Exemplo n.º 1
def sel_domain(domain_id=None, boolean='OR', change_all=False):
    """Select all spins and interatomic data containers of the given domain.

    @keyword domain_id:     The domain ID string.
    @type domain_id:        str or None
    @param boolean:         The boolean operator used to select the spin systems with.  It can be one of 'OR', 'NOR', 'AND', 'NAND', 'XOR', or 'XNOR'. This will be ignored if the change_all flag is set.
    @type boolean:          str
    @keyword change_all:    A flag which if True will cause all spins and interatomic data containers outside of the domain to be deselected.
    @type change_all:       bool

    # Test if the current data pipe exists.

    # Test if the domain is defined.
    if not hasattr(cdp, 'domain') or domain_id not in cdp.domain:
        raise RelaxNoDomainError(domain_id)

    # The domain selection object.
    domain = Selection(cdp.domain[domain_id])

    # Loop over the spins and select as required.
    for spin, mol_name, res_num, res_name in spin_loop(full_info=True):
        # Inside the domain.
        if domain.contains_spin(spin_name=spin.name, spin_num=spin.num, res_name=res_name, res_num=res_num, mol=mol_name):
            spin.select = boolean_select(current=spin.select, boolean=boolean)

        # Deselect spins outside of the domain.
        elif change_all:
            spin.select = False

    # Interatomic data loop.
    for interatom in interatomic_loop():
        # Decode the spin ids.
        mol_name1, res_num1, res_name1, spin_num1, spin_name1 = spin_id_to_data_list(interatom.spin_id1)
        mol_name2, res_num2, res_name2, spin_num2, spin_name2 = spin_id_to_data_list(interatom.spin_id2)

        # Inside the domain.
        if domain.contains_spin(spin_name=spin_name1, spin_num=spin_num1, res_name=res_name1, res_num=res_num1, mol=mol_name1) or domain.contains_spin(spin_name=spin_name2, spin_num=spin_num2, res_name=res_name2, res_num=res_num2, mol=mol_name2):
            interatom.select = boolean_select(current=interatom.select, boolean=boolean)

        # Deselect containers outside of the domain.
        elif change_all:
            interatom.select = False
Exemplo n.º 2
def sel_domain(domain_id=None, boolean='OR', change_all=False):
    """Select all spins and interatomic data containers of the given domain.

    @keyword domain_id:     The domain ID string.
    @type domain_id:        str or None
    @param boolean:         The boolean operator used to select the spin systems with.  It can be one of 'OR', 'NOR', 'AND', 'NAND', 'XOR', or 'XNOR'. This will be ignored if the change_all flag is set.
    @type boolean:          str
    @keyword change_all:    A flag which if True will cause all spins and interatomic data containers outside of the domain to be deselected.
    @type change_all:       bool

    # Test if the current data pipe exists.

    # Test if the domain is defined.
    if not hasattr(cdp, 'domain') or domain_id not in cdp.domain:
        raise RelaxNoDomainError(domain_id)

    # The domain selection object.
    domain = Selection(cdp.domain[domain_id])

    # Loop over the spins and select as required.
    for spin, mol_name, res_num, res_name in spin_loop(full_info=True):
        # Inside the domain.
        if domain.contains_spin(spin_name=spin.name, spin_num=spin.num, res_name=res_name, res_num=res_num, mol=mol_name):
            spin.select = boolean_select(current=spin.select, boolean=boolean)

        # Deselect spins outside of the domain.
        elif change_all:
            spin.select = False

    # Interatomic data loop.
    for interatom in interatomic_loop():
        # Decode the spin ids.
        mol_name1, res_num1, res_name1, spin_num1, spin_name1 = spin_id_to_data_list(interatom.spin_id1)
        mol_name2, res_num2, res_name2, spin_num2, spin_name2 = spin_id_to_data_list(interatom.spin_id2)

        # Inside the domain.
        if domain.contains_spin(spin_name=spin_name1, spin_num=spin_num1, res_name=res_name1, res_num=res_num1, mol=mol_name1) or domain.contains_spin(spin_name=spin_name2, spin_num=spin_num2, res_name=res_name2, res_num=res_num2, mol=mol_name2):
            interatom.select = boolean_select(current=interatom.select, boolean=boolean)

        # Deselect containers outside of the domain.
        elif change_all:
            interatom.select = False
Exemplo n.º 3
def read_spin_data(file=None, dir=None, file_data=None, spin_id_col=None, mol_name_col=None, res_num_col=None, res_name_col=None, spin_num_col=None, spin_name_col=None, data_col=None, error_col=None, sep=None, spin_id=None, raise_flag=True):
    """Generator function for reading the spin specific data from file.


    This function reads a columnar formatted file where each line corresponds to a spin system. Spin identification is either through a spin ID string or through columns containing the molecule name, residue name and number, and/or spin name and number.

