Exemplo n.º 1
def register_user(OS_API=""):
    """ Checks that the patient id has been granted, and that there is no device registered with
    that id.  If the patient id has no device registered it registers this device and logs the
    bluetooth mac address.
    Check the documentation in user_authentication to ensure you have provided the proper credentials.
    Returns the encryption key for this patient/user. """

    #CASE: If the id and password combination do not match, the decorator returns a 403 error.
    #the following parameter values are required.
    patient_id = request.values['patient_id']
    phone_number = request.values['phone_number']
    device_id = request.values['device_id']

    # These values may not be returned by earlier versions of the beiwe app
        device_os = request.values['device_os']
    except BadRequestKeyError:
        device_os = "none"
        os_version = request.values['os_version']
    except BadRequestKeyError:
        os_version = "none"
        product = request.values["product"]
    except BadRequestKeyError:
        product = "none"
        brand = request.values["brand"]
    except BadRequestKeyError:
        brand = "none"
        hardware_id = request.values["hardware_id"]
    except BadRequestKeyError:
        hardware_id = "none"
        manufacturer = request.values["manufacturer"]
    except BadRequestKeyError:
        manufacturer = "none"
        model = request.values["model"]
    except BadRequestKeyError:
        model = "none"
        beiwe_version = request.values["beiwe_version"]
    except BadRequestKeyError:
        beiwe_version = "none"
    # This value may not be returned by later versions of the beiwe app.
        mac_address = request.values['bluetooth_id']
    except BadRequestKeyError:
        mac_address = "none"

    user = Participant.objects.get(patient_id=patient_id)
    study_id = user.study.object_id

    if user.device_id and user.device_id != request.values['device_id']:
        # CASE: this patient has a registered a device already and it does not match this device.
        #   They need to contact the study and unregister their their other device.  The device
        #   will receive a 405 error and should alert the user accordingly.
        # Provided a user does not completely reset their device (which resets the device's
        # unique identifier) they user CAN reregister an existing device, the unlock key they
        # need to enter to at registration is their old password.
        # KG: 405 is good for IOS and Android, no need to check OS_API
        return abort(405)

    if user.os_type and user.os_type != OS_API:
        # CASE: this patient has registered, but the user was previously registered with a
        # different device type. To keep the CSV munging code sane and data consistent (don't
        # cross the iOS and Android data streams!) we disallow it.
        return abort(400)

    # At this point the device has been checked for validity and will be registered successfully.
    # Any errors after this point will be server errors and return 500 codes. the final return
    # will be the encryption key associated with this user.

    # Upload the user's various identifiers.
    unix_time = str(calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()))
    file_name = patient_id + '/identifiers_' + unix_time + ".csv"

    # Construct a manual csv of the device attributes
    file_contents = (DEVICE_IDENTIFIERS_HEADER +
                     "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" %
                     (patient_id, mac_address, phone_number, device_id,
                      device_os, os_version, product, brand, hardware_id,
                      manufacturer, model, beiwe_version))
    # print(file_contents + "\n")
    s3_upload(file_name, file_contents, study_id)

    # set up device.
    device_settings = user.study.device_settings.as_native_python()
    device_settings.pop('_id', None)
    return_obj = {
        get_client_public_key_string(patient_id, study_id),
        'device_settings': device_settings
    return json.dumps(return_obj), 200
Exemplo n.º 2
def register_user(OS_API=""):
    """ Checks that the patient id has been granted, and that there is no device registered with
    that id.  If the patient id has no device registered it registers this device and logs the
    bluetooth mac address.
    Check the documentation in user_authentication to ensure you have provided the proper credentials.
    Returns the encryption key for this patient/user. """

    # CASE: If the id and password combination do not match, the decorator returns a 403 error.
    # the following parameter values are required.
    patient_id = request.values['patient_id']
    phone_number = request.values['phone_number']
    device_id = request.values['device_id']

    # These values may not be returned by earlier versions of the beiwe app
    device_os = request.values.get('device_os', "none")
    os_version = request.values.get('os_version', "none")
    product = request.values.get("product", "none")
    brand = request.values.get("brand", "none")
    hardware_id = request.values.get("hardware_id", "none")
    manufacturer = request.values.get("manufacturer", "none")
    model = request.values.get("model", "none")
    beiwe_version = request.values.get("beiwe_version", "none")

    # This value may not be returned by later versions of the beiwe app.
    mac_address = request.values.get('bluetooth_id', "none")

    participant = get_session_participant()
    if participant.device_id and participant.device_id != request.values['device_id']:
        # CASE: this patient has a registered a device already and it does not match this device.
        #   They need to contact the study and unregister their their other device.  The device
        #   will receive a 405 error and should alert the user accordingly.
        # Provided a user does not completely reset their device (which resets the device's
        # unique identifier) they user CAN reregister an existing device, the unlock key they
        # need to enter to at registration is their old password.
        # KG: 405 is good for IOS and Android, no need to check OS_API
        return abort(405)

    if participant.os_type and participant.os_type != OS_API:
        # CASE: this patient has registered, but the user was previously registered with a
        # different device type. To keep the CSV munging code sane and data consistent (don't
        # cross the iOS and Android data streams!) we disallow it.
        return abort(400)

    # At this point the device has been checked for validity and will be registered successfully.
    # Any errors after this point will be server errors and return 500 codes. the final return
    # will be the encryption key associated with this user.

    # Upload the user's various identifiers.
    unix_time = str(calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()))
    file_name = patient_id + '/identifiers_' + unix_time + ".csv"

    # Construct a manual csv of the device attributes
    file_contents = (DEVICE_IDENTIFIERS_HEADER + "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" %
                     (patient_id, mac_address, phone_number, device_id, device_os,
                      os_version, product, brand, hardware_id, manufacturer, model,

    s3_upload(file_name, file_contents, participant.study.object_id)
    FileToProcess.append_file_for_processing(file_name, participant.study.object_id, participant=participant)

    # set up device.
    participant.device_id = device_id
    participant.os_type = OS_API
    participant.set_password(request.values['new_password'])  # set password saves the model
    device_settings = participant.study.device_settings.as_unpacked_native_python()
    device_settings.pop('_id', None)

    # set up FCM files
    firebase_plist_data = None
    firebase_json_data = None
    if participant.os_type == 'IOS':
        ios_credentials = FileAsText.objects.filter(tag=IOS_FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS).first()
        if ios_credentials:
            firebase_plist_data = plistlib.loads(ios_credentials.text.encode())
    elif participant.os_type == 'ANDROID':
        android_credentials = FileAsText.objects.filter(tag=ANDROID_FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS).first()
        if android_credentials:
            firebase_json_data = json.loads(android_credentials.text)

    # ensure the survey schedules are updated for this participant.
    repopulate_all_survey_scheduled_events(participant.study, participant)

    return_obj = {
        'client_public_key': get_client_public_key_string(patient_id, participant.study.object_id),
        'device_settings': device_settings,
        'ios_plist': firebase_plist_data,
        'android_firebase_json': firebase_json_data,
        'study_name': participant.study.name,
        'study_id': participant.study.object_id,
    return json.dumps(return_obj), 200