for row in reader:
        videoNames[row[0]] = row[
            1]  #cannot remember how this line works exactly

print "Determing valid usernames..."
#make usernames into a set
usernames = Set()
with open("Names for SPOC.csv", "rb") as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    for row in reader:

print "Putting videos with usernames..."
#add usernames and video ids associated with "play_video" to data
data = {}
for line in liblytics.read_log_file("tracking_700x_UMass__Fall_2013.log.gz"):
    if line["event_type"] == "play_video":
        username = line["username"]
        if (username != ""):
            if username not in data:
                data[username] = Set()
            event = line["event"]
            if not isinstance(event, dict):
                    event = eval(event)
                except (NameError):
                    event = event.replace("null", "0")
                    event = eval(event)

print "Determining who watched what..."
Exemplo n.º 2
data={} #first dict with username (key) : second dict (value)
def parseEventText(eventLine):
	line = eventLine.replace("{","")
	line = line.replace("}","")
	units = line.split(",")
	result = {}
	for unit in units:
		pieces = unit.split(":")
		result[pieces[0].replace('"',"")] = pieces[1].replace('"',"")

	return result

for line in liblytics.read_log_file("umass_boston-edge-events-ALL.log.gz"): #Reads line in log file
	if (line["event_type"] == "play_video"):  # Grabs only play_videos
		t = time.strptime(line['time'].split('+')[0], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") 
		times = time.mktime(t)
		#first loop creates first dict
		if username != "": 
			videoName = parseEventText(line["event"])["id"]
			if username not in data:
				data[username] = {}
			usersDict = data[username]
			#creates third dict with playCount and Times (keys) and their values
			if videoName not in usersDict: #second loop creates third dict
				videoDict = {}
				videoDict["Times"] = []
				videoDict["Playcount"] = 1
Exemplo n.º 3
	for row in reader:

data={} #first dict with username (key) : second dict (value)
def parseEventText(eventLine):
	line = eventLine.replace("{","")
	line = line.replace("}","")
	units = line.split(",")
	result = {}
	for unit in units:
		pieces = unit.split(":")
		result[pieces[0].replace('"',"")] = pieces[1].replace('"',"")

	return result

for line in liblytics.read_log_file("tracking_700x_UMass__Fall_2013.log.gz"): #Reads line in log file
	if (line["event_type"] == "play_video"):  # Grabs only play_videos
		t = time.strptime(line['time'].split('+')[0], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") 
		times = time.mktime(t)
		#first loop creates first dict
		if username != "": 
			videoName = parseEventText(line["event"])["id"]
			if videoName in dueDates and times > dueDates[videoName]:
				if username not in data:
					data[username] = {}
				usersDict = data[username]
			#creates third dict with playCount and Times (import liblytics
import csv
import time
from sets import Set
print "Goal: Finding Seekers"

import csv
from sets import Set
import liblytics

print "Translating video names..."
#read in video list with nice names
videoNames = {}
with open("Video Names F14 2.csv", "rU") as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    for row in reader:
        videoNames[row[0]] = row[1] #cannot remember how this line works exactly

print "Determing valid usernames..."
#make usernames into a set
usernames = Set()
with open("SPOC Grades Edited.csv", "rb") as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    for row in reader:

print "Putting videos with usernames..."
#add usernames and video ids associated with "play_video" to data
data = {}
for line in liblytics.read_log_file("umass_boston-edge-events-ALL.gz"):
    if line["event_type"] == "seek_video":
        username = line["username"]
        if (username != ""):
            if username not in data:
Exemplo n.º 5
data = {}  #first dict with username (key) : second dict (value)

def parseEventText(eventLine):
    line = eventLine.replace("{", "")
    line = line.replace("}", "")
    units = line.split(",")
    result = {}
    for unit in units:
        pieces = unit.split(":")
        result[pieces[0].replace('"', "")] = pieces[1].replace('"', "")

    return result

for line in liblytics.read_log_file(
        "umass_boston-edge-events-ALL.log.gz"):  #Reads line in log file
    if (line["event_type"] == "play_video"):  # Grabs only play_videos
        username = line["username"]
        t = time.strptime(line['time'].split('+')[0], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
        times = time.mktime(t)
        #first loop creates first dict
        if username != "":
            videoName = parseEventText(line["event"])["id"]
            if username not in data:
                data[username] = {}
            usersDict = data[username]
            #creates third dict with playCount and Times (keys) and their values
            if videoName not in usersDict:  #second loop creates third dict
                videoDict = {}
                videoDict["Times"] = []
                videoDict["Playcount"] = 1
Exemplo n.º 6
print "Goal: Finding Seekers"
import csv
from sets import Set
import liblytics
print "Translating video names..."
#read in video list with nice names
videoNames = {}
with open("Video Names F14 2.csv", "rU") as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    for row in reader:
        videoNames[row[0]] = row[
            1]  #cannot remember how this line works exactly
print "Determing valid usernames..."
#make usernames into a set
usernames = Set()
with open("SPOC Grades Edited.csv", "rb") as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    for row in reader:
print "Putting videos with usernames..."
#add usernames and video ids associated with "play_video" to data
data = {}
for line in liblytics.read_log_file("umass_boston-edge-events-ALL.gz"):
    if line["event_type"] == "seek_video":
        username = line["username"]
        if (username != ""):
            if username not in data:
                data[username] = Set()
            event = line["event"]
            if not isinstance(event, dict):