Exemplo n.º 1
def do_sweep_on((input_file, paras, other_paras)):#, zone, suff, force)):
	files_input, logs_input = [], []
	print "Input file:", input_file
	name_par1, name_par2 = tuple(paras['paras_to_loop'])
	for par1 in paras[name_par1 + '_iter']:
		print name_par1, "=", par1
		paras.update(name_par1, par1, config_file=other_paras['config_file'])
		for par2 in paras[name_par2 + '_iter']:
			print name_par2, "=", par2
			paras.update(name_par2, par2, config_file=other_paras['config_file'])
			with clock_time():
				output_file = name_results_shocks(paras, m1_file_name=input_file, zone=other_paras['zone'], suff=other_paras['suff'])
				for i in range(paras['nsim']):
					#counter(i, n_iter, message="Doing iterations... ")
					files_input.append((input_file, output_file.split('.dat')[0] + '_' + str(i) + '.dat'))
				if not os.path.exists(output_file.split('.dat')[0] + '_' + str(paras['nsim']-1) + other_paras['suff'] + '.dat') or other_paras['force']:
					#logs_input.append(output_file.split('.dat')[0] + '_' + str(paras['nsim']-1) + '.txt')
					#with stdout_redirected(to=output_file.split('.dat')[0] + '_' + str(paras['nsim']-1) + other_paras['suff'] + '.txt'):
					print 'config_file', other_paras['config_file']
					do_ABM_tactical(input_file, output_file, other_paras['config_file'], verbose=1, 
	return files_input, logs_input
Exemplo n.º 2
def sweep_paras_shocks(zone, paras, input_files, config_file, shock_file_zone, bound_file_zone, tmp_navpoints_file_zone, capacity_file, force=False, trajectories=None,\
	temp_config_dir=main_dir+'/abm_tactical/config_temp', n_cores=1, suff = '', dryrun=False, **kwargs):

	Script which sweeps two levels of parameters for the tactical ABM. Config files have to be given externally.
	The script creates a temporary folder to store all config files and avoid interactions between scripts.

	# config_file=main_dir + '/abm_tactical/config/config.cfg',\
	# shock_file=main_dir + '/abm_tactical/config/shock_tmp.dat',\
	# bound_file=main_dir + '/abm_tactical/config/bound_latlon.dat',\
	# tmp_navpoints_file=main_dir + '/abm_tactical/config/temp_nvp.dat',
	# config_file_temp = temp_config_dir + '/config.cfg'

	# print "Sweeping parameters with", n_cores, "cores."

	os.system('mkdir -p ' + temp_config_dir)
	# Targets
	shock_file = temp_config_dir + '/shock_tmp.dat'
	bound_file = temp_config_dir + '/bound_latlon.dat'
	tmp_navpoints_file = temp_config_dir + '/temp_nvp.dat'

	if not dryrun:	
		if trajectories!=None:
			write_trajectories_for_tact(trajectories, fil=input_file) 

		# Boundaries 
		with open(main_dir + '/libs/All_shapes_334.pic','r') as f:
			all_shapes = pickle.load(f)
		boundary = list(all_shapes[zone]['boundary'][0].exterior.coords)
		assert boundary[0]==boundary[-1]

		# Bounds
		if not os.path.exists(bound_file_zone):
			with open(bound_file_zone, 'w') as f:
				for x, y in boundary:
					f.write(str(x) + '\t' + str(y) + '\n')
		os.system('cp ' + bound_file_zone + ' ' + bound_file)

		# Temporary navpoints
		if not os.path.exists(tmp_navpoints_file_zone) or 1:
			tmp_nvp = compute_temporary_points(50000, boundary, save_file=tmp_navpoints_file_zone)
		os.system('cp ' + tmp_navpoints_file_zone + ' ' + tmp_navpoints_file)

		# Points for shocks
		if not os.path.exists(shock_file_zone) or 1:
			#points = points_in_sectors(zone, all_shapes)
			points = tmp_nvp[:100]
			with open(shock_file_zone, 'w') as f:
				for x, y in points:
					f.write(str(x) + '\t' + str(y) + '\n')
		os.system('cp ' + shock_file_zone + ' ' + shock_file)

	# Copy config file in temporary folder 
	os.system('cp ' + config_file + ' ' + temp_config_dir + '/config.cfg')
	config_file = temp_config_dir + '/config.cfg'

	files, logs = [], []
	#Iterations on every input files

	for input_file in input_files:
		print "Input file:", input_file
		name_par1, name_par2 = tuple(paras['paras_to_loop'])
		for par1 in paras[name_par1 + '_iter']:
			print name_par1, "=", par1
			paras.update(name_par1, par1, config_file=config_file)
			for par2 in paras[name_par2 + '_iter']:
				print name_par2, "=", par2
				paras.update(name_par2, par2, config_file=config_file)
				print 'Updated parameters:'
				for par in paras.keys():
					print ' --', par, '=', paras[par] 
				with clock_time():
					output_file = name_results_shocks(paras, m1_file_name=input_file, zone=zone, suff=suff)
					for i in range(paras['nsim']):
						#counter(i, n_iter, message="Doing iterations... ")
						files.append((input_file, output_file.split('.dat')[0] + '_' + str(i) + '.dat'))
					#print output_file
					#print output_file.split('.dat')[0] + '_' + str(paras['nsim']-1) + '.dat'
					#print os.path.exists(output_file.split('.dat')[0] + '_' + str(paras['nsim']-1) + '.dat')
					#raise Exception()
					if (not os.path.exists(output_file.split('.dat')[0] + '_' + str(paras['nsim']-1) + '.dat') or force) and not dryrun:
						#logs.append(output_file.split('.dat')[0] + '_' + str(paras['nsim']-1) + '.txt')
						#with stdout_redirected(to=output_file.split('.dat')[0] + '_' + str(paras['nsim']-1) + suff + '.txt'):
						do_ABM_tactical(input_file, output_file, config_file, verbose=1, 

	# print "Running parallelized sweep..."
	# p = Pool(n_cores)
	# chouip = {'suff':suff, 'config_file':config_file, 'shock_file':shock_file, 'tmp_navpoints_file':tmp_navpoints_file, 'bound_file':bound_file, 'force':force, 'zone':zone}
	# coin =  p.map(do_sweep_on, [(iptf, paras, chouip) for iptf in input_files])
	# #coin =  p.map(do_sweep_on, list(range(10)))
	# #print coin
	# p.close()

	# files, logs = zip(*coin)
	# files = [ff for f in files for ff in f]
	# logs = [ff for f in logs for ff in f]

	# for fs in files:
	# 	print fs
	# raise Exception()

	return files, logs
Exemplo n.º 3
	return results

if __name__=='__main__': 
	Manual single simulation
	paras_file = None if len(sys.argv)==1 else sys.argv[1]
	paras = read_paras(paras_file=paras_file)

	GG = paras['G'] #ABMvars.G

	print (header(paras,'SimulationO', version, paras_to_display=['ACtot']))

	with clock_time():
		sim = Simulation(paras, G=GG, verbose=True)
		queue = post_process_queue(sim.queue)
		M0_queue = post_process_queue(sim.M0_queue)

	Some snippets to view the results.
	if 1:
		for n in sim.G.nodes():
			#print n, sim.G.node[n]['capacity'], sim.G.node[n]['load']
			if max(sim.G.node[n]['load']) == sim.G.node[n]['capacity']: