Exemplo n.º 1
def _wrapBlockWithChar(openCh, closeCh, indentMultiline = True):
    '''Wrap a current word or selection (if any) into given open and close chars

       If current selection is multiline, add one indentation level and put
       open/close chars on separate lines
    doc = kate.activeDocument()
    view = kate.activeView()
    pos = view.cursorPosition()

    selectedRange = view.selectionRange()
    if selectedRange.isEmpty():
        # No text selected. Ok, lets wrap a word where cursor positioned
        wordRange = common.getBoundTextRangeSL(
          , pos
          , doc
        _wrapRange(wordRange, openCh, closeCh, doc)
        if selectedRange.start().line() == selectedRange.end().line() or indentMultiline == False:
            # single line selection (or no special indentation required)
            _wrapRange(selectedRange, openCh, closeCh, doc)

            # extend current selection
            selectedRange = KTextEditor.Range(
              , KTextEditor.Cursor(
                  , selectedRange.end().column() + len(openCh) + len(closeCh)
            # Try to extend selection to be started from 0 columns at both ends
            selectedRange = view.selectionRange()

            # multiline selection
            # 0) extend selection to capture whole lines
            gap = ' ' * common.getLineIndentation(selectedRange.start().line(), doc)
            # TODO Get indent width (and char) from config (get rid of hardcocded '4')
            text = gap + openCh + '\n' \
              + '\n'.join([' ' * 4 + line for line in doc.text(selectedRange).split('\n')[:-1]]) \
              + '\n' + gap + closeCh + '\n'
            doc.replaceText(selectedRange, text)

            # extend current selection
            r = KTextEditor.Range(selectedRange.start().line(), 0, selectedRange.end().line() + 2, 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
def insertColor():
    ''' Insert/edit #color using color chooser dialog

        If cursor positioned in a #color 'word', this action will edit it, otherwise
        a new #color will be inserted into a document.
    document = kate.activeDocument()
    view = kate.activeView()
    cursor = view.cursorPosition()

    if not view.selection():
        # If no selection, try to get a #color under cursor
        colorRange = common.getBoundTextRangeSL(_LEFT_COLOR_BOUNDARY,
                                                _RIGHT_COLOR_BOUNDARY, cursor,
        # Some text selected, just use it as input...
        colorRange = view.selectionRange()

    if colorRange.isValid():
        currentColor = document.text(colorRange)
        currentColor = kate.configuration[_INSERT_COLOR_LCC]

    color = QtGui.QColor(currentColor)
    # If no text selected (i.e. user don't want to override selection)
    # and (guessed) #color string is not valid, entered color will
    # be inserted at the current cursor position.
    if not color.isValid():
        color = QtGui.QColor(kate.configuration[_INSERT_COLOR_LCC])
        if not view.selection():
            colorRange = KTextEditor.Range(
                cursor, cursor)  # Will not override the text under cursor...
    # Choose a #color via dialog
    result = kdeui.KColorDialog.getColor(color)
    if result == kdeui.KColorDialog.Accepted:  # Is user pressed Ok?
        colorStr = color.name()  # Get it as #color text
        # Remember for future use
        kate.configuration[_INSERT_COLOR_LCC] = colorStr
            colorRange, colorStr)  # Replace selected/found range w/ a new text
        # Select just entered #color, if smth was selected before
        if view.selection():
            startPos = colorRange.start()
            endPos = KTextEditor.Cursor(startPos.line(),
                                        startPos.column() + len(colorStr))
            view.setSelection(KTextEditor.Range(startPos, endPos))
Exemplo n.º 3
def _wrapBlockWithChar(openCh, closeCh, indentMultiline=True):
    '''Wrap a current word or selection (if any) into given open and close chars

