Exemplo n.º 1
class PortableGtkReactor(selectreactor.SelectReactor):
    """Reactor that works on Windows.

	input_add is not supported on GTK+ for Win32, apparently.

	@ivar _simtag: A gtk timeout handle for the next L{simulate} call.
    _simtag = None

    deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(deprecatedSince, deprecationMessage,
                                        __name__, "PortableGtkReactor")

    def crash(self):

    def run(self, installSignalHandlers=1):

    def simulate(self):
        """Run simulation loops and reschedule callbacks.
        if self._simtag is not None:
        timeout = min(self.timeout(), 0.1)
        if timeout is None:
            timeout = 0.1

        # See comment for identical line in GtkReactor.simulate.
        self._simtag = gtk.timeout_add((timeout * 1010), self.simulate)
Exemplo n.º 2
class ThreadSafeList:
	In Jython 2.1 lists aren't thread-safe, so this wraps it.  Newer versions
	of Jython are completely different than 2.1, so this class is deprecated
	to make way for future versions of Jython.

        Version("Twisted", 10, 1, 0),
        "This was an internal implementation detail of support for Jython 2.1,"
        " which is now obsolete.", __name__, "ThreadSafeList")

    def __init__(self):
        self.lock = threading.Lock()
        self.l = []

    def append(self, i):

    def remove(self, i):

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.l)
Exemplo n.º 3
class IReactorArbitrary(Interface):
	This interface is redundant with L{IReactorFDSet} and is deprecated.
    deprecatedModuleAttribute(Version("Twisted", 10, 1,
                                      0), "See IReactorFDSet.", __name__,

    def listenWith(portType, *args, **kw):
		Start an instance of the given C{portType} listening.

		@type portType: type which implements L{IListeningPort}

		@param portType: The object given by C{portType(*args, **kw)} will be
						 started listening.

		@return: an object which provides L{IListeningPort}.

    def connectWith(connectorType, *args, **kw):
Exemplo n.º 4
import cStringIO
import math

from lib.zope.interface import implements

# Twisted imports
from lib.twisted.internet import protocol, defer, interfaces, error
from lib.twisted.python import log, deprecate, versions

LENGTH, DATA, COMMA = range(3)
NUMBER = re.compile('(\d*)(:?)')

deprecatedSince = versions.Version("Twisted", 10, 2, 0)
message = "NetstringReceiver parser state is private."
for attr in ["LENGTH", "DATA", "COMMA", "NUMBER"]:
    deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(deprecatedSince, message, __name__,
del deprecatedSince, message, attr


class NetstringParseError(ValueError):
	The incoming data is not in valid Netstring format.

class IncompleteNetstring(Exception):
	Not enough data to complete a netstring.
Exemplo n.º 5
		s = s + '\n'

	return s

def isMultiline(s):
	"""Returns True if this string has a newline in it."""
	return (string.find(s, '\n') != -1)

def endsInNewline(s):
	"""Returns True if this string ends in a newline."""
	return (s[-len('\n'):] == '\n')

	versions.Version("Twisted", 10, 2, 0),
	"Please use inspect.getdoc instead.",
	__name__, "docstringLStrip")

def docstringLStrip(docstring):
	Gets rid of unsightly lefthand docstring whitespace residue.

	You'd think someone would have done this already, but apparently
	not in 1.5.2.

	BUT since we're all using Python 2.1 now, use L{inspect.getdoc}
	instead.  I{This function should go away soon.}
Exemplo n.º 6
import math

from lib.zope.interface import implements

# Twisted imports
from lib.twisted.internet import protocol, defer, interfaces, error
from lib.twisted.python import log, deprecate, versions

LENGTH, DATA, COMMA = range(3)
NUMBER = re.compile('(\d*)(:?)')

deprecatedSince = versions.Version("Twisted", 10, 2, 0)
message = "NetstringReceiver parser state is private."
for attr in ["LENGTH", "DATA", "COMMA", "NUMBER"]:
		deprecatedSince, message, __name__, attr)
del deprecatedSince, message, attr


class NetstringParseError(ValueError):
	The incoming data is not in valid Netstring format.

class IncompleteNetstring(Exception):
	Not enough data to complete a netstring.
Exemplo n.º 7
			timeout = 0.1

		# See comment for identical line in GtkReactor.simulate.
		self._simtag = gtk.timeout_add((timeout * 1010), self.simulate)

def install():
	"""Configure the twisted mainloop to be run inside the gtk mainloop.
	reactor = GtkReactor()
	from lib.twisted.internet.main import installReactor
	return reactor

deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(deprecatedSince, deprecationMessage,
									__name__, "install")

def portableInstall():
	"""Configure the twisted mainloop to be run inside the gtk mainloop.
	reactor = PortableGtkReactor()
	from lib.twisted.internet.main import installReactor
	return reactor

deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(deprecatedSince, deprecationMessage,
									__name__, "portableInstall")

if runtime.platform.getType() != 'posix':
Exemplo n.º 8
class GtkReactor(posixbase.PosixReactorBase):
	GTK+ event loop reactor.

	@ivar _reads: A dictionary mapping L{FileDescriptor} instances to gtk INPUT_READ
		watch handles.

	@ivar _writes: A dictionary mapping L{FileDescriptor} instances to gtk
		INTPUT_WRITE watch handles.

	@ivar _simtag: A gtk timeout handle for the next L{simulate} call.

    deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(deprecatedSince, deprecationMessage,
                                        __name__, "GtkReactor")

    def __init__(self):
		Initialize the file descriptor tracking dictionaries and the base
        self._simtag = None
        self._reads = {}
        self._writes = {}

    def addReader(self, reader):
        if reader not in self._reads:
            self._reads[reader] = gtk.input_add(reader, gtk.GDK.INPUT_READ,

    def addWriter(self, writer):
        if writer not in self._writes:
            self._writes[writer] = gtk.input_add(writer, gtk.GDK.INPUT_WRITE,

    def getReaders(self):
        return self._reads.keys()

    def getWriters(self):
        return self._writes.keys()

    def removeAll(self):
        return self._removeAll(self._reads, self._writes)

    def removeReader(self, reader):
        if reader in self._reads:
            del self._reads[reader]

    def removeWriter(self, writer):
        if writer in self._writes:
            del self._writes[writer]

    doIterationTimer = None

    def doIterationTimeout(self, *args):
        self.doIterationTimer = None
        return 0  # auto-remove

    def doIteration(self, delay):
        # flush some pending events, return if there was something to do
        # don't use the usual "while gtk.events_pending(): mainiteration()"
        # idiom because lots of IO (in particular test_tcp's
        # ProperlyCloseFilesTestCase) can keep us from ever exiting.
        log.msg(channel='system', event='iteration', reactor=self)
        if gtk.events_pending():
        # nothing to do, must delay
        if delay == 0:
            return  # shouldn't delay, so just return
        self.doIterationTimer = gtk.timeout_add(int(delay * 1000),
        # This will either wake up from IO or from a timeout.
        gtk.mainiteration(1)  # block
        # note: with the .simulate timer below, delays > 0.1 will always be
        # woken up by the .simulate timer
        if self.doIterationTimer:
            # if woken by IO, need to cancel the timer
            self.doIterationTimer = None

    def crash(self):

    def run(self, installSignalHandlers=1):
        gtk.timeout_add(0, self.simulate)

    def _readAndWrite(self, source, condition):
        # note: gtk-1.2's gtk_input_add presents an API in terms of gdk
        # constants like INPUT_READ and INPUT_WRITE. Internally, it will add
        # POLL_HUP and POLL_ERR to the poll() events, but if they happen it
        # will turn them back into INPUT_READ and INPUT_WRITE. gdkevents.c
        # maps IN/HUP/ERR to INPUT_READ, and OUT/ERR to INPUT_WRITE. This
        # means there is no immediate way to detect a disconnected socket.

