Exemplo n.º 1
def drawRef2(rexps, exps, options, outfile, numCats):
    options.out = outfile
    fig, pdf = libplot.initImage( 8.0, 10.0, options )
    axes = fig.add_axes( [0.12, 0.14, 0.85, 0.8] )

    if len(rexps) < 1:
    sampleNotherRefmapped = []
    ref = ''
    for sample in rexps:
        if sample == 'average':
        e = rexps[sample]
        ref = e.ref
        sampleNotherRefmapped.append( (sample, e.total) )

    otherRefName = libplot.properName( ref )
    #Set title:
    #axes.set_title("Mapability of C. Ref. in Comparison to %s" % otherRefName)
    axes.set_title("Mapability of C. Ref. in Comparison to GRCh37 haplotypes")
    sampleNotherRefmapped = sorted( sampleNotherRefmapped, key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True )
    samples = [ item[0] for item in sampleNotherRefmapped]
    samples.append( 'average' )

    xdata = range( 0, len(samples) )
    colors = libplot.getColors4()
    c = -1
    #c = 0
    lines = []
    #titleDict = {'mapped':'Mapped', 'uniquelyMapped':'Uniquely Mapped', 'properlyPaired':'Properly Paired', 'uniquelyMappedAndProperlyPaired':'Uniquely Mapped And Properly Paired', 'snps':'Snp'}
    titleDict = {'mapped':'Mapped', 'properlyPaired':'Properly Paired', 'uniquelyMapped':'Uniquely Mapped', 'uniquelyMappedAndProperlyPaired':'Uniquely Mapped And Properly Paired'}
    ydataList, miny, maxy = getData2(samples, rexps, exps, titleDict.keys())
    #ydataList, miny, maxy = getData2(samples, exps, titleDict.keys())
    #refs = sorted( ydataList.keys() )
    offset = 0.12
    scale = -1
    if miny > 1000:
        scale = len( str(int(miny)) ) - 1

    linenames = []
    categories = ["mapped", "properlyPaired", "uniquelyMapped", "uniquelyMappedAndProperlyPaired"]
    cats = categories[:numCats]
    for i, key in enumerate( cats ):
        xdatai = [ x + offset*i for x in xdata ]
        ydata = ydataList[key]
        if scale > 0:
            ydata = [ float(y)/10**scale for y in ydata ]
        c += 1
        l = axes.plot( xdatai, ydata, color=colors[c], marker='.', markersize=16.0, linestyle='none')
        linenames.append( titleDict[key] )

    if scale > 0:
        miny = float(miny)/10**scale
        maxy = float(maxy)/10**scale

    #Draw horizontal line at y = 0:
    xmin = -0.4
    xmax = len(samples) - 1 + offset*len(linenames) + offset
    axes.plot( [xmin, xmax], [0,0], color="#6B6B6B", linewidth=0.005)

    fontP = FontProperties()
    yrange = maxy - miny
    miny = miny - yrange*0.05
    maxy = maxy + yrange*0.2
    #Draw vertical lines to separate each sample:
    for i in xrange(1, len(samples)):
        d = (1 - offset*len(linenames))/2.0
        x = [i - d, i - d]
        y = [miny , maxy]
        axes.plot(x,y, color="#CCCCCC", linewidth=0.005)
    axes.set_xlim(xmin, xmax )
    axes.set_ylim( miny, maxy )
    #axes.set_ylim( -2, 0 )
    libplot.editSpine( axes )

    axes.set_xticks( [ i + offset*(len(linenames)/2.0) for i in range(0, len(samples))] )
    axes.set_xticklabels( samples )
    for label in axes.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
    axes.xaxis.set_ticks_position( 'bottom' )
    axes.yaxis.set_ticks_position( 'left' )
    legend = pyplot.legend( lines, linenames, numpoints=1, loc='upper right', prop=fontP)
    legend._drawFrame = False

    axes.set_xlabel( 'Samples' )
    axes.set_ylabel( 'Percentage of mapping difference between C. Ref. and %s' % otherRefName) #NEED TO DO
    #axes.set_ylabel( 'Percentage of mapping difference between C. Ref. and GRCh37 haplotypes')
    if scale > 0:
        axes.set_ylabel( 'Event counts (x%d)' %(10**scale) )
    #axes.xaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
    axes.yaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
    libplot.writeImage( fig, pdf, options )
Exemplo n.º 2
def drawPlot(rexps, exps, options, outfile, type):
    options.out = outfile
    fig, pdf = libplot.initImage( 8.0, 10.0, options )
    axes = fig.add_axes( [0.12, 0.14, 0.85, 0.8] )

