Exemplo n.º 1
    def run_fuse(self, filepath):
        Run fusion.
        timer = common.Timer()
        Rs = self.get_views()

        # As rendering might be slower, we wait for rendering to finish.
        # This allows to run rendering and fusing in parallel (more or less).
        depths = common.read_hdf5(filepath)

        tsdf = self.fusion(depths, Rs)
        # To ensure that the final mesh is indeed watertight
        tsdf = np.pad(tsdf, 1, 'constant', constant_values=1e6)
        vertices, triangles = libmcubes.marching_cubes(-tsdf, 0)
        # Remove padding offset
        vertices -= 1
        # Normalize to [-0.5, 0.5]^3 cube
        vertices /= self.options.resolution
        vertices -= 0.5

        modelname = os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0])[0]
        t_loc, t_scale = self.get_transform(modelname)
        vertices = t_loc + t_scale * vertices

        off_file = self.get_outpath(filepath)
        libmcubes.export_off(vertices, triangles, off_file)
        print('[Data] wrote %s (%f seconds)' % (off_file, timer.elapsed()))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run_fuse(self):
        Run fusion.

        assert os.path.exists(self.options.depth_dir)

        files = self.read_directory(self.options.depth_dir)
        timer = common.Timer()
        Rs = self.get_views()

        for filepath in files:

            # As rendering might be slower, we wait for rendering to finish.
            # This allows to run rendering and fusing in parallel (more or less).

            depths = common.read_hdf5(filepath)

            tsdf = self.fusion(depths, Rs)
            tsdf = tsdf[0]

            vertices, triangles = libmcubes.marching_cubes(-tsdf, 0)
            vertices /= self.options.resolution
            vertices -= 0.5

            tsdf_file = os.path.join(self.options.tsdf_dir, '0.hf5')
            off_file = os.path.join(self.options.out_dir,

            common.write_hdf5(tsdf_file, tsdf)
            libmcubes.export_off(vertices, triangles, off_file)
            print('[Data] wrote %s (%f seconds)' % (off_file, timer.elapsed()))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def run_fuse(self):
        Run fusion.

        assert os.path.exists(self.options.depth_dir)

        files = self.read_directory(self.options.depth_dir)
        timer = common.Timer()
        Rs = self.get_views()

        for filepath in files:

            # As rendering might be slower, we wait for rendering to finish.
            # This allows to run rendering and fusing in parallel (more or less).
            depths = common.read_hdf5(filepath)

            tsdf = self.fusion(depths, Rs)
            tsdf = tsdf[0]

            vertices, triangles = libmcubes.marching_cubes(-tsdf, 0)
            # vertices, triangles, _, _ = measure.marching_cubes_lewiner(-tsdf, 0)
            print tsdf.shape
            np.save(os.path.join('4_tsdf', ntpath.basename(filepath)[:-3]).replace('.off', ''), -tsdf)
            vertices /= self.options.resolution
            vertices -= 0.5

            off_file = os.path.join(self.options.out_dir, ntpath.basename(filepath)[:-3])
            libmcubes.export_off(vertices, triangles, off_file)
            print('[Data] wrote %s (%f seconds)' % (off_file, timer.elapsed()))

            mesh = common.Mesh.from_off(off_file)
            s_t = scipy.io.loadmat(off_file.replace('2_watertight', '1_s_t').replace('.off', '.mat'))
            # scales_ori = (1./s_t['scales'][0][0], 1./s_t['scales'][0][1], 1./s_t['scales'][0][2])
            # translation_ori = (-s_t['translation'][0][0], -s_t['translation'][0][1], -s_t['translation'][0][2])

            sizes_ori = (s_t['sizes'][0][0], s_t['sizes'][0][1], s_t['sizes'][0][2])

            # print scales, translation

            min, max = mesh.extents()
            total_min = np.min(np.array(min))
            total_max = np.max(np.array(max))

            # Set the center (although this should usually be the origin already).
            centers = (
                (min[0] + max[0]) / 2,
                (min[1] + max[1]) / 2,
                (min[2] + max[2]) / 2
            # Scales all dimensions equally.
            sizes = (
                total_max - total_min,
                total_max - total_min,
                total_max - total_min
            translation = (

            mesh.scale((sizes_ori[0]/sizes[0], sizes_ori[1]/sizes[1], sizes_ori[2]/sizes[2]))