Exemplo n.º 1
    def notify_participants(self):
        previous_ts_end = self.db.one("""
            SELECT ts_end
              FROM paydays
             WHERE ts_start < %s
          ORDER BY ts_end DESC
             LIMIT 1
        """, (self.ts_start, ),

        # Income notifications
        r = self.db.all(
            SELECT tippee, json_agg(t) AS transfers
              FROM transfers t
             WHERE "timestamp" > %s
               AND "timestamp" <= %s
          GROUP BY tippee
        """, (previous_ts_end, self.ts_end))
        for tippee_id, transfers in r:
            successes = [t for t in transfers if t['status'] == 'succeeded']
            if not successes:
            by_team = {
                k: sum(t['amount'] for t in v)
                for k, v in group_by(successes, 'team').items()
            personal = by_team.pop(None, 0)
            by_team = {
                Participant.from_id(k).username: v
                for k, v in by_team.items()
                total=sum(t['amount'] for t in successes),

        # Low-balance notifications
        participants = self.db.all(
            SELECT p.*::participants
              FROM participants p
             WHERE balance < giving
               AND giving > 0
               AND EXISTS (
                     SELECT 1
                       FROM transfers t
                      WHERE t.tipper = p.id
                        AND t.timestamp > %s
                        AND t.timestamp <= %s
                        AND t.status = 'succeeded'
        """, (previous_ts_end, self.ts_end))
        for p in participants:
Exemplo n.º 2
    def notify_participants(self):
        previous_ts_end = self.db.one("""
            SELECT ts_end
              FROM paydays
             WHERE ts_start < %s
          ORDER BY ts_end DESC
             LIMIT 1
        """, (self.ts_start,), default=constants.BIRTHDAY)

        # Income notifications
        r = self.db.all("""
            SELECT tippee, json_agg(t) AS transfers
              FROM transfers t
             WHERE "timestamp" > %s
               AND "timestamp" <= %s
          GROUP BY tippee
        """, (previous_ts_end, self.ts_end))
        for tippee_id, transfers in r:
            successes = [t for t in transfers if t['status'] == 'succeeded']
            if not successes:
            by_team = {k: sum(t['amount'] for t in v)
                       for k, v in group_by(successes, 'team').items()}
            personal = by_team.pop(None, 0)
            by_team = {Participant.from_id(k).username: v for k, v in by_team.items()}
                total=sum(t['amount'] for t in successes),

        # Low-balance notifications
        participants = self.db.all("""
            SELECT p.*::participants
              FROM participants p
             WHERE balance < (
                     SELECT sum(amount)
                       FROM current_tips t
                       JOIN participants p2 ON p2.id = t.tippee
                      WHERE t.tipper = p.id
                        AND p2.mangopay_user_id IS NOT NULL
                        AND p2.status = 'active'
               AND EXISTS (
                     SELECT 1
                       FROM transfers t
                      WHERE t.tipper = p.id
                        AND t.timestamp > %s
                        AND t.timestamp <= %s
                        AND t.status = 'succeeded'
        """, (previous_ts_end, self.ts_end))
        for p in participants:
Exemplo n.º 3
    def notify_participants(self):
        previous_ts_end = self.db.one(
            SELECT ts_end
              FROM paydays
             WHERE ts_start < %s
          ORDER BY ts_end DESC
             LIMIT 1

        # Income notifications
        r = self.db.all(
            SELECT tippee, json_agg(t) AS transfers
              FROM transfers t
             WHERE "timestamp" > %s
               AND "timestamp" <= %s
          GROUP BY tippee
            (previous_ts_end, self.ts_end),
        for tippee_id, transfers in r:
            successes = [t for t in transfers if t["status"] == "succeeded"]
            if not successes:
            by_team = {k: sum(t["amount"] for t in v) for k, v in group_by(successes, "team").items()}
            personal = by_team.pop(None, 0)
            by_team = {Participant.from_id(k).username: v for k, v in by_team.items()}
                "income", total=sum(t["amount"] for t in successes), personal=personal, by_team=by_team