    #Set title:
    titleDict = {'mapped':'Mapped reads', 'uniquelyMapped':'Uniquely Mapped Reads', 'properlyPaired':'Properly Paired Reads', 'uniquelyMappedAndProperlyPaired':'Uniquely Mapped And Properly Paired Reads', 'snps':'SNPs'}
    axes.set_title( titleDict[type] )
    if len(rexps) < 1:
    sampleNotherRefmapped = []
    ref = ''
    for sample in rexps:
        if sample == 'average':
        exp = rexps[sample]
        ref = exp.ref
        sampleNotherRefmapped.append( (sample, exp.total) )
    otherRefName = libplot.properName( ref )
    sampleNotherRefmapped = sorted( sampleNotherRefmapped, key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True )
    samples = [ item[0] for item in sampleNotherRefmapped]
    samples.append( 'average' )

    xdata = range( 0, len(samples) )
    colors = libplot.getColors4()
    #c = -1
    c = 0
    lines = []
    ydataList, miny, maxy = getData(samples, exps, rexps, type)
    #print ydataList
    refs = sorted( ydataList.keys() )
    #miny = float('inf')
    #maxy = 0
    #offset = 0.075
    offset = 0.12
    #if type != 'snps':
    #    offset = 0
    scale = -1
    if miny > 1000:
        scale = len( str(int(miny)) ) - 1

    #Draw line connecting the data for each sample (each bin):
    binXdataList = [ [] for x in xdata ]
    binYdataList = [ [] for x in xdata ]
    for i, ref in enumerate(refs):
        xdatai = [ x + offset*i for x in xdata ]
        ydata = ydataList[ref]
        if scale > 0:
            ydata = [ float(y)/10**scale for y in ydata ]
        for j, x in enumerate(xdatai):
            binYdataList[j].append( ydata[j] )
    for i in xrange( len(binXdataList) ):
        axes.plot( binXdataList[i], binYdataList[i], color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005 )
    #Draw main plots:
    for i, ref in enumerate(refs):
        xdatai = [ x + offset*i for x in xdata ]
        ydata = ydataList[ref]
        if scale > 0:
            ydata = [ float(y)/10**scale for y in ydata ]
        c += 1
        l = axes.plot( xdatai, ydata, color=colors[c], marker='.', markersize=16.0, linestyle='none')
    if scale > 0:
        miny = float(miny)/10**scale
        maxy = float(maxy)/10**scale

    #Draw horizontal line at y = 0:
    xmin = -0.4
    xmax = len(samples) - 1 + offset*len(refs) + offset
    axes.plot( [xmin, xmax], [0,0], color="#6B6B6B", linewidth=0.005)

    fontP = FontProperties()
    yrange = maxy - miny
    miny = miny - yrange*0.05
    maxy = maxy + yrange*0.2
    #Draw vertical lines to separate each sample:
    #for i in xrange(1, len(samples)):
    #    d = (1 - offset*len(refs))/2.0
    #    x = [i - d, i - d]
    #    y = [miny , maxy]
    #    axes.plot(x,y, color="#CCCCCC", linewidth=0.005)
    axes.set_xlim(xmin, xmax )
    axes.set_ylim( miny, maxy )
    libplot.editSpine( axes )

    axes.set_xticks( [ i + offset*(len(refs)/2.0) for i in range(0, len(samples))] )
    axes.set_xticklabels( samples )
    for label in axes.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
    axes.xaxis.set_ticks_position( 'bottom' )
    axes.yaxis.set_ticks_position( 'left' )
    properRefs = []
    for r in refs:
        if re.search('cactusRef', r):
            r = r.lstrip('cactusRef')
            properRefs.append( "%s %s" %(libplot.properName('cactusRef'), r))
            properRefs.append( libplot.properName(r) )

    legend = pyplot.legend( lines,properRefs, numpoints=1, loc='best', prop=fontP)
    legend._drawFrame = False

    axes.set_xlabel( 'Samples' )
    axes.set_ylabel( 'Percentage of mapping difference between C. Ref. and %s' % otherRefName)
    if scale > 0:
        axes.set_ylabel( 'Event counts (x%d)' %(10**scale) )
    #axes.xaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
    axes.yaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
    libplot.writeImage( fig, pdf, options )