Exemplo n.º 1
def mpc_zeta(s, prec, rnd):
    re, im = s
    wp = prec + 20
    n = int(wp/2.54 + 5)
    n += int(0.9*abs(to_int(im)))
    d = borwein_coefficients(n)
    ref = to_fixed(re, wp)
    imf = to_fixed(im, wp)
    tre = MP_ZERO
    tim = MP_ZERO
    one = MP_ONE << wp
    one_2wp = MP_ONE << (2*wp)
    critical_line = re == fhalf
    for k in xrange(n):
        log = log_int_fixed(k+1, wp)
        # A square root is much cheaper than an exp
        if critical_line:
            w = one_2wp // sqrt_fixed((k+1) << wp, wp)
            w = to_fixed(mpf_exp(from_man_exp(-ref*log, -2*wp), wp), wp)
        if k & 1:
            w *= (d[n] - d[k])
            w *= (d[k] - d[n])
        wre, wim = cos_sin(from_man_exp(-imf * log_int_fixed(k+1, wp), -2*wp), wp)
        tre += (w * to_fixed(wre, wp)) >> wp
        tim += (w * to_fixed(wim, wp)) >> wp
    tre //= (-d[n])
    tim //= (-d[n])
    tre = from_man_exp(tre, -wp, wp)
    tim = from_man_exp(tim, -wp, wp)
    q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp), wp), wp)
    return mpc_div((tre, tim), q, prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 2
def mpc_zeta(s, prec, rnd):
    re, im = s
    wp = prec + 20
    n = int(wp / 2.54 + 5)
    n += int(0.9 * abs(to_int(im)))
    d = borwein_coefficients(n)
    ref = to_fixed(re, wp)
    imf = to_fixed(im, wp)
    tre = MP_ZERO
    tim = MP_ZERO
    one = MP_ONE << wp
    one_2wp = MP_ONE << (2 * wp)
    critical_line = re == fhalf
    for k in xrange(n):
        log = log_int_fixed(k + 1, wp)
        # A square root is much cheaper than an exp
        if critical_line:
            w = one_2wp // sqrt_fixed((k + 1) << wp, wp)
            w = to_fixed(mpf_exp(from_man_exp(-ref * log, -2 * wp), wp), wp)
        if k & 1:
            w *= (d[n] - d[k])
            w *= (d[k] - d[n])
        wre, wim = cos_sin(
            from_man_exp(-imf * log_int_fixed(k + 1, wp), -2 * wp), wp)
        tre += (w * to_fixed(wre, wp)) >> wp
        tim += (w * to_fixed(wim, wp)) >> wp
    tre //= (-d[n])
    tim //= (-d[n])
    tre = from_man_exp(tre, -wp, wp)
    tim = from_man_exp(tim, -wp, wp)
    q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp), wp), wp)
    return mpc_div((tre, tim), q, prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 3
def mpc_zeta(s, prec, rnd=round_fast, alt=0):
    re, im = s
    if im == fzero:
        return mpf_zeta(re, prec, rnd, alt), fzero
    wp = prec + 20
    # Reflection formula. To be rigorous, we should reflect to the left of
    # re = 1/2 (see comments for mpf_zeta), but this leads to unnecessary
    # slowdown for interesting values of s
    if mpf_lt(re, fzero):
        # XXX: could use the separate refl. formula for Dirichlet eta
        if alt:
            q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp),
                wp), wp)
            return mpc_mul(mpc_zeta(s, wp), q, prec, rnd)
        # XXX: -1 should be done exactly
        y = mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, 10*wp)
        a = mpc_gamma(y, wp)
        b = mpc_zeta(y, wp)
        c = mpc_sin_pi(mpc_shift(s, -1), wp)
        rsign, rman, rexp, rbc = re
        isign, iman, iexp, ibc = im
        mag = max(rexp+rbc, iexp+ibc)
        wp2 = wp + mag
        pi = mpf_pi(wp+wp2)
        pi2 = (mpf_shift(pi, 1), fzero)
        d = mpc_div_mpf(mpc_pow(pi2, s, wp2), pi, wp2)
        return mpc_mul(a,mpc_mul(b,mpc_mul(c,d,wp),wp),prec,rnd)
    n = int(wp/2.54 + 5)
    n += int(0.9*abs(to_int(im)))
    d = borwein_coefficients(n)
    ref = to_fixed(re, wp)
    imf = to_fixed(im, wp)
    tre = MP_ZERO
    tim = MP_ZERO
    one = MP_ONE << wp
    one_2wp = MP_ONE << (2*wp)
    critical_line = re == fhalf
    for k in xrange(n):
        log = log_int_fixed(k+1, wp)
        # A square root is much cheaper than an exp
        if critical_line:
            w = one_2wp // sqrt_fixed((k+1) << wp, wp)
            w = to_fixed(mpf_exp(from_man_exp(-ref*log, -2*wp), wp), wp)
        if k & 1:
            w *= (d[n] - d[k])
            w *= (d[k] - d[n])
        wre, wim = cos_sin(from_man_exp(-imf * log_int_fixed(k+1, wp), -2*wp), wp)
        tre += (w * to_fixed(wre, wp)) >> wp
        tim += (w * to_fixed(wim, wp)) >> wp
    tre //= (-d[n])
    tim //= (-d[n])
    tre = from_man_exp(tre, -wp, wp)
    tim = from_man_exp(tim, -wp, wp)
    if alt:
        return mpc_pos((tre, tim), prec, rnd)
        q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp), wp), wp)
        return mpc_div((tre, tim), q, prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 4
def pi_fixed(prec, verbose=False, verbose_base=None):
    Compute floor(pi * 2**prec) as a big integer.

