Exemplo n.º 1
 def search(self):
     # Begins a search of either Github or the database.
     # Searching github can take a long time and multithreading could be useful here.
     # But I haven't implemented it as there is nothing the user would want to do
     # during a search anyway.
     startTime = time.time()
     packageID = self.searchUi.textPackageID.text()
     if packageID == '':
         packageID = None
     packageName = self.searchUi.textPackageName.text()
     if packageName == '':
         packageName = None
     language = self.searchUi.textLanguage.text()
     if language == '':
         language = None
     size = self.searchUi.textSize.text()
     if size == '':
         size = None
     elif not size.strip('<>').isnumeric():
         QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self.mainWindow, 'Warning', 'The size criteria can\'t contains letters. '
             'The application will remove the letters and attempt the search.')
         logging.error('The user attempted to search using letters in the size criteria.')
         size = ''.join([x for x in self.searchUi.textSize.text() if x in '1234567890<>'])
     if self.searchUi.checkBoxGithub.checkState() == 2 and packageName == None:
         self.mainUi.statusbar.showMessage("Search Failed")
         QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self.mainWindow, "Warning", "You can't search Github without a package name.")
         logging.error("The user attempted to search Github without a package name.")
     elif self.searchUi.checkBoxDatabase.checkState() == 2:
         # Made results a member variable as I am going to only use parts of the result
         # to display in the table. Other parts of the results are vital but would end with
         # this function if it weren't for making this a member variable.
         self.results = utils.search(True, [packageID, packageName, False, language, size], self.configuration.databaseFile)
     elif self.searchUi.checkBoxGithub.checkState() == 2:
         # Perform a search of Github.
         self.results = utils.search(False, [packageID, packageName, True, language, size], None)
         self.mainUi.statusbar.showMessage("Search Failed")
         QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self.mainWindow, "Warning", "No search target entered.")
         logging.error("The user attempted to search without a target.")
     duration = time.time() - startTime
     self.mainUi.statusbar.showMessage("Search completed in {0:.3f} seconds".format(duration))
     logging.info("The search completed in {0:.3f} seconds".format(duration))
     self.populateTable(self.mainUi.tableWidget, self.results)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def refreshMainTable(self):
     # Refresh the values in the table. This can be slightly buggy
     # and I have therefore added a button in the UI for the user
     # to force a refresh.
     logging.info("Refreshing the main window.")
     self.populateTable(self.mainUi.tableWidget, utils.search(True, [None, None, False, None, None],
Exemplo n.º 3
def search_monster(name, monster_list, rank=None):

    # if name is empty
    if name == '' or name == None:
        return ['Missing name or ID']

    name_list = []
    results = []

    # retreive monster names
    for key in monster_list.keys():

    args = name.split()
    last_arg = args.pop().upper()
    rank = None
    # check if there is a rank suffix inside the name
    if last_arg in rank_suffix.keys():
        rank = rank_suffix[last_arg]
        print('found rank ' + rank)

    name = ' '.join(args)
    log.debug('now searching for ' + name)

    # if name is the ID - check and return the monster
        name_id = int(name)
    except ValueError:
        log.debug(name + ' is not an ID')
        # if the ID does exist
            results += ['[' + str(name_id) + '] ' + name_list[name_id]]
            results += monster_list[name_list[name_id]].show(rank=rank)
            return results
        except IndexError:
            return ['Incorrect Monster ID']

    # search if the name matches with any item
    matches = utils.search(name, name_list)
    matches_s = len(matches)

    # if nothing match
    if matches_s == 0:
        return ['Nothing found']

    # if exaclty 1 match is found
    if matches_s == 1:
        results += ['[' + str(name_list.index(matches[0])) + '] ' + matches[0]]
        results += monster_list[matches[0]].show(rank=rank)
        return results

    # if multiples match are found
    if matches_s > 1:
        r = ''
        for match in matches:
            r += '[' + str(name_list.index(match)) + '] ' + match + '\n'
        return [r]
Exemplo n.º 4
def search_item(name, monster_list):

    # find all the possible items first
    item_list = find_items(monster_list)

    results = []
    # if name is the ID - check and return the item
        item_id = int(name)
    except ValueError:
        log.debug(name + " is not an ID")
        # if the ID does exist
            results += ['[' + str(item_id) + '] ' + item_list[item_id]]
            result = find_item(monster_list, item_list[item_id])
            # if the message will be too long - split it
            if len(result) > 1800:
                results += find_item(monster_list,
                results += [result]
            return results
        except IndexError:
            return ["Incorrect Item ID"]

    # search if the name matches with any item
    matches = utils.search(name, item_list)
    matches_s = len(matches)

    # if nothing match
    if matches_s == 0:
        return ["Nothing found"]

    # if exaclty 1 match is found
    if matches_s == 1:
        results += ['[' + str(item_list.index(matches[0])) + '] ' + matches[0]]
        result = find_item(monster_list, matches[0])
        # if the message will be too long - split it
        if len(result) > 1800:
            results += find_item(monster_list, matches[0], as_list=True)
            results += [result]
        return results

    # if multiples match are found
    if matches_s > 1:
        r = ""
        for match in matches:
            r += '[' + str(item_list.index(match)) + '] ' + match + '\n'
        return [r]
Exemplo n.º 5
def deleteReportPack(args):
    # Downloads the specified RP
    reportpacks = w4n.listReportPacks()

    # Resolve the report name from the id
    report_id = args.id
    report_name = ''

        report_name = utils.search('id', args.id, reportpacks)[0]['name']
        logging.error("ReportPack ID '%s' not found!", report_id)

    # Delete ReportPack
    result = w4n.deleteReportPack(report_id, report_name)
    logging.info("ReportPack '%s' ID '%s' deleted.", report_name, report_id)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def delete(self):
        # This function iterates through the values in the member variable
        # deleteTableData. It then checks if the check box for removing downloaded
        # is checked. If so, it deletes the extract folder (if it exists), then the
        # tar.gz file and finally removes it from the database.
        deletedPackages = 0
        numberOfPackages = len(self.deleteTableData)
        for item in self.deleteTableData:
            # Item[1] refers to the package ID.
            if item[1] != '':
                # Query the database to find out where the package is downloaded to.
                # The return value is a one element list with a tuple.
                # Use [0] to get the first element (the tuple) and then use
                # [6] to get the install path.
                downloadPath = utils.search(True, [item[1], None, False, None, None], self.configuration.databaseFile)[0][6]
                tgz = targz.TarGZ(downloadPath)
                # If the tar file has a setup.py, it must be a python file.
                if tgz.getSetup():
                    # Extract from the setup.py the name with which the package
                    # was installed using. Then run a command to uninstall it.
                    name = tgz.getPipValue("name")
                    command = ["xterm", "-T", "Uninstalling {0}".format(name), "-e",
                    "sudo pip uninstall {0} --log={1}; sleep {2}".format(name,
                    self.configuration.pipLogFile, self.configuration.terminalWaitTime)]
                    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:

                if self.deleteUi.boxRemoveDownloadedContent.checkState() == 2:
                    folderPath = os.sep.join(downloadPath.split(os.sep)[:-1] + [tgz.getFolderName()])
                    if os.path.exists(folderPath):
                    logging.debug("Deleted the file {0}".format(downloadPath))
                logging.info("Deleting package with ID {0}".format(item[1]))
                deletedPackages += 1
                self.mainUi.statusbar.showMessage("Deleted package {0} of {1}".format(deletedPackages, numberOfPackages))
                QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self.mainWindow, "Warning", "You can't delete a package that isn't installed.")
                logging.error("User tried to delete a package that isn't installed.")
Exemplo n.º 7
def getReportPack(args):
    # Downloads the specified RP
    reportpacks = w4n.listReportPacks()

    # Resolve the report name from the id
    report_id = args.id
    report_name = ''

        report_name = utils.search('id', args.id, reportpacks)[0]['name']
        logging.error("ReportPack ID '%s' not found!", report_id)

    # Download a ReportPack
    report_file = w4n.getReportPack(report_id, report_name)

    if args.x:
Exemplo n.º 8
    def setFavouritesToFile(self):
        # This function queries the database for all the packages and looks for those
        # that are favourited. It then adds the URL, language and size of the package
        # to the favourites file.

