Exemplo n.º 1
    def _get(cls, df, positions, initial_capital):
        target = 'Adj Close'

        # Initialize the portfolio with value owned
        ret = positions.multiply(df[target], axis=0)
        # Store the difference in shares owned
        pos_diff = positions.diff()

        ret['holdings'] = (positions.multiply(df[target], axis=0)).sum(axis=1)
        ret['cash'] = initial_capital - (pos_diff.multiply(
            df[target], axis=0)).sum(axis=1).cumsum()
        ret['total'] = ret['cash'] + ret['holdings']
        ret['returns'] = FINANCE.getDailyReturns(ret['total'])
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 2
 def by_quarter(cls, data):
     year_to_year = {}
     for month, year, dataSeries in cls.group_by_month(data):
         quarter = 1
         if month in [4, 5, 6]: quarter = 2
         elif month in [7, 8, 9]: quarter = 3
         elif month in [10, 11, 12]: quarter = 4
         percent = FINANCE.getDailyReturns(dataSeries)
         percent = percent.fillna(0)
         if len(percent) == 0: continue
         if quarter not in year_to_year:
             year_to_year[quarter] = pd.DataFrame(percent)
             init = len(year_to_year[quarter])
             year_to_year[quarter] = year_to_year[quarter].append(percent)
             if init == len(year_to_year[quarter]):
                 raise ValueError("dataframe did not append")
     return year_to_year