Exemplo n.º 1
def filter_in_those_within_coincides_histogram_range(jogo, coincides_ranges, up_to_nDoConc=None, LOOKUP_DEPTH=1000):
  coincides_ranges is a histogram (or dict in Python parlance) that has the tuple min and max cutoff filter values for all n_coincides
  An example of a coincides_ranges dict is cr below:

    cr[0]=(500, 520) # means 0 repeats in LOOKUP_DEPTH games must not be lower than 500, nor higher than 520
    cr[1]=(300, 400) # means 1 repeat  in LOOKUP_DEPTH games must be within the range 300 to 400 
    cr[2]=( 80,  90) # similar explanation as above
    cr[3]=( 35,  55) # similar explanation as above 
    cr[4]=(  5,  15) # similar explanation as above
    cr[5]=(  0,   0) # similar explanation as below
    cr[6]=(  0,   0) # means that 6 repeats (ie, equality) must not happen against all LOOKUP_DEPTH games 

  n_coincides, for Megasena for example, is the tuple (0,1,2,3,4,5,6), ie, any possible number of dozens that repeat between two games.
  If n_coincides is 6, then, the two games are [[[ the same ]]].
  If n_coincides is 5, then, one game has a "quina" in the other (and vice versa!)
    eg. [ 1 2 3 4 5 6] and [ 1 2 3 4 5 7] 
  If n_coincides is 0, then, the two comparing games are fully different
    eg. [ 1 2 3 4 5 6] and [ 7 8 9 10 11 12] 
  The LOOKUP_DEPTH determines how many games will be considered, down from up_to_nDoConc, to make up the coincides_histogram
  This coincides_histogram is got from a "jogos function: get_coincides_histogram_against_a_lookup_depth()".

  To further visualize the coincides_histogram, let ch (with LOOKUP_DEPTH=1000) look like:


  Notice also that sum(ch.values()) must equal LOOKUP_DEPTH, ie. 518+345+82+42+13+0+0=1000
  These values will be "contrasted" against coincides_ranges. Let's see a filter-in "passing" example:
  Let coincides_ranges be cr below:

    cr[0]=(500, 520) # seen above, 518 is within (500, 520), pass
    cr[1]=(300, 400) # seen above, 345 is within (300, 400), pass 
    cr[2]=( 80,  90) # seen above,  82 is within ( 80,  90), pass
    cr[3]=( 35,  55) # seen above,  42 is within ( 35,  55), pass
    cr[4]=(  5,  15) # seen above,  15 is within (  5,  15), pass
    cr[5]=(  0,   0) # seen above,   0 is within (  0,   0), pass
    cr[6]=(  0,   0) # seen above,   0 is within (  0,   0), pass
  A filter-in "not passing" example, further developing the example above, is when ch has values outside the ranges given in cr.

  coincides_histogram = jogos_fd.get_coincides_histogram_against_a_lookup_depth(jogo, up_to_nDoConc, LOOKUP_DEPTH)
  each_coincide_list = coincides_histogram.keys()
  for n_coincide in each_coincide_list:
    min_concursos_against_depth_with_n_coincides = coincides_ranges[n_coincide][0]
    max_concursos_against_depth_with_n_coincides = coincides_ranges[n_coincide][1]
    if coincides_histogram[n_coincide] < min_concursos_against_depth_with_n_coincides or coincides_histogram[n_coincide] > max_concursos_against_depth_with_n_coincides:
      return False
    return True
def report():
  slider = ConcursoExt()
  concurso = slider.get_last_concurso()
  aggregated_histogram = {}
  N_SORTEADAS = len(concurso.get_dezenas())
    aggregated_histogram[i] = []
  for i in range(10):
    print i, concurso.nDoConc, concurso.get_dezenas()
    coincides_histogram = jogos_fd.get_coincides_histogram_against_a_lookup_depth(concurso.get_dezenas(), up_to_nDoConc=concurso.nDoConc-1, LOOKUP_DEPTH=1000) 
    if coincides_histogram == None:
    print coincides_histogram
    the_n_coincides = coincides_histogram.values()
    print the_n_coincides, sum(the_n_coincides)
    for i, coincide_quantity in enumerate(the_n_coincides):
    concurso = concurso.get_previous()
  analyzer = AnalyzerOfCoincides(aggregated_histogram)