Exemplo n.º 1
    def manage_other_instance():
        This server will try to login to other 'Universal Login' server and act as its manager.
        If failed, nothing will happen but it shall return an error message. If success, this server
        will change its state as a manager. This instance will now act as a manager for the target.

        # Gets manager token that is to be saved in the 'Client manager'
        res = requests.post('%s/api/v1/admin/login' %
                            data={"password": request.values.get('key')})

        if res.status_code != 200:
            return Response(json.dumps({
                "Login to other instance did not succeed."
                            mimetype='application/json'), 403

        # Locks /init route
        config('UL_LOCK_INIT', 'true')

        # Saves jws token returned by the server
        config('UL_INSTANCE_TOKEN', res.json().get('jws'))

        return Response(json.dumps({
            "type": "success",
            "Login to other instance succeeds. Please redirect to /manage",
            "redirect": res.json().get('redirect')
                        mimetype='application/json'), 200
Exemplo n.º 2
    def conn():
        if Mongo.__conn__ is None:
            conn = mongo_client(host=config('UL_DB_HOST'))
                name=config('UL_DB_USER'), password=config('UL_DB_PASS'))
            Mongo.__conn__ = conn

        return Mongo.__conn__
Exemplo n.º 3
    def post():
        user = db()['users'].find_one(
            {"username": request.values.get('username').lower()})

        if user is not None:
            valid_username = request.values.get(
                'username').lower() == user['username'].lower()
            valid_password = bcrypt.hashpw(
                user['password']) == user['password']

            if valid_username and valid_password:
                token = jwt.JWT(header={'alg': 'HS256'},
                                    'usr': user['username'],
                                    'iat': int(time.time()),
                                    'exp': int(time.time() + 900)
                return Response(json.dumps({
                    "type": "success",
                    "msg": "Login success.",
                    "jws": token.serialize()
                                mimetype='application/json'), 200
        return Response(json.dumps({"msg":
                                    "Invalid username and/or password"}),
                        mimetype='application/json'), 403
Exemplo n.º 4
    def generate_new_token():
        Generates admin token needed for other 'Universal Login' instance to authenticate themselves
        token = random_str(32)


        return Response(
                "Token has been generated successfully. Please do not lose this token, as we only store the hash "
                "in the server.",
            })), 200
Exemplo n.º 5
    def admin_login():
        Checks if password submitted by client is correct. If it is, the server will return a
        signed JWT claim that proves the admin that it is an admin in this server.

        Login is only one time. Once someone claimed that they are the admin, this method shall
        be rendered useless.

        req_pass = request.values.get('password').encode('utf-8')
        adm_pass = config('UL_ADMIN_PASSWORD').encode('utf-8')

        admin_is_logged_in = config('UL_ADMIN_LOGGED_IN') is not None
        password_is_invalid = bcrypt.checkpw(req_pass, adm_pass) is False

        # Checks if someone already logged in to the server, or checks invalidity of password
        if admin_is_logged_in or password_is_invalid:
            return Response(json.dumps({
                "type": "error",
                "msg": "Request forbidden."
                            mimetype='application/json'), 403

        # Locks the admin_login()
        config('UL_ADMIN_LOGGED_IN', 'true')

        # Generates JWK
        config('UL_ADMIN_KEY', jwk.JWK.generate(kty='oct', size=256).export())

        # Claim
        token = jwt.JWT(header={'alg': 'HS256'},
                        claims={'administrator': True})

        # Signs the JWT using the newly generated key

        # Returns successful response, and the jws token.
        return Response(json.dumps({
            "type": "success",
            "msg": "Login succeed.",
            "jws": token.serialize(),
            "redirect": "/manage"
                        mimetype='application/json'), 200
Exemplo n.º 6
    def setup_get_environment():
        if config('UL_ENV_SHOWN') == 'true':
            return Response(json.dumps({
                "You are not authorized to view this page."
                            mimetype='application/json'), 403

        # Mark UL_ENV_SHOWN so that server won't be allowed to show the info again.
        config('UL_ENV_SHOWN', 'true')

        return Response(json.dumps({
            "type": "success",
            "Environment variable retrieval succeed. Please look at env variable.",
            "env": {
                "UL_KEY": config('UL_KEY'),
                "UL_DB_HOST": config('UL_DB_HOST'),
                "UL_DB_ROOT_USER": config('UL_DB_ROOT_USER'),
                "UL_DB_ROOT_PASS": config('UL_DB_ROOT_PASS'),
                "UL_DB_NAME_PREFIX": config('UL_DB_NAME_PREFIX'),
                "UL_DB_USER": config('UL_DB_USER'),
                "UL_DB_PASS": config('UL_DB_PASS'),
                "UL_DB_NAME": config('UL_DB_NAME'),
                "UL_TP_CHECK": config('UL_TP_CHECK'),
                "UL_TP_URL": config('UL_TP_URL'),
                "UL_TP_REQUEST_FORMAT": config('UL_TP_REQUEST_FORMAT')
                        mimetype='application/json'), 200
Exemplo n.º 7
    def set_environment():

        # Check all essential environment variable
        if essential_env_present():
            # Redirects to /login page
            return redirect('/login')

        essential_env = {
            "UL_DB_HOST": request.values.get('UL_DB_HOST'),
            "UL_DB_ROOT_USER": request.values.get('UL_DB_ROOT_USER'),
            "UL_DB_ROOT_PASS": request.values.get('UL_DB_ROOT_PASS'),
            "UL_DB_NAME_PREFIX": request.values.get('UL_DB_NAME_PREFIX'),
            "UL_TP_CHECK": request.values.get('UL_TP_CHECK'),
            "UL_TP_URL": request.values.get('UL_TP_URL'),
            "UL_TP_REQUEST_FORMAT": request.values.get('UL_TP_REQUEST_FORMAT')

        # Sets essential env setting
        for key in essential_env:
            if essential_env[key] is None:
                config(key, '')
                config(key, essential_env[key])

        # Create a client instance (mongodb)
        client = mongo_client(host=config('UL_DB_HOST'),

        # Assigns database name from prefix
        config('UL_DB_NAME', config('UL_DB_NAME_PREFIX') + 'ul_db')

        # Creates an initial user: admin:admin
        # Note that this will have issue if we have third party authentication server.
        # I will make a separate setup for this, but for now, the implementation would be
        # just this simple. I will not handle third party auth for now...
            bcrypt.hashpw(b'admin', bcrypt.gensalt())

        # Assign a random username and password for universal login user account
        config('UL_DB_USER', 'ul_user_' + random_str(5))
        config('UL_DB_PASS', random_str(16))

        # Creates a user dedicated for universal login only

        # Generate a symmetric key
        # Note: I wish to use asymmetric key, but I have issues with EC or RSA.
        # Errors: TypeError: object of type '_RSAPrivateKey' has no len() or
        #         TypeError: object of type '_EllipticCurvePrivateKey' has no len()
        config('UL_KEY', jwk.JWK.generate(kty='oct', size=256).export())

        # Set environment from submitted form
        with open('/html/setup-done.html', 'r') as html_file:

            # index.html file
            html = html_file.read()

            # Check all essential environment variable
            if essential_env_present():
                # Perform re-setup.
                return Response(html), 200

            # Perform URL redirection
            return redirect('/')
Exemplo n.º 8
    def set_environment_new():

        # Check all essential environment variable
        if essential_env_present():

            # Returns an access denied response
            return Response(json.dumps({
                "type": "error",
                "msg": "Access is denied."
                            mimetype='application/json'), 403

        essential_env = {
            "UL_DB_HOST": request.values.get('UL_DB_HOST'),
            "UL_DB_ROOT_USER": request.values.get('UL_DB_ROOT_USER'),
            "UL_DB_ROOT_PASS": request.values.get('UL_DB_ROOT_PASS'),
            "UL_DB_NAME_PREFIX": request.values.get('UL_DB_NAME_PREFIX'),
            "UL_TP_CHECK": request.values.get('UL_TP_CHECK'),
            "UL_TP_URL": request.values.get('UL_TP_URL'),
            "UL_TP_REQUEST_FORMAT": request.values.get('UL_TP_REQUEST_FORMAT')

        # Perform validation
        status = MongoSetupController.validate()
        if status.get('type') == 'error':
            return Response(json.dumps(status),
                            mimetype='application/json'), 403

        # Sets essential env setting
        for key in essential_env:
            if essential_env[key] is None:
                config(key, '')
                config(key, essential_env[key])

        # Create a client instance (mongodb)
        client = mongo_client(host=config('UL_DB_HOST'),

        # Assigns database name from prefix
        config('UL_DB_NAME', config('UL_DB_NAME_PREFIX') + 'ul_db')

        # Creates an initial user: admin:admin
        # Note that this will have issue if we have third party authentication server.
        # I will make a separate setup for this, but for now, the implementation would be
        # just this simple. I will not handle third party auth for now...
            bcrypt.hashpw(b'admin', bcrypt.gensalt())

        # Assign a random username and password for universal login user account
        config('UL_DB_USER', 'ul_user_' + random_str(5))
        config('UL_DB_PASS', random_str(16))

        # Creates a user dedicated for universal login only

        # Generate a symmetric key
        # Note: I wish to use asymmetric key, but I have issues with EC or RSA.
        # Errors: TypeError: object of type '_RSAPrivateKey' has no len() or
        #         TypeError: object of type '_EllipticCurvePrivateKey' has no len()
        config('UL_KEY', jwk.JWK.generate(kty='oct', size=256).export())

        return Response(json.dumps({
            "Environment has been successfuly set."
                        mimetype='application/json'), 200
Exemplo n.º 9
 def db():
     return Mongo.conn()[config('UL_DB_NAME')]
Exemplo n.º 10
def generate_new_token():
    if (config('UL_LOCK_INIT')) is not None:
        return init_is_locked()
    return AdminController.generate_new_token()
Exemplo n.º 11
def init():
    if (config('UL_LOCK_INIT')) is not None:
        return redirect('/manage')

    return InitController().index()
Exemplo n.º 12
def manage_other_instance():
    if (config('UL_LOCK_INIT')) is not None:
        return init_is_locked()
    return AdminController.manage_other_instance()