Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_irepl_over_existing_bad_replica__ticket_1705(self):
     # local setup
     filename = "reploverwritebad.txt"
     filepath = lib.create_local_testfile(filename)
     doublefile = "doublefile.txt"
     os.system("cat %s %s > %s" % (filename, filename, doublefile))
     doublesize = str(os.stat(doublefile).st_size)
     # assertions
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + filename, 'STDERR', "does not exist")  # should not be listed
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iput " + filename)                            # put file
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + filename, 'STDOUT', filename)          # for debugging
     self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl -R " + self.testresc + " " + filename)      # replicate to test resource
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + filename, 'STDOUT', filename)          # for debugging
     # overwrite default repl with different data
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iput -f %s %s" % (doublefile, filename))
     # default resource should have clean copy
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + filename, 'STDOUT', [" 0 ", " & " + filename])
     # default resource should have new double clean copy
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + filename, 'STDOUT', [" 0 ", " " + doublesize + " ", " & " + filename])
     # test resource should not have doublesize file
     self.admin.assert_icommand_fail("ils -L " + filename, 'STDOUT',
                    [" 1 " + self.testresc, " " + doublesize + " ", "  " + filename])
     # replicate back onto test resource
     self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl -R " + self.testresc + " " + filename)
     # test resource should have new clean doublesize file
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + filename, 'STDOUT',
                [" 1 " + self.testresc, " " + doublesize + " ", " & " + filename])
     # should not have a replica 2
     self.admin.assert_icommand_fail("ils -L " + filename, 'STDOUT', [" 2 ", " & " + filename])
     # local cleanup
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_ssl_iput_with_rods_env(self):
        lib.run_command('openssl genrsa -out server.key')
        lib.run_command('openssl req -batch -new -key server.key -out server.csr')
        lib.run_command('openssl req -batch -new -x509 -key server.key -out chain.pem -days 365')
        lib.run_command('openssl dhparam -2 -out dhparams.pem 100') # normally 2048, but smaller size here for speed

        service_account_environment_file_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.irods/irods_environment.json')
        with lib.file_backed_up(service_account_environment_file_path):
            server_update = {
                'irods_ssl_certificate_chain_file': os.path.join(lib.get_irods_top_level_dir(), 'tests/pydevtest/chain.pem'),
                'irods_ssl_certificate_key_file': os.path.join(lib.get_irods_top_level_dir(), 'tests/pydevtest/server.key'),
                'irods_ssl_dh_params_file': os.path.join(lib.get_irods_top_level_dir(), 'tests/pydevtest/dhparams.pem'),
            lib.update_json_file_from_dict(service_account_environment_file_path, server_update)

            client_update = {
                'irods_client_server_policy': 'CS_NEG_REQUIRE',
                'irods_ssl_verify_server': 'none',

            session_env_backup = copy.deepcopy(self.admin.environment_file_contents)

            filename = 'encryptedfile.txt'
            filepath = lib.create_local_testfile(filename)
            self.admin.assert_icommand(['iinit', self.admin.password])
            self.admin.assert_icommand(['iput', filename])
            self.admin.assert_icommand(['ils', '-L', filename], 'STDOUT', filename)

            self.admin.environment_file_contents = session_env_backup

            for f in ['server.key', 'server.csr', 'chain.pem', 'dhparams.pem']:

Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_irepl_over_existing_third_replica__ticket_1705(self):
     # local setup
     filename = "thirdreplicatest.txt"
     filepath = lib.create_local_testfile(filename)
     hostname = lib.get_hostname()
     hostuser = getpass.getuser()
     # assertions
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iadmin mkresc thirdresc unixfilesystem %s:/tmp/%s/thirdrescVault" %
                (hostname, hostuser), 'STDOUT', "Creating")  # create third resource
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + filename, 'STDERR', "does not exist")  # should not be listed
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iput " + filename)                            # put file
     self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl -R " + self.testresc + " " + filename)      # replicate to test resource
     self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl -R thirdresc " + filename)              # replicate to third resource
     self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl " + filename)                           # replicate overtop default resource
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + filename, 'STDOUT', filename)          # for debugging
     self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl -R " + self.testresc + " " + filename)      # replicate overtop test resource
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + filename, 'STDOUT', filename)          # for debugging
     self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl -R thirdresc " + filename)              # replicate overtop third resource
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + filename, 'STDOUT', filename)          # for debugging
     # should not have a replica 3
     self.admin.assert_icommand_fail("ils -L " + filename, 'STDOUT', [" 3 ", " & " + filename])
     # should not have a replica 4
     self.admin.assert_icommand_fail("ils -L " + filename, 'STDOUT', [" 4 ", " & " + filename])
     self.admin.assert_icommand("irm -f " + filename)                          # cleanup file
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iadmin rmresc thirdresc")                   # remove third resource
     # local cleanup
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_iput_overwrite_others_file__ticket_2086(self):
        # pre state
        self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L", 'STDOUT', self.testfile)  # should be listed

        # local setup
        filename = "overwritefile.txt"
        filepath = lib.create_local_testfile(filename)

        # alice tries to put
        homepath = "/home/" + self.admin.username + "/" + self.admin._session_id + "/" + self.testfile
        logicalpath = "/" + self.admin.zone_name + homepath
        self.user0.assert_icommand("iput " + filepath + " " + logicalpath, 'STDERR', "CAT_NO_ACCESS_PERMISSION")  # iput

        # check physicalpaths (of all replicas)
        cmdout = self.admin.run_icommand(['ils', '-L'])
        print "[ils -L]:"
        print "[" + cmdout[1] + "]"
        lines = cmdout[1].splitlines()
        for i in range(0, len(lines) - 1):
            if "0 demoResc" in lines[i]:
                if "/session-" in lines[i + 1]:
                    l = lines[i + 1]
                    physicalpath = l.split()[1]
                    # check file is on disk
                    print "[ls -l " + physicalpath + "]:"
                    os.system("ls -l " + physicalpath)
                    assert os.path.exists(physicalpath)

        # local cleanup
        output = commands.getstatusoutput('rm ' + filepath)
 def test_force_iput_to_diff_resc(self):
     filename = "original.txt"
     filepath = lib.create_local_testfile(filename)
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iput " + filename)  # put file
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iput -f " + filename)  # put file
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iput -fR " + self.testresc + " " +
                                filename, 'STDERR_SINGLELINE',
                                'HIERARCHY_ERROR')  # fail
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_ssl_iput_small_and_large_files(self):
        # set up client and server side for ssl handshake

        # server side certificate setup
        os.system("openssl genrsa -out server.key 2> /dev/null")
        os.system("openssl req -batch -new -key server.key -out server.csr")
        os.system("openssl req -batch -new -x509 -key server.key -out server.crt -days 365")
        os.system("mv server.crt chain.pem")
        # normally 2048, but smaller size here for speed
        os.system("openssl dhparam -2 -out dhparams.pem 100 2> /dev/null")

        # server side environment variables
        os.environ['irodsSSLCertificateChainFile'] = lib.get_irods_top_level_dir() + "/tests/pydevtest/chain.pem"
        os.environ['irodsSSLCertificateKeyFile'] = lib.get_irods_top_level_dir() + "/tests/pydevtest/server.key"
        os.environ['irodsSSLDHParamsFile'] = lib.get_irods_top_level_dir() + "/tests/pydevtest/dhparams.pem"

        # client side environment variables
        os.environ['irodsSSLVerifyServer'] = "none"

        # add client irodsEnv settings
        clientEnvFile = self.admin.local_session_dir + "/irods_environment.json"
        os.system("cp %s %sOrig" % (clientEnvFile, clientEnvFile))
        env = {}
        env['irods_client_server_policy'] = 'CS_NEG_REQUIRE'
        lib.update_json_file_from_dict(clientEnvFile, env)

        # server reboot to pick up new irodsEnv settings

        # do the encrypted put
        filename = "encryptedfile.txt"
        filepath = lib.create_local_testfile(filename)
        self.admin.assert_icommand(['iinit', self.admin.password])  # reinitialize
        # small file
        self.admin.assert_icommand("iput " + filename)  # encrypted put - small file
        self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + filename, 'STDOUT', filename)  # should be listed
        # large file
        largefilename = "BIGencryptedfile.txt"
        output = commands.getstatusoutput('dd if=/dev/zero of=' + largefilename + ' bs=1M count=60')
        assert output[0] == 0, "dd did not successfully exit"
        #os.system("ls -al "+largefilename)
        self.admin.assert_icommand("iput " + largefilename)  # encrypted put - large file
        self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + largefilename, 'STDOUT', largefilename)  # should be listed

        # reset client environment to not require SSL
        os.system("mv %sOrig %s" % (clientEnvFile, clientEnvFile))

        # clean up
        os.system("rm server.key server.csr chain.pem dhparams.pem")

        # restart iRODS server without altered environment
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_iget_with_purgec(self):
        # local setup
        filename = "purgecgetfile.txt"
        filepath = lib.create_local_testfile(filename)
        # assertions
        self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + filename, 'STDERR', "does not exist")  # should not be listed
        self.admin.assert_icommand("iput " + filename)  # put file
        self.admin.assert_icommand("iget -f --purgec " + filename)  # get file
        self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + filename, 'STDOUT', [" 0 ", filename])  # should be listed once
        self.admin.assert_icommand_fail("ils -L " + filename, 'STDOUT', [" 1 ", filename])  # should be listed only once
        self.admin.assert_icommand_fail("ils -L " + filename, 'STDOUT', [" 2 ", filename])  # should be listed only once

