Exemplo n.º 1
    def _infer_clusters(self, st_s, st_t, sem_label_s, sem_label_t):

        # Cluster the source and target point cloud (only source clusters will be used)
        running_idx_s = 0
        running_idx_t = 0
        clusters_s = defaultdict(list)
        clusters_t = defaultdict(list)
        clusters_s_rot = defaultdict(list)
        clusters_s_trans = defaultdict(list)

        batch_size = torch.max(st_s.coordinates[:,0]) + 1

        for b_idx in range(batch_size):
            b_fgrnd_idx_s = torch.where(sem_label_s[running_idx_s:(running_idx_s + st_s.C[st_s.C[:,0] == b_idx,1:].shape[0])] == 1)[0]
            b_fgrnd_idx_t = torch.where(sem_label_t[running_idx_t:(running_idx_t + st_t.C[st_t.C[:,0] == b_idx,1:].shape[0])] == 1)[0]

            coor_s = st_s.C[st_s.C[:,0] == b_idx,1:].to(self.device) * self.voxel_size
            coor_t = st_t.C[st_t.C[:,0] == b_idx,1:].to(self.device) * self.voxel_size

            # Only perform if foreground points are in both source and target
            if b_fgrnd_idx_s.shape[0] and b_fgrnd_idx_t.shape[0]:
                xyz_fgrnd_s = coor_s[b_fgrnd_idx_s, :].cpu().numpy()
                xyz_fgrnd_t = coor_t[b_fgrnd_idx_t, :].cpu().numpy()

                # Perform clustering
                labels_s = self.cluster_estimator.fit_predict(xyz_fgrnd_s)
                labels_t = self.cluster_estimator.fit_predict(xyz_fgrnd_t)
                # Map cluster labels to indices (consider only clusters that have at least n points)
                for class_label in np.unique(labels_s):
                    if class_label != -1 and np.where(labels_s == class_label)[0].shape[0] >= self.min_p_cluster:
                        clusters_s[str(b_idx)].append(b_fgrnd_idx_s[np.where(labels_s == class_label)[0]] + running_idx_s)

                for class_label in np.unique(labels_t):
                    if class_label != -1 and np.where(labels_t == class_label)[0].shape[0] >= self.min_p_cluster:
                        clusters_t[str(b_idx)].append(b_fgrnd_idx_t[np.where(labels_t == class_label)[0]] + running_idx_t)
                # Estimate the relative transformation parameteres of each cluster
                if self.test_flag:
                    for c_idx in clusters_s[str(b_idx)]:
                        cluster_xyz_s = (st_s.C[c_idx,1:] * self.voxel_size).unsqueeze(0).to(self.device)
                        cluster_flow = self.inferred_values['refined_flow'][c_idx,:].unsqueeze(0)
                        reconstructed_xyz = cluster_xyz_s + cluster_flow

                        R_cluster, t_cluster, _, _ = kabsch_transformation_estimation(cluster_xyz_s, reconstructed_xyz)


            running_idx_s += coor_s.shape[0]
            running_idx_t += coor_t.shape[0]

        self.inferred_values['clusters_s'] = clusters_s
        self.inferred_values['clusters_t'] = clusters_t
        self.inferred_values['clusters_s_R'] = clusters_s_rot
        self.inferred_values['clusters_s_t'] = clusters_s_trans
Exemplo n.º 2
    def forward(self, score_matrix, mask, xyz_s, xyz_t):

        affinity = -(score_matrix - self.softplus(self.alpha))/(torch.exp(self.beta) + 0.02)

         # Compute weighted coordinates
        log_perm_matrix = self.sinkhorn(affinity, n_iters=self.sinkhorn_iter, slack=self.slack)

        perm_matrix = torch.exp(log_perm_matrix) * mask
        weighted_t = perm_matrix @ xyz_t / (torch.sum(perm_matrix, dim=2, keepdim=True) + _EPS)