    @keyword file:          The name of the file to open.
    @type file:             str
    @keyword dir:           The directory containing the file (defaults to the current directory if None).
    @type dir:              str or None
    @keyword file_data:     An alternative to opening a file, if the data already exists in the correct format.  The format is a list of lists where the first index corresponds to the row and the second the column.
    @type file_data:        list of lists
    @keyword spin_id_col:   The column containing the spin ID strings.  If supplied, the mol_name_col, res_name_col, res_num_col, spin_name_col, and spin_num_col arguments must be none.
    @type spin_id_col:      int or None
    @keyword mol_name_col:  The column containing the molecule name information.  If supplied, spin_id_col must be None.
    @type mol_name_col:     int or None
    @keyword res_name_col:  The column containing the residue name information.  If supplied, spin_id_col must be None.
    @type res_name_col:     int or None
    @keyword res_num_col:   The column containing the residue number information.  If supplied, spin_id_col must be None.
    @type res_num_col:      int or None
    @keyword spin_name_col: The column containing the spin name information.  If supplied, spin_id_col must be None.
    @type spin_name_col:    int or None
    @keyword spin_num_col:  The column containing the spin number information.  If supplied, spin_id_col must be None.
    @type spin_num_col:     int or None
    @keyword data_col:      The column containing the data.
    @type data_col:         int or None
    @keyword error_col:     The column containing the errors.
    @type error_col:        int or None
    @keyword sep:           The column separator which, if None, defaults to whitespace.
    @type sep:              str or None
    @keyword spin_id:       The spin ID string used to restrict data loading to a subset of all spins.
    @type spin_id:          None or str
    @keyword raise_flag:    A flag which if True will cause a RelaxError to be raised if no data can be found.
    @type raise_flag:       bool
    @return:                A list of the spin specific data is yielded.  The format is a list consisting of the spin ID string, the data value (if data_col is give), and the error value (if error_col is given).  If both data_col and error_col are None, then the spin ID string is simply yielded.
    @rtype:                 str, list of [str, float], or list of [str, float, float]

    # Argument tests.
    col_args = [spin_id_col, mol_name_col, res_name_col, res_num_col, spin_name_col, spin_num_col, data_col, error_col]
    col_arg_names = ['spin_id_col', 'mol_name_col', 'res_name_col', 'res_num_col', 'spin_name_col', 'spin_num_col', 'data_col', 'error_col']
    for i in range(len(col_args)):
        if col_args[i] == 0:
            raise RelaxError("The '%s' argument cannot be zero, column numbering starts at one." % col_arg_names[i])
    if spin_id_col and (mol_name_col or res_name_col or res_num_col or spin_name_col or spin_num_col):
        raise RelaxError("If the 'spin_id_col' argument has been supplied, then the mol_name_col, res_name_col, res_num_col, spin_name_col, and spin_num_col must all be set to None.")

    # Minimum number of columns.
    min_col_num = max([_f for _f in [spin_id_col, mol_name_col, res_num_col, res_name_col, spin_num_col, spin_name_col, data_col, error_col] if _f])

    # Extract the data from the file.
    if not file_data:
        # Extract.
        file_data = extract_data(file, dir, sep=sep)

        # Strip the data of all comments and empty lines.
        if spin_id_col != None:
            file_data = strip(file_data, comments=False)
            file_data = strip(file_data)

    # No data!
    if not file_data:

    # Yield the data, spin by spin.
    missing_data = True
    for line in file_data:
        # Convert the spin IDs.
        if spin_id_col != None and line[spin_id_col-1][0] in ["\"", "\'"]:
            line[spin_id_col-1] = eval(line[spin_id_col-1])

        # Convert.
        # Validate the sequence.
        if not check_sequence(line, spin_id_col=spin_id_col, mol_name_col=mol_name_col, res_num_col=res_num_col, res_name_col=res_name_col, spin_num_col=spin_num_col, spin_name_col=spin_name_col, data_col=data_col, error_col=error_col, escalate=1):

        # Get the spin data from the ID.
        if spin_id_col:
            # Invalid spin ID.
            if line[spin_id_col-1] == '#':
                warn(RelaxWarning("Invalid spin ID, skipping the line %s" % line))

            mol_name, res_num, res_name, spin_num, spin_name = spin_id_to_data_list(line[spin_id_col-1])

        # Convert the spin data.
            # The molecule.
            mol_name = None
            if mol_name_col != None and line[mol_name_col-1] != 'None':
                mol_name = line[mol_name_col-1]

            # The residue number, catching bad values.
            res_num = None
            if res_num_col != None:
                    if line[res_num_col-1] == 'None':
                        res_num = None
                        res_num = int(line[res_num_col-1])
                except ValueError:
                    warn(RelaxWarning("Invalid residue number, skipping the line %s" % line))