        # local cleanup
        output = commands.getstatusoutput('rm ' + filepath)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_iget_with_dirty_replica(self):
     # local setup
     filename = "original.txt"
     filepath = lib.create_local_testfile(filename)
     updated_filename = "updated_file_with_longer_filename.txt"
     updated_filepath = lib.create_local_testfile(updated_filename)
     retrievedfile = "retrievedfile.txt"
     # assertions
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + filename, 'STDERR', "does not exist")  # should not be listed
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iput " + filename)  # put file
     self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl -R " + self.testresc + " " + filename)  # replicate file
     # force new put on second resource
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iput -f -R " + self.testresc + " " + updated_filename + " " + filename)
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + filename, "STDOUT", filename)  # debugging
     # should get orig file (replica 0)
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iget -f -n 0 " + filename + " " + retrievedfile)
     assert 0 == os.system("diff %s %s" % (filename, retrievedfile))  # confirm retrieved is correct
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iget -f " + filename + " " + retrievedfile)  # should get updated file
     assert 0 == os.system("diff %s %s" % (updated_filename, retrievedfile))  # confirm retrieved is correct
     # local cleanup
     output = commands.getstatusoutput('rm ' + filename)
     output = commands.getstatusoutput('rm ' + updated_filename)
     output = commands.getstatusoutput('rm ' + retrievedfile)
    def test_irepl_update_replicas(self):
        # local setup
        filename = "updatereplicasfile.txt"
        filepath = lib.create_local_testfile(filename)
        hostname = lib.get_hostname()
        doublefile = "doublefile.txt"
        os.system("cat %s %s > %s" % (filename, filename, doublefile))
        doublesize = str(os.stat(doublefile).st_size)

        # assertions
        self.admin.assert_icommand("iadmin mkresc thirdresc unixfilesystem %s:/tmp/thirdrescVault" % hostname, 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', "Creating")   # create third resource
        self.admin.assert_icommand("iadmin mkresc fourthresc unixfilesystem %s:/tmp/fourthrescVault" % hostname, 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', "Creating") # create fourth resource
        self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDERR_SINGLELINE',"does not exist")              # should not be listed
        self.admin.assert_icommand("iput "+filename)                                         # put file
        self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl -R "+self.testresc+" "+filename)                   # replicate to test resource
        self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl -R thirdresc "+filename)                           # replicate to third resource
        self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl -R fourthresc "+filename)                          # replicate to fourth resource
        self.admin.assert_icommand("iput -f -R "+self.testresc+" "+doublefile+" "+filename)  # repave overtop test resource
        self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',filename)                       # for debugging

        self.admin.assert_icommand_fail("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 0 "," & "+filename]) # should have a dirty copy
        self.admin.assert_icommand_fail("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 1 "," & "+filename]) # should have a dirty copy
        self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 2 "," & "+filename])     # should have a clean copy
        self.admin.assert_icommand_fail("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 3 "," & "+filename]) # should have a dirty copy
        self.admin.assert_icommand_fail("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 4 "," & "+filename]) # should have a dirty copy

        self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl -U "+filename)                                 # update last replica

        self.admin.assert_icommand_fail("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 0 "," & "+filename]) # should have a dirty copy
        self.admin.assert_icommand_fail("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 1 "," & "+filename]) # should have a dirty copy
        self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 2 "," & "+filename])     # should have a clean copy
        self.admin.assert_icommand_fail("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 3 "," & "+filename]) # should have a dirty copy
        self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 4 "," & "+filename])     # should have a clean copy

        self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl -aU "+filename)                                # update all replicas

        self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 0 "," & "+filename])     # should have a clean copy
        self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 1 "," & "+filename])     # should have a clean copy
        self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 2 "," & "+filename])     # should have a clean copy
        self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 3 "," & "+filename])     # should have a clean copy
        self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 4 "," & "+filename])     # should have a clean copy

        self.admin.assert_icommand("irm -f "+filename)                                   # cleanup file
        self.admin.assert_icommand("iadmin rmresc thirdresc")                            # remove third resource
        self.admin.assert_icommand("iadmin rmresc fourthresc")                           # remove third resource