        # Low-balance notifications
        participants = self.db.all(
            SELECT p.*::participants
              FROM participants p
             WHERE balance < giving
               AND giving > 0
               AND EXISTS (
                     SELECT 1
                       FROM transfers t
                      WHERE t.tipper = p.id
                        AND t.timestamp > %s
                        AND t.timestamp <= %s
                        AND t.status = 'succeeded'
            (previous_ts_end, self.ts_end),
        for p in participants:
Exemplo n.º 4
def return_payin_bundles_to_origin(db,
    """Transfer money linked to a specific payin back to the original owner.
    currency = exchange.amount.currency
    chargebacks_account = Participant.get_chargebacks_account(currency)[0]
    original_owner = exchange.participant
    origin_wallet = db.one("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE remote_id = %s",
                           (exchange.wallet_id, ))
    transfer_kw = dict(
    payin_bundles = [
        NS(d._asdict()) for d in db.all(
        SELECT *
          FROM cash_bundles
         WHERE origin = %s
           AND disputed = true
    """, (exchange.id, ))
    grouped = group_by(payin_bundles, lambda b: (b.owner, b.withdrawal))
    for (current_owner, withdrawal), bundles in grouped.items():
        assert current_owner != chargebacks_account.id
        if current_owner == original_owner:
        amount = sum(b.amount for b in bundles)
        if current_owner is None:
            if not last_resort_payer or not create_debts:
            bundles = None
            withdrawer = db.one(
                "SELECT participant FROM exchanges WHERE id = %s",
                (withdrawal, ))
            payer = last_resort_payer.id
            create_debt(db, withdrawer, payer, amount, exchange.id)
            create_debt(db, original_owner, withdrawer, amount, exchange.id)
            bundles = [b.id for b in bundles]
            payer = current_owner
            if create_debts:
                create_debt(db, original_owner, payer, amount, exchange.id)
Exemplo n.º 5
def return_payin_bundles_to_origin(db, exchange, last_resort_payer, create_debts=True):
    """Transfer money linked to a specific payin back to the original owner.
    currency = exchange.amount.currency
    chargebacks_account = Participant.get_chargebacks_account(currency)[0]
    original_owner = exchange.participant
    origin_wallet = db.one("SELECT * FROM wallets WHERE remote_id = %s", (exchange.wallet_id,))
    transfer_kw = dict(
    payin_bundles = [NS(d._asdict()) for d in db.all("""
        SELECT *
          FROM cash_bundles
         WHERE origin = %s
           AND disputed = true
    """, (exchange.id,))]
    grouped = group_by(payin_bundles, lambda b: (b.owner, b.withdrawal))
    for (current_owner, withdrawal), bundles in grouped.items():
        assert current_owner != chargebacks_account.id
        if current_owner == original_owner:
        amount = sum(b.amount for b in bundles)
        if current_owner is None:
            if not last_resort_payer or not create_debts:
            bundles = None
            withdrawer = db.one("SELECT participant FROM exchanges WHERE id = %s", (withdrawal,))
            payer = last_resort_payer.id
            create_debt(db, withdrawer, payer, amount, exchange.id)
            create_debt(db, original_owner, withdrawer, amount, exchange.id)
            bundles = [b.id for b in bundles]
            payer = current_owner
            if create_debts:
                create_debt(db, original_owner, payer, amount, exchange.id)
        transfer(db, payer, original_owner, amount, 'chargeback', bundles=bundles, **transfer_kw)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def notify_participants(self):
        previous_ts_end = self.db.one("""
            SELECT ts_end
              FROM paydays
             WHERE ts_start < %s
          ORDER BY ts_end DESC
             LIMIT 1
        """, (self.ts_start, ),

        # Income notifications
        r = self.db.all(
            SELECT tippee, json_agg(t) AS transfers
              FROM transfers t
             WHERE "timestamp" > %s
               AND "timestamp" <= %s
               AND context <> 'refund'
          GROUP BY tippee
        """, (previous_ts_end, self.ts_end))
        for tippee_id, transfers in r:
            successes = [t for t in transfers if t['status'] == 'succeeded']
            if not successes:
            by_team = {
                k: sum(t['amount'] for t in v)
                for k, v in group_by(successes, 'team').items()
            personal = by_team.pop(None, 0)
            by_team = {
                Participant.from_id(k).username: v
                for k, v in by_team.items()
            p = Participant.from_id(tippee_id)
                total=sum(t['amount'] for t in successes),

        # Identity-required notifications
        participants = self.db.all("""
            SELECT p.*::participants
              FROM participants p
             WHERE mangopay_user_id IS NULL
               AND kind IN ('individual', 'organization')
               AND (p.goal IS NULL OR p.goal >= 0)
               AND EXISTS (
                     SELECT 1
                       FROM current_tips t
                       JOIN participants p2 ON p2.id = t.tipper
                      WHERE t.tippee = p.id
                        AND t.amount > 0
                        AND p2.balance > t.amount
        for p in participants:
            p.notify('identity_required', force_email=True)

        # Low-balance notifications
        participants = self.db.all(
            SELECT p.*::participants
              FROM participants p
             WHERE balance < (
                     SELECT sum(amount)
                       FROM current_tips t
                       JOIN participants p2 ON p2.id = t.tippee
                      WHERE t.tipper = p.id
                        AND p2.mangopay_user_id IS NOT NULL
                        AND p2.status = 'active'
                        AND p2.is_suspended IS NOT true
               AND EXISTS (
                     SELECT 1
                       FROM transfers t
                      WHERE t.tipper = p.id
                        AND t.timestamp > %s
                        AND t.timestamp <= %s
                        AND t.status = 'succeeded'
        """, (previous_ts_end, self.ts_end))
        for p in participants:
            p.notify('low_balance', low_balance=p.balance)
Exemplo n.º 7
def recover_lost_funds(db, exchange, lost_amount, repudiation_id):
    """Recover as much money as possible from a payin which has been reverted.
    original_owner = exchange.participant
    # Try (again) to swap the disputed bundles
    with db.get_cursor() as cursor:
        cursor.run("LOCK TABLE cash_bundles IN EXCLUSIVE MODE")
        disputed_bundles = [NS(d._asdict()) for d in cursor.all("""
            SELECT *
              FROM cash_bundles
             WHERE origin = %s
               AND disputed = true
        """, (exchange.id,))]
        bundles_sum = sum(b.amount for b in disputed_bundles)
        assert bundles_sum == lost_amount - exchange.fee
        for b in disputed_bundles:
            if b.owner == original_owner:
            try_to_swap_bundle(cursor, b, original_owner)
    # Move the funds back to the original wallet
    currency = exchange.amount.currency
    chargebacks_account, credit_wallet = Participant.get_chargebacks_account(currency)
    LiberapayOrg = Participant.from_username('LiberapayOrg')
    assert LiberapayOrg
    grouped = group_by(disputed_bundles, lambda b: (b.owner, b.withdrawal))
    for (owner, withdrawal), bundles in grouped.items():
        assert owner != chargebacks_account.id
        if owner == original_owner:
        amount = sum(b.amount for b in bundles)
        if owner is None:
            bundles = None
            withdrawer = db.one("SELECT participant FROM exchanges WHERE id = %s", (withdrawal,))
            payer = LiberapayOrg.id
            create_debt(db, withdrawer, payer, amount, exchange.id)
            create_debt(db, original_owner, withdrawer, amount, exchange.id)
            payer = owner
            create_debt(db, original_owner, payer, amount, exchange.id)
        transfer(db, payer, original_owner, amount, 'chargeback', bundles=bundles)
    # Add a debt for the fee
    create_debt(db, original_owner, LiberapayOrg.id, exchange.fee, exchange.id)
    # Send the funds to the credit wallet
    # We have to do a SettlementTransfer instead of a normal Transfer. The amount
    # can't exceed the original payin amount, so we can't settle the fee debt.
    original_owner = Participant.from_id(original_owner)
    from_wallet = original_owner.get_current_wallet(currency).remote_id
    to_wallet = credit_wallet.remote_id
    t_id = prepare_transfer(
        db, original_owner.id, chargebacks_account.id, exchange.amount, 'chargeback',
        from_wallet, to_wallet, prefer_bundles_from=exchange.id,
    tr = SettlementTransfer()
    tr.AuthorId = original_owner.mangopay_user_id
    tr.CreditedUserId = chargebacks_account.mangopay_user_id
    tr.CreditedWalletId = to_wallet
    tr.DebitedFunds = exchange.amount.int()
    tr.DebitedWalletId = from_wallet
    tr.Fees = Money(0, currency)
    tr.RepudiationId = repudiation_id
    tr.Tag = str(t_id)
    return record_transfer_result(db, t_id, tr)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def recompute_actual_takes(self, cursor, member=None):
        """Get the tips and takes for this team and recompute the actual amounts.

        To avoid deadlocks the given `cursor` should have already acquired an
        exclusive lock on the `takes` table.
        from liberapay.billing.payday import Payday
        tips = [
            NS(t._asdict()) for t in cursor.all(
            SELECT t.id, t.tipper, t.amount AS full_amount, t.paid_in_advance
                 , ( SELECT basket_sum(w.balance)
                       FROM wallets w
                      WHERE w.owner = t.tipper
                        AND w.is_current
                        AND %(use_mangopay)s
                   ) AS balances
                 , coalesce_currency_amount((
                       SELECT sum(tr.amount, t.amount::currency)
                         FROM transfers tr
                        WHERE tr.tipper = t.tipper
                          AND tr.team = %(team_id)s
                          AND tr.context = 'take'
                          AND tr.status = 'succeeded'
                   ), t.amount::currency) AS past_transfers_sum
              FROM current_tips t
              JOIN participants p ON p.id = t.tipper
             WHERE t.tippee = %(team_id)s
               AND t.is_funded
               AND p.is_suspended IS NOT true
        """, dict(team_id=self.id, use_mangopay=mangopay.sandbox))
        takes = [
            NS(r._asdict()) for r in (cursor or self.db).all(
            SELECT t.*, p.main_currency, p.accepted_currencies
              FROM current_takes t
              JOIN participants p ON p.id = t.member
             WHERE t.team = %s
               AND p.is_suspended IS NOT true
        """, (self.id, ))
        # Recompute the takes
        transfers, new_leftover = Payday.resolve_takes(tips, takes,
        transfers_by_member = group_by(transfers, lambda t: t.member)
        takes_sum = {
            k: MoneyBasket(t.amount for t in tr_list)
            for k, tr_list in transfers_by_member.items()
        tippers = {
            k: set(t.tipper for t in tr_list)
            for k, tr_list in transfers_by_member.items()
        # Update the leftover
        cursor.run("UPDATE participants SET leftover = %s WHERE id = %s",
                   (new_leftover, self.id))
        # Update the cached amounts (actual_amount, taking, and receiving)
        zero = MoneyBasket()
        for take in takes:
            member_id = take.member
            old_amount = take.actual_amount or zero
            new_amount = takes_sum.get(take.member, zero)
            diff = new_amount - old_amount
            if diff != 0:
                take.actual_amount = new_amount
                    UPDATE takes
                       SET actual_amount = %(actual_amount)s
                     WHERE id = %(id)s
                """, take.__dict__)
                ntippers = len(tippers.get(member_id, ()))
                member_currency, old_taking = cursor.one(
                    "SELECT main_currency, taking FROM participants WHERE id = %s",
                    (member_id, ))
                diff = diff.fuzzy_sum(member_currency)
                if old_taking + diff < 0:
                    # Make sure currency fluctuation doesn't result in a negative number
                    diff = -old_taking
                    UPDATE participants
                       SET taking = (taking + %(diff)s)
                         , receiving = (receiving + %(diff)s)
                         , nteampatrons = (
                               CASE WHEN (receiving + %(diff)s) = 0 THEN 0
                                    WHEN nteampatrons < %(ntippers)s THEN %(ntippers)s
                                    ELSE nteampatrons
                     WHERE id=%(member_id)s
                """, dict(member_id=member_id, diff=diff, ntippers=ntippers))
            if member and member.id == member_id:
                r = cursor.one(
                    "SELECT taking, receiving FROM participants WHERE id = %s",
                    (member_id, ))
        return takes
Exemplo n.º 9
    def notify_participants(self):
        previous_ts_end = self.db.one("""
            SELECT ts_end
              FROM paydays
             WHERE ts_start < %s
          ORDER BY ts_end DESC
             LIMIT 1
        """, (self.ts_start, ),

        # Income notifications
        n = 0
        r = self.db.all(
            SELECT tippee, json_agg(t) AS transfers
              FROM transfers t
             WHERE "timestamp" > %s
               AND "timestamp" <= %s
               AND context IN ('tip', 'take', 'final-gift')
               AND status = 'succeeded'
          GROUP BY tippee
        """, (previous_ts_end, self.ts_end))
        for tippee_id, transfers in r:
            p = Participant.from_id(tippee_id)
            for t in transfers:
                t['amount'] = Money(**t['amount'])
            by_team = {
                k: (MoneyBasket(t['amount']
                                for t in v), len(set(t['tipper'] for t in v)))
                for k, v in group_by(transfers, 'team').items()
            total = sum((t[0] for t in by_team.values()), MoneyBasket())
            nothing = (MoneyBasket(), 0)
            personal, personal_npatrons = by_team.pop(None, nothing)
            teams = p.get_teams()
            team_ids = set(t.id for t in teams) | set(by_team.keys())
            team_names = {t.id: t.name for t in teams}
            get_username = lambda i: team_names.get(i) or self.db.one(
                "SELECT username FROM participants WHERE id = %s", (i, ))
            by_team = {
                get_username(t_id): by_team.get(t_id, nothing)
                for t_id in team_ids
            n += 1
        log("Sent %i income notifications." % n)

        # Donation renewal notifications
        n = 0
        participants = self.db.all("""
            SELECT (SELECT p FROM participants p WHERE p.id = t.tipper) AS p
                 , json_agg((SELECT a FROM (
                       SELECT t.periodic_amount, t.tippee_username
                   ) a))
              FROM (
                     SELECT t.*, p2.username AS tippee_username
                       FROM current_tips t
                       JOIN participants p2 ON p2.id = t.tippee
                      WHERE t.amount > 0
                        AND ( t.paid_in_advance IS NULL OR
                              t.paid_in_advance < t.amount
                        AND p2.status = 'active'
                        AND p2.is_suspended IS NOT true
                        AND p2.has_payment_account
                   ) t
             WHERE EXISTS (
                     SELECT 1
                       FROM transfers tr
                      WHERE tr.tipper = t.tipper
                        AND COALESCE(tr.team, tr.tippee) = t.tippee
                        AND tr.context IN ('tip', 'take')
                        AND tr.status = 'succeeded'
                        AND tr.timestamp >= (current_timestamp - interval '9 weeks')
               AND (
                     SELECT count(*)
                       FROM notifications n
                      WHERE n.participant = t.tipper
                        AND n.event = 'donate_reminder'
                        AND n.is_new
                   ) < 2
          GROUP BY t.tipper
          ORDER BY t.tipper
        for p, donations in participants:
            for tip in donations:
                tip['periodic_amount'] = Money(**tip['periodic_amount'])
            p.notify('donate_reminder', donations=donations)
            n += 1
        log("Sent %i donate_reminder notifications." % n)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def resolve_takes(tips, takes, ref_currency):
     """Resolve many-to-many donations (team takes)
     total_income = MoneyBasket(t.full_amount for t in tips)
     if total_income == 0:
         return (), total_income
     takes = [t for t in takes if t.amount > 0]
     total_takes = MoneyBasket(t.amount for t in takes)
     if total_takes == 0:
         return (), total_income
     fuzzy_income_sum = total_income.fuzzy_sum(ref_currency)
     fuzzy_takes_sum = total_takes.fuzzy_sum(ref_currency)
     tips_by_currency = group_by(tips, lambda t: t.full_amount.currency)
     takes_by_preferred_currency = group_by(takes,
                                            lambda t: t.main_currency)
     takes_by_secondary_currency = {c: [] for c in tips_by_currency}
     takes_ratio = min(fuzzy_income_sum / fuzzy_takes_sum, 1)
     for take in takes:
         take.amount = (take.amount * takes_ratio).round_up()
         take.accepted_currencies = take.accepted_currencies.split(',')
         for accepted in take.accepted_currencies:
             skip = (accepted == take.main_currency
                     or accepted not in takes_by_secondary_currency)
             if skip:
     tips_ratio = min(fuzzy_takes_sum / fuzzy_income_sum, 1)
     adjust_tips = tips_ratio != 1
     if adjust_tips:
         # The team has a leftover, so donation amounts can be adjusted.
         # In the following loop we compute the "weeks" count of each tip.
         # For example the `weeks` value is 2.5 for a donation currently at
         # 10€/week which has distributed 25€ in the past.
         for tip in tips:
             tip.weeks = round_up(tip.past_transfers_sum / tip.full_amount)
         max_weeks = max(tip.weeks for tip in tips)
         min_weeks = min(tip.weeks for tip in tips)
         adjust_tips = max_weeks != min_weeks
         if adjust_tips:
             # Some donors have given fewer weeks worth of money than others,
             # we want to adjust the amounts so that the weeks count will
             # eventually be the same for every donation.
             min_tip_ratio = tips_ratio * Decimal('0.1')
             # Loop: compute how many "weeks" each tip is behind the "oldest"
             # tip, as well as a naive ratio and amount based on that number
             # of weeks
             for tip in tips:
                 tip.weeks_to_catch_up = max_weeks - tip.weeks
                 tip.ratio = min(min_tip_ratio + tip.weeks_to_catch_up, 1)
                 tip.amount = (tip.full_amount * tip.ratio).round_up()
             naive_amounts_sum = MoneyBasket(
                 tip.amount for tip in tips).fuzzy_sum(ref_currency)
             total_to_transfer = min(fuzzy_takes_sum, fuzzy_income_sum)
             delta = total_to_transfer - naive_amounts_sum
             if delta == 0:
                 # The sum of the naive amounts computed in the previous loop
                 # matches the end target, we got very lucky and no further
                 # adjustments are required
                 adjust_tips = False
                 # Loop: compute the "leeway" of each tip, i.e. how much it
                 # can be increased or decreased to fill the `delta` gap
                 if delta < 0:
                     # The naive amounts are too high: we want to lower the
                     # amounts of the tips that have a "high" ratio, leaving
                     # untouched the ones that are already low
                     for tip in tips:
                         if tip.ratio > min_tip_ratio:
                             min_tip_amount = (tip.full_amount *
                             tip.leeway = min_tip_amount - tip.amount
                             tip.leeway = tip.amount.zero()
                     # The naive amounts are too low: we can raise all the
                     # tips that aren't already at their maximum
                     for tip in tips:
                         tip.leeway = tip.full_amount - tip.amount
                 leeway = MoneyBasket(
                     tip.leeway for tip in tips).fuzzy_sum(ref_currency)
                 if leeway == 0:
                     # We don't actually have any leeway, give up
                     adjust_tips = False
                     leeway_ratio = min(delta / leeway, 1)
                     tips = sorted(tips,
                                   key=lambda tip:
                                   (-tip.weeks_to_catch_up, tip.id))
     # Loop: compute the adjusted donation amounts, and do the transfers
     transfers = []
     for tip in tips:
         if adjust_tips:
             tip_amount = (tip.amount +
                           tip.leeway * leeway_ratio).round_up()
             if tip_amount == 0:
             assert tip_amount > 0
             assert tip_amount <= tip.full_amount
             tip.amount = tip_amount
             tip.amount = (tip.full_amount * tips_ratio).round_up()
         tip_currency = tip.amount.currency
         sorted_takes = chain(
             takes_by_preferred_currency.get(tip_currency, ()),
             takes_by_secondary_currency.get(tip_currency, ()))
         for take in sorted_takes:
             if take.amount == 0 or tip.tipper == take.member:
             transfer_amount = min(tip.amount,
                 TakeTransfer(tip.tipper, take.member, transfer_amount))
             if transfer_amount == tip.amount:
                 take.amount -= transfer_amount.convert(
                 take.amount = take.amount.zero()
             tip.amount -= transfer_amount
             if tip.amount == 0:
     leftover = total_income - MoneyBasket(t.amount for t in transfers)
     return transfers, leftover
Exemplo n.º 11
    def notify_participants(self):
        previous_ts_end = self.db.one("""
            SELECT ts_end
              FROM paydays
             WHERE ts_start < %s
          ORDER BY ts_end DESC
             LIMIT 1
        """, (self.ts_start,), default=constants.BIRTHDAY)

        # Income notifications
        n = 0
        get_username = lambda i: self.db.one(
            "SELECT username FROM participants WHERE id = %s", (i,)
        r = self.db.all("""
            SELECT tippee, json_agg(t) AS transfers
              FROM transfers t
             WHERE "timestamp" > %s
               AND "timestamp" <= %s
               AND context IN ('tip', 'take', 'final-gift')
               AND status = 'succeeded'
          GROUP BY tippee
        """, (previous_ts_end, self.ts_end))
        for tippee_id, transfers in r:
            p = Participant.from_id(tippee_id)
            for t in transfers:
                t['amount'] = Money(**t['amount'])
            by_team = {k: MoneyBasket(t['amount'] for t in v)
                       for k, v in group_by(transfers, 'team').items()}
            total = sum(by_team.values(), MoneyBasket())
            personal = by_team.pop(None, 0)
            by_team = {get_username(k): v for k, v in by_team.items()}
            n += 1
        log("Sent %i income notifications." % n)

        # Identity-required notifications
        n = 0
        participants = self.db.all("""
            SELECT p
              FROM participants p
             WHERE mangopay_user_id IS NULL
               AND kind IN ('individual', 'organization')
               AND (p.goal IS NULL OR p.goal >= 0)
               AND EXISTS (
                     SELECT 1
                       FROM current_tips t
                       JOIN participants p2 ON p2.id = t.tipper
                      WHERE t.tippee = p.id
                        AND t.amount > 0
                        AND t.is_funded
               AND NOT EXISTS (
                     SELECT 1
                       FROM notifications n
                      WHERE n.participant = p.id
                        AND n.event = 'identity_required'
                        AND n.ts > (current_timestamp - interval '6 months')
                        AND (n.is_new OR n.email_sent IS TRUE)
        for p in participants:
            p.notify('identity_required', force_email=True)
            n += 1
        log("Sent %i identity_required notifications." % n)

        # Low-balance notifications
        n = 0
        participants = self.db.all("""
            SELECT p, COALESCE(w.balance, zero(needed)) AS balance, needed
              FROM (
                     SELECT t.tipper, sum(t.amount) AS needed
                       FROM current_tips t
                       JOIN participants p2 ON p2.id = t.tippee
                      WHERE (p2.mangopay_user_id IS NOT NULL OR p2.kind = 'group')
                        AND p2.status = 'active'
                        AND p2.is_suspended IS NOT true
                   GROUP BY t.tipper, t.amount::currency
                   ) a
              JOIN participants p ON p.id = a.tipper
         LEFT JOIN wallets w ON w.owner = p.id
                            AND w.balance::currency = needed::currency
                            AND w.is_current IS TRUE
             WHERE COALESCE(w.balance, zero(needed)) < needed
               AND EXISTS (
                     SELECT 1
                       FROM transfers t
                      WHERE t.tipper = p.id
                        AND t.timestamp > %s
                        AND t.timestamp <= %s
                        AND t.status = 'succeeded'
                        AND t.amount::currency = needed::currency
        """, (previous_ts_end, self.ts_end))
        for p, balance, needed in participants:
            p.notify('low_balance', low_balance=balance, needed=needed)
            n += 1
        log("Sent %i low_balance notifications." % n)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def recompute_actual_takes(self, cursor, member=None):
        """Get the tips and takes for this team and recompute the actual amounts.

