Exemplo n.º 1
def mpf_rdiv_int(n, t, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Floating-point division n/t with a Python integer as numerator"""
    sign, man, exp, bc = t
    if not n or not man:
        return mpf_div(from_int(n), t, prec, rnd)
    if n < 0:
        sign ^= 1
        n = -n
    extra = prec + bc + 5
    quot, rem = divmod(n<<extra, man)
    if rem:
        quot = (quot<<1) + 1
        extra += 1
        return normalize1(sign, quot, -exp-extra, bitcount(quot), prec, rnd)
    return normalize(sign, quot, -exp-extra, bitcount(quot), prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 2
def mpf_rdiv_int(n, t, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Floating-point division n/t with a Python integer as numerator"""
    sign, man, exp, bc = t
    if not n or not man:
        return mpf_div(from_int(n), t, prec, rnd)
    if n < 0:
        sign ^= 1
        n = -n
    extra = prec + bc + 5
    quot, rem = divmod(n<<extra, man)
    if rem:
        quot = (quot<<1) + 1
        extra += 1
        return normalize1(sign, quot, -exp-extra, bitcount(quot), prec, rnd)
    return normalize(sign, quot, -exp-extra, bitcount(quot), prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 3
def from_man_exp(man, exp, prec=None, rnd=round_fast):
    """Create raw mpf from (man, exp) pair. The mantissa may be signed.
    If no precision is specified, the mantissa is stored exactly."""
    man = MP_BASE(man)
    sign = 0
    if man < 0:
        sign = 1
        man = -man
    if man < 1024:
        bc = bctable[int(man)]
        bc = bitcount(man)
    if not prec:
        if not man:
            return fzero
        if not man & 1:
            if man & 2:
                return (sign, man >> 1, exp + 1, bc - 1)
            t = trailtable[int(man & 255)]
            if not t:
                while not man & 255:
                    man >>= 8
                    exp += 8
                    bc -= 8
                t = trailtable[int(man & 255)]
            man >>= t
            exp += t
            bc -= t
        return (sign, man, exp, bc)
    return normalize(sign, man, exp, bc, prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 4
def from_man_exp(man, exp, prec=None, rnd=round_fast):
    """Create raw mpf from (man, exp) pair. The mantissa may be signed.
    If no precision is specified, the mantissa is stored exactly."""
    man = MP_BASE(man)
    sign = 0
    if man < 0:
        sign = 1
        man = -man
    if man < 1024:
        bc = bctable[int(man)]
        bc = bitcount(man)
    if not prec:
        if not man:
            return fzero
        if not man & 1:
            if man & 2:
                return (sign, man >> 1, exp + 1, bc - 1)
            t = trailtable[int(man & 255)]
            if not t:
                while not man & 255:
                    man >>= 8
                    exp += 8
                    bc -= 8
                t = trailtable[int(man & 255)]
            man >>= t
            exp += t
            bc -= t
        return (sign, man, exp, bc)
    return normalize(sign, man, exp, bc, prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 5
def strict_normalize(sign, man, exp, bc, prec, rnd):
    """Additional checks on the components of an mpf. Enable tests by setting
       the environment variable MPMATH_STRICT to Y."""
    assert type(man) == MP_BASE_TYPE
    assert type(bc) in (int, long)
    assert type(exp) in (int, long)
    assert bc == bitcount(man)
    return _normalize(sign, man, exp, bc, prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 6
def strict_normalize(sign, man, exp, bc, prec, rnd):
    """Additional checks on the components of an mpf. Enable tests by setting
       the environment variable MPMATH_STRICT to Y."""
    assert type(man) == MP_BASE_TYPE
    assert type(bc) in (int, long)
    assert type(exp) in (int, long)
    assert bc == bitcount(man)
    return _normalize(sign, man, exp, bc, prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 7
def from_bstr(x):
    man, exp = str_to_man_exp(x, base=2)
    man = MP_BASE(man)
    sign = 0
    if man < 0:
        man = -man
        sign = 1
    bc = bitcount(man)
    return normalize(sign, man, exp, bc, bc, round_floor)
Exemplo n.º 8
def from_bstr(x):
    man, exp = str_to_man_exp(x, base=2)
    man = MP_BASE(man)
    sign = 0
    if man < 0:
        man = -man
        sign = 1
    bc = bitcount(man)
    return normalize(sign, man, exp, bc, bc, round_floor)
Exemplo n.º 9
def gmpy_mpf_mul_int(s, n, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Multiply by a Python integer."""
    sign, man, exp, bc = s
    if not man:
        return mpf_mul(s, from_int(n), prec, rnd)
    if not n:
        return fzero
    if n < 0:
        sign ^= 1
        n = -n
    man *= n
    return normalize(sign, man, exp, bitcount(man), prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 10
def gmpy_mpf_mul_int(s, n, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Multiply by a Python integer."""
    sign, man, exp, bc = s
    if not man:
        return mpf_mul(s, from_int(n), prec, rnd)
    if not n:
        return fzero
    if n < 0:
        sign ^= 1
        n = -n
    man *= n
    return normalize(sign, man, exp, bitcount(man), prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 11
def to_digits_exp(s, dps):
    """Helper function for representing the floating-point number s as
    a decimal with dps digits. Returns (sign, string, exponent) where
    sign is '' or '-', string is the digit string, and exponent is
    the decimal exponent as an int.

    If inexact, the decimal representation is rounded toward zero."""

    # Extract sign first so it doesn't mess up the string digit count
    if s[0]:
        sign = '-'
        s = mpf_neg(s)
        sign = ''
    _sign, man, exp, bc = s

    if not man:
        return '', '0', 0

    bitprec = int(dps * math.log(10,2)) + 10

    # Cut down to size
    # TODO: account for precision when doing this
    exp_from_1 = exp + bc
    if abs(exp_from_1) > 3500:
        from libelefun import mpf_ln2, mpf_ln10
        # Set b = int(exp * log(2)/log(10))
        # If exp is huge, we must use high-precision arithmetic to
        # find the nearest power of ten
        expprec = bitcount(abs(exp)) + 5
        tmp = from_int(exp)
        tmp = mpf_mul(tmp, mpf_ln2(expprec))
        tmp = mpf_div(tmp, mpf_ln10(expprec), expprec)
        b = to_int(tmp)
        s = mpf_div(s, mpf_pow_int(ften, b, bitprec), bitprec)
        _sign, man, exp, bc = s
        exponent = b
        exponent = 0

    # First, calculate mantissa digits by converting to a binary
    # fixed-point number and then converting that number to
    # a decimal fixed-point number.
    fixprec = max(bitprec - exp - bc, 0)
    fixdps = int(fixprec / math.log(10,2) + 0.5)
    sf = to_fixed(s, fixprec)
    sd = bin_to_radix(sf, fixprec, 10, fixdps)
    digits = numeral(sd, base=10, size=dps)

    exponent += len(digits) - fixdps - 1
    return sign, digits, exponent
Exemplo n.º 12
def to_digits_exp(s, dps):
    """Helper function for representing the floating-point number s as
    a decimal with dps digits. Returns (sign, string, exponent) where
    sign is '' or '-', string is the digit string, and exponent is
    the decimal exponent as an int.

    If inexact, the decimal representation is rounded toward zero."""

    # Extract sign first so it doesn't mess up the string digit count
    if s[0]:
        sign = '-'
        s = mpf_neg(s)
        sign = ''
    _sign, man, exp, bc = s

    if not man:
        return '', '0', 0

    bitprec = int(dps * math.log(10,2)) + 10

    # Cut down to size
    # TODO: account for precision when doing this
    exp_from_1 = exp + bc
    if abs(exp_from_1) > 3500:
        from libelefun import mpf_ln2, mpf_ln10
        # Set b = int(exp * log(2)/log(10))
        # If exp is huge, we must use high-precision arithmetic to
        # find the nearest power of ten
        expprec = bitcount(abs(exp)) + 5
        tmp = from_int(exp)
        tmp = mpf_mul(tmp, mpf_ln2(expprec))
        tmp = mpf_div(tmp, mpf_ln10(expprec), expprec)
        b = to_int(tmp)
        s = mpf_div(s, mpf_pow_int(ften, b, bitprec), bitprec)
        _sign, man, exp, bc = s
        exponent = b
        exponent = 0