        # Query the database for all installed packages so that they can be
        # iterated through in order to check if the are favourites.
        installedPackages = utils.search(True, [None, None, False, None, None], self.configuration.databaseFile)
        favourites = []
        for package in installedPackages:
            # If the favourite field of the package is set to 1, it is a favourite
            # and can be later written to the favourites file.
            if package[9] == 1:
                # The URL, then language and finally size of the package is added to the favourites.
                # The 3 values are seperated by a tab so they can easily be split later.
                # Using a config parser style class would be too restrictive.
                favourites.append(str(package[4]) + '\t' + str(package[3]) + '\t' + str(package[2]) + '\n')
        f = open(self.configuration.favouritesFile, "w")
        for item in favourites:
        logging.debug("Updated the favourites file.")
Exemplo n.º 9
 def getFavourites(self):
     # This function reads from the favourites file the packages that are to be installed.
     # It then queries the database for all of the already installed packages and compares.
     # If the URL of a favourite package matches one that is already installed, then the
     # favourites is already there, otherwise it needs to be installed.
     # The URL is the only unique data about a package that can be compared with a
     # package that isn't installed.
     packagesToBeInstalled = []
     if os.path.exists(self.configuration.favouritesFile):
         # The favourites file contains the URLs of the favourited packages.
         with open(self.configuration.favouritesFile, "r") as file:
             favourites = file.readlines()
         logging.debug("Read the favourites file.")
         # Grab all of the installed packages.
         installedPackages = utils.search(True, [None, None, False, None, None], self.configuration.databaseFile)
         for favourite in favourites:
             # A flag that determines whether a package is installed or not.
             # It is set to false until proven true.
             installed = False
             # Split the line into 3 variables in order to pass them to the download function.
             details = {}
             url, details['language'], details['size'] = favourite.split()
             # The name of the package can be extracted from the URL and will need
             # to be passed to the download function.
             details['name'] = url.split('/')[-3]
             for package in installedPackages:
                 # If the URLs match, it is installed.
                 if url in package:
                     installed = True
             if not installed:
                 logging.warning("The favourite package {0} is not installed".format(details['name']))
                 # Show a message box to let the user decide if they want to install it.
                 reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self.mainWindow, 'Message',
                                                    "The package {0} is not installed but is marked as a favourite. " \
                                                    "Do you wish to install it now?".format(details['name']),
                                                    QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No, QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
                 if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes:
                     packagesToBeInstalled.append([details, url])
Exemplo n.º 10
 def showEdit(self):
     # Displays the edit screen and populates all of the fields with
     # the values that are stored in the database.
     row = self.getSelectedRows()
     if len(row) > 1:
         QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self.mainWindow, "Warning", "You can't edit more than one package at a time.")
     elif len(row) == 0:
         QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self.mainWindow, "Warning", "You can't edit a package without selecting one.")
     # After checking the length of the set returned by the function,
     # we can be sure it is only one element long and so remove the set.
     row = row.pop()
     # Grab the packageId from the table in order to later query
     # the database.
     # I am making it a member variable as it will need to be accessed by the
     # edit function later.
     self.editPackageId = self.mainUi.tableWidget.item(row, 1).text()
     if self.editPackageId == None:
         QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self.mainWindow, "Warning", "You can't edit a package that isn't installed.")
     packageData = utils.search(True, [self.editPackageId, None, False, None, None], self.configuration.databaseFile)
     # Package data is a one element list, so get rid of the list.
     packageData = packageData[0]
     # Now set each text box to the value from the database.
     if packageData[9] == 1:
     logging.info("Editing dialog being displayed.")
Exemplo n.º 11
 def testSearchDatabase(self):
     for item in self.validSearchTerms:
         result = search(True, item, self.configuration.databaseFile)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def testSearchGithub(self):
     # Only send one request, to stop my IP from being banned  :(
     term = random.choice(self.validSearchTerms)
     result = search(False, term, self.configuration.databaseFile)