        To avoid deadlocks the given `cursor` should have already acquired an
        exclusive lock on the `takes` table.
        from liberapay.billing.payday import Payday
        tips = [NS(t._asdict()) for t in cursor.all("""
            SELECT t.id, t.tipper, t.amount AS full_amount, t.paid_in_advance
                 , ( SELECT basket_sum(w.balance)
                       FROM wallets w
                      WHERE w.owner = t.tipper
                        AND w.is_current
                        AND %(use_mangopay)s
                   ) AS balances
                 , coalesce_currency_amount((
                       SELECT sum(tr.amount, t.amount::currency)
                         FROM transfers tr
                        WHERE tr.tipper = t.tipper
                          AND tr.team = %(team_id)s
                          AND tr.context = 'take'
                          AND tr.status = 'succeeded'
                   ), t.amount::currency) AS past_transfers_sum
              FROM current_tips t
              JOIN participants p ON p.id = t.tipper
             WHERE t.tippee = %(team_id)s
               AND t.is_funded
               AND p.is_suspended IS NOT true
        """, dict(team_id=self.id, use_mangopay=mangopay.sandbox))]
        takes = [NS(r._asdict()) for r in (cursor or self.db).all("""
            SELECT t.*, p.main_currency, p.accepted_currencies
              FROM current_takes t
              JOIN participants p ON p.id = t.member
             WHERE t.team = %s
               AND p.is_suspended IS NOT true
        """, (self.id,))]
        # Recompute the takes
        transfers, new_leftover = Payday.resolve_takes(tips, takes, self.main_currency)
        transfers_by_member = group_by(transfers, lambda t: t.member)
        takes_sum = {k: MoneyBasket(t.amount for t in tr_list)
                     for k, tr_list in transfers_by_member.items()}
        tippers = {k: set(t.tipper for t in tr_list)
                   for k, tr_list in transfers_by_member.items()}
        # Update the leftover
        cursor.run("UPDATE participants SET leftover = %s WHERE id = %s",
                   (new_leftover, self.id))
        # Update the cached amounts (actual_amount, taking, and receiving)
        zero = MoneyBasket()
        for take in takes:
            member_id = take.member
            old_amount = take.actual_amount or zero
            new_amount = takes_sum.get(take.member, zero)
            diff = new_amount - old_amount
            if diff != 0:
                take.actual_amount = new_amount
                    UPDATE takes
                       SET actual_amount = %(actual_amount)s
                     WHERE id = %(id)s
                """, take.__dict__)
                ntippers = len(tippers.get(member_id, ()))
                member_currency, old_taking = cursor.one(
                    "SELECT main_currency, taking FROM participants WHERE id = %s", (member_id,)
                diff = diff.fuzzy_sum(member_currency)
                if old_taking + diff < 0:
                    # Make sure currency fluctuation doesn't result in a negative number
                    diff = -old_taking
                    UPDATE participants
                       SET taking = (taking + %(diff)s)
                         , receiving = (receiving + %(diff)s)
                         , nteampatrons = (
                               CASE WHEN (receiving + %(diff)s) = 0 THEN 0
                                    WHEN nteampatrons < %(ntippers)s THEN %(ntippers)s
                                    ELSE nteampatrons
                     WHERE id=%(member_id)s
                """, dict(member_id=member_id, diff=diff, ntippers=ntippers))
            if member and member.id == member_id:
                r = cursor.one(
                    "SELECT taking, receiving FROM participants WHERE id = %s",
        return takes
Exemplo n.º 13
def recover_lost_funds(db, exchange, lost_amount, repudiation_id):
    """Recover as much money as possible from a payin which has been reverted.
    original_owner = exchange.participant
    # Try (again) to swap the disputed bundles
    with db.get_cursor() as cursor:
        cursor.run("LOCK TABLE cash_bundles IN EXCLUSIVE MODE")
        disputed_bundles = [NS(d._asdict()) for d in cursor.all("""
            SELECT *
              FROM cash_bundles
             WHERE origin = %s
               AND disputed = true
        """, (exchange.id,))]
        bundles_sum = sum(b.amount for b in disputed_bundles)
        assert bundles_sum == lost_amount - exchange.fee
        for b in disputed_bundles:
            if b.owner == original_owner:
            try_to_swap_bundle(cursor, b, original_owner)
    # Move the funds back to the original wallet
    currency = exchange.amount.currency
    chargebacks_account, credit_wallet = Participant.get_chargebacks_account(currency)
    LiberapayOrg = Participant.from_username('LiberapayOrg')
    assert LiberapayOrg
    grouped = group_by(disputed_bundles, lambda b: (b.owner, b.withdrawal))
    for (owner, withdrawal), bundles in grouped.items():
        assert owner != chargebacks_account.id
        if owner == original_owner:
        amount = sum(b.amount for b in bundles)
        if owner is None:
            bundles = None
            withdrawer = db.one("SELECT participant FROM exchanges WHERE id = %s", (withdrawal,))
            payer = LiberapayOrg.id
            create_debt(db, withdrawer, payer, amount, exchange.id)
            create_debt(db, original_owner, withdrawer, amount, exchange.id)
            payer = owner
            create_debt(db, original_owner, payer, amount, exchange.id)
        transfer(db, payer, original_owner, amount, 'chargeback', bundles=bundles)
    # Add a debt for the fee
    create_debt(db, original_owner, LiberapayOrg.id, exchange.fee, exchange.id)
    # Send the funds to the credit wallet
    # We have to do a SettlementTransfer instead of a normal Transfer. The amount
    # can't exceed the original payin amount, so we can't settle the fee debt.
    original_owner = Participant.from_id(original_owner)
    from_wallet = original_owner.get_current_wallet(currency).remote_id
    to_wallet = credit_wallet.remote_id
    t_id = prepare_transfer(
        db, original_owner.id, chargebacks_account.id, exchange.amount, 'chargeback',
        from_wallet, to_wallet, prefer_bundles_from=exchange.id,
    tr = SettlementTransfer()
    tr.AuthorId = original_owner.mangopay_user_id
    tr.CreditedUserId = chargebacks_account.mangopay_user_id
    tr.CreditedWalletId = to_wallet
    tr.DebitedFunds = exchange.amount.int()
    tr.DebitedWalletId = from_wallet
    tr.Fees = Money(0, currency)
    tr.RepudiationId = repudiation_id
    tr.Tag = str(t_id)
    return execute_transfer(db, t_id, tr)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def notify_participants(self):
        previous_ts_end = self.db.one("""
            SELECT ts_end
              FROM paydays
             WHERE ts_start < %s
          ORDER BY ts_end DESC
             LIMIT 1
        """, (self.ts_start,), default=constants.BIRTHDAY)

        # Income notifications
        n = 0
        get_username = lambda i: self.db.one(
            "SELECT username FROM participants WHERE id = %s", (i,)
        r = self.db.all("""
            SELECT tippee, json_agg(t) AS transfers
              FROM transfers t
             WHERE "timestamp" > %s
               AND "timestamp" <= %s
               AND context IN ('tip', 'take', 'final-gift')
               AND status = 'succeeded'
          GROUP BY tippee
        """, (previous_ts_end, self.ts_end))
        for tippee_id, transfers in r:
            p = Participant.from_id(tippee_id)
            for t in transfers:
                t['amount'] = Money(**t['amount'])
            by_team = {k: MoneyBasket.sum(t['amount'] for t in v)
                       for k, v in group_by(transfers, 'team').items()}
            total = sum(by_team.values(), MoneyBasket())
            personal = by_team.pop(None, 0)
            by_team = {get_username(k): v for k, v in by_team.items()}
            n += 1
        log("Sent %i income notifications." % n)

