def testOverDue(self): """ A book becomes overdue after '2 weeks?' I don't know how to test this. """ lib = Library() lib.add_books(self._book) real = Book("book_seven",'0000111125433',"author_seven","genre_seven") real.method = Mock(return_value=datetime().today()+datetime.timedelta(days=14)) print(real.method(1234,"hey You!"))
def testInit(self): """ Passing incorrect types should result in type errors """ with self.assertRaises(TypeError): Book(title=50, isbn="0000111125433", author="Book Writer", genre="Educational",) Book(title="Book Tests", isbn=50, author="Book Writer", genre="Educational",) Book(title="Book Tests", isbn="0000111125433", author=100, genre="Educational",) Book(title="Book Tests", isbn="0000111125433", author="Book Writer", genre=("Educational",),)
def testAddBooks(self): """ should be able to add books to library catalog. Should only accept books, anything else should be ignored; should return True to indicate success """ res = self._library.add_books(book for book in self.__books) self.assertTrue(res) # library's books should be same len as books added now self.assertEqual(self._library.books_all,self.__books) # add extra books via unpacking b1 = Book("book_eight",TestLibrary.gen_isbn(13),"author_eight","genre_eight"), b2 = Book("book_nine",TestLibrary.gen_isbn(13),"author_nine","genre_nine") self._library.add_books(b1,b2)
def testCheckIn(self): """ testCheckIn tests the returning of a book. check_in should ensure book is not in, ensure that it is in books_all, finally it should return book in by removing its checkedout status and reutrning it to books_in """ # a book must first be checked out self._library.add_books(book for book in self.__books) book = self._library.books_all[0] book_in = self._library.books_all[1] self._library.checkout(book,"Garry") self.assertIn(book,self._library.books_out) # try t0 return a book that is already in self.assertIn(book_in,self._library.books_in) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self._library.checkin(book_in) # try to return a book that is not in books_all self._library.checkin(Book("book_nine",TestLibrary.gen_isbn(13),"author_nine","genre_nine")) # correctly return a book self._library.checkin(book) self.assertNotIn(book,self._library.books_out) self.assertIn(book,self._library.books_in) self.assertIsNone(book.checked_out_to) self.assertFalse(book.checked_out[0]) # book was checked in today self.assertEqual(book.checked_out[1],
def bad_impl(): Book("title","123456789","author","genre")
class TestBook(unittest.TestCase): """ A book should have a title, an ISBN, an author, a genre and a checked out status. Title, isbn, author, genre should be string and checked out should be bool """ _book = Book(title="Book Tests", isbn="0000111125433", author="Book Writer", genre="Educational",) _class_vars= vars(_book) def testInit(self): """ Passing incorrect types should result in type errors """ with self.assertRaises(TypeError): Book(title=50, isbn="0000111125433", author="Book Writer", genre="Educational",) Book(title="Book Tests", isbn=50, author="Book Writer", genre="Educational",) Book(title="Book Tests", isbn="0000111125433", author=100, genre="Educational",) Book(title="Book Tests", isbn="0000111125433", author="Book Writer", genre=("Educational",),) def testTitle(self): def set_title(title): self._book.title = title """ A book should have a title when it is created; the title of a book should not be able to change as this would imply a new book has been created """ title = '_title' # ensure book has a title self.assertIn(title,self._class_vars) self.assertNotEqual(self._class_vars[title],'','Expected legitimate title') # test if setting title fails with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): set_title('should_fail') self.assertEqual("Book Tests",self._book.title) def testISBN(self): def set_isbn(num): self._book.isbn = num def bad_impl(): Book("title","123456789","author","genre") """ An ISBN number is 13 numbers long A book should have an ISBN when created the ISBN of a book should not be able to change """ isbn = '_isbn' isbn_num = "0000111125433" self.assertIn(isbn,self._class_vars) self.assertEqual(self._class_vars[isbn],isbn_num) self.assertEqual(len(self._class_vars[isbn]),13) # ISBN should be 13 chars long with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): bad_impl() set_isbn('someNumber') self.assertEqual("0000111125433",self._book.isbn) def testAuthor(self): def set_author(author): = author """ A book should have an author upon creation the author of a book should not be able to change """ author = '_author' self.assertIn(author,self._class_vars) self.assertNotEqual(self._class_vars[author],'') with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): set_author('fail') self.assertEqual("Book Writer", def testGenre(self): def set_genre(x): self._book.genre = x self.assertEqual("Educational",self._book.genre) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): set_genre('fail') def testCheckedOut(self): """ A book cshould have a property stating whether or not the book is checked out. This property should be setable. This property should always be a boolean """ # It's presumed a book that has just been added to the # library will not be checked out self.assertFalse(self._book.checked_out[0],"Book should not yet be checked out") self._book.checked_out = True # date should be noted in checked_out status self.assertEqual(self._book.checked_out,(True, with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self._book.checked_out = "True" def testCheckedOutTo(self): """ A book should always be checked out to a customer or be back at the library(None) """ lib = Library() lib.add_books(self._book) self.assertIsNone(lib.books_all[0].checked_out_to) # when a book is checked out it should obtain status checked_out_to # to point to a cus cus = "Garry" lib.checkout(self._book,cus) self.assertEqual(cus,self._book.checked_out_to) def testOverDue(self): """ A book becomes overdue after '2 weeks?' I don't know how to test this. """ lib = Library() lib.add_books(self._book) real = Book("book_seven",'0000111125433',"author_seven","genre_seven") real.method = Mock(return_value=datetime().today()+datetime.timedelta(days=14)) print(real.method(1234,"hey You!"))
class TestLibrary(unittest.TestCase): """ A library should have a listing of all books the library owns; the books available for hire; the books that are currently being hired; the ability to check in and check out books; the ability to add/remove books from the library permanently. """ gen_isbn = lambda size: "".join([str(random.randint(0,9)) for _ in range(size)]) _library = Library() __books = [ Book("book_two",gen_isbn(13),"author_two","genre_two"), Book("book_three",gen_isbn(13),"author_three","genre_three"), Book("book_four",gen_isbn(13),"author_four","genre_four"), Book("book_five",gen_isbn(13),"author_five","genre_five"), Book("book_six",gen_isbn(13),"author_six","genre_six"), Book("book_seven",gen_isbn(13),"author_seven","genre_seven"), ] def setUp(self): self._library._clear_data() def testBooksAll(self): """ Should return all books library has on hand. A library should start with no books on hand books should not be setable """ self.assertEqual(self._library.books_all,[]) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): self._library.books_all = self.__books def testAddBooks(self): """ should be able to add books to library catalog. Should only accept books, anything else should be ignored; should return True to indicate success """ res = self._library.add_books(book for book in self.__books) self.assertTrue(res) # library's books should be same len as books added now self.assertEqual(self._library.books_all,self.__books) # add extra books via unpacking b1 = Book("book_eight",TestLibrary.gen_isbn(13),"author_eight","genre_eight"), b2 = Book("book_nine",TestLibrary.gen_isbn(13),"author_nine","genre_nine") self._library.add_books(b1,b2) def testCheckOut(self): """ testCheckout also tests books_out checkOut ensures book is not currently out and exists in library catalog; checkout then checks the book out to a customer Checkout should also add a date that the book was checked out to the book's properties to signal when it is over due. """ # add default books to library self._library.add_books(book for book in self.__books) book = self._library.books_all[0] # checkout time = today today = self._library.checkout(book,"Garry") # bOOK SHOULD now be in books_out self.assertIn(book,self._library.books_out) # booksout[book] should link to person who got book out and what date self.assertEqual(self._library.books_out[book],("Garry",today)) # books_out should only contain one book as only one has been withdrawn self.assertEqual(len(self._library.books_out),1) # when a book is checked out it should be removed from books_in self.assertEqual(len(self._library.books_in),len(self._library.books_all)-1) self.assertNotIn(book,self._library.books_in) def testCheckIn(self): """ testCheckIn tests the returning of a book. check_in should ensure book is not in, ensure that it is in books_all, finally it should return book in by removing its checkedout status and reutrning it to books_in """ # a book must first be checked out self._library.add_books(book for book in self.__books) book = self._library.books_all[0] book_in = self._library.books_all[1] self._library.checkout(book,"Garry") self.assertIn(book,self._library.books_out) # try t0 return a book that is already in self.assertIn(book_in,self._library.books_in) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self._library.checkin(book_in) # try to return a book that is not in books_all self._library.checkin(Book("book_nine",TestLibrary.gen_isbn(13),"author_nine","genre_nine")) # correctly return a book self._library.checkin(book) self.assertNotIn(book,self._library.books_out) self.assertIn(book,self._library.books_in) self.assertIsNone(book.checked_out_to) self.assertFalse(book.checked_out[0]) # book was checked in today self.assertEqual(book.checked_out[1], def testBooksOut(self): # a Library with no books should return False self.assertFalse(self._library.books_out) # other testing logic taken care of in testCheckOut def testBooksIn(self): """ Library should be able to return all books currently IN """ # a Library with no books should not have any in self.assertFalse(self._library.books_in) # when books are added they should all be in Books In self._library.add_books(book for book in self.__books) self.assertEqual(self._library.books_all,self._library.books_in)
def add_item(): """Adds a list of items to the catalog :return: No return value, but appends a list of items to catalog._all_items """ new_items = [] while True: print("1. Book") print("2. DVD Movie") print("3. Music CD") try: item_choice = int( input( "Enter a number to select the type of item you want to add: " )) if item_choice == 1: # Make a book name = str(input("Enter the name of the book: ")) isbn = str(input("Enter the ISBN of the book: ")) author = str(input("Enter the author of the book: ")) tags = tagadd() new_book = Book(name, isbn, author, tags) new_items.append(new_book) elif item_choice == 2: # Make a DVD movie name = str(input("Enter the name of the DVD: ")) isbn = str(input("Enter the ISBN of the DVD: ")) director = str(input("Enter in the director of the movie: ")) actor = str(input("Enter in the lead actor in the movie: ")) tags = tagadd() new_dvd = DVDMovie(name, isbn, director, actor, tags) new_items.append(new_dvd) elif item_choice == 3: # Make a Music CD name = str(input("Enter the name of the CD: ")) isbn = str(input("Enter the ISBN of the CD: ")) artist = str( input("Enter in the recording artist of the CD: ")) while True: try: num_discs = int( input("Please enter in the number of discs: ")) break except ValueError: print("That's not a valid number!") tags = tagadd() new_cd = MusicCD(name, isbn, artist, num_discs, tags) new_items.append(new_cd) else: print("Please enter one of the above numbers") run_again = str( input("Would you like to add another item (Y/N): ")) if run_again.lower() not in ['y', 'yes']: catalog.add_items(new_items) break except ValueError: print("Please enter one of the above numbers")