Exemplo n.º 1
def buildRecipeDatabase(recipeFilename, totalResults):
	print "... Creating Recipe Database with %d recipes ..." % totalResults

	numSteps = getNumSteps(totalResults)
	recipeDatabase = {}
	count = 0

	for i in range(numSteps):
		brokeRequest = True
		start, maxResults = getStartAndMaxResults(i, numSteps, totalResults)
		print "... Processing recipes: %d to %d ..." % (start + 1, start + maxResults)
		# print "... start: %d, maxResults: %d ..." % (start, maxResults)
		# allRecipesFile = open(recipeFilename, 'a')
		while brokeRequest:
			apiSearchString = "http://api.yummly.com/v1/api/recipes?_app_id=%s&_app_key=%s&q=&allowedCourse[]=%s&maxResult=%d&start=%d" % (YUM_APP_ID, YUM_APP_KEY, c.YUM_ALLOWED_COURSE, maxResults, start)
			searchRequest = util.safeConnect(requests.get, tuple([apiSearchString]))	
			brokeRequest = not (searchRequest.status_code == 200)
		# check out BROKEREQUEST!!!
		allRecipes = json.loads(searchRequest.content)
		matches = allRecipes["matches"]
		for recipe in matches:
			recipeName, recipeObj = buildRecipeEntry(recipe)
			recipeDatabase[recipeName] = recipeObj
			count += 1
				print "--> recipe %d: %s" % (count, recipeName)
				print "--> len of recipeDatabase = %d" % len(recipeDatabase)

	jsonRecipeDatabase = json.dumps(recipeDatabase, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
	print "--> len of recipeDatabase = %d" % len(recipeDatabase)
	allRecipesFile = open(recipeFilename + ".json", 'a')

	print "... Done creating Recipe Database with %d recipes ..." % totalResults
Exemplo n.º 2
def buildRecipeEntry(recipe):
	recipeName = recipe['recipeName']
	recipeId= recipe['id']
	ingredients = recipe['ingredients']
	#Commenting out to test recipe dump.
	brokeRequest = True

	while brokeRequest:
		apiGetString = "http://api.yummly.com/v1/api/recipe/%s?_app_id=4d1d7424&_app_key=419a5ef2649eb3b6e359b7a9de93e905" % recipeId
		getRequest = util.safeConnect(requests.get, tuple([apiGetString]))
		if getRequest == None:
			return None
		brokeRequest = not (getRequest.status_code == 200)

	getRecipe = json.loads(getRequest.content)
	ingredientLines = getRecipe["ingredientLines"]

	recipeObj = {'recipeName': recipeName,
				 'recipeId': recipeId,
				 'ingredients': ingredients,
				 'ingredientLines': ingredientLines,
				 'cuisine': recipe['attributes'].get('cuisine'),
				 'course': recipe['attributes'].get('course'),
				 'totalTimeInSeconds': recipe.get('totalTimeInSeconds'),
				 'flavors': recipe.get('flavors')}

	return recipeName, recipeObj
Exemplo n.º 3
def buildOnlyRecipeDatabase(recipeFilename, totalResults, startIndex):
	# Set up loop parameters.  
	numSteps = getNumSteps(totalResults)
	recipeDatabase = {}
	# Loops once for every YUM_STEPS recipes.
	for i in range(numSteps):
		brokeRequest = True
		start, maxResults = indexedGetStartAndMaxResults(i, numSteps, totalResults, startIndex)
		processUpdateStatement = "... Processing recipes: %d to %d ..." % (start + 1, start + maxResults)
		sys.stdout.write(processUpdateStatement +  '\n')

		while brokeRequest:
			apiSearchString = "http://api.yummly.com/v1/api/recipes?_app_id=%s&_app_key=%s&q=&allowedCourse[]=%s&maxResult=%d&start=%d" % (YUM_APP_ID, YUM_APP_KEY, c.YUM_ALLOWED_COURSE, maxResults, start)
			searchRequest = util.safeConnect(requests.get, tuple([apiSearchString]))
			if searchRequest == None:
				print "\n\nTHE FOLLOWING RANGE IS BAD: %d to %d" % (start + 1, start + maxResults)
				print "\n\n"
			brokeRequest = not (searchRequest.status_code == 200)

		# check out BROKEREQUEST!!!
		# Creates recipes dict from the loaded json file
		allRecipes = json.loads(searchRequest.content)
		matches = allRecipes["matches"]
		for recipe in matches:
			recipeName, recipeObj = buildRecipeEntry(recipe)
			if recipeObj == None:
				print "\n\nTHE FOLLOWING RANGE IS BAD: %d to %d" % (start + 1, start + maxResults)
				print "\n\n"
			recipeDatabase[recipeName] = recipeObj
		# Dumps and prints out a .JSON file for every YUM_STEP recipes retrieved.
		jsonRecipeDatabase = json.dumps(recipeDatabase, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
		#Filename is /res/jsonrecipes/jsonrecipe_index, where index is startIndex/100.
		targetFileName = recipeFilename + "_" + str(startIndex/c.YUM_STEP + i) + ".json"
		allRecipesFile = open(targetFileName, 'a')
		#Adding to clears dict so that next iteration will print clean.