        # Identity-required notifications
        n = 0
        participants = self.db.all("""
            SELECT p
              FROM participants p
             WHERE mangopay_user_id IS NULL
               AND kind IN ('individual', 'organization')
               AND (p.goal IS NULL OR p.goal >= 0)
               AND EXISTS (
                     SELECT 1
                       FROM current_tips t
                       JOIN participants p2 ON p2.id = t.tipper
                      WHERE t.tippee = p.id
                        AND t.amount > 0
                        AND t.is_funded
        for p in participants:
            p.notify('identity_required', force_email=True)
            n += 1
        log("Sent %i identity_required notifications." % n)

        # Low-balance notifications
        n = 0
        participants = self.db.all("""
            SELECT p, COALESCE(w.balance, zero(needed)) AS balance, needed
              FROM (
                     SELECT t.tipper, sum(t.amount) AS needed
                       FROM current_tips t
                       JOIN participants p2 ON p2.id = t.tippee
                      WHERE p2.mangopay_user_id IS NOT NULL
                        AND p2.status = 'active'
                        AND p2.is_suspended IS NOT true
                   GROUP BY t.tipper, t.amount::currency
                   ) a
              JOIN participants p ON p.id = a.tipper
         LEFT JOIN wallets w ON w.owner = p.id
                            AND w.balance::currency = needed::currency
                            AND w.is_current IS TRUE
             WHERE COALESCE(w.balance, zero(needed)) < needed
               AND EXISTS (
                     SELECT 1
                       FROM transfers t
                      WHERE t.tipper = p.id
                        AND t.timestamp > %s
                        AND t.timestamp <= %s
                        AND t.status = 'succeeded'
                        AND t.amount::currency = needed::currency
        """, (previous_ts_end, self.ts_end))
        for p, balance, needed in participants:
            p.notify('low_balance', low_balance=balance, needed=needed)
            n += 1
        log("Sent %i low_balance notifications." % n)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def notify_participants(self):
        previous_ts_end = self.db.one("""
            SELECT ts_end
              FROM paydays
             WHERE ts_start < %s
          ORDER BY ts_end DESC
             LIMIT 1
        """, (self.ts_start, ),

        # Income notifications
        r = self.db.all(
            SELECT tippee, json_agg(t) AS transfers
              FROM transfers t
             WHERE "timestamp" > %s
               AND "timestamp" <= %s
               AND context IN ('tip', 'take', 'final-gift')
          GROUP BY tippee
        """, (previous_ts_end, self.ts_end))
        for tippee_id, transfers in r:
            successes = [t for t in transfers if t['status'] == 'succeeded']
            if not successes:
            p = Participant.from_id(tippee_id)
            for t in transfers:
                t['amount'] = Money(**t['amount'])
                t['converted_amount'] = t['amount'].convert(p.main_currency)
            by_team = {
                k: sum(t['converted_amount'] if k is None else t['amount']
                       for t in v)
                for k, v in group_by(successes, 'team').items()
            personal = by_team.pop(None, 0)
            by_team = {
                Participant.from_id(k).username: v
                for k, v in by_team.items()
                total=sum(t['converted_amount'] for t in successes),

        # Identity-required notifications
        participants = self.db.all("""
            SELECT p
              FROM participants p
             WHERE mangopay_user_id IS NULL
               AND kind IN ('individual', 'organization')
               AND (p.goal IS NULL OR p.goal >= 0)
               AND EXISTS (
                     SELECT 1
                       FROM current_tips t
                       JOIN participants p2 ON p2.id = t.tipper
                      WHERE t.tippee = p.id
                        AND t.amount > 0
                        AND t.is_funded
        for p in participants:
            p.notify('identity_required', force_email=True)

        # Low-balance notifications
        participants = self.db.all(
            SELECT p, needed
              FROM (
                     SELECT t.tipper, sum(t.amount) AS needed
                       FROM current_tips t
                       JOIN participants p2 ON p2.id = t.tippee
                      WHERE p2.mangopay_user_id IS NOT NULL
                        AND p2.status = 'active'
                        AND p2.is_suspended IS NOT true
                   GROUP BY t.tipper, t.amount::currency
                   ) a
              JOIN participants p ON p.id = a.tipper
         LEFT JOIN wallets w ON w.owner = p.id AND w.balance::currency = needed::currency
             WHERE COALESCE(w.balance, zero(needed)) < needed
               AND EXISTS (
                     SELECT 1
                       FROM transfers t
                      WHERE t.tipper = p.id
                        AND t.timestamp > %s
                        AND t.timestamp <= %s
                        AND t.status = 'succeeded'
        """, (previous_ts_end, self.ts_end))
        for p, needed in participants:
            p.notify('low_balance', low_balance=p.balance, needed=needed)