Exemplo n.º 1
 def _store_in_db(self, scan, reaper=False, notes=None, tags=None):
   if reaper and not self._getSetting("reaper.store", False):
   # Hash calculation to prevent duplicates
   sha1=codecs.encode(hashlib.sha1(json.dumps(scan).encode('utf-8')).digest(), "hex").decode("utf-8")
   if not db.p_queryData(self.collection, {'sha1': sha1}):
     data={"scan": scan, "sha1": sha1}
     if type(notes) == str: data["notes"] = notes
     if type(tags) == list: data["tags"]  = tags
     db.p_addEntry(self.collection, data)
     return True
   return False
Exemplo n.º 2
 def search(self, text, **args):
   threat   = [x["id"] for x in db.p_queryData(self.collectionName, {'threats': {"$regex": text, "$options": "-i"}})]
   misp_tag = [x["id"] for x in db.p_queryData(self.collectionName, {'tags':    {"$regex": text, "$options": "-i"}})]
   return [{'n': 'Threat', 'd': threat}, {'n': 'MISP tag', 'd': misp_tag}]
Exemplo n.º 3
 def search(self, text, **args):
   if not args["current_user"].is_authenticated(): return
   data = [x["cve"] for x in db.p_queryData(self.collectionName, {"notes.notes":{"$regex": text, "$options": "-i"},
                                                                  "notes.user": args["current_user"].get_id()})]
   return [{'n': 'Notes', 'd': data}]