Exemplo n.º 1
class Points(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot
        #Initialise instances of the DB and calc auxiliary class
        self.db = DBHandle()
        self.calc = Calc()

        #Define the leaderboard command
                     description=formatHelp("leaderboard", "desc"),
                     usage=formatHelp("leaderboard", "usage"))
        async def leaderboard(ctx):
            #If the user has used the command recently and is not an admin, given them an error message (hopefully this will prevent HTB's shitty API from blocking us)
            if not self.db.checkTime(
            ) and ctx.message.author.id not in config["admins"]:
                await ctx.channel.send(
                        config["leaderboard"]["cooldown"] // 60))
            #Log a points update then update all the points
            #Set up the leaderboard embed then send it
            embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.blue())
            embed.title = "Leaderboard"
            raw = self.db.leaderboard()
            leaderboard = []
            for index, value in enumerate(raw):
                temp = [index + 1]
            leaderboard = tabulate(leaderboard, ["Rank", "Username", "Points"],
            embed.description = f"```\n{leaderboard}```"
            await ctx.channel.send(embed=embed)

        #Get an individual's points. No rate limit on this, but may need to implement one
                     description=formatHelp("points", "desc"),
                     usage=formatHelp("points", "usage"))
        async def points(ctx):
            points = self.db.getPoints(ctx.message.author.id)
            await ctx.channel.send(strings["points"].format(
                bot.get_user(ctx.message.author.id).name, points))
Exemplo n.º 2
class Calc():
	def __init__(self):
		self.db = DBHandle()
		self.api = Api()

	#Update points for a single user
	def updatePoints(self, discordID):
		db = DBHandle()
		userHandle = db.getUser(discordID)
		points = self.getPoints(userHandle["thmUser"], userHandle["thmPoints"], userHandle["htbID"], userHandle["htbPoints"])
		if(points != userHandle["points"]):
			db.updatePoints(discordID, points)

	#Do the actual calculation
	def getPoints(self, thmUser, thmPoints, htbID, htbPoints):
		points = 0
		if(thmUser != None):
			newTHMPoints = self.api.getTHMPoints(thmUser)
			points += (newTHMPoints - thmPoints)
		if(htbID != None):
			newHTBPoints = self.api.getHTBPoints(htbID)
			if(newHTBPoints != None):
				points += (newHTBPoints - htbPoints)
		return points

	#Simultaneously update all points -- use with caution!
	def updateAllPoints(self):
		users = self.db.getUserIDs()
		if not users:
			return False
		with ThreadPool(processes=5) as p:
			p.map(self.updatePoints, users)
		return True
Exemplo n.º 3
	def __init__(self, bot):
		self.bot = bot
		#Initialises instances of the DB and api auxiliary class
		self.db = DBHandle()
		self.api = Api()

		#Link a THM account
		@bot.command(name="thmlink", description=formatHelp("thmlink", "desc"), usage=formatHelp("thmlink", "usage"))
		async def thmlink(ctx, token = None):
			#Sort out the token to ensure that it's sanitised (and exists)
			discordID, token = await preprocess(ctx, token)	
			if not discordID:

			#Get the user info
			userHandle = self.db.getUser(discordID)
			if userHandle["thmUser"] != None:
				await ctx.channel.send(strings["errors"]["alreadyLinked"])

			#Get requisite variables
			username = self.api.getTHMProfile(token)
			points = self.api.getTHMPoints(username)
			self.db.addTHMUser(discordID, username, points, token)
			await ctx.channel.send(strings["success"]["linked"])

		@bot.command(name="htblink", description=formatHelp("htblink", "desc"), usage=formatHelp("htblink", "usage"))
		async def htblink(ctx, token = None):
			#Same as the thmlink command from here on out
			discordID, token = await preprocess(ctx, token)	
			if not discordID:
			#Get user info
			userHandle = self.db.getUser(discordID)
			if userHandle["htbID"] != None:
				await ctx.channel.send(strings["errors"]["alreadyLinked"])

			username, userid = self.api.getHTBProfile(token)
			points = self.api.getHTBPoints(userid)
			#If it wasn't possible to retrieve points then the user hasn't set their HTB profile to public. Yes, this is a shitty way to scrape points, but HTB haven't bothered publishing API docs
			#and I already called in my favours to get the user endpoint ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
			if(points == None):
				await ctx.channel.send(strings["errors"]["profileNotPublic"])
			self.db.addHTBUser(discordID, username, userid, points, token)
			await ctx.channel.send(strings["success"]["linked"])

		##Helper Funcs
		def stripToken(token):
			return re.sub("[\W_]", "", token)

		async def checkDM(ctx):
			if not isinstance(ctx.channel, discord.channel.DMChannel):
				await ctx.message.delete() 
				res = await ctx.channel.send(strings["errors"]["noDM"])			
				await asyncio.sleep(5)
				await res.delete()
				return False
			return True

		async def preprocess(ctx, token):
			if not await checkDM(ctx):
				return False, False
			elif not token:
				await ctx.channel.send(strings["errors"]["noToken"])
				return False, False
			discordID = ctx.message.author.id
			token = stripToken(token)
			return discordID, token
Exemplo n.º 4
	def updatePoints(self, discordID):
		db = DBHandle()
		userHandle = db.getUser(discordID)
		points = self.getPoints(userHandle["thmUser"], userHandle["thmPoints"], userHandle["htbID"], userHandle["htbPoints"])
		if(points != userHandle["points"]):
			db.updatePoints(discordID, points)
Exemplo n.º 5
	def __init__(self):
		self.db = DBHandle()
		self.api = Api()