def recoverChange(): if not limiter.check(): return "409 (Conflict)", 409 limiter.count(login=True) user = request.headers.get('Username') confirm = request.headers.get('Confirm') pw = request.headers.get('Password') if user is None or confirm is None or len(confirm) != 64: return "400 (Bad request)", 400 if pw is None: return "400 (Bad request)", 400 user = base64.b64decode(user).decode('utf-8') pw = base64.b64decode(pw).decode('utf-8') if len(pw) < 8 or len(pw) > 20 or not pw.isalnum(): return "400 (Bad request)", 400 q = ddbb.query( "SELECT confirmType, confirmValid FROM user WHERE confirm=%s AND username=%s", confirm, user) if len(q) == 0 or q[0][0] != 'password': return "404 (Not Found)", 404 valid = q[0][1] + timedelta(hours=1) valid = valid.timestamp() if (valid - time.time()) < 0: return "410 (Gone)", 410 ddbb.query( "UPDATE user SET confirm=NULL, confirmType=NULL, confirmData=NULL, confirmValid=NULL, pw=%s WHERE username=%s", password.createHash(pw), user) return "done"
def recoverAdd(): if not limiter.check(): return "409 (Conflict)", 409 limiter.count(login=True) user = request.headers.get('Username') if user is None: return "400 (Bad request)", 400 user = base64.b64decode(user).decode('utf-8') q = ddbb.query( "SELECT confirm, confirmType, confirmValid, pw FROM user WHERE username=%s", user) if len(q) == 0: return "404 (Not Found)", 404 if q[0][2] != None: valid = q[0][2] + timedelta(hours=1) valid = valid.timestamp() if q[0][1] == 'password' and (valid - time.time()) > 0: return "done" confirm = ''.join([ random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(64) ]) ddbb.query( "UPDATE user SET confirm=%s, confirmType='password', confirmData=NULL, confirmValid=now() WHERE username=%s", confirm, user) email.passwordRecovery(user, confirm) return "done"
def sessionCheck(): if not limiter.check(): return "409 (Conflict)", 409 if request.cookies.get('Content') != app.hash: return "205 (Reset Content)", 205 if not check(): return "401 (Unauthorized)", 401 user = request.cookies.get('Username') with lsid: sids = sid.get(user) if sids is not None and len(sids) > 4: return "429 (Too Many Requests)", 429 return "", 200
def login(): if not limiter.check(): return "409 (Conflict)", 409 user = request.headers.get('user') pw = request.headers.get('pw') if user is not None and pw is not None: user = base64.b64decode(user).decode('utf-8') pw = base64.b64decode(pw).decode('utf-8') if ddbb.checkPW(user, pw): with lsid: sids = sid.get(user) sid[user] = [] if sids is not None: socketio.start_background_task(disconnect_user, sids) response = {"username": user, "cookie": start(user)} return str(json.dumps(response)) limiter.count(login=True) return "403 (Forbidden)", 403
def on_connect(): if not limiter.check(): return False if request.cookies.get('Content') != app.hash: return False if not check(): return False user = request.cookies.get('Username') with lsid: sids = sid.get(user) if sids is None: sid[user] = [request.sid] else: if len( sids ) > 4: # Limit the number of maximum concurrent websockets per user to 5 return False sids.append(request.sid) sid[user] = sids now = log = colored(now.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), 'blue') + " → Socket: " + colored( request.remote_addr, "yellow") print(log)
def registerConfirm(): if not limiter.check(): return "409 (Conflict)", 409 limiter.count(login=True) user = request.headers.get('Username') confirm = request.headers.get('Confirm') if user is None or confirm is None: return "400 (Bad request)", 400 user = base64.b64decode(user).decode('utf-8') q = ddbb.query( "SELECT confirmType, confirmData, confirmValid FROM user WHERE confirm=%s AND username=%s", confirm, user) if len(q) == 0 or (q[0][0] != 'register' and q[0][0] != 'email'): return "404 (Not Found)", 404 valid = q[0][2] + timedelta(hours=1) valid = valid.timestamp() if (valid - time.time()) < 0: return "410 (Gone)", 410 if q[0][0] == 'register': data = q[0][1].split(';') ddbb.query( "INSERT INTO acls (mac, user, name) SELECT %s, id, 'Unnamed' FROM user WHERE username=%s", data[1], user) ddbb.query( "UPDATE user SET pw=%s, confirm=NULL, confirmType=NULL, confirmData=NULL, confirmValid=NULL WHERE username=%s", data[0], user) if q[0][0] == 'email': ddbb.query( "UPDATE user SET username=confirmData, confirm=NULL, confirmType=NULL, confirmData=NULL, confirmValid=NULL WHERE username=%s", user) return "done"
def logout(): if not limiter.check(): return "409 (Conflict)", 409 user = request.headers.get('Username') hash = request.headers.get('Session') if user is None or hash is None: return "400 (Bad request)", 400 session = ddbb.query("SELECT session FROM user WHERE username=%s", user) if len(session) > 0: session = session[0][0] else: session = None if session != hash: return "401 (Unauthorized)", 401 ddbb.query("UPDATE user SET session=NULL WHERE username=%s", user) with lsid: sids = sid.get(user) try: del sid[user] except Exception: pass if sids is not None: socketio.start_background_task(disconnect_user, sids) return """{'done':1}"""
def register(): if not limiter.check(): return "409 (Conflict)", 409 limiter.count(login=True) user = request.headers.get('Username') pw = request.headers.get('Password') mac = request.headers.get('MAC') if user is None or mac is None or pw is None: return "400 (Bad request)", 400 user = base64.b64decode(user).decode('utf-8').lower() pw = base64.b64decode(pw).decode('utf-8') mac = base64.b64decode(mac).decode('utf-8').upper() if len(pw) < 8 or len(pw) > 20 or not pw.isalnum(): return "400 (Bad request)", 400 if not re.match( "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$", user): return "400 (Bad request)", 400 q = ddbb.query( "SELECT b.mac, a.mac FROM boards AS b LEFT JOIN acls AS a ON b.mac=a.mac WHERE b.mac=%s", mac) if len(q) == 0 or q[0][1] != None: return "404 (Not Found)", 404 q = ddbb.query("SELECT pw FROM user WHERE username=%s", user) if len(q) > 0 and len(q[0][0]) > 0: return "404 (Not Found)", 404 q = ddbb.query( "SELECT confirm, confirmType, confirmValid, confirmData FROM user WHERE username=%s", user) if len(q) > 0 and q[0][2] != None: valid = q[0][2] + timedelta(hours=1) valid = valid.timestamp() if q[0][1] == 'register' and (valid - time.time()) > 0: return "done" q2 = ddbb.query( "SELECT id FROM user WHERE date_add(NOW(), INTERVAL -1 HOUR) > confirmValid AND pw=''" ) confirm = ''.join([ random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(64) ]) data = password.createHash(pw) + ";" + mac if len(q) > 0: ddbb.query( "UPDATE user SET confirm=%s, confirmType='register', confirmData=%s, confirmValid=now() WHERE username=%s", confirm, data, user) elif len(q2) > 0: ddbb.query("DELETE FROM share WHERE user=%s", q2[0][0]) ddbb.query( "UPDATE user SET username=%s, confirm=%s, confirmType='register', confirmData=%s, confirmValid=now() WHERE id=%s", user, confirm, data, q2[0][0]) else: ddbb.query( "INSERT INTO user (username, pw, confirm, confirmType, confirmData, confirmValid) VALUES (%s, '', %s, 'register', %s, now())", user, confirm, data) email.registerConfirm(user, confirm) return "done"