        # local cleanup
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_irepl_invalid_input(self):
     # local setup
     filename = "somefile.txt"
     filepath = lib.create_local_testfile(filename)
     # assertions
     # should not be listed
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + filename, "STDERR", "does not exist")
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iput " + filename)                                                 # put file
     # for debugging
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L " + filename, "STDOUT", filename)
     # replicate to bad resource
     self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl -R nonresc " + filename, "STDERR", "SYS_RESC_DOES_NOT_EXIST")
     self.admin.assert_icommand("irm -f " + filename)                                               # cleanup file
     # local cleanup
    def test_empty_files(self):
        # set up
        filename = "some_test_file.txt"
        filepath = lib.create_local_testfile(filename)

        emptyfile = "emptyfile.txt"
        lib.assert_command("touch "+emptyfile)

        # test it
        self.admin.assert_icommand("iput "+emptyfile)
        self.admin.assert_icommand("iput -f "+filepath+" "+emptyfile)
        self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+" "+emptyfile,"STDOUT_MULTILINE",[" 0 demoResc;cacheResc           63 ", " 1 demoResc;archiveResc           63 "])

 def test_irepl_over_existing_second_replica__ticket_1705(self):
     # local setup
     filename = "secondreplicatest.txt"
     filepath = lib.create_local_testfile(filename)
     # assertions
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDERR_SINGLELINE',"does not exist")          # should not be listed
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iput -R "+self.testresc+" "+filename)                # put file
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',filename)                   # for debugging
     self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl "+filename)                                    # replicate to default resource
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',filename)                   # for debugging
     self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl "+filename)                                    # replicate overtop default resource
     self.admin.assert_icommand_fail("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 3 "," & "+filename]) # should not have a replica 3
     self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl -R "+self.testresc+" "+filename)               # replicate overtop test resource
     self.admin.assert_icommand_fail("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 3 "," & "+filename]) # should not have a replica 3
     # local cleanup
    def test_retry_for_put(self):
        # set up
        self.admin.assert_icommand("iadmin modresc archiveResc context wos_host=XXXX;wos_policy=Howard;retry_count=2;connect_timeout=5")
        filename = "some_test_file.txt"
        filepath = lib.create_local_testfile(filename)

        # test it
        self.admin.assert_icommand( "iput -f "+filepath, 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', "WOS_PUT_ERR")

        # verify it
        p = subprocess.Popen(['grep "WOS_PUT_ERR"  ../../iRODS/server/log/rodsLog.* | grep "2 of 2"'], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        result = p.communicate()[0]
        assert( -1 != result.find( "2 of 2" ) )

        # clean up
        self.admin.assert_icommand("iadmin modresc archiveResc context wos_host=http://wos.edc.renci.org;wos_policy=Howard")
 def test_local_iput_with_force_and_destination_resource__ticket_1706(self):
     # local setup
     filename = "iputwithforceanddestination.txt"
     filepath = lib.create_local_testfile(filename)
     doublefile = "doublefile.txt"
     os.system("cat %s %s > %s" % (filename, filename, doublefile))
     doublesize = str(os.stat(doublefile).st_size)
     # assertions
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDERR_SINGLELINE',"does not exist")                           # should not be listed
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iput "+filename)                                                      # put file
     self.admin.assert_icommand("irepl -R "+self.testresc+" "+filename)                                # replicate to test resource
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',filename)                                    #
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iput -f -R %s %s %s" % (self.testresc, doublefile, filename) )        # overwrite test repl with different data
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 0 "," "+filename])                        # default resource cache should have dirty copy
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 1 "," "+filename])                        # default resource archive should have dirty copy
     self.admin.assert_icommand_fail("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 0 "," "+doublesize+" "," "+filename]) # default resource cache should not have doublesize file
     self.admin.assert_icommand_fail("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 1 "," "+doublesize+" "," "+filename]) # default resource archive should not have doublesize file
     self.admin.assert_icommand("ils -L "+filename,'STDOUT_SINGLELINE',[" 2 "," "+doublesize+" ","& "+filename])    # targeted resource should have new double clean copy
     # local cleanup
Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_force_iput_to_diff_resc(self):
     filename = "original.txt"
     filepath = lib.create_local_testfile(filename)
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iput " + filename)  # put file
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iput -f " + filename)  # put file
     self.admin.assert_icommand("iput -fR " + self.testresc + " " + filename, 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'HIERARCHY_ERROR')  # fail
Exemplo n.º 16
 def iput_to_root_collection(self):
     filename = 'original.txt'
     filepath = lib.create_local_testfile(filename)
     self.admin.assert_icommand('iput ' + filename + ' /nopes', 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'SYS_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM')