Exemplo n.º 1
def explicit_relay():
    """Intermediate component with explicit settings.

    Sends and receives overlay settings explicitly, rather than
    having MUSCLE handle them. This just passes all information on.
    instance = Instance({
            Operator.F_INIT: ['in[]'], Operator.O_F: ['out[]']})

    while instance.reuse_instance(False):
        # f_init
        assert instance.get_setting('test2', 'float') == 13.3
        assert instance.get_port_length('in') == instance.get_port_length(

        msgs = list()
        for slot in range(instance.get_port_length('in')):
            msg = instance.receive_with_settings('in', slot)
            assert msg.data.startswith('testing')
            assert msg.settings['test2'] == 14.4

        assert instance.get_setting('test2') == 13.3

        # o_f
        for slot in range(instance.get_port_length('out')):
            instance.send('out', msgs[slot], slot)
Exemplo n.º 2
def load_balancer() -> None:
    """A proxy which divides many calls over few instances.

    Put this component between a driver and a set of models, or between
    a macro model and a set of micro models. It will let the driver or
    macro-model submit as many calls as it wants, and divide them over
    the available (micro)model instances in a round-robin fashion.

    Assumes a fixed number of micro-model instances.

        front_in: Input for calls, connect to driver/macro-model O_I.
        back_out: Output to workers, connect to F_INIT of instances that
                do the work.
        back_in: Input for results, connect to O_F of instances that do
                the work.
        front_out: Output back to driver/macro-model S.
    instance = Instance({
        Operator.F_INIT: ['front_in[]'],
        Operator.O_I: ['back_out[]'],
        Operator.S: ['back_in[]'],
        Operator.O_F: ['front_out[]']

    while instance.reuse_instance(False):
        # F_INIT
        started = 0  # number started and index of next to start
        done = 0  # number done and index of next to return

        num_calls = instance.get_port_length('front_in')
        num_workers = instance.get_port_length('back_out')

        instance.set_port_length('front_out', num_calls)
        while done < num_calls:
            while started - done < num_workers and started < num_calls:
                msg = instance.receive_with_settings('front_in', started)
                instance.send('back_out', msg, started % num_workers)
                started += 1
            msg = instance.receive_with_settings('back_in', done % num_workers)
            instance.send('front_out', msg, done)
            done += 1
Exemplo n.º 3
def qmc():
    """qMC implementation.
    instance = Instance({Operator.O_F: ['settings_out[]']})

    while instance.reuse_instance():
        # o_f
        settings0 = Settings({'test2': 14.4})

        assert instance.is_connected('settings_out')
        assert instance.is_vector_port('settings_out')
        assert not instance.is_resizable('settings_out')
        length = instance.get_port_length('settings_out')
        assert length == 10
        for slot in range(length):
                          Message(0.0, None, settings0), slot)