Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_parse_reportitem(self):
     """test_parse_reportitem : check vuln parsing"""
     fd = open("%s/files/reportitems.xml" % self.fdir, 'r')
     s = fd.read()
     root = ET.fromstring(s)
     report_item = NessusParser.parse_reportitem(root)
     self.assertEqual(isinstance(report_item, NessusReportItem), True)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_parse_host(self):
     """test_parse_host : check host parsing"""
     fd = open("%s/files/hostnessus.xml" % self.fdir, 'r')
     s = fd.read()
     root = ET.fromstring(s)
     host = NessusParser.parse_host(root=root)
                       isinstance(host, NessusReportHost), True)
Exemplo n.º 3
def import_report(fileobj):
    if NessusParser is None:
        raise ImportError("Could not find libnessus")

    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'C')
    report = NessusParser.parse_fromstring(fileobj.read())

    session = Session()

    if session.query(NessusReport.id).filter(NessusReport.name==report.name).first():
        log.error("Report %s already exist", report.name)

    dbreport = NessusReport()
    dbreport.name = report.name

    for host in report.hosts:
        import_host(session, dbreport, host)

Exemplo n.º 4
    def import_nessus(self, path_to_directory):
        for file in os.listdir(path_to_directory):
            if file.endswith(".nessus"):
                print "\n[*] importing nessus file: %s\n" % file
                file = "%s%s" % (path_to_directory, file)
                report = NessusParser.parse_fromfile(file)

                for host in report.hosts:
                    ip = host.ip

                    os_fingerprint = host.get_host_property('operating-system')
                    for vuln in host.get_report_items:
                        service = vuln.service
                        proto = vuln.protocol
                        vuln_info = vuln.get_vuln_info
                        port = vuln_info['port']

                        #Vulnerability Infos
                        #vuln db references
                        vuln_cvss_score = ''
                        vuln_cve = ''
                        vuln_osvdb = ''

                        if 'cvss_base_score' in vuln_info:
                            vuln_cvss_score = vuln_info['cvss_base_score']

                        if 'cve' in vuln_info:
                            vuln_cve = ', '.join(vuln_info['cve'])

                        if 'osdvdb' in vuln_info:
                            vuln_osvdb = ', '.join(vuln_info['osvdb'])

                        #vuln descriptions
                        vuln_description = ''
                        vuln_plugin_output = ''
                        vuln_solution = ''
                        vuln_risk = ''
                        vuln_metasploit_availability = ''
                        vuln_patch_pub_date = ''
                        vuln_exploit_available = ''
                        vuln_metaasploit_name = ''
                        vuln_risk_factor = ''
                        vuln_exploitability = ''
                        vuln_metasploit_name = ''
                        vuln_references = ''
                        vuln_plugin_name = ''
                        vuln_metasploit_name = ''

                        if 'description' in vuln_info:
                            vuln_description = vuln_info['description']

                        if 'plugin_name' in vuln_info:
                            vuln_plugin_name = vuln_info['plugin_name']

                        if 'plugin_output' in vuln_info:
                            vuln_plugin_output = vuln_info['plugin_output']

                        if 'solution' in vuln_info:
                            vuln_solution = vuln_info['solution']

                        if 'synopsis' in vuln_info:
                            vuln_risk = vuln_info['synopsis']

                        if 'exploit_framework_metasploit' in vuln_info:
                            vuln_metasploit_availability = str(
                            )  #True or False

                        if 'patch_publication_date' in vuln_info:
                            vuln_patch_pub_date = vuln_info[

                        if 'exploit_available' in vuln_info:
                            vuln_exploit_available = vuln_info[
                                'exploit_available']  #true or false

                        if 'metasploit_name' in vuln_info:
                            vuln_metasploit_name = vuln_info['metasploit_name']

                        if 'risk_factor' in vuln_info:
                            vuln_risk_factor = vuln_info['risk_factor']

                        if 'see_also' in vuln_info:
                            vuln_references = vuln_info['see_also']

                        if 'exploitability_ease' in vuln_info:
                            vuln_exploitability = vuln_info[