    This is done using Chudnovsky's series (see comments in
    libelefun.py for details).
    # The Chudnovsky series gives 14.18 digits per term
    N = int(prec/3.3219280948/14.181647462 + 2)
    if verbose:
        print "binary splitting with N =", N
    g, p, q = bs_chudnovsky(0, N, 0, verbose)
    sqrtC = sqrt_fixed(CHUD_C<<prec, prec)
    v = p*CHUD_C*sqrtC//((q+CHUD_A*p)*CHUD_D)
    return v
Exemplo n.º 5
def pi_fixed(prec, verbose=False, verbose_base=None):
    Compute floor(pi * 2**prec) as a big integer.

    This is done using Chudnovsky's series (see comments in
    libelefun.py for details).
    # The Chudnovsky series gives 14.18 digits per term
    N = int(prec / 3.3219280948 / 14.181647462 + 2)
    if verbose:
        print "binary splitting with N =", N
    g, p, q = bs_chudnovsky(0, N, 0, verbose)
    sqrtC = sqrt_fixed(CHUD_C << prec, prec)
    v = p * CHUD_C * sqrtC // ((q + CHUD_A * p) * CHUD_D)
    return v
Exemplo n.º 6
def expi_series(x, prec, r):
    x >>= r
    one = 1 << prec
    x2 = (x*x) >> prec
    s = x
    a = x
    k = 2
    while a:
        a = ((a * x2) >> prec) // (-k*(k+1))
        s += a
        k += 2
    c = sqrt_fixed(one - ((s*s)>>prec), prec)
    # Calculate (c + j*s)**(2**r) by repeated squaring
    for j in range(r):
      c, s =  (c*c-s*s) >> prec, (2*c*s ) >> prec
    return c, s
Exemplo n.º 7
def expi_series(x, prec, r):
    x >>= r
    one = 1 << prec
    x2 = (x * x) >> prec
    s = x
    a = x
    k = 2
    while a:
        a = ((a * x2) >> prec) // (-k * (k + 1))
        s += a
        k += 2
    c = sqrt_fixed(one - ((s * s) >> prec), prec)
    # Calculate (c + j*s)**(2**r) by repeated squaring
    for j in range(r):
        c, s = (c * c - s * s) >> prec, (2 * c * s) >> prec
    return c, s
Exemplo n.º 8
def mpf_erfc(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if not man:
        if x == fzero: return fone
        if x == finf: return fzero
        if x == fninf: return ftwo
        return fnan
    wp = prec + 20
    mag = bc + exp
    # Preserve full accuracy when exponent grows huge
    wp += max(0, 2 * mag)
    regular_erf = sign or mag < 2
    if regular_erf or not erfc_check_series(x, wp):
        if regular_erf:
            return mpf_sub(fone, mpf_erf(x, prec + 10, negative_rnd[rnd]),
                           prec, rnd)
        # 1-erf(x) ~ exp(-x^2), increase prec to deal with cancellation
        n = to_int(x)
        return mpf_sub(fone, mpf_erf(x, prec + int(n**2 * 1.44) + 10), prec,
    s = term = MP_ONE << wp
    term_prev = 0
    t = (2 * to_fixed(x, wp)**2) >> wp
    k = 1
    while 1:
        term = ((term * (2 * k - 1)) << wp) // t
        if k > 4 and term > term_prev or not term:
        if k & 1:
            s -= term
            s += term
        term_prev = term
        #print k, to_str(from_man_exp(term, -wp, 50), 10)
        k += 1
    s = (s << wp) // sqrt_fixed(pi_fixed(wp), wp)
    s = from_man_exp(s, -wp, wp)
    z = mpf_exp(mpf_neg(mpf_mul(x, x, wp), wp), wp)
    y = mpf_div(mpf_mul(z, s, wp), x, prec, rnd)
    return y
Exemplo n.º 9
def mpf_erf(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if not man:
        if x == fzero: return fzero
        if x == finf: return fone
        if x== fninf: return fnone
        return fnan
    size = exp + bc
    lg = math.log
    # The approximation erf(x) = 1 is accurate to > x^2 * log(e,2) bits
    if size > 3 and 2*(size-1) + 0.528766 > lg(prec,2):
        if sign:
            return mpf_perturb(fnone, 0, prec, rnd)
            return mpf_perturb(fone, 1, prec, rnd)
    # erf(x) ~ 2*x/sqrt(pi) close to 0
    if size < -prec:
        # 2*x
        x = mpf_shift(x,1)
        c = mpf_sqrt(mpf_pi(prec+20), prec+20)
        # TODO: interval rounding
        return mpf_div(x, c, prec, rnd)
    wp = prec + abs(size) + 25
    # Taylor series for erf, fixed-point summation
    t = abs(to_fixed(x, wp))
    t2 = (t*t) >> wp
    s, term, k = t, 12345, 1
    while term:
        t = ((t * t2) >> wp) // k
        term = t // (2*k+1)
        if k & 1:
            s -= term
            s += term
        k += 1
    s = (s << (wp+1)) // sqrt_fixed(pi_fixed(wp), wp)
    if sign:
        s = -s
    return from_man_exp(s, -wp, prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 10
def mpf_erf(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if not man:
        if x == fzero: return fzero
        if x == finf: return fone
        if x == fninf: return fnone
        return fnan
    size = exp + bc
    lg = math.log
    # The approximation erf(x) = 1 is accurate to > x^2 * log(e,2) bits
    if size > 3 and 2 * (size - 1) + 0.528766 > lg(prec, 2):
        if sign:
            return mpf_perturb(fnone, 0, prec, rnd)
            return mpf_perturb(fone, 1, prec, rnd)
    # erf(x) ~ 2*x/sqrt(pi) close to 0
    if size < -prec:
        # 2*x
        x = mpf_shift(x, 1)
        c = mpf_sqrt(mpf_pi(prec + 20), prec + 20)
        # TODO: interval rounding
        return mpf_div(x, c, prec, rnd)
    wp = prec + abs(size) + 20
    # Taylor series for erf, fixed-point summation
    t = abs(to_fixed(x, wp))
    t2 = (t * t) >> wp
    s, term, k = t, 12345, 1
    while term:
        t = ((t * t2) >> wp) // k
        term = t // (2 * k + 1)
        if k & 1:
            s -= term
            s += term
        k += 1
    s = (s << (wp + 1)) // sqrt_fixed(pi_fixed(wp), wp)
    if sign:
        s = -s
    return from_man_exp(s, -wp, wp, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 11
def mpf_erfc(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if not man:
        if x == fzero: return fone
        if x == finf: return fzero
        if x == fninf: return ftwo
        return fnan
    wp = prec + 20
    mag = bc+exp
    # Preserve full accuracy when exponent grows huge
    wp += max(0, 2*mag)
    regular_erf = sign or mag < 2
    if regular_erf or not erfc_check_series(x, wp):
        if regular_erf:
            return mpf_sub(fone, mpf_erf(x, prec+10, negative_rnd[rnd]), prec, rnd)
        # 1-erf(x) ~ exp(-x^2), increase prec to deal with cancellation
        n = to_int(x)+1
        return mpf_sub(fone, mpf_erf(x, prec + int(n**2*1.44) + 10), prec, rnd)
    s = term = MPZ_ONE << wp
    term_prev = 0
    t = (2 * to_fixed(x, wp) ** 2) >> wp
    k = 1
    while 1:
        term = ((term * (2*k - 1)) << wp) // t
        if k > 4 and term > term_prev or not term:
        if k & 1:
            s -= term
            s += term
        term_prev = term
        #print k, to_str(from_man_exp(term, -wp, 50), 10)
        k += 1
    s = (s << wp) // sqrt_fixed(pi_fixed(wp), wp)
    s = from_man_exp(s, -wp, wp)
    z = mpf_exp(mpf_neg(mpf_mul(x,x,wp),wp),wp)
    y = mpf_div(mpf_mul(z, s, wp), x, prec, rnd)
    return y
Exemplo n.º 12
def exp_series2(x, prec, r):
    x >>= r
    sign = 0
    if x < 0:
        sign = 1
        x = -x
    x2 = (x * x) >> prec
    s1 = a = x
    k = 3
    while a:
        a = ((a * x2) >> prec) // (k * (k - 1))
        s1 += a
        k += 2
    c1 = sqrt_fixed(((s1 * s1) >> prec) + (1 << prec), prec)
    if sign:
        s = c1 - s1
        s = c1 + s1
    # Calculate s**(2**r) by repeated squaring
    while r:
        s = (s * s) >> prec
        r -= 1
    return s
Exemplo n.º 13
def exp_series2(x, prec, r):
    x >>= r
    sign = 0
    if x < 0:
        sign = 1
        x = -x
    x2 = (x*x) >> prec
    s1 = a = x
    k = 3
    while a:
        a = ((a * x2) >> prec) // (k*(k-1))
        s1 += a
        k += 2
    c1 = sqrt_fixed(((s1*s1) >> prec) + (1<<prec), prec)
    if sign:
        s = c1 - s1
        s = c1 + s1
    # Calculate s**(2**r) by repeated squaring
    while r:
        s = (s*s) >> prec
        r -= 1
    return s
Exemplo n.º 14
def calc_cos_sin(which, y, swaps, prec, cos_rnd, sin_rnd):
    Simultaneous computation of cos and sin (internal function).
    y, wp = y
    swap_cos_sin, cos_sign, sin_sign = swaps