            # The residue name.
            res_name = None
            if res_name_col != None and line[res_name_col-1] != 'None':
                res_name = line[res_name_col-1]

            # The spin number, catching bad values.
            spin_num = None
            if spin_num_col != None:
                    if line[spin_num_col-1] == 'None':
                        spin_num = None
                        spin_num = int(line[spin_num_col-1])
                except ValueError:
                    warn(RelaxWarning("Invalid spin number, skipping the line %s" % line))

            # The spin name.
            spin_name = None
            if spin_name_col != None and line[spin_name_col-1] != 'None':
                spin_name = line[spin_name_col-1]

        # Convert the data.
        value = None
        if data_col != None:
                # None.
                if line[data_col-1] == 'None':
                    value = None

                # A float.
                    value = float(line[data_col-1])

                    # If it a float, test if is nan.
                    if not isFinite(value):
                        warn(RelaxWarning("The value is not finite, skipping the line %s" % line))

            # Bad data.
            except ValueError:
                warn(RelaxWarning("Invalid data, skipping the line %s" % line))

        # Convert the errors.
        error = None
        if error_col != None:
                # None.
                if line[error_col-1] == 'None':
                    error = None

                # A float.
                    error = float(line[error_col-1])

                    # If it a float, test if is nan.
                    if not isFinite(error):
                        warn(RelaxWarning("The error is not finite, skipping the line %s" % line))

            # Bad data.
            except ValueError:
                warn(RelaxWarning("Invalid errors, skipping the line %s" % line))

        # Right, data is OK and exists.
        missing_data = False

        # Yield the data.
        if data_col and error_col:
            yield mol_name, res_num, res_name, spin_num, spin_name, value, error
        elif data_col:
            yield mol_name, res_num, res_name, spin_num, spin_name, value
        elif error_col:
            yield mol_name, res_num, res_name, spin_num, spin_name, error
            yield mol_name, res_num, res_name, spin_num, spin_name

    # Hmmm, no data!
    if raise_flag and missing_data:
        raise RelaxError("No corresponding data could be found within the file.")
Exemplo n.º 4
def read_spin_data(file=None, dir=None, file_data=None, spin_id_col=None, mol_name_col=None, res_num_col=None, res_name_col=None, spin_num_col=None, spin_name_col=None, data_col=None, error_col=None, sep=None, spin_id=None, raise_flag=True):
    """Generator function for reading the spin specific data from file.


    This function reads a columnar formatted file where each line corresponds to a spin system. Spin identification is either through a spin ID string or through columns containing the molecule name, residue name and number, and/or spin name and number.

    @keyword file:          The name of the file to open.
    @type file:             str
    @keyword dir:           The directory containing the file (defaults to the current directory if None).
    @type dir:              str or None
    @keyword file_data:     An alternative to opening a file, if the data already exists in the correct format.  The format is a list of lists where the first index corresponds to the row and the second the column.
    @type file_data:        list of lists
    @keyword spin_id_col:   The column containing the spin ID strings.  If supplied, the mol_name_col, res_name_col, res_num_col, spin_name_col, and spin_num_col arguments must be none.
    @type spin_id_col:      int or None
    @keyword mol_name_col:  The column containing the molecule name information.  If supplied, spin_id_col must be None.
    @type mol_name_col:     int or None
    @keyword res_name_col:  The column containing the residue name information.  If supplied, spin_id_col must be None.
    @type res_name_col:     int or None
    @keyword res_num_col:   The column containing the residue number information.  If supplied, spin_id_col must be None.
    @type res_num_col:      int or None
    @keyword spin_name_col: The column containing the spin name information.  If supplied, spin_id_col must be None.
    @type spin_name_col:    int or None
    @keyword spin_num_col:  The column containing the spin number information.  If supplied, spin_id_col must be None.
    @type spin_num_col:     int or None
    @keyword data_col:      The column containing the data.
    @type data_col:         int or None
    @keyword error_col:     The column containing the errors.
    @type error_col:        int or None
    @keyword sep:           The column separator which, if None, defaults to whitespace.
    @type sep:              str or None
    @keyword spin_id:       The spin ID string used to restrict data loading to a subset of all spins.
    @type spin_id:          None or str
    @keyword raise_flag:    A flag which if True will cause a RelaxError to be raised if no data can be found.
    @type raise_flag:       bool
    @return:                A list of the spin specific data is yielded.  The format is a list consisting of the spin ID string, the data value (if data_col is give), and the error value (if error_col is given).  If both data_col and error_col are None, then the spin ID string is simply yielded.
    @rtype:                 str, list of [str, float], or list of [str, float, float]

    # Argument tests.
    col_args = [spin_id_col, mol_name_col, res_name_col, res_num_col, spin_name_col, spin_num_col, data_col, error_col]
    col_arg_names = ['spin_id_col', 'mol_name_col', 'res_name_col', 'res_num_col', 'spin_name_col', 'spin_num_col', 'data_col', 'error_col']
    for i in range(len(col_args)):
        if col_args[i] == 0:
            raise RelaxError("The '%s' argument cannot be zero, column numbering starts at one." % col_arg_names[i])
    if spin_id_col and (mol_name_col or res_name_col or res_num_col or spin_name_col or spin_num_col):
        raise RelaxError("If the 'spin_id_col' argument has been supplied, then the mol_name_col, res_name_col, res_num_col, spin_name_col, and spin_num_col must all be set to None.")

    # Minimum number of columns.
    min_col_num = max([_f for _f in [spin_id_col, mol_name_col, res_num_col, res_name_col, spin_num_col, spin_name_col, data_col, error_col] if _f])

    # Extract the data from the file.
    if not file_data:
        # Extract.
        file_data = extract_data(file, dir, sep=sep)

        # Strip the data of all comments and empty lines.
        if spin_id_col != None:
            file_data = strip(file_data, comments=False)
            file_data = strip(file_data)

    # No data!
    if not file_data:

    # Yield the data, spin by spin.
    missing_data = True
    for line in file_data:
        # Convert the spin IDs.
        if spin_id_col != None and line[spin_id_col-1][0] in ["\"", "\'"]:
            line[spin_id_col-1] = eval(line[spin_id_col-1])

        # Convert.
        # Validate the sequence.
        if not check_sequence(line, spin_id_col=spin_id_col, mol_name_col=mol_name_col, res_num_col=res_num_col, res_name_col=res_name_col, spin_num_col=spin_num_col, spin_name_col=spin_name_col, data_col=data_col, error_col=error_col, escalate=1):

        # Get the spin data from the ID.
        if spin_id_col:
            # Invalid spin ID.
            if line[spin_id_col-1] == '#':
                warn(RelaxWarning("Invalid spin ID, skipping the line %s" % line))

            mol_name, res_num, res_name, spin_num, spin_name = spin_id_to_data_list(line[spin_id_col-1])

        # Convert the spin data.
            # The molecule.
            mol_name = None
            if mol_name_col != None and line[mol_name_col-1] != 'None':
                mol_name = line[mol_name_col-1]

            # The residue number, catching bad values.
            res_num = None
            if res_num_col != None:
                    if line[res_num_col-1] == 'None':
                        res_num = None
                        res_num = int(line[res_num_col-1])
                except ValueError:
                    warn(RelaxWarning("Invalid residue number, skipping the line %s" % line))

            # The residue name.
            res_name = None
            if res_name_col != None and line[res_name_col-1] != 'None':
                res_name = line[res_name_col-1]

            # The spin number, catching bad values.
            spin_num = None
            if spin_num_col != None:
                    if line[spin_num_col-1] == 'None':
                        spin_num = None
                        spin_num = int(line[spin_num_col-1])
                except ValueError:
                    warn(RelaxWarning("Invalid spin number, skipping the line %s" % line))

            # The spin name.
            spin_name = None
            if spin_name_col != None and line[spin_name_col-1] != 'None':
                spin_name = line[spin_name_col-1]

        # Convert the data.
        value = None
        if data_col != None:
                # None.
                if line[data_col-1] == 'None':
                    value = None

                # A float.
                    value = float(line[data_col-1])

                    # If it a float, test if is nan.
                    if isnan(value):
                        warn(RelaxWarning("The value is 'nan', skipping the line %s" % line))

            # Bad data.
            except ValueError:
                warn(RelaxWarning("Invalid data, skipping the line %s" % line))

        # Convert the errors.
        error = None
        if error_col != None:
                # None.
                if line[error_col-1] == 'None':
                    error = None

                # A float.
                    error = float(line[error_col-1])

                    # If it a float, test if is nan.
                    if isnan(error):
                        warn(RelaxWarning("The error is 'nan', skipping the line %s" % line))

            # Bad data.
            except ValueError:
                warn(RelaxWarning("Invalid errors, skipping the line %s" % line))

        # Right, data is OK and exists.
        missing_data = False

        # Yield the data.
        if data_col and error_col:
            yield mol_name, res_num, res_name, spin_num, spin_name, value, error
        elif data_col:
            yield mol_name, res_num, res_name, spin_num, spin_name, value
        elif error_col:
            yield mol_name, res_num, res_name, spin_num, spin_name, error
            yield mol_name, res_num, res_name, spin_num, spin_name

    # Hmmm, no data!
    if raise_flag and missing_data:
        raise RelaxError("No corresponding data could be found within the file.")