                            ip, proto, port, service, vuln_risk_factor,
                            vuln_plugin_name, vuln_description, vuln_risk,
                            vuln_solution, vuln_patch_pub_date,
                            vuln_plugin_output, vuln_cvss_score, vuln_cve,
                            vuln_osvdb, vuln_exploitability,
                            vuln_metasploit_availability, vuln_metasploit_name,
Exemplo n.º 5
from libnessus.plugins.backendpluginFactory import BackendPluginFactory

import glob
from datetime import datetime

url = {'plugin_name': "es"}
backend = BackendPluginFactory.create(**url)
listfiles = "../libnessus/test/files/nessus*"
files = glob.glob(listfiles)

idate = datetime.now().strftime('%Y.%m.%d')
iindex = "nessus-{date}".format(date=idate)
print iindex

for file in files:
        nessus_obj_list = NessusParser.parse_fromfile(file)
    for i in nessus_obj_list.hosts:
        docu = {}
        docu['scantime'] = nessus_obj_list.endtime
        docu['host_ip'] = i.ip
        docu['host_name'] = i.name
        docu['host-fqdn'] = i.get_host_property('host-fqdn')
        docu['operating-system'] = i.get_host_property('operating-system')
        docu['system-type'] = i.get_host_property('system-type')
        for v in i.get_report_items:
            docu['vulninfo'] = v.get_vuln_info
            backend.es.index(index=iindex, doc_type="vulnerability", body=docu)
def parse_nessus():
    Parse .nessus file
    report = NessusParser.parse_fromfile(args.nessus)
    return report
Exemplo n.º 7
listfiles = args.filename
files = glob.glob(listfiles)

idate = datetime.now().strftime('%Y.%m.%d')
iindex = "nessus-{date}".format(date=idate)

for file in files:
        nessus_obj_list = NessusParser.parse_fromfile(file)
        print("file cannot be imported : %s" % file)
    for i in nessus_obj_list.hosts:
        docu = {}
        docu['scantime'] = nessus_obj_list.endtime
        docu['host_ip'] = i.ip
        docu['host_name'] = i.name
        docu['host-fqdn'] = i.get_host_property('host-fqdn')
        docu['operating-system'] = i.get_host_property('operating-system')
        docu['system-type'] = i.get_host_property('system-type')
        for v in i.get_report_items:
            docu['vulninfo'] = v.get_vuln_info
            backend.es.index(index=iindex, doc_type="vulnerability", body=docu)
    print("file imported successfully : %s" % file)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def setUp(self):
        """setup a table of report based on the files in flist """
        self.fdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        self.flist = [
                "%s/%s" % (self.fdir, 'files/nessus_report_local2.nessus'),
                'hosts': 1,
                'rep_start': "Fri Oct  4 15:06:24 2013",
                'rep_end': "Fri Oct  4 15:07:30 2013",
                'hosts_ip': [
                'hosts_start': [
                    "Fri Oct  4 15:06:24 2013",
                'hosts_end': [
                    "Fri Oct  4 15:07:30 2013",
                'patch-summary-total-cves': ["0"],
                'totalVulnPerHost': [62],
                'hosts_names': [
                "%s/%s" % (self.fdir, 'files/nessus_report_localpci.nessus'),
                "Tue Jan  7 08:19:20 2014",
                "Tue Jan  7 08:19:25 2014",
                'hosts_ip': [
                'hosts_start': [
                    "Tue Jan  7 08:19:20 2014",
                'hosts_end': [
                    "Tue Jan  7 08:19:25 2014",
                'patch-summary-total-cves': ["156"],
                'totalVulnPerHost': [167],
                'hosts_names': [
                "%s/%s" % (self.fdir, 'files/nessus_report_test_local.nessus'),
                "Tue Oct  1 18:19:31 2013",
                "Wed Oct  2 09:03:58 2013",
                'hosts_ip': ["", ""],
                ["Tue Oct  1 18:19:31 2013", "Tue Oct  1 18:19:31 2013"],
                ["Tue Oct  1 18:20:43 2013", "Wed Oct  2 09:03:58 2013"],
                'patch-summary-total-cves': ["31", "14"],
                'totalVulnPerHost': [74, 73],
                'hosts_names': ["", ""]
                "%s/%s" % (self.fdir, 'files/nessus_report_local_3.nessus'),
                "Thu Mar 20 00:30:57 2014",
                "Thu Mar 20 01:22:17 2014",
                'hosts_start': [
                    "Thu Mar 20 00:30:57 2014", "Thu Mar 20 00:30:57 2014",
                    "Thu Mar 20 00:30:57 2014"
                'hosts_end': [
                    "Thu Mar 20 01:07:03 2014", "Thu Mar 20 00:57:04 2014",
                    "Thu Mar 20 01:22:17 2014"
                'patch-summary-total-cves': ["0", "9", "43"],
                'totalVulnPerHost': [2, 31, 73],
                ["", "", ""],
                ["", "", ""]
        #parse them once and for all
        for testfile in self.flist:
            fd = open(testfile['file'], 'r')
            s = fd.read()
            nrp = NessusParser.parse(s)
            testfile['report'] = nrp
        #cannot parse these file as it will provoque an excepetion
        self.badlist = [
                'file': "%s/%s" % (self.fdir, 'files/xxxxxxxx.nessus'),
                'hosts': 0
        #special report for Vuln Testing one host many vuln
        self.expected_vuln = [{
            'port': "0",
            'svc_name': "general",
            'protocol': "tcp",
            'severity': "0",
            'plugin_id': "19506",
            'plugin_name': "Nessus Scan Information",
            'plugin_family': "Settings",
            'plugin_modification_date': "2013/11/21",
            'plugin_publication_date': '2005/08/26',
            'risk_factor': "None",
            'solution': 'n/a',
            'synopsis': 'Information about the Nessus scan.',
        }, {
            'port': '0',
            'protocol': 'tcp',
            'severity': '0',
            'solution': 'Install the patches listed below',
            'svc_name': 'general',
            'synopsis': 'The remote host is missing several patches',
            'risk_factor': 'None',
            'plugin_family': 'General',
            'plugin_id': '66334',
            'plugin_modification_date': '2013/12/18',
            'plugin_name': 'Patch Report',
            'plugin_publication_date': '2013/05/07',
            'plugin_type': 'local',
        }, {
            'port': '0',
            'protocol': 'tcp',
            'risk_factor': 'None',
            'severity': '0',
            'solution': 'n/a',
            'svc_name': 'general',
            'Notes the proper handling of false positives in PCI DSS scans.',
            'plugin_family': 'Policy Compliance',
            'plugin_id': '60020',
            'plugin_modification_date': '2012/07/05',
            'plugin_name': 'PCI DSS Compliance : Handling False Positives',
            'plugin_publication_date': '2012/07/18',
            'plugin_type': 'summary',
        }, {
            'severity': '4',
            'solution': 'Upgrade to the latest version of rpc.statd.',
            'svc_name': 'rpc-status',
            'The remote service is vulnerable to a buffer overflow.',
            'port': '33489',
            'protocol': 'udp',
            'risk_factor': 'Critical',
            'plugin_id': '10544',
            'plugin_modification_date': '2012/06/22',
            'Linux Multiple statd Packages Remote Format String',
            'plugin_family': 'RPC',
            'plugin_publication_date': '2000/11/10',
            'plugin_type': 'remote',
        }, {
            'severity': '3',
            'solution': 'Update the affected nspr packages.',
            'svc_name': 'general',
            'The remote CentOS host is missing one or more security updates.',
            'port': '0',
            'protocol': 'tcp',
            'risk_factor': 'High',
            'plugin_family': 'CentOS Local Security Checks',
            'plugin_id': '64381',
            'plugin_modification_date': '2013/06/29',
            'plugin_name': 'CentOS 6 : nspr (CESA-2013:0213)',
            'plugin_publication_date': '2013/02/01',
            'plugin_type': 'local',