    # First, calculate mantissa digits by converting to a binary
    # fixed-point number and then converting that number to
    # a decimal fixed-point number.
    fixprec = max(bitprec - exp - bc, 0)
    fixdps = int(fixprec / math.log(10,2) + 0.5)
    sf = to_fixed(s, fixprec)
    sd = bin_to_radix(sf, fixprec, 10, fixdps)
    digits = numeral(sd, base=10, size=dps)

    exponent += len(digits) - fixdps - 1
    return sign, digits, exponent
Exemplo n.º 13
def mpf_div(s, t, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Floating-point division"""
    ssign, sman, sexp, sbc = s
    tsign, tman, texp, tbc = t
    if not sman or not tman:
        if s == fzero:
            if t == fzero: raise ZeroDivisionError
            if t == fnan: return fnan
            return fzero
        if t == fzero:
            raise ZeroDivisionError
        s_special = (not sman) and sexp
        t_special = (not tman) and texp
        if s_special and t_special:
            return fnan
        if s == fnan or t == fnan:
            return fnan
        if not t_special:
            if t == fzero:
                return fnan
            return {1: finf, -1: fninf}[mpf_sign(s) * mpf_sign(t)]
        return fzero
    sign = ssign ^ tsign
    if tman == 1:
        return normalize1(sign, sman, sexp - texp, sbc, prec, rnd)
    # Same strategy as for addition: if there is a remainder, perturb
    # the result a few bits outside the precision range before rounding
    extra = prec - sbc + tbc + 5
    if extra < 5:
        extra = 5
    quot, rem = divmod(sman << extra, tman)
    if rem:
        quot = (quot << 1) + 1
        extra += 1
        return normalize1(sign, quot, sexp - texp - extra, bitcount(quot),
                          prec, rnd)
    return normalize(sign, quot, sexp - texp - extra, bitcount(quot), prec,
Exemplo n.º 14
def mpf_div(s, t, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Floating-point division"""
    ssign, sman, sexp, sbc = s
    tsign, tman, texp, tbc = t
    if not sman or not tman:
        if s == fzero:
            if t == fzero: raise ZeroDivisionError
            if t == fnan: return fnan
            return fzero
        if t == fzero:
            raise ZeroDivisionError
        s_special = (not sman) and sexp
        t_special = (not tman) and texp
        if s_special and t_special:
            return fnan
        if s == fnan or t == fnan:
            return fnan
        if not t_special:
            if t == fzero:
                return fnan
            return {1:finf, -1:fninf}[mpf_sign(s) * mpf_sign(t)]
        return fzero
    sign = ssign ^ tsign
    if tman == 1:
        return normalize1(sign, sman, sexp-texp, sbc, prec, rnd)
    # Same strategy as for addition: if there is a remainder, perturb
    # the result a few bits outside the precision range before rounding
    extra = prec - sbc + tbc + 5
    if extra < 5:
        extra = 5
    quot, rem = divmod(sman<<extra, tman)
    if rem:
        quot = (quot<<1) + 1
        extra += 1
        return normalize1(sign, quot, sexp-texp-extra, bitcount(quot), prec, rnd)
    return normalize(sign, quot, sexp-texp-extra, bitcount(quot), prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 15
def mpf_sum(xs, prec=0, rnd=round_fast, absolute=False):
    Sum a list of mpf values efficiently and accurately
    (typically no temporary roundoff occurs). If prec=0,
    the final result will not be rounded either.

    There may be roundoff error or cancellation if extremely
    large exponent differences occur.

    With absolute=True, sums the absolute values.
    man = 0
    exp = 0
    max_extra_prec = prec*2 or 1000000  # XXX
    special = None
    for x in xs:
        xsign, xman, xexp, xbc = x
        if xman:
            if xsign and not absolute:
                xman = -xman
            delta = xexp - exp
            if xexp >= exp:
                # x much larger than existing sum?
                # first: quick test
                if (delta > max_extra_prec) and \
                    ((not man) or delta-bitcount(abs(man)) > max_extra_prec):
                    man = xman
                    exp = xexp
                    man += (xman << delta)
                delta = -delta
                # x much smaller than existing sum?
                if delta-xbc > max_extra_prec:
                    if not man:
                        man, exp = xman, xexp
                    man = (man << delta) + xman
                    exp = xexp
        elif xexp:
            if absolute:
                x = mpf_abs(x)
            special = mpf_add(special or fzero, x, 1)
    # Will be inf or nan
    if special:
        return special
    return from_man_exp(man, exp, prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 16
def mpf_sum(xs, prec=0, rnd=round_fast, absolute=False):
    Sum a list of mpf values efficiently and accurately
    (typically no temporary roundoff occurs). If prec=0,
    the final result will not be rounded either.

    There may be roundoff error or cancellation if extremely
    large exponent differences occur.

    With absolute=True, sums the absolute values.
    man = 0
    exp = 0
    max_extra_prec = prec*2 or 1000000  # XXX
    special = None
    for x in xs:
        xsign, xman, xexp, xbc = x
        if xman:
            if xsign and not absolute:
                xman = -xman
            delta = xexp - exp
            if xexp >= exp:
                # x much larger than existing sum?
                # first: quick test
                if (delta > max_extra_prec) and \
                    ((not man) or delta-bitcount(abs(man)) > max_extra_prec):
                    man = xman
                    exp = xexp
                    man += (xman << delta)
                delta = -delta
                # x much smaller than existing sum?
                if delta-xbc > max_extra_prec:
                    if not man:
                        man, exp = xman, xexp
                    man = (man << delta) + xman
                    exp = xexp
        elif xexp:
            if absolute:
                x = mpf_abs(x)
            special = mpf_add(special or fzero, x, 1)
    # Will be inf or nan
    if special:
        return special
    return from_man_exp(man, exp, prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 17
def python_mpf_mul_int(s, n, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Multiply by a Python integer."""
    sign, man, exp, bc = s
    if not man:
        return mpf_mul(s, from_int(n), prec, rnd)
    if not n:
        return fzero
    if n < 0:
        sign ^= 1
        n = -n
    man *= n
    # Generally n will be small
    if n < 1024:
        bc += bctable[int(n)] - 1
        bc += bitcount(n) - 1
    bc += int(man>>bc)
    return normalize(sign, man, exp, bc, prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 18
def python_mpf_mul_int(s, n, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Multiply by a Python integer."""
    sign, man, exp, bc = s
    if not man:
        return mpf_mul(s, from_int(n), prec, rnd)
    if not n:
        return fzero
    if n < 0:
        sign ^= 1
        n = -n
    man *= n
    # Generally n will be small
    if n < 1024:
        bc += bctable[int(n)] - 1
        bc += bitcount(n) - 1
    bc += int(man>>bc)
    return normalize(sign, man, exp, bc, prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 19
def gmpy_mpf_mul(s, t, prec=0, rnd=round_fast):
    """Multiply two raw mpfs"""
    ssign, sman, sexp, sbc = s
    tsign, tman, texp, tbc = t
    sign = ssign ^ tsign
    man = sman*tman
    if man:
        bc = bitcount(man)
        if prec:
            return normalize1(sign, man, sexp+texp, bc, prec, rnd)
            return (sign, man, sexp+texp, bc)
    s_special = (not sman) and sexp
    t_special = (not tman) and texp
    if not s_special and not t_special:
        return fzero
    if fnan in (s, t): return fnan
    if (not tman) and texp: s, t = t, s
    if t == fzero: return fnan
    return {1:finf, -1:fninf}[mpf_sign(s) * mpf_sign(t)]
Exemplo n.º 20
def gmpy_mpf_mul(s, t, prec=0, rnd=round_fast):
    """Multiply two raw mpfs"""
    ssign, sman, sexp, sbc = s
    tsign, tman, texp, tbc = t
    sign = ssign ^ tsign
    man = sman*tman
    if man:
        bc = bitcount(man)
        if prec:
            return normalize1(sign, man, sexp+texp, bc, prec, rnd)
            return (sign, man, sexp+texp, bc)
    s_special = (not sman) and sexp
    t_special = (not tman) and texp
    if not s_special and not t_special:
        return fzero
    if fnan in (s, t): return fnan
    if (not tman) and texp: s, t = t, s
    if t == fzero: return fnan
    return {1:finf, -1:fninf}[mpf_sign(s) * mpf_sign(t)]
Exemplo n.º 21
def mpf_mod(s, t, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    ssign, sman, sexp, sbc = s
    tsign, tman, texp, tbc = t
    if ((not sman) and sexp) or ((not tman) and texp):
        return fnan
    # Important special case: do nothing if t is larger
    if ssign == tsign and texp > sexp+sbc:
        return s
    # Another important special case: this allows us to do e.g. x % 1.0
    # to find the fractional part of x, and it will work when x is huge.
    if tman == 1 and sexp > texp+tbc:
        return fzero
    base = min(sexp, texp)
    sman = (-1)**ssign * sman
    tman = (-1)**tsign * tman
    man = (sman << (sexp-base)) % (tman << (texp-base))
    if man >= 0:
        sign = 0
        man = -man
        sign = 1
    return normalize(sign, man, base, bitcount(man), prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 22
def mpf_mod(s, t, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    ssign, sman, sexp, sbc = s
    tsign, tman, texp, tbc = t
    if ((not sman) and sexp) or ((not tman) and texp):
        return fnan
    # Important special case: do nothing if t is larger
    if ssign == tsign and texp > sexp+sbc:
        return s
    # Another important special case: this allows us to do e.g. x % 1.0
    # to find the fractional part of x, and it will work when x is huge.
    if tman == 1 and sexp > texp+tbc:
        return fzero
    base = min(sexp, texp)
    sman = (-1)**ssign * sman
    tman = (-1)**tsign * tman
    man = (sman << (sexp-base)) % (tman << (texp-base))
    if man >= 0:
        sign = 0
        man = -man
        sign = 1
    return normalize(sign, man, base, bitcount(man), prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 23
def mpf_pow_int(s, n, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Compute s**n, where s is a raw mpf and n is a Python integer."""
    sign, man, exp, bc = s

    if (not man) and exp:
        if s == finf:
            if n > 0: return s
            if n == 0: return fnan
            return fzero
        if s == fninf:
            if n > 0: return [finf, fninf][n & 1]
            if n == 0: return fnan
            return fzero
        return fnan

    n = int(n)
    if n == 0: return fone
    if n == 1: return mpf_pos(s, prec, rnd)
    if n == 2:
        _, man, exp, bc = s
        if not man:
            return fzero
        man = man*man
        if man == 1:
            return (0, MP_ONE, exp+exp, 1)
        bc = bc + bc - 2
        bc += bctable[int(man>>bc)]
        return normalize1(0, man, exp+exp, bc, prec, rnd)
    if n == -1: return mpf_div(fone, s, prec, rnd)
    if n < 0:
        inverse = mpf_pow_int(s, -n, prec+5, reciprocal_rnd[rnd])
        return mpf_div(fone, inverse, prec, rnd)

    result_sign = sign & n

    # Use exact integer power when the exact mantissa is small
    if man == 1:
        return (result_sign, MP_ONE, exp*n, 1)
    if bc*n < 1000:
        man **= n
        return normalize1(result_sign, man, exp*n, bitcount(man), prec, rnd)

    # Use directed rounding all the way through to maintain rigorous
    # bounds for interval arithmetic
    rounds_down = (rnd is round_nearest) or \

    # Now we perform binary exponentiation. Need to estimate precision
    # to avoid rounding errors from temporary operations. Roughly log_2(n)
    # operations are performed.
    workprec = prec + 4*bitcount(n) + 4
    _, pm, pe, pbc = fone
    while 1:
        if n & 1:
            pm = pm*man
            pe = pe+exp
            pbc += bc - 2
            pbc = pbc + bctable[int(pm >> pbc)]
            if pbc > workprec:
                if rounds_down:
                    pm = pm >> (pbc-workprec)
                    pm = -((-pm) >> (pbc-workprec))
                pe += pbc - workprec
                pbc = workprec
            n -= 1
            if not n:
        man = man*man
        exp = exp+exp
        bc = bc + bc - 2
        bc = bc + bctable[int(man >> bc)]
        if bc > workprec:
            if rounds_down:
                man = man >> (bc-workprec)
                man = -((-man) >> (bc-workprec))
            exp += bc - workprec
            bc = workprec
        n = n // 2

    return normalize(result_sign, pm, pe, pbc, prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 24
def to_bstr(x):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    return ['','-'][sign] + numeral(man, size=bitcount(man), base=2) + ("e%i" % exp)
Exemplo n.º 25
def mpf_add(s, t, prec=0, rnd=round_fast, _sub=0):
    Add the two raw mpf values s and t.