        # Compute transform and transform points
        #transform = self.compute_rigid_transform(xyz_s, weighted_t, weights=torch.sum(perm_matrix, dim=2))
        R_est, t_est, _, _ = kabsch_transformation_estimation(xyz_s, weighted_t, weights=torch.sum(perm_matrix, dim=2))
        return R_est, t_est, perm_matrix
Exemplo n.º 3
    def forward(self, data, xs):
        #data: b*c*n*1
        x1_1 = self.conv1(data)
        x1_1 = self.l1_1(x1_1)
        x_down = self.down1(x1_1)
        x2 = self.l2(x_down)
        x_up = self.up1(x1_1, x2)
        out = self.l1_2(torch.cat([x1_1, x_up], dim=1))

        logits = torch.squeeze(torch.squeeze(self.output(out), 3), 1)
        weights = torch.relu(torch.tanh(logits))

        if torch.any(torch.sum(weights, dim=1) == 0.0):
            weights = weights + 1 / weights.shape[1]

        x1, x2 = xs[:, 0, :, :3], xs[:, 0, :, 3:]

        rotation_est, translation_est, residuals, gradient_not_valid = kabsch_transformation_estimation(
            x1, x2, weights)

        return logits, weights, rotation_est, translation_est, residuals, out, gradient_not_valid
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __call__(self, inferred_values, gt_data):

        # Initialize the dictionary
        losses = {}

        if self.args['method']['flow'] and self.args['loss']['flow_loss']:
            assert (('coarse_flow' in inferred_values) &
                    ('flow' in gt_data)), 'Flow loss selected \
                                                                    but either est or gt flow not provided'

            losses['refined_flow_loss'] = self.flow_criterion(
                gt_data['flow']) * self.args['loss'].get('flow_loss_w', 1.0)

            losses['coarse_flow_loss'] = self.flow_criterion(
                gt_data['flow']) * self.args['loss'].get('flow_loss_w', 1.0)

        if self.args['method']['ego_motion'] and self.args['loss']['ego_loss']:
            assert (('R_est' in inferred_values) & ('R_s_t' in gt_data)
                    is not None), "Ego motion loss selected \
                                            but either est or gt ego motion not provided"

            assert 'permutation' in inferred_values is not None, 'Outlier loss selected \
                                                                        but the permutation matrix is not provided'

            # Only evaluate on the background points
            mask = (gt_data['fg_labels_s'] == 0)

            prev_idx = 0
            pc_t_gt, pc_t_est = [], []

            # Iterate over the samples in the batch
            for batch_idx in range(gt_data['R_ego'].shape[0]):

                # Convert the voxel indices back to the coordinates
                p_s_temp = gt_data['sinput_s_C'][
                    prev_idx:prev_idx +
                    gt_data['len_batch'][batch_idx][0], :].to(
                        self.device) * self.args['misc']['voxel_size']
                mask_temp = mask[prev_idx:prev_idx +

                # Transform the point cloud with gt and estimated ego-motion parameters
                pc_t_gt_temp = transform_point_cloud(
                    p_s_temp[mask_temp, :3], gt_data['R_ego'][batch_idx, :, :],
                    gt_data['t_ego'][batch_idx, :, :])
                pc_t_est_temp = transform_point_cloud(
                    p_s_temp[mask_temp, :3],
                    inferred_values['R_est'][batch_idx, :, :],
                    inferred_values['t_est'][batch_idx, :, :])


                prev_idx += gt_data['len_batch'][batch_idx][0]

            pc_t_est = torch.cat(pc_t_est, 0)
            pc_t_gt = torch.cat(pc_t_gt, 0)

            losses['ego_loss'] = self.ego_l1_criterion(
                pc_t_est, pc_t_gt) * self.args['loss'].get('ego_loss_w', 1.0)
            losses['outlier_loss'] = self.ego_outlier_criterion(
                inferred_values['permutation']) * self.args['loss'].get(
                    'inlier_loss_w', 1.0)

        # Background segmentation loss
        if self.args['method']['semantic'] and self.args['loss'][
            assert (
                ('semantic_logits_s' in inferred_values) &
                ('fg_labels_s' in gt_data)
            ), "Background loss selected but either est or gt labels not provided"

            semantic_loss = torch.tensor(0.0).to(self.device)

            semantic_loss += self.seg_criterion(
                gt_data['fg_labels_s']) * self.args['loss'].get(
                    'bg_loss_w', 1.0)

            # If the background labels for the target point cloud are available also use them for the loss computation
            if 'semantic_logits_t' in inferred_values:
                semantic_loss += self.seg_criterion(
                    gt_data['fg_labels_t']) * self.args['loss'].get(
                        'bg_loss_w', 1.0)
                semantic_loss = semantic_loss / 2

            losses['semantic_loss'] = semantic_loss

        # Foreground loss
        if self.args['method']['clustering'] and self.args['loss'][
            assert (
                'clusters_s' in inferred_values
            ), "Foreground loss selected but inferred cluster labels not provided"

            rigidity_loss = torch.tensor(0.0).to(self.device)
            chamfer_loss = torch.tensor(0.0).to(self.device)

            xyz_s = torch.cat(gt_data['pcd_s'], 0).to(self.device)
            xyz_t = torch.cat(gt_data['pcd_t'], 0).to(self.device)

            # Two-way chamfer distance for the foreground points (only compute if both point clouds have more than 50 foreground points)
            if torch.where(gt_data['fg_labels_s'] ==
                           1)[0].shape[0] > 50 and torch.where(
                               gt_data['fg_labels_t'] == 1)[0].shape[0] > 50:

                foreground_mask_s = (gt_data['fg_labels_s'] == 1)
                foreground_mask_t = (gt_data['fg_labels_t'] == 1)

                foreground_xyz_s = xyz_s[foreground_mask_s, :]
                foreground_flow = inferred_values['refined_flow'][
                    foreground_mask_s, :]
                foreground_xyz_t = xyz_t[foreground_mask_t, :]

                dist1, dist2 = self.chamfer_criterion(
                    (foreground_xyz_s + foreground_flow).unsqueeze(0))

                # Clamp the distance to prevent outliers (objects that appear and disappear from the scene)
                dist1 = torch.clamp(torch.sqrt(dist1), max=1.0)
                dist2 = torch.clamp(torch.sqrt(dist2), max=1.0)

                chamfer_loss += ((torch.mean(dist1) + torch.mean(dist2)) / 2.0)

            losses['chamfer_loss'] = chamfer_loss * self.args['loss'].get(
                'cd_loss_w', 1.0)

            # Rigidity loss (flow vectors of each cluster should be congruent)
            n_clusters = 0
            # Iterate over the clusters and enforce rigidity within each cluster
            for batch_idx in inferred_values['clusters_s']:

                for cluster in inferred_values['clusters_s'][batch_idx]:
                    cluster_xyz_s = xyz_s[cluster, :].unsqueeze(0)
                    cluster_flow = inferred_values['refined_flow'][
                        cluster, :].unsqueeze(0)
                    reconstructed_xyz = cluster_xyz_s + cluster_flow

                    # Compute the unweighted Kabsch estimation (transformation parameters which best explain the vectors)
                    R_cluster, t_cluster, _, _ = kabsch_transformation_estimation(
                        cluster_xyz_s, reconstructed_xyz)

                    # Detach the gradients such that they do not flow through the tansformation parameters but only through flow
                    rigid_xyz = (torch.matmul(R_cluster,
                                              cluster_xyz_s.transpose(1, 2)) +
                                     0, 1)

                    rigidity_loss += self.rigidity_criterion(
                        reconstructed_xyz.squeeze(0), rigid_xyz)

                    n_clusters += 1

            n_clusters = 1.0 if n_clusters == 0 else n_clusters
            losses['rigidity_loss'] = (rigidity_loss /
                                       n_clusters) * self.args['loss'].get(
                                           'rigid_loss_w', 1.0)

        # Compute the total loss as the sum of individual losses
        total_loss = 0.0
        for key in losses:
            total_loss += losses[key]

        losses['total_loss'] = total_loss
        return losses