    if swap_cos_sin:
        which_compute = -which
        which_compute = which

    # XXX: assumes no swaps
    if not y:
        return fone, fzero

    # Tiny nonzero argument
    if wp > prec*2 + 30:
        y = from_man_exp(y, -wp)

        if swap_cos_sin:
            cos_rnd, sin_rnd = sin_rnd, cos_rnd
            cos_sign, sin_sign = sin_sign, cos_sign

        if cos_sign: cos = mpf_perturb(fnone, 0, prec, cos_rnd)
        else:        cos = mpf_perturb(fone, 1, prec, cos_rnd)
        if sin_sign: sin = mpf_perturb(mpf_neg(y), 0, prec, sin_rnd)
        else:        sin = mpf_perturb(y, 1, prec, sin_rnd)

        if swap_cos_sin:
            cos, sin = sin, cos
        return cos, sin

    # Use standard Taylor series
    if prec < 600:
        if which_compute == 0:
            sin = sin_taylor(y, wp)
            # only need to evaluate one of the series
            cos = sqrt_fixed((1<<wp) - ((sin*sin)>>wp), wp)
        elif which_compute == 1:
            sin = 0
            cos = cos_taylor(y, wp)
        elif which_compute == -1:
            sin = sin_taylor(y, wp)
            cos = 0
    # Use exp(i*x) with Brent's trick
        r = int(0.137 * prec**0.579)
        ep = r+20
        cos, sin = expi_series(y<<ep, wp+ep, r)
        cos >>= ep
        sin >>= ep

    if swap_cos_sin:
        cos, sin = sin, cos

    if cos_rnd is not round_nearest:
        # Round and set correct signs
        # XXX: this logic needs a second look
        ONE = MP_ONE << wp
        if cos_sign:
            cos += (-1)**(cos_rnd in (round_ceiling, round_down))
            cos = min(ONE, cos)
            cos += (-1)**(cos_rnd in (round_ceiling, round_up))
            cos = min(ONE, cos)
        if sin_sign:
            sin += (-1)**(sin_rnd in (round_ceiling, round_down))
            sin = min(ONE, sin)
            sin += (-1)**(sin_rnd in (round_ceiling, round_up))
            sin = min(ONE, sin)

    if which != -1:
        cos = normalize(cos_sign, cos, -wp, bitcount(cos), prec, cos_rnd)
    if which != 1:
        sin = normalize(sin_sign, sin, -wp, bitcount(sin), prec, sin_rnd)

    return cos, sin
Exemplo n.º 15
def sqrtpi_fixed(prec):
    return sqrt_fixed(pi_fixed(prec), prec)
Exemplo n.º 16
def mpc_zeta(s, prec, rnd=round_fast, alt=0, force=False):
    re, im = s
    if im == fzero:
        return mpf_zeta(re, prec, rnd, alt), fzero

    # slow for large s
    if (not force) and mpf_gt(mpc_abs(s, 10), from_int(prec)):
        raise NotImplementedError

    wp = prec + 20

    # Near pole
    r = mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp)
    asign, aman, aexp, abc = mpc_abs(r, 10)
    pole_dist = -2 * (aexp + abc)
    if pole_dist > wp:
        if alt:
            q = mpf_ln2(wp)
            y = mpf_mul(q, mpf_euler(wp), wp)
            g = mpf_shift(mpf_mul(q, q, wp), -1)
            g = mpf_sub(y, g)
            z = mpc_mul_mpf(r, mpf_neg(g), wp)
            z = mpc_add_mpf(z, q, wp)
            return mpc_pos(z, prec, rnd)
            q = mpc_neg(mpc_div(mpc_one, r, wp))
            q = mpc_add_mpf(q, mpf_euler(wp), wp)
            return mpc_pos(q, prec, rnd)
        wp += max(0, pole_dist)

    # Reflection formula. To be rigorous, we should reflect to the left of
    # re = 1/2 (see comments for mpf_zeta), but this leads to unnecessary
    # slowdown for interesting values of s
    if mpf_lt(re, fzero):
        # XXX: could use the separate refl. formula for Dirichlet eta
        if alt:
            q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp), wp),
            return mpc_mul(mpc_zeta(s, wp), q, prec, rnd)
        # XXX: -1 should be done exactly
        y = mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, 10 * wp)
        a = mpc_gamma(y, wp)
        b = mpc_zeta(y, wp)
        c = mpc_sin_pi(mpc_shift(s, -1), wp)
        rsign, rman, rexp, rbc = re
        isign, iman, iexp, ibc = im
        mag = max(rexp + rbc, iexp + ibc)
        wp2 = wp + mag
        pi = mpf_pi(wp + wp2)
        pi2 = (mpf_shift(pi, 1), fzero)
        d = mpc_div_mpf(mpc_pow(pi2, s, wp2), pi, wp2)
        return mpc_mul(a, mpc_mul(b, mpc_mul(c, d, wp), wp), prec, rnd)
    n = int(wp / 2.54 + 5)
    n += int(0.9 * abs(to_int(im)))
    d = borwein_coefficients(n)
    ref = to_fixed(re, wp)
    imf = to_fixed(im, wp)
    tre = MPZ_ZERO
    tim = MPZ_ZERO
    one = MPZ_ONE << wp
    one_2wp = MPZ_ONE << (2 * wp)
    critical_line = re == fhalf
    for k in xrange(n):
        log = log_int_fixed(k + 1, wp)
        # A square root is much cheaper than an exp
        if critical_line:
            w = one_2wp // sqrt_fixed((k + 1) << wp, wp)
            w = to_fixed(mpf_exp(from_man_exp(-ref * log, -2 * wp), wp), wp)
        if k & 1:
            w *= (d[n] - d[k])
            w *= (d[k] - d[n])
        wre, wim = mpf_cos_sin(from_man_exp(-imf * log, -2 * wp), wp)
        tre += (w * to_fixed(wre, wp)) >> wp
        tim += (w * to_fixed(wim, wp)) >> wp
    tre //= (-d[n])
    tim //= (-d[n])
    tre = from_man_exp(tre, -wp, wp)
    tim = from_man_exp(tim, -wp, wp)
    if alt:
        return mpc_pos((tre, tim), prec, rnd)
        q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, r, wp), wp)
        return mpc_div((tre, tim), q, prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 17
def sqrtpi_fixed(prec):
    return sqrt_fixed(pi_fixed(prec), prec)
Exemplo n.º 18
def mpc_zetasum(s, a, n, derivatives, reflect, prec):
    Fast version of mp._zetasum, assuming s = complex, a = integer.

    wp = prec + 10
    have_derivatives = derivatives != [0]
    have_one_derivative = len(derivatives) == 1

    # parse s
    sre, sim = s
    critical_line = (sre == fhalf)
    sre = to_fixed(sre, wp)
    sim = to_fixed(sim, wp)

    maxd = max(derivatives)
    if not have_one_derivative:
        derivatives = range(maxd + 1)

    # x_d = 0, y_d = 0
    xre = [MPZ_ZERO for d in derivatives]
    xim = [MPZ_ZERO for d in derivatives]
    if reflect:
        yre = [MPZ_ZERO for d in derivatives]
        yim = [MPZ_ZERO for d in derivatives]
        yre = yim = []

    one = MPZ_ONE << wp
    one_2wp = MPZ_ONE << (2 * wp)

    for w in xrange(a, a + n + 1):
        log = log_int_fixed(w, wp)
        cos, sin = cos_sin_fixed_prod(-sim * log, wp)
        if critical_line:
            u = one_2wp // sqrt_fixed(w << wp, wp)
            u = exp_fixed_prod(-sre * log, wp)
        xterm_re = (u * cos) >> wp
        xterm_im = (u * sin) >> wp
        if reflect:
            reciprocal = (one_2wp // (u * w))
            yterm_re = (reciprocal * cos) >> wp
            yterm_im = (reciprocal * sin) >> wp

        if have_derivatives:
            if have_one_derivative:
                log = pow_fixed(log, maxd, wp)
                xre[0] += (xterm_re * log) >> wp
                xim[0] += (xterm_im * log) >> wp
                if reflect:
                    yre[0] += (yterm_re * log) >> wp
                    yim[0] += (yterm_im * log) >> wp
                t = MPZ_ONE << wp
                for d in derivatives:
                    xre[d] += (xterm_re * t) >> wp
                    xim[d] += (xterm_im * t) >> wp
                    if reflect:
                        yre[d] += (yterm_re * t) >> wp
                        yim[d] += (yterm_im * t) >> wp
                    t = (t * log) >> wp
            xre[0] += xterm_re
            xim[0] += xterm_im
            if reflect:
                yre[0] += yterm_re
                yim[0] += yterm_im
    if have_derivatives:
        if have_one_derivative:
            if maxd % 2:
                xre[0] = -xre[0]
                xim[0] = -xim[0]
                if reflect:
                    yre[0] = -yre[0]
                    yim[0] = -yim[0]
            xre = [(-1)**d * xre[d] for d in derivatives]
            xim = [(-1)**d * xim[d] for d in derivatives]
            if reflect:
                yre = [(-1)**d * yre[d] for d in derivatives]
                yim = [(-1)**d * yim[d] for d in derivatives]
    xs = [(from_man_exp(xa, -wp, prec, 'n'), from_man_exp(xb, -wp, prec, 'n'))
          for (xa, xb) in zip(xre, xim)]
    ys = [(from_man_exp(ya, -wp, prec, 'n'), from_man_exp(yb, -wp, prec, 'n'))
          for (ya, yb) in zip(yre, yim)]
    return xs, ys
Exemplo n.º 19
def mpc_zeta(s, prec, rnd=round_fast, alt=0, force=False):
    re, im = s
    if im == fzero:
        return mpf_zeta(re, prec, rnd, alt), fzero

    # slow for large s
    if (not force) and mpf_gt(mpc_abs(s, 10), from_int(prec)):
        raise NotImplementedError

    wp = prec + 20

    # Near pole
    r = mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp)
    asign, aman, aexp, abc = mpc_abs(r, 10)
    pole_dist = -2*(aexp+abc)
    if pole_dist > wp:
        if alt:
            q = mpf_ln2(wp)
            y = mpf_mul(q, mpf_euler(wp), wp)
            g = mpf_shift(mpf_mul(q, q, wp), -1)
            g = mpf_sub(y, g)
            z = mpc_mul_mpf(r, mpf_neg(g), wp)
            z = mpc_add_mpf(z, q, wp)
            return mpc_pos(z, prec, rnd)
            q = mpc_neg(mpc_div(mpc_one, r, wp))
            q = mpc_add_mpf(q, mpf_euler(wp), wp)
            return mpc_pos(q, prec, rnd)
        wp += max(0, pole_dist)

    # Reflection formula. To be rigorous, we should reflect to the left of
    # re = 1/2 (see comments for mpf_zeta), but this leads to unnecessary
    # slowdown for interesting values of s
    if mpf_lt(re, fzero):
        # XXX: could use the separate refl. formula for Dirichlet eta
        if alt:
            q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp),
                wp), wp)
            return mpc_mul(mpc_zeta(s, wp), q, prec, rnd)
        # XXX: -1 should be done exactly
        y = mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, 10*wp)
        a = mpc_gamma(y, wp)
        b = mpc_zeta(y, wp)
        c = mpc_sin_pi(mpc_shift(s, -1), wp)
        rsign, rman, rexp, rbc = re
        isign, iman, iexp, ibc = im
        mag = max(rexp+rbc, iexp+ibc)
        wp2 = wp + mag
        pi = mpf_pi(wp+wp2)
        pi2 = (mpf_shift(pi, 1), fzero)
        d = mpc_div_mpf(mpc_pow(pi2, s, wp2), pi, wp2)
        return mpc_mul(a,mpc_mul(b,mpc_mul(c,d,wp),wp),prec,rnd)
    n = int(wp/2.54 + 5)
    n += int(0.9*abs(to_int(im)))
    d = borwein_coefficients(n)
    ref = to_fixed(re, wp)
    imf = to_fixed(im, wp)
    tre = MPZ_ZERO
    tim = MPZ_ZERO
    one = MPZ_ONE << wp
    one_2wp = MPZ_ONE << (2*wp)
    critical_line = re == fhalf
    for k in xrange(n):
        log = log_int_fixed(k+1, wp)
        # A square root is much cheaper than an exp
        if critical_line:
            w = one_2wp // sqrt_fixed((k+1) << wp, wp)
            w = to_fixed(mpf_exp(from_man_exp(-ref*log, -2*wp), wp), wp)
        if k & 1:
            w *= (d[n] - d[k])
            w *= (d[k] - d[n])
        wre, wim = mpf_cos_sin(from_man_exp(-imf * log, -2*wp), wp)
        tre += (w * to_fixed(wre, wp)) >> wp
        tim += (w * to_fixed(wim, wp)) >> wp
    tre //= (-d[n])
    tim //= (-d[n])
    tre = from_man_exp(tre, -wp, wp)
    tim = from_man_exp(tim, -wp, wp)
    if alt:
        return mpc_pos((tre, tim), prec, rnd)
        q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, r, wp), wp)
        return mpc_div((tre, tim), q, prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 20
def mpc_zeta(s, prec, rnd=round_fast, alt=0):
    re, im = s
    if im == fzero:
        return mpf_zeta(re, prec, rnd, alt), fzero
    wp = prec + 20
    # Reflection formula. To be rigorous, we should reflect to the left of
    # re = 1/2 (see comments for mpf_zeta), but this leads to unnecessary
    # slowdown for interesting values of s
    if mpf_lt(re, fzero):
        # XXX: could use the separate refl. formula for Dirichlet eta
        if alt:
            q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp), wp),
            return mpc_mul(mpc_zeta(s, wp), q, prec, rnd)
        # XXX: -1 should be done exactly
        y = mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, 10 * wp)
        a = mpc_gamma(y, wp)
        b = mpc_zeta(y, wp)
        c = mpc_sin_pi(mpc_shift(s, -1), wp)
        rsign, rman, rexp, rbc = re
        isign, iman, iexp, ibc = im
        mag = max(rexp + rbc, iexp + ibc)
        wp2 = wp + mag
        pi = mpf_pi(wp + wp2)
        pi2 = (mpf_shift(pi, 1), fzero)
        d = mpc_div_mpf(mpc_pow(pi2, s, wp2), pi, wp2)
        return mpc_mul(a, mpc_mul(b, mpc_mul(c, d, wp), wp), prec, rnd)
    n = int(wp / 2.54 + 5)
    n += int(0.9 * abs(to_int(im)))
    d = borwein_coefficients(n)
    ref = to_fixed(re, wp)
    imf = to_fixed(im, wp)
    tre = MP_ZERO
    tim = MP_ZERO
    one = MP_ONE << wp
    one_2wp = MP_ONE << (2 * wp)
    critical_line = re == fhalf
    for k in xrange(n):
        log = log_int_fixed(k + 1, wp)
        # A square root is much cheaper than an exp
        if critical_line:
            w = one_2wp // sqrt_fixed((k + 1) << wp, wp)
            w = to_fixed(mpf_exp(from_man_exp(-ref * log, -2 * wp), wp), wp)
        if k & 1:
            w *= (d[n] - d[k])
            w *= (d[k] - d[n])
        wre, wim = cos_sin(
            from_man_exp(-imf * log_int_fixed(k + 1, wp), -2 * wp), wp)
        tre += (w * to_fixed(wre, wp)) >> wp
        tim += (w * to_fixed(wim, wp)) >> wp
    tre //= (-d[n])
    tim //= (-d[n])
    tre = from_man_exp(tre, -wp, wp)
    tim = from_man_exp(tim, -wp, wp)
    if alt:
        return mpc_pos((tre, tim), prec, rnd)
        q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp), wp), wp)
        return mpc_div((tre, tim), q, prec, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 21
def mpc_zetasum(s, a, n, derivatives, reflect, prec):
    Fast version of mp._zetasum, assuming s = complex, a = integer.

    wp = prec + 10
    have_derivatives = derivatives != [0]
    have_one_derivative = len(derivatives) == 1

    # parse s
    sre, sim = s
    critical_line = (sre == fhalf)
    sre = to_fixed(sre, wp)
    sim = to_fixed(sim, wp)

    maxd = max(derivatives)
    if not have_one_derivative:
        derivatives = range(maxd+1)

    # x_d = 0, y_d = 0
    xre = [MPZ_ZERO for d in derivatives]
    xim = [MPZ_ZERO for d in derivatives]
    if reflect:
        yre = [MPZ_ZERO for d in derivatives]
        yim = [MPZ_ZERO for d in derivatives]
        yre = yim = []

    one = MPZ_ONE << wp
    one_2wp = MPZ_ONE << (2*wp)

    for w in xrange(a, a+n+1):
        log = log_int_fixed(w, wp)
        cos, sin = cos_sin_fixed_prod(-sim*log, wp)
        if critical_line:
            u = one_2wp // sqrt_fixed(w << wp, wp)
            u = exp_fixed_prod(-sre*log, wp)
        xterm_re = (u * cos) >> wp
        xterm_im = (u * sin) >> wp
        if reflect:
            reciprocal = (one_2wp // (u*w))
            yterm_re = (reciprocal * cos) >> wp
            yterm_im = (reciprocal * sin) >> wp

        if have_derivatives:
            if have_one_derivative:
                log = pow_fixed(log, maxd, wp)
                xre[0] += (xterm_re * log) >> wp
                xim[0] += (xterm_im * log) >> wp
                if reflect:
                    yre[0] += (yterm_re * log) >> wp
                    yim[0] += (yterm_im * log) >> wp
                t = MPZ_ONE << wp
                for d in derivatives:
                    xre[d] += (xterm_re * t) >> wp
                    xim[d] += (xterm_im * t) >> wp
                    if reflect:
                        yre[d] += (yterm_re * t) >> wp
                        yim[d] += (yterm_im * t) >> wp
                    t = (t * log) >> wp
            xre[0] += xterm_re
            xim[0] += xterm_im
            if reflect:
                yre[0] += yterm_re
                yim[0] += yterm_im
    if have_derivatives:
        if have_one_derivative:
            if maxd % 2:
                xre[0] = -xre[0]
                xim[0] = -xim[0]
                if reflect:
                    yre[0] = -yre[0]
                    yim[0] = -yim[0]
            xre = [(-1)**d * xre[d] for d in derivatives]
            xim = [(-1)**d * xim[d] for d in derivatives]
            if reflect:
                yre = [(-1)**d * yre[d] for d in derivatives]
                yim = [(-1)**d * yim[d] for d in derivatives]
    xs = [(from_man_exp(xa, -wp, prec, 'n'), from_man_exp(xb, -wp, prec, 'n'))
        for (xa, xb) in zip(xre, xim)]
    ys = [(from_man_exp(ya, -wp, prec, 'n'), from_man_exp(yb, -wp, prec, 'n'))
        for (ya, yb) in zip(yre, yim)]
    return xs, ys
Exemplo n.º 22
def calc_cos_sin(which, y, swaps, prec, cos_rnd, sin_rnd):
    Simultaneous computation of cos and sin (internal function).
    y, wp = y
    swap_cos_sin, cos_sign, sin_sign = swaps

    if swap_cos_sin:
        which_compute = -which
        which_compute = which

    # XXX: assumes no swaps
    if not y:
        return fone, fzero

    # Tiny nonzero argument
    if wp > prec * 2 + 30:
        y = from_man_exp(y, -wp)

        if swap_cos_sin:
            cos_rnd, sin_rnd = sin_rnd, cos_rnd
            cos_sign, sin_sign = sin_sign, cos_sign

        if cos_sign: cos = mpf_perturb(fnone, 0, prec, cos_rnd)
        else: cos = mpf_perturb(fone, 1, prec, cos_rnd)
        if sin_sign: sin = mpf_perturb(mpf_neg(y), 0, prec, sin_rnd)
        else: sin = mpf_perturb(y, 1, prec, sin_rnd)

        if swap_cos_sin:
            cos, sin = sin, cos
        return cos, sin

    # Use standard Taylor series
    if prec < 600:
        if which_compute == 0:
            sin = sin_taylor(y, wp)
            # only need to evaluate one of the series
            cos = sqrt_fixed((1 << wp) - ((sin * sin) >> wp), wp)
        elif which_compute == 1:
            sin = 0
            cos = cos_taylor(y, wp)
        elif which_compute == -1:
            sin = sin_taylor(y, wp)
            cos = 0
    # Use exp(i*x) with Brent's trick
        r = int(0.137 * prec**0.579)
        ep = r + 20
        cos, sin = expi_series(y << ep, wp + ep, r)
        cos >>= ep
        sin >>= ep

    if swap_cos_sin:
        cos, sin = sin, cos

    if cos_rnd is not round_nearest:
        # Round and set correct signs
        # XXX: this logic needs a second look
        ONE = MP_ONE << wp
        if cos_sign:
            cos += (-1)**(cos_rnd in (round_ceiling, round_down))
            cos = min(ONE, cos)
            cos += (-1)**(cos_rnd in (round_ceiling, round_up))
            cos = min(ONE, cos)
        if sin_sign:
            sin += (-1)**(sin_rnd in (round_ceiling, round_down))
            sin = min(ONE, sin)
            sin += (-1)**(sin_rnd in (round_ceiling, round_up))
            sin = min(ONE, sin)

    if which != -1:
        cos = normalize(cos_sign, cos, -wp, bitcount(cos), prec, cos_rnd)
    if which != 1:
        sin = normalize(sin_sign, sin, -wp, bitcount(sin), prec, sin_rnd)

    return cos, sin