Exemplo n.º 1
    def process_radlw_file(self):
        ''' Create longwave radiation file '''
        nframes = self.nframes / self.nframes_per_day  # daily file
        radlw_tmp = np.empty((self.ny, self.nx))
        radlw_out = np.empty((nframes, self.ny, self.nx))
        # open input file
        fid_radlw = ioncdf.opennc(self.file_radlw)
        # read coordinates and time
        lon = ioncdf.readnc(fid_radlw, 'lon')
        lat = ioncdf.readnc(fid_radlw, 'lat')
        time = ioncdf.readnc(fid_radlw, self.name_time_radlw)
        # open radlw factor
        fid_factor = ioncdf.opennc(self.longwave_factor)
        radlw_factor = ioncdf.readnc(fid_factor, 'radlw')
        # flip upside down for ROMS
        if self.target_model == 'ROMS':
            radlw_factor = radlw_factor[::-1, :]
        # run the computation
        correct_heat_budget = 1.0088  # attempt to close heat budget
        for kt in np.arange(0, nframes):
            radlw_tmp[:, :] = ioncdf.readnc_oneframe(fid_radlw,
                                                     self.name_radlw, kt)
            radlw_out[kt, :, :] = (radlw_tmp[:, :] * radlw_factor[:, :] *
                                   correct_heat_budget) * self.lsm[:, :]
# output file informations
        if self.target_model == 'ROMS':
            my_dict = {'varname':'lwrad_down','time_dim':'lrf_time','time_var':'lrf_time','long name':'Downwelling longwave radiation',\
            'units':'W.m-2','fileout':self.output_dir + 'radlw_' + self.dataset + '_' + str(self.year) + '_ROMS.nc'}
        elif self.target_model == 'NEMO':
            my_dict = {'varname':'radlw','time_dim':'time','time_var':'time','long name':'Downwelling longwave radiation',\
            'units':'W.m-2','fileout':self.output_dir + 'radlw_' + self.dataset + '_' + str(self.year) + '.nc'}
            'description'] = 'DFS 5.2 (MEOM/LGGE) contact : [email protected]'
        my_dict['spval'] = self.spval
        my_dict['reftime'] = self.reftime
        my_dict['time_valid_min'] = time.min()
        my_dict['time_valid_max'] = time.max()
        my_dict['var_valid_min'] = radlw_out.min()
        my_dict['var_valid_max'] = radlw_out.max()
        # close input file and write output
        ioncdf.write_ncfile(lon, lat, time, radlw_out, my_dict)
        # clear arrays
        radlw_tmp = None
        radlw_out = None
        return None
Exemplo n.º 2
    def process_v10_file(self):
        ''' Create meridional wind file '''
        v10_tmp = np.empty((self.ny, self.nx))
        v10_out = np.empty((self.nframes, self.ny, self.nx))
        # open input file
        fid_v10 = ioncdf.opennc(self.file_v10)
        # read coordinates and time
        lon = ioncdf.readnc(fid_v10, 'lon')
        lat = ioncdf.readnc(fid_v10, 'lat')
        time = ioncdf.readnc(fid_v10, self.name_time_v10)
        # open background velocity
        fid_bgd = ioncdf.opennc(self.v10_background)
        v10_background = ioncdf.readnc(fid_bgd, 'v10')
        # flip upside down for ROMS
        if self.target_model == 'ROMS':
            v10_background = v10_background[::-1, :]
        # run the computation
        for kt in np.arange(0, self.nframes):
            v10_tmp[:, :] = ioncdf.readnc_oneframe(fid_v10, self.name_v10, kt)
            v10_out[kt, :, :] = (v10_tmp[:, :] +
                                 v10_background[:, :]) * self.lsm[:, :]
# output file informations
        if self.target_model == 'ROMS':
            my_dict = {'varname':'Vwind','time_dim':'wind_time','time_var':'wind_time','long name':'Meridional wind speed at 10m',\
            'units':'m/s','fileout':self.output_dir + 'v10_' + self.dataset + '_' + str(self.year) + '_ROMS.nc'}
        elif self.target_model == 'NEMO':
            my_dict = {'varname':'v10','time_dim':'time','time_var':'time','long name':'Meridional wind speed at 10m',\
            'units':'m/s','fileout':self.output_dir + 'v10_' + self.dataset + '_' + str(self.year) + '.nc'}
            'description'] = 'DFS 5.2 (MEOM/LGGE) contact : [email protected]'
        my_dict['spval'] = self.spval
        my_dict['reftime'] = self.reftime
        my_dict['var_valid_min'] = v10_out.min()
        my_dict['var_valid_max'] = v10_out.max()
        my_dict['time_valid_min'] = time.min()
        my_dict['time_valid_max'] = time.max()
        # close input file and write output
        ioncdf.write_ncfile(lon, lat, time, v10_out, my_dict)
        # clear arrays
        v10_tmp = None
        v10_out = None
        return None
Exemplo n.º 3
    def process_precip_file(self):
        ''' Create precip file '''
        nframes = self.nframes / self.nframes_per_day  # daily file
        precip_tmp = np.empty((self.ny, self.nx))
        precip_out = np.empty((nframes, self.ny, self.nx))
        # open input file
        fid_precip = ioncdf.opennc(self.file_precip)
        # read coordinates and time
        lon = ioncdf.readnc(fid_precip, 'lon')
        lat = ioncdf.readnc(fid_precip, 'lat')
        time = ioncdf.readnc(fid_precip, self.name_time_precip)
        # copy
        for kt in np.arange(0, nframes):
            precip_tmp[:, :] = ioncdf.readnc_oneframe(fid_precip,
                                                      self.name_precip, kt)
            precip_out[kt, :, :] = (precip_tmp[:, :]) * self.lsm[:, :]
# output file informations
        if self.target_model == 'ROMS':
            my_dict = {'varname':'rain','time_dim':'rain_time','time_var':'rain_time','long name':'Total Precipitation',\
            'units':'kg.m-2.s-1','fileout':self.output_dir + 'precip_' + self.dataset + '_' + str(self.year) + '_ROMS.nc'}
        elif self.target_model == 'NEMO':
            my_dict = {'varname':'precip','time_dim':'time','time_var':'time','long name':'Total Precipitation',\
            'units':'kg.m-2.s-1','fileout':self.output_dir + 'precip_' + self.dataset + '_' + str(self.year) + '.nc'}
            'description'] = 'DFS 5.2 (MEOM/LGGE) contact : [email protected]'
        my_dict['spval'] = self.spval
        my_dict['reftime'] = self.reftime
        my_dict['time_valid_min'] = time.min()
        my_dict['time_valid_max'] = time.max()
        my_dict['var_valid_min'] = precip_out.min()
        my_dict['var_valid_max'] = precip_out.max()
        # close input file and write output
        ioncdf.write_ncfile(lon, lat, time, precip_out, my_dict)
        # clear arrays
        precip_tmp = None
        precip_out = None
        return None
Exemplo n.º 4
    def process_msl_file(self):
        ''' Create msl file '''
        msl_tmp = np.empty((self.ny, self.nx))
        msl_out = np.empty((self.nframes, self.ny, self.nx))
        # open input file
        fid_msl = ioncdf.opennc(self.file_msl)
        # read coordinates and time
        lon = ioncdf.readnc(fid_msl, 'lon')
        lat = ioncdf.readnc(fid_msl, 'lat')
        time = ioncdf.readnc(fid_msl, self.name_time_msl)
        # copy
        for kt in np.arange(0, self.nframes):
            msl_tmp[:, :] = ioncdf.readnc_oneframe(fid_msl, self.name_msl, kt)
            msl_out[kt, :, :] = (msl_tmp[:, :]) * self.lsm[:, :]
# output file informations
        if self.target_model == 'ROMS':
            my_dict = {'varname':'Pair','time_dim':'pair_time','time_var':'pair_time','long name':'Mean Sea Level Pressure',\
            'units':'Pa','fileout':self.output_dir + 'msl_' + self.dataset + '_' + str(self.year) + '_ROMS.nc'}
        elif self.target_model == 'NEMO':
            my_dict = {'varname':'msl','time_dim':'time','time_var':'time','long name':'Mean Sea Level Pressure',\
            'units':'Pa','fileout':self.output_dir + 'msl_' + self.dataset + '_' + str(self.year) + '.nc'}
            'description'] = 'DFS 5.2 (MEOM/LGGE) contact : [email protected]'
        my_dict['spval'] = self.spval
        my_dict['reftime'] = self.reftime
        my_dict['time_valid_min'] = time.min()
        my_dict['time_valid_max'] = time.max()
        my_dict['var_valid_min'] = msl_out.min()
        my_dict['var_valid_max'] = msl_out.max()
        # close input file and write output
        ioncdf.write_ncfile(lon, lat, time, msl_out, my_dict)
        # clear arrays
        msl_tmp = None
        msl_out = None
        return None
Exemplo n.º 5
    def process_tcc_file(self):
        ''' Create tcc file '''
        tcc_tmp = np.empty((self.ny, self.nx))
        tcc_out = np.empty((self.nframes, self.ny, self.nx))
        # open input file
        fid_tcc = ioncdf.opennc(self.file_tcc)
        # read coordinates and time
        lon = ioncdf.readnc(fid_tcc, 'lon')
        lat = ioncdf.readnc(fid_tcc, 'lat')
        time = ioncdf.readnc(fid_tcc, self.name_time_tcc)
        # copy
        for kt in np.arange(0, self.nframes):
            tcc_tmp[:, :] = ioncdf.readnc_oneframe(fid_tcc, self.name_tcc, kt)
            tcc_out[kt, :, :] = (tcc_tmp[:, :]) * self.lsm[:, :]
# output file informations
        if self.target_model == 'ROMS':
            my_dict = {'varname':'Cloud','time_dim':'cloud_time','time_var':'cloud_time','long name':'Total Cloud Cover',\
            'units':'','fileout':self.output_dir + 'tcc_' + self.dataset + '_' + str(self.year) + '_ROMS.nc'}
        elif self.target_model == 'NEMO':
            my_dict = {'varname':'tcc','time_dim':'time','time_var':'time','long name':'Total Cloud Cover',\
            'units':'','fileout':self.output_dir + 'tcc_' + self.dataset + '_' + str(self.year) + '.nc'}
            'description'] = 'DFS 5.2 (MEOM/LGGE) contact : [email protected]'
        my_dict['spval'] = self.spval
        my_dict['reftime'] = self.reftime
        my_dict['time_valid_min'] = time.min()
        my_dict['time_valid_max'] = time.max()
        my_dict['var_valid_min'] = tcc_out.min()
        my_dict['var_valid_max'] = tcc_out.max()
        # close input file and write output
        ioncdf.write_ncfile(lon, lat, time, tcc_out, my_dict)
        # clear arrays
        tcc_tmp = None
        tcc_out = None
        return None
Exemplo n.º 6
    def process_q2_file(self):
        ''' Create q2 file '''
        t2_old = np.empty((self.ny, self.nx))
        t2_new = np.empty((self.ny, self.nx))
        msl = np.empty((self.ny, self.nx))
        q2_tmp = np.empty((self.ny, self.nx))
        q2_out = np.empty((self.nframes, self.ny, self.nx))
        # open input file
        fid_q2 = ioncdf.opennc(self.file_q2)
        # read coordinates and time
        lon = ioncdf.readnc(fid_q2, 'lon')
        lat = ioncdf.readnc(fid_q2, 'lat')
        time = ioncdf.readnc(fid_q2, self.name_time_q2)

        # We need original t2 and msl from ERAinterim
        fid_t2old = ioncdf.opennc(self.file_t2)
        fid_msl = ioncdf.opennc(self.file_msl)
        fid_t2new = ioncdf.opennc(self.file_t2_new)
        # run the computation
        for kt in np.arange(0, self.nframes):
            # read all the fields
            # ROMS has t2 in degC, others in Kelvin - qsat_from_t2_and_msl expects Celcius
            if self.target_model == 'ROMS':
                t2_old[:, :] = ioncdf.readnc_oneframe(fid_t2old, self.name_t2,
                t2_new[:, :] = ioncdf.readnc_oneframe(fid_t2new, self.name_t2,
                t2_old[:, :] = ioncdf.readnc_oneframe(fid_t2old, self.name_t2,
                                                      kt) - 273.15
                t2_new[:, :] = ioncdf.readnc_oneframe(fid_t2new, self.name_t2,
                                                      kt) - 273.15
            msl[:, :] = ioncdf.readnc_oneframe(fid_msl, self.name_msl, kt)
            q2_tmp[:, :] = ioncdf.readnc_oneframe(fid_q2, self.name_q2, kt)
            # compute humidity at saturation
            q_sat_new = humidity_toolbox.qsat_from_t2_and_msl(t2_new, msl)
            q_sat_old = humidity_toolbox.qsat_from_t2_and_msl(t2_old, msl)
            # compute new specific humidity
            q2_tmp[:, :] = (q2_tmp[:, :] * q_sat_new / q_sat_old)
            q2_tmp[np.where(self.lsm[:, :] == 0)] = 0.
            q2_out[kt, :, :] = q2_tmp[:, :]

# output file informations
        if self.target_model == 'ROMS':
            my_dict = {'varname':'Qair','time_dim':'qair_time','time_var':'qair_time','long name':'Specific Humidity',\
            'units':'kg/kg','fileout':self.output_dir + 'q2_' + self.dataset + '_' + str(self.year) + '_ROMS.nc'}
        elif self.target_model == 'NEMO':
            my_dict = {'varname':'q2','time_dim':'time','time_var':'time','long name':'Specific Humidity',\
            'units':'kg/kg','fileout':self.output_dir + 'q2_' + self.dataset + '_' + str(self.year) + '.nc'}
            'description'] = 'DFS 5.2 (MEOM/LGGE) contact : [email protected]'
        my_dict['spval'] = self.spval
        my_dict['reftime'] = self.reftime
        my_dict['time_valid_min'] = time.min()
        my_dict['time_valid_max'] = time.max()
        my_dict['var_valid_min'] = q2_out.min()
        my_dict['var_valid_max'] = q2_out.max()
        # close input file and write output
        ioncdf.write_ncfile(lon, lat, time, q2_out, my_dict)
        # clear arrays
        q2_tmp = None
        q2_out = None
        return None
Exemplo n.º 7
    def process_t2_file(self):
        ''' Create Air temperature file '''
        t2_tmp = np.empty((self.ny, self.nx))
        t2_out = np.empty((self.nframes, self.ny, self.nx))
        # open input file
        fid_t2 = ioncdf.opennc(self.file_t2)
        # read coordinates and time
        lon = ioncdf.readnc(fid_t2, 'lon')
        lat = ioncdf.readnc(fid_t2, 'lat')
        time = ioncdf.readnc(fid_t2, self.name_time_t2)

        #------- Antarctic correction --------
        # make sure that we use latitude from south to north
        if self.target_model == 'ROMS':
            lat_s2n = lat
            lat_s2n = lat[::-1]

        value_south = -2.0  # we remove 2 degrees C
        lattrans1 = -60  # start linear transition to correction at 60S
        lattrans2 = -75  # correction is at full value at 75S
        jtrans1 = (np.abs(lat_s2n - lattrans1)).argmin()
        jtrans2 = (np.abs(lat_s2n - lattrans2)).argmin()

        correction_south = np.zeros((self.ny, self.nx))
        correction_south[0:jtrans2, :] = value_south
        for jj in np.arange(jtrans2, jtrans1):
            correction_south[jj, :] = value_south * float(
                jj - jtrans1) / float(jtrans2 - jtrans1)

        if not self.target_model == 'ROMS':
            correction_south = correction_south[::-1, :]

        #------- Arctic correction --------
        correction_north = np.zeros((self.ny, self.nx))

        fid_off = ioncdf.opennc(self.t2_poles_offset)
        monthly_offset_poles = ioncdf.readnc(fid_off, 'Tair')
        fid_ifra = ioncdf.opennc(self.ice_nsidc)
        monthly_ice_fraction = ioncdf.readnc(fid_ifra, 'ifrac')

        # poles correction north of 70 N
        lattrans3 = 65  # correction poles transition starts at 65, full at 70N
        jtrans3 = (np.abs(lat_s2n - lattrans3)).argmin()
        val_oce = -0.7

        # run the computation
        for kt in np.arange(0, self.nframes):
            t2_tmp[:, :] = ioncdf.readnc_oneframe(fid_t2, self.name_t2, kt)
            #-----  arctic correction ------
            # interp monthly offset to daily value
            this_day = 1 + (kt / self.nframes_per_day)
            this_day_weights = self.time_interp_weights(this_day)
            this_day_offset = self.interp_data_to_day(monthly_offset_poles,
            this_day_ifrac = self.interp_data_to_day(monthly_ice_fraction,
            # compute artic correction
            correction_north[jtrans3:,:] = this_day_offset[jtrans3:,:]*this_day_ifrac[jtrans3:,:] + \
                                           val_oce*(1. -this_day_ifrac[jtrans3:,:])
            if not self.target_model == 'ROMS':
                correction_north[:, :] = correction_north[::-1, :]
            #------ add northern and southern hemisphere correction ------
            t2_out[kt, :, :] = (t2_tmp[:, :] + correction_north[:, :] +
                                correction_south[:, :]) * self.lsm[:, :]

# output file informations
        if self.target_model == 'ROMS':
            my_dict = {'varname':'Tair','time_dim':'tair_time','time_var':'tair_time','long name':'Air Temperature at 2m',\
            'units':'degC','fileout':self.output_dir + 't2_' + self.dataset + '_' + str(self.year) + '_ROMS.nc'}
        elif self.target_model == 'NEMO':
            my_dict = {'varname':'t2','time_dim':'time','time_var':'time','long name':'Air Temperature at 2m',\
            'units':'K','fileout':self.output_dir + 't2_' + self.dataset + '_' + str(self.year) + '.nc'}
            'description'] = 'DFS 5.2 (MEOM/LGGE) contact : [email protected]'
        my_dict['spval'] = self.spval
        my_dict['reftime'] = self.reftime
        my_dict['var_valid_min'] = t2_out.min()
        my_dict['var_valid_max'] = t2_out.max()
        my_dict['time_valid_min'] = time.min()
        my_dict['time_valid_max'] = time.max()
        # close input file and write output
        ioncdf.write_ncfile(lon, lat, time, t2_out, my_dict)
        # clear arrays
        t2_tmp = None
        t2_out = None
        # save this for q2
        self.file_t2_new = my_dict['fileout']
        return None
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, dict_input, dict_datafiles):
        # constants
        self.rho_w = 1000.
        self.nsec_per_day = 86400.
        self.reftime = dt.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0)
        self.spval = 1.0e+15
        self.dataset = 'DFS5.2'
        # read inputs
        self.dict_input = dict_input
        for key in dict_input:
            exec('self.' + key + '=dict_input[key]')
        for key in dict_datafiles:
            exec('self.' + key + '=dict_datafiles[key]')
        # set time related stuff
        if calendar.isleap(self.year):
            self.ndays = 366
            self.days_in_month = np.array(
                [31., 29., 31., 30., 31., 30., 31., 31., 30., 31., 30., 31.])
            self.ndays = 365
            self.days_in_month = np.array(
                [31., 28., 31., 30., 31., 30., 31., 31., 30., 31., 30., 31.])
        # forcing set freq
        if self.freq == '3h':
            self.nframes_per_day = 8
        elif self.freq == '6h':
            self.nframes_per_day = 4

        self.nframes = self.ndays * self.nframes_per_day

        print self.year, 'has', self.nframes, 'frames'

        # variable names
        if self.target_model == 'ROMS':
            self.name_t2 = 'Tair'
            self.name_time_t2 = 'tair_time'
            self.name_q2 = 'Qair'
            self.name_time_q2 = 'qair_time'
            self.name_u10 = 'Uwind'
            self.name_time_u10 = 'wind_time'
            self.name_v10 = 'Vwind'
            self.name_time_v10 = 'wind_time'
            self.name_radsw = 'swrad'
            self.name_time_radsw = 'srf_time'
            self.name_radlw = 'lwrad_down'
            self.name_time_radlw = 'lrf_time'
            self.name_precip = 'rain'
            self.name_time_precip = 'rain_time'
            self.name_snow = 'rain'
            self.name_time_snow = 'rain_time'
            self.name_msl = 'Pair'
            self.name_time_msl = 'pair_time'
            self.name_t2 = 't2'
            self.name_time_t2 = 'time'
            self.name_q2 = 'q2'
            self.name_time_q2 = 'time'
            self.name_u10 = 'u10'
            self.name_time_u10 = 'time'
            self.name_v10 = 'v10'
            self.name_time_v10 = 'time'
            self.name_radsw = 'radsw'
            self.name_time_radsw = 'time'
            self.name_radlw = 'radlw'
            self.name_time_radlw = 'time'
            self.name_precip = 'precip'
            self.name_time_precip = 'time'
            self.name_snow = 'snow'
            self.name_time_snow = 'time'
            self.name_msl = 'msl'
            self.name_time_msl = 'time'
            self.name_tcc = 'tcc'
            self.name_time_tcc = 'time'

        fid_lsm = ioncdf.opennc(self.mask)
        self.lsm = ioncdf.readnc(fid_lsm, 'lsm')
        return None