    With prec=0, no rounding is performed. Note that this can
    produce a very large mantissa (potentially too large to fit
    in memory) if exponents are far apart.
    ssign, sman, sexp, sbc = s
    tsign, tman, texp, tbc = t
    tsign ^= _sub
    # Standard case: two nonzero, regular numbers
    if sman and tman:
        offset = sexp - texp
        if offset:
            if offset > 0:
                # Outside precision range; only need to perturb
                if offset > 100 and prec:
                    delta = sbc + sexp - tbc - texp
                    if delta > prec + 4:
                        offset = prec + 4
                        sman <<= offset
                        if tsign: sman -= 1
                        else:     sman += 1
                        return normalize1(ssign, sman, sexp-offset,
                            bitcount(sman), prec, rnd)
                # Add
                if ssign == tsign:
                    man = tman + (sman << offset)
                # Subtract
                    if ssign: man = tman - (sman << offset)
                    else:     man = (sman << offset) - tman
                    if man >= 0:
                        ssign = 0
                        man = -man
                        ssign = 1
                bc = bitcount(man)
                return normalize1(ssign, man, texp, bc, prec or bc, rnd)
            elif offset < 0:
                # Outside precision range; only need to perturb
                if offset < -100 and prec:
                    delta = tbc + texp - sbc - sexp
                    if delta > prec + 4:
                        offset = prec + 4
                        tman <<= offset
                        if ssign: tman -= 1
                        else:     tman += 1
                        return normalize1(tsign, tman, texp-offset,
                            bitcount(tman), prec, rnd)
                # Add
                if ssign == tsign:
                    man = sman + (tman << -offset)
                # Subtract
                    if tsign: man = sman - (tman << -offset)
                    else:     man = (tman << -offset) - sman
                    if man >= 0:
                        ssign = 0
                        man = -man
                        ssign = 1
                bc = bitcount(man)
                return normalize1(ssign, man, sexp, bc, prec or bc, rnd)
        # Equal exponents; no shifting necessary
        if ssign == tsign:
            man = tman + sman
            if ssign: man = tman - sman
            else:     man = sman - tman
            if man >= 0:
                ssign = 0
                man = -man
                ssign = 1
        bc = bitcount(man)
        return normalize(ssign, man, texp, bc, prec or bc, rnd)
    # Handle zeros and special numbers
    if _sub:
        t = mpf_neg(t)
    if not sman:
        if sexp:
            if s == t or tman or not texp:
                return s
            return fnan
        if tman:
            return normalize1(tsign, tman, texp, tbc, prec or tbc, rnd)
        return t
    if texp:
        return t
    if sman:
        return normalize1(ssign, sman, sexp, sbc, prec or sbc, rnd)
    return s
Exemplo n.º 26
def mpf_add(s, t, prec=0, rnd=round_fast, _sub=0):
    Add the two raw mpf values s and t.

    With prec=0, no rounding is performed. Note that this can
    produce a very large mantissa (potentially too large to fit
    in memory) if exponents are far apart.
    ssign, sman, sexp, sbc = s
    tsign, tman, texp, tbc = t
    tsign ^= _sub
    # Standard case: two nonzero, regular numbers
    if sman and tman:
        offset = sexp - texp
        if offset:
            if offset > 0:
                # Outside precision range; only need to perturb
                if offset > 100 and prec:
                    delta = sbc + sexp - tbc - texp
                    if delta > prec + 4:
                        offset = prec + 4
                        sman <<= offset
                        if tsign: sman -= 1
                        else:     sman += 1
                        return normalize1(ssign, sman, sexp-offset,
                            bitcount(sman), prec, rnd)
                # Add
                if ssign == tsign:
                    man = tman + (sman << offset)
                # Subtract
                    if ssign: man = tman - (sman << offset)
                    else:     man = (sman << offset) - tman
                    if man >= 0:
                        ssign = 0
                        man = -man
                        ssign = 1
                bc = bitcount(man)
                return normalize1(ssign, man, texp, bc, prec or bc, rnd)
            elif offset < 0:
                # Outside precision range; only need to perturb
                if offset < -100 and prec:
                    delta = tbc + texp - sbc - sexp
                    if delta > prec + 4:
                        offset = prec + 4
                        tman <<= offset
                        if ssign: tman -= 1
                        else:     tman += 1
                        return normalize1(tsign, tman, texp-offset,
                            bitcount(tman), prec, rnd)
                # Add
                if ssign == tsign:
                    man = sman + (tman << -offset)
                # Subtract
                    if tsign: man = sman - (tman << -offset)
                    else:     man = (tman << -offset) - sman
                    if man >= 0:
                        ssign = 0
                        man = -man
                        ssign = 1
                bc = bitcount(man)
                return normalize1(ssign, man, sexp, bc, prec or bc, rnd)
        # Equal exponents; no shifting necessary
        if ssign == tsign:
            man = tman + sman
            if ssign: man = tman - sman
            else:     man = sman - tman
            if man >= 0:
                ssign = 0
                man = -man
                ssign = 1
        bc = bitcount(man)
        return normalize(ssign, man, texp, bc, prec or bc, rnd)
    # Handle zeros and special numbers
    if _sub:
        t = mpf_neg(t)
    if not sman:
        if sexp:
            if s == t or tman or not texp:
                return s
            return fnan
        if tman:
            return normalize1(tsign, tman, texp, tbc, prec or tbc, rnd)
        return t
    if texp:
        return t
    if sman:
        return normalize1(ssign, sman, sexp, sbc, prec or sbc, rnd)
    return s
Exemplo n.º 27
def to_bstr(x):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    return ['','-'][sign] + numeral(man, size=bitcount(man), base=2) + ("e%i" % exp)
Exemplo n.º 28
def mpf_pow_int(s, n, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Compute s**n, where s is a raw mpf and n is a Python integer."""
    sign, man, exp, bc = s

    if (not man) and exp:
        if s == finf:
            if n > 0: return s
            if n == 0: return fnan
            return fzero
        if s == fninf:
            if n > 0: return [finf, fninf][n & 1]
            if n == 0: return fnan
            return fzero
        return fnan

    n = int(n)
    if n == 0: return fone
    if n == 1: return mpf_pos(s, prec, rnd)
    if n == 2:
        _, man, exp, bc = s
        if not man:
            return fzero
        man = man*man
        if man == 1:
            return (0, MP_ONE, exp+exp, 1)
        bc = bc + bc - 2
        bc += bctable[int(man>>bc)]
        return normalize1(0, man, exp+exp, bc, prec, rnd)
    if n == -1: return mpf_div(fone, s, prec, rnd)
    if n < 0:
        inverse = mpf_pow_int(s, -n, prec+5, reciprocal_rnd[rnd])
        return mpf_div(fone, inverse, prec, rnd)

    result_sign = sign & n

    # Use exact integer power when the exact mantissa is small
    if man == 1:
        return (result_sign, MP_ONE, exp*n, 1)
    if bc*n < 1000:
        man **= n
        return normalize1(result_sign, man, exp*n, bitcount(man), prec, rnd)

    # Use directed rounding all the way through to maintain rigorous
    # bounds for interval arithmetic
    rounds_down = (rnd is round_nearest) or \

    # Now we perform binary exponentiation. Need to estimate precision
    # to avoid rounding errors from temporary operations. Roughly log_2(n)
    # operations are performed.
    workprec = prec + 4*bitcount(n) + 4
    _, pm, pe, pbc = fone
    while 1:
        if n & 1:
            pm = pm*man
            pe = pe+exp
            pbc += bc - 2
            pbc = pbc + bctable[int(pm >> pbc)]
            if pbc > workprec:
                if rounds_down:
                    pm = pm >> (pbc-workprec)
                    pm = -((-pm) >> (pbc-workprec))
                pe += pbc - workprec
                pbc = workprec
            n -= 1
            if not n:
        man = man*man
        exp = exp+exp
        bc = bc + bc - 2
        bc = bc + bctable[int(man >> bc)]
        if bc > workprec:
            if rounds_down:
                man = man >> (bc-workprec)
                man = -((-man) >> (bc-workprec))
            exp += bc - workprec
            bc = workprec
        n = n // 2

    return normalize(result_sign, pm, pe, pbc, prec, rnd)