        # The g_io_add_watch() API is more suited to this task. I don't think
        # pygtk exposes it, though.
        why = None
        didRead = None
            if condition & gtk.GDK.INPUT_READ:
                why = source.doRead()
                didRead = source.doRead
            if not why and condition & gtk.GDK.INPUT_WRITE:
                # if doRead caused connectionLost, don't call doWrite
                # if doRead is doWrite, don't call it again.
                if not source.disconnected and source.doWrite != didRead:
                    why = source.doWrite()
                    didRead = source.doWrite  # if failed it was in write
            why = sys.exc_info()[1]
            log.msg('Error In %s' % source)

        if why:
            self._disconnectSelectable(source, why, didRead == source.doRead)

    def callback(self, source, condition):
        log.callWithLogger(source, self._readAndWrite, source, condition)
        self.simulate()  # fire Twisted timers
        return 1  # 1=don't auto-remove the source

    def simulate(self):
        """Run simulation loops and reschedule callbacks.
        if self._simtag is not None:
        timeout = min(self.timeout(), 0.1)
        if timeout is None:
            timeout = 0.1
        # Quoth someone other than me, "grumble", yet I know not why. Try to be
        # more specific in your complaints, guys. -exarkun
        self._simtag = gtk.timeout_add(int(timeout * 1010), self.simulate)
Exemplo n.º 9
            timeout = 0.1

        # See comment for identical line in GtkReactor.simulate.
        self._simtag = gtk.timeout_add((timeout * 1010), self.simulate)

def install():
    """Configure the twisted mainloop to be run inside the gtk mainloop.
    reactor = GtkReactor()
    from lib.twisted.internet.main import installReactor
    return reactor

deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(deprecatedSince, deprecationMessage,
                                    __name__, "install")

def portableInstall():
    """Configure the twisted mainloop to be run inside the gtk mainloop.
    reactor = PortableGtkReactor()
    from lib.twisted.internet.main import installReactor
    return reactor

deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(deprecatedSince, deprecationMessage,
                                    __name__, "portableInstall")

if runtime.platform.getType() != 'posix':
Exemplo n.º 10
    return s

def isMultiline(s):
    """Returns True if this string has a newline in it."""
    return (string.find(s, '\n') != -1)

def endsInNewline(s):
    """Returns True if this string ends in a newline."""
    return (s[-len('\n'):] == '\n')

deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(versions.Version("Twisted", 10, 2, 0),
                                    "Please use inspect.getdoc instead.",
                                    __name__, "docstringLStrip")

def docstringLStrip(docstring):
	Gets rid of unsightly lefthand docstring whitespace residue.

	You'd think someone would have done this already, but apparently
	not in 1.5.2.

	BUT since we're all using Python 2.1 now, use L{inspect.getdoc}
	instead.  I{This function should go away soon.}

    if not docstring:
Exemplo n.º 11
	Emitted when L{IReactorProcess.spawnProcess} is called in a way which may
	result in termination of the created child process not being reported.

	Deprecated in Twisted 10.0.
		"spawnProcess called, but the SIGCHLD handler is not "
		"installed. This probably means you have not yet "
		"called reactor.run, or called "
		"reactor.run(installSignalHandler=0). You will probably "
		"never see this process finish, and it may become a "
		"zombie process.")

	Version("Twisted", 10, 0, 0),
	"There is no longer any potential for zombie process.",

class ProcessDone(ConnectionDone):
	"""A process has ended without apparent errors"""

	def __init__(self, status):
		Exception.__init__(self, "process finished with exit code 0")
		self.exitCode = 0
		self.signal = None
		self.status = status

Exemplo n.º 12
	Emitted when L{IReactorProcess.spawnProcess} is called in a way which may
	result in termination of the created child process not being reported.

	Deprecated in Twisted 10.0.
    MESSAGE = ("spawnProcess called, but the SIGCHLD handler is not "
               "installed. This probably means you have not yet "
               "called reactor.run, or called "
               "reactor.run(installSignalHandler=0). You will probably "
               "never see this process finish, and it may become a "
               "zombie process.")

    Version("Twisted", 10, 0,
            0), "There is no longer any potential for zombie process.",
    __name__, "PotentialZombieWarning")

class ProcessDone(ConnectionDone):
    """A process has ended without apparent errors"""
    def __init__(self, status):
        Exception.__init__(self, "process finished with exit code 0")
        self.exitCode = 0
        self.signal = None
        self.status = status

class ProcessTerminated(ConnectionLost):
    """A process has ended with a probable error condition"""
    def __init__(self, exitCode=None, signal=None, status=None):