       If current selection is multiline, add one indentation level and put
       open/close chars on separate lines
    doc = kate.activeDocument()
    view = kate.activeView()
    pos = view.cursorPosition()

    selectedRange = view.selectionRange()
    if selectedRange.isEmpty():
        # No text selected. Ok, lets wrap a word where cursor positioned
        wordRange = common.getBoundTextRangeSL(
            pos, doc)
        _wrapRange(wordRange, openCh, closeCh, doc)
        if selectedRange.start().line() == selectedRange.end().line(
        ) or indentMultiline == False:
            # single line selection (or no special indentation required)
            _wrapRange(selectedRange, openCh, closeCh, doc)

            # extend current selection
            selectedRange.end().setColumn(selectedRange.end().column() +
                                          len(openCh) + len(closeCh))
            # Try to extend selection to be started from 0 columns at both ends
            selectedRange = view.selectionRange()

            # multiline selection
            # 0) extend selection to capture whole lines
            gap = ' ' * common.getLineIndentation(selectedRange.start().line(),
            # TODO Get indent width (and char) from config (get rid of hardcocded '4')
            text = gap + openCh + '\n' \
              + '\n'.join([' ' * 4 + line for line in doc.text(selectedRange).split('\n')[:-1]]) \
              + '\n' + gap + closeCh + '\n'
            doc.replaceText(selectedRange, text)

            # extend current selection
            r = KTextEditor.Range(selectedRange.start().line(), 0,
                                  selectedRange.end().line() + 2, 0)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _get_color_range_under_cursor(view):
    assert(view is not None)
    if view.selection():                                    # Some text selected, just use it as input...
        color_range = view.selectionRange()
    else:                                                   # If no selection, try to get a #color under cursor
        color_range = common.getBoundTextRangeSL(
            common.IDENTIFIER_BOUNDARIES - {'#'}
          , common.IDENTIFIER_BOUNDARIES
          , view.cursorPosition()
          , view.document()
        # Check if a word under cursor is a valid #color
        color = QColor(view.document().text(color_range))
        if not color.isValid():
            color_range = KTextEditor.Range(view.cursorPosition(), view.cursorPosition())
    return color_range
Exemplo n.º 5
def insertColor():
    """Insert/edit color string using color chooser dialog

    If cursor positioned in a color string, this action will edit it, otherwise
    a new color string will be inserted into a document.
    document = kate.activeDocument()
    view = kate.activeView()
    cursor = view.cursorPosition()

    if view.selection():  # Some text selected, just use it as input...
        color_range = view.selectionRange()
    else:  # If no selection, try to get a #color under cursor
        color_range = common.getBoundTextRangeSL(
            cursor, document)

    if color_range.isValid():
        current_color = document.text(color_range)
        current_color = kate.configuration[_INSERT_COLOR_LCC]

    color = QColor(current_color)
    # If no text selected (i.e. user doesn’t want to override selection)
    # and (guessed) color string is not valid, entered color will
    # be inserted at the current cursor position.
    if not color.isValid():
        color = QColor(kate.configuration[_INSERT_COLOR_LCC])
        if not view.selection():
            color_range = KTextEditor.Range(
                cursor, 0)  # Will not override the text under cursor…
    # Choose a color via dialog
    result = KColorDialog.getColor(color)
    if result == KColorDialog.Accepted:  # Did user press OK?
        color_str = color.name()  # Get it as color string
        # Remember for future use
        kate.configuration[_INSERT_COLOR_LCC] = color_str
            color_str)  # Replace selected/found range w/ a new text
        # Select just entered #color, if something was selected before
        if view.selection():
            start_pos = color_range.start()
            view.setSelection(KTextEditor.Range(start_pos, len(color_str)))
Exemplo n.º 6
def wordAndArgumentAtCursorRanges(document, cursor):
    line = document.line(cursor.line())

    argument_range = None
    # Handle some special cases:
    if cursor.column() > 0:
        if cursor.column() < len(line) and line[cursor.column()] == ')':
            # special case: cursor just right before a closing brace
            argument_end = kate.KTextEditor.Cursor(cursor.line(),
            argument_start = matchingParenthesisPosition(document,
            argument_end.setColumn(argument_end.column() + 1)
            argument_range = kate.KTextEditor.Range(argument_start,
            cursor = argument_start  #  NOTE Reassign

        if line[cursor.column() - 1] == ')':
            # one more special case: cursor past end of arguments
            argument_end = kate.KTextEditor.Cursor(cursor.line(),
                                                   cursor.column() - 1)
            argument_start = matchingParenthesisPosition(document,
            argument_end.setColumn(argument_end.column() + 1)
            argument_range = kate.KTextEditor.Range(argument_start,
            cursor = argument_start  #  NOTE Reassign

    word_range = common.getBoundTextRangeSL(common.IDENTIFIER_BOUNDARIES,
                                            cursor, document)
    end = word_range.end().column()
    if argument_range is None and word_range.isValid():
        if end < len(line) and line[end] == '(':
            # ruddy lack of attribute type access from the KTextEditor
            # interfaces.
            argument_start = kate.KTextEditor.Cursor(cursor.line(), end)
            argument_end = matchingParenthesisPosition(document,
            argument_range = kate.KTextEditor.Range(argument_start,
    return word_range, argument_range
Exemplo n.º 7
def insertColor():
    ''' Insert/edit #color using color chooser dialog

        If cursor positioned in a #color 'word', this action will edit it, otherwise
        a new #color will be inserted into a document.
    document = kate.activeDocument()
    view = kate.activeView()
    cursor = view.cursorPosition()

    if not view.selection():
        # If no selection, try to get a #color under cursor
        colorRange = common.getBoundTextRangeSL(_LEFT_COLOR_BOUNDARY, _RIGHT_COLOR_BOUNDARY, cursor, document)
        # Some text selected, just use it as input...
        colorRange = view.selectionRange()

    if colorRange.isValid():
        currentColor = document.text(colorRange)
        currentColor = kate.configuration[_INSERT_COLOR_LCC]

    color = QtGui.QColor(currentColor)
    # If no text selected (i.e. user don't want to override selection)
    # and (guessed) #color string is not valid, entered color will
    # be inserted at the current cursor position.
    if not color.isValid():
        color = QtGui.QColor(kate.configuration[_INSERT_COLOR_LCC])
        if not view.selection():
            colorRange = KTextEditor.Range(cursor, cursor)  # Will not override the text under cursor...
    # Choose a #color via dialog
    result = kdeui.KColorDialog.getColor(color)
    if result == kdeui.KColorDialog.Accepted:               # Is user pressed Ok?
        colorStr = color.name()                             # Get it as #color text
        # Remember for future use
        kate.configuration[_INSERT_COLOR_LCC] = colorStr
        document.replaceText(colorRange, colorStr)          # Replace selected/found range w/ a new text
        # Select just entered #color, if smth was selected before
        if view.selection():
            startPos = colorRange.start()
            endPos = KTextEditor.Cursor(startPos.line(), startPos.column() + len(colorStr))
            view.setSelection(KTextEditor.Range(startPos, endPos))
Exemplo n.º 8
def _wordAndArgumentAtCursorRanges(document, cursor):
    line = document.line(cursor.line())

    argument_range = None
    # Handle some special cases:
    if cursor.column() > 0:
        if cursor.column() < len(line) and line[cursor.column()] == ')':
            # special case: cursor just right before a closing brace
            argument_end = KTextEditor.Cursor(cursor.line(), cursor.column())
            argument_start = _matchingParenthesisPosition(document, argument_end, opening=')')
            argument_end.setColumn(argument_end.column() + 1)
            argument_range = KTextEditor.Range(argument_start, argument_end)
            cursor = argument_start                         #  NOTE Reassign

        if line[cursor.column() - 1] == ')':
            # one more special case: cursor past end of arguments
            argument_end = KTextEditor.Cursor(cursor.line(), cursor.column() - 1)
            argument_start = _matchingParenthesisPosition(document, argument_end, opening=')')
            argument_end.setColumn(argument_end.column() + 1)
            argument_range = KTextEditor.Range(argument_start, argument_end)
            cursor = argument_start                         #  NOTE Reassign

    word_range = common.getBoundTextRangeSL(
      , cursor
      , document
    end = word_range.end().column()
    if argument_range is None and word_range.isValid():
        if end < len(line) and line[end] == '(':
            # ruddy lack of attribute type access from the KTextEditor
            # interfaces.
            argument_start = KTextEditor.Cursor(cursor.line(), end)
            argument_end = _matchingParenthesisPosition(document, argument_start, opening='(')
            argument_range = KTextEditor.Range(argument_start, argument_end)
    return word_range, argument_range
Exemplo n.º 9
def openCMakeList():
    # TODO Handle unnamed docs
    # First of all check the document's MIME-type
    document = kate.activeDocument()
    cur_dir = os.path.dirname(document.url().toLocalFile())
    mimetype = document.mimeType()
    if mimetype != _CMAKE_MIME_TYPE:
        # Ok, current document is not a CMakeLists.txt, lets try to open
        # it in a current directory
        if not _try_open_CMakeLists(cur_dir):
            # Ok, no CMakeLists.txt found, lets ask a user
            _ask_for_CMakeLists_location_and_try_open(cur_dir, cur_dir)

    # Ok, we are in some CMake module...
    # Check if there smth selected by user?
    view = kate.activeView()
    selectedRange = view.selectionRange()
    if not selectedRange.isEmpty():
        selected_dir = document.text(selectedRange)
        # Ok, nothing selected. Lets check the context: are we inside a command?
        cursor = view.cursorPosition()
        command, in_a_string, in_a_var, in_a_comment, fn_params_range = _find_current_context(document, cursor)
        kate.kDebug('CMakeHelper: command="{}", in_a_string={}, in_a_var={}'.format(command, in_a_string, in_a_var))
        selected_dir = cur_dir
        if command == 'add_subdirectory':
            # Check if the command have some parameters already entered
            if fn_params_range.isValid():
                # Ok, get the arg right under cursor
                wordRange = common.getBoundTextRangeSL(' \n()', ' \n()', cursor, document)
                selected_dir = document.text(wordRange)
                kate.kDebug('CMakeHelper: word@cursor={}'.format(selected_dir))
        # TODO Try to handle cursor pointed in `include()` command?
            # Huh, lets find a nearest add_subdirectory command
            # and get its first arg
            if cursor.line() == 0:
                back_line = -1
                fwd_line = cursor.line()
            elif cursor.line() == (document.lines() - 1):
                back_line = cursor.line()
                fwd_line = document.lines()
                back_line = cursor.line()
                fwd_line = cursor.line() + 1
            found = None
            while not found and (back_line != -1 or fwd_line != document.lines()):
                # Try to match a line towards a document's start
                if 0 <= back_line:
                    found = _get_1st_arg_if_add_subdirectory_cmd(document, back_line)
                    back_line -= 1
                # Try to match a line towards a document's end
                if not found and fwd_line < document.lines():
                    found = _get_1st_arg_if_add_subdirectory_cmd(document, fwd_line)
                    fwd_line += 1
            # Let to user specify anything he wants.
            if found:
                selected_dir = found
            _ask_for_CMakeLists_location_and_try_open(selected_dir, cur_dir)

    if not os.path.isabs(selected_dir):
        selected_dir = os.path.join(cur_dir, selected_dir)

    # Try to open
    if not _try_open_CMakeLists(selected_dir):
        # Yep, show a location dialog w/ an initial dir equal to a selected text
        _ask_for_CMakeLists_location_and_try_open(selected_dir, cur_dir)