == 1:
                        if line == "":
                            check_next = 0
                            stmt = ""
                        elif "TLSv1.3 (" in line:
                            stmt = "TLSv1.3 ("
                        elif stmt == "TLSv1.2 (":
                        elif stmt == "TLSv1.3 (":
                    elif "TLSv1.2 (" in line:
                        check_next = 1
                        stmt = "TLSv1.2 ("

                # Get the preconfigured list of cipher-suites
                shell = RemoteMachineShellConnection(self.master)
                output, error = shell.execute_couchbase_cli(cli_command="setting-security",
                content = json.loads(output[0])
                services_ports_map = {11207: "data", 18094: "fullTextSearch", 19102: "index",
                                      18096: "eventing", 18093: "query", 18095: "analytics",
                                      18097: "backup", 18091: "clusterManager",
                                      18092: "clusterManager"}
                cipher_order_list = content[services_ports_map[node_port]]["supportedCipherSuites"]

                # Verifies TLS 1.2 cipher-suites is a subset of preconfigured list of
                # cipher-suites
                is_present = False
                if all(ciphers in cipher_order_list for ciphers in tls_1_dot_2_obtained_list):
                    is_present = True
                self.assertTrue(is_present, msg="Obtained list of TLS 1.2 cipher-suites is not a "
                                                "subset of pre-configured list of cipher-suites on "
                                                "port: {0} :: service: {1}"
                                .format(node_port, services_ports_map[node_port]))

                # Verifies TLS 1.3 cipher-suites is a subset of preconfigured list of
                # cipher-suites
                is_present = False
                if all(ciphers in cipher_order_list for ciphers in tls_1_dot_3_obtained_list):
                    is_present = True
                self.assertTrue(is_present, msg="Obtained list of TLS 1.3 cipher-suites is not a "
                                                "subset of pre-configured list of cipher-suites on "
                                                "port: {0} :: service: {1}"
                                .format(node_port, services_ports_map[node_port]))