        fd = open("%s/%s" %
                  (self.fdir, 'files/nessus_forgedReport_ReportItem.nessus'))
        s = fd.read()
        nrp = NessusParser.parse(s)
        # save the forged report
        self.forgedreport = nrp
        # save the forged host for fast retrieve in test
        self.forgedHost = nrp.hosts[0]
        # save the forged reportItem for fast retrieve in test
        self.VulnList = nrp.hosts[0].get_report_items
Exemplo n.º 9
    def setUp(self):
        '''setup a table of report based on the files in flist '''
        self.fdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        self.flist = [
            {'file': "%s/%s" % (self.fdir, 'files/nessus_report_local2.nessus'),
             'hosts': 1,
             'rep_start': "Fri Oct  4 15:06:24 2013",
             'rep_end': "Fri Oct  4 15:07:30 2013",
             'hosts_ip': ["", ],
             'hosts_start': ["Fri Oct  4 15:06:24 2013", ],
             'hosts_end': ["Fri Oct  4 15:07:30 2013", ],
             'patch-summary-total-cves': ["0"],
             'totalVulnPerHost': [62],
             'hosts_names': ["localhost", ]},
            {'file': "%s/%s" % (self.fdir, 'files/nessus_report_localpci.nessus'),
             'hosts': 1,
             'rep_start': "Tue Jan  7 08:19:20 2014",
             'rep_end': "Tue Jan  7 08:19:25 2014",
             'hosts_ip': ["", ],
             'hosts_start': ["Tue Jan  7 08:19:20 2014", ],
             'hosts_end': ["Tue Jan  7 08:19:25 2014", ],
             'patch-summary-total-cves': ["156"],
             'totalVulnPerHost': [167],
             'hosts_names': ["", ]},
            {'file': "%s/%s" % (self.fdir, 'files/nessus_report_test_local.nessus'),
             'hosts': 2,
             'rep_start': "Tue Oct  1 18:19:31 2013",
             'rep_end': "Wed Oct  2 09:03:58 2013",
             'hosts_ip': ["", ""],
             'hosts_start': ["Tue Oct  1 18:19:31 2013",
                             "Tue Oct  1 18:19:31 2013"],
             'hosts_end': ["Tue Oct  1 18:20:43 2013",
                           "Wed Oct  2 09:03:58 2013"],
             'patch-summary-total-cves': ["31","14"],
             'totalVulnPerHost': [74, 73],
             'hosts_names': ["", ""]},
            {'file': "%s/%s" % (self.fdir, 'files/nessus_report_local_3.nessus'),
             'hosts': 3,
             'rep_start': "Thu Mar 20 00:30:57 2014",
             'rep_end': "Thu Mar 20 01:22:17 2014",
             'hosts_start': ["Thu Mar 20 00:30:57 2014",
                             "Thu Mar 20 00:30:57 2014",
                             "Thu Mar 20 00:30:57 2014"],
             'hosts_end': ["Thu Mar 20 01:07:03 2014",
                           "Thu Mar 20 00:57:04 2014",
                           "Thu Mar 20 01:22:17 2014"],
             'patch-summary-total-cves': ["0","9","43"],
             'totalVulnPerHost': [2,31,73],
             'hosts_ip': ["", "", ""],
             'hosts_names': ["", "", ""]},
        #parse them once and for all
        for testfile in self.flist:
            fd = open(testfile['file'], 'r')
            s = fd.read()
            nrp = NessusParser.parse(s)
            testfile['report'] = nrp
        #cannot parse these file as it will provoque an excepetion
        self.badlist = [
            {'file': "%s/%s" % (self.fdir, 'files/xxxxxxxx.nessus'),
             'hosts': 0},
        #special report for Vuln Testing one host many vuln
        self.expected_vuln = [
                'port': "0",
                'svc_name': "general",
                'protocol': "tcp",
                'severity': "0",
                'plugin_id': "19506",
                'plugin_name': "Nessus Scan Information",
                'plugin_family': "Settings",
                'plugin_modification_date': "2013/11/21",
                'plugin_publication_date': '2005/08/26',
                'risk_factor': "None",
                'solution': 'n/a',
                'synopsis': 'Information about the Nessus scan.',
                'port': '0',
                'protocol': 'tcp',
                'severity': '0',
                'solution': 'Install the patches listed below',
                'svc_name': 'general',
                'synopsis': 'The remote host is missing several patches',
                'risk_factor': 'None',
                'plugin_family': 'General',
                'plugin_id': '66334',
                'plugin_modification_date': '2013/12/18',
                'plugin_name': 'Patch Report',
                'plugin_publication_date': '2013/05/07',
                'plugin_type': 'local',
                'port': '0',
                'protocol': 'tcp',
                'risk_factor': 'None',
                'severity': '0',
                'solution': 'n/a',
                'svc_name': 'general',
                'synopsis': 'Notes the proper handling of false positives in PCI DSS scans.',
                'plugin_family': 'Policy Compliance',
                'plugin_id': '60020',
                'plugin_modification_date': '2012/07/05',
                'plugin_name': 'PCI DSS Compliance : Handling False Positives',
                'plugin_publication_date': '2012/07/18',
                'plugin_type': 'summary',
                'severity': '4',
                'solution': 'Upgrade to the latest version of rpc.statd.',
                'svc_name': 'rpc-status',
                'synopsis': 'The remote service is vulnerable to a buffer overflow.',
                'port': '33489',
                'protocol': 'udp',
                'risk_factor': 'Critical',
                'plugin_id': '10544',
                'plugin_modification_date': '2012/06/22',
                'plugin_name': 'Linux Multiple statd Packages Remote Format String',
                'plugin_family': 'RPC',
                'plugin_publication_date': '2000/11/10',
                'plugin_type': 'remote',
                'severity': '3',
                'solution': 'Update the affected nspr packages.',
                'svc_name': 'general',
                'synopsis': 'The remote CentOS host is missing one or more security updates.',
                'port': '0',
                'protocol': 'tcp',
                'risk_factor': 'High',
                'plugin_family': 'CentOS Local Security Checks',
                'plugin_id': '64381',
                'plugin_modification_date': '2013/06/29',
                'plugin_name': 'CentOS 6 : nspr (CESA-2013:0213)',
                'plugin_publication_date': '2013/02/01',
                'plugin_type': 'local',

        fd = open("%s/%s" % (self.fdir, 'files/nessus_forgedReport_ReportItem.nessus'))
        s = fd.read()
        nrp = NessusParser.parse(s)
        # save the forged report
        self.forgedreport = nrp
        # save the forged host for fast retrieve in test
        self.forgedHost = nrp.hosts[0]
        # save the forged reportItem for fast retrieve in test
        self.VulnList = nrp.hosts[0].get_report_items