Exemplo n.º 1
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
import sys, os, pickle
import numpy as np
from libs.cython import set_globals, compute_distances
from libs.simlib import Plotter
from matplotlib import cm

p = Plotter(show=True, pdf=False, pgf=False, name='ljsim')
"""==== DEFINITIONS ===="""
# density
density = 0.316
# number of particles per side for cubic setup
n = 10

# total number of particles
N = n * n * n
# volume of the system
volume = N / density
# side length of the system
L = volume**(1. / 3.)

# get filename on command line
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    print "Usage: python %s FILE" % sys.argv[0]
    datafilename = sys.argv[1]
Exemplo n.º 2
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import sys
from libs.simlib import Plotter

p = Plotter(show = True, pdf = False, pgf = False, name='4_ljfluid')

# ==== DEFINITIONS ====
EPS = 1
SIG = 1
# density
density = 0.7
# number of particles per side
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1].isdigit(): n = int(sys.argv[1])
else: n = 3
# timestep
dt = 0.01
# length of run
tmax = 1.0
# cutoff
rcut = 2.5*SIG
# potential shift
shift = -0.016316891136
# total number of particles
N = n*n*n

# particle positions on a cubic lattice
Exemplo n.º 3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from libs.simlib import Plotter

p = Plotter(show = True, pdf = False, pgf = False, name='2_ljbillards')

# ==== DEFINITIONS ====
EPS = 1
SIG = 1

# constants
dt = 0.01
tmax = 20.0

# running variables
t = 0.0

# particle positions
x = np.zeros((3,5))
x[:,0] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
x[:,1] = [5.0, 0.3, 0.0]
x[:,2] = [8.0, 1.8, 0.0]
x[:,3] = [11.0, 0.0, -1.0]
#x[:,4] = [12.0, 9.0, 0.0]
x[:,4] = [15.4324, 9.51146, 0.0]

# particle velocities
v = np.zeros((3,5))
Exemplo n.º 4
        params.T_StepSize = 0.005 # only 0.02 would be needed

        Ising_L = [4,16,64]
        Binning_K = [50,200,800]
    # parameters used to estimate beta_m
    elif OverParam == 2:
        params.T_Start = 2.27 # << estimated critical Temperature
        params.T_Stop = params.T_Start
        params.T_StepSize = 0.01 # only 0.02 would be needed

        Ising_L = [4,16,32,64,128]
        Binning_K = [50,200,800,800,800]

useCache = True

p = Plotter(show = False, pdf = False, pgf = False, latex=False, name='ising')

# FUNCTIONS ###############################################################################################
itmp = np.arange(-1,4-1)
def generateAllStates(n=4):
    nsqrt = n*n
    possibilities = np.mgrid[[slice(-1,3,2) for _ in range(nsqrt)]] # Vectorization makes the calculation fast as hell.
    configurations = possibilities.reshape(n,n,-1).T 
    return configurations

def calcEFromAll(configurations, J=params.Ising_J, H=params.Ising_H, n=4, i=itmp):
    E = -J*np.sum(np.sum(configurations*configurations[:,:,i]+configurations*configurations[:,i,:],axis=1),axis=1)
    E -= H*np.sum(np.sum(configurations,axis=1),axis=1) # Attention: Numpy doesn't like "E /= n**2". It applies integer division!
    return E
Exemplo n.º 5
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from libs.simlib import Plotter

p = Plotter(show=True, pdf=False, pgf=False, name="1_potential")

# ==== DEFINITIONS ====
EPS = 1
SIG = 1
NParticles = 1000

# ==== FUNCTIONS ====
def compute_lj_potential(rij, eps=EPS, sig=SIG):
    q = sig / np.linalg.norm(rij)
    return 4 * eps * (q ** 12 - q ** 6)

def compute_lj_force(rij, eps=EPS, sig=SIG):
    norm = np.linalg.norm(rij)
    q = sig / norm
    return 4 * eps * (12 * q ** 11 - 6 * q ** 5) * q / norm ** 2 * rij

# ==== CALCULATION ====
d = np.zeros((NParticles, 3))
d[:, 0] = np.linspace(0.85, 2.5, NParticles)
potential = np.array(map(compute_lj_potential, d))
force = np.array(map(compute_lj_force, d))
Exemplo n.º 6
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from libs.simlib import Plotter

p = Plotter(show=True, pdf=False, pgf=False, name='3_periodic')

# ==== DEFINITIONS ====
EPS = 1
SIG = 1
RCOFF = 2.5 * SIG
L = 10

# constants
dt = 0.01
tmax = 20.0

# running variables
t = 0.0

# particle positions
x = np.zeros((3, 2))
x[:, 0] = [3.9, 3, 4]
x[:, 1] = [6.1, 5, 6]

# particle velocities
v = np.zeros((3, 2))
v[:, 0] = [-2, -2, -2]
v[:, 1] = [2, 2, 2]
Exemplo n.º 7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
import os, sys, pickle
import numpy as np
#import scipy as sp
#import scipy.signal
from libs.simlib import Plotter

"""==== PARAMETERS ===="""
# path to simulation File
datafilename = "./data/series.dat"
p = Plotter(show = True, pdf = True, pgf = False, name='series')

"""=== LOADING DATA ==="""
# check whether datafilename is given/data file exists
if len(datafilename) == 0:
    print "ERROR: No path to data file given."
if not os.path.exists(datafilename):
    print "ERROR: '%s' doesn't exist." % datafilename

# read from datafile
print "Reading data from '%s.'" % datafilename
datafile = open(datafilename, 'r')
s0, s1, s2, s3, s4  = pickle.load(datafile)

"""==== DEFINITIONS ==="""
Exemplo n.º 8
=== SETUP ===
n = 4
J = 1
H = 0
TStart = 1
TStop = 5
TStep = 0.1
MCSteps = 10000
k = 200

useExact = True
useMC = True

p = Plotter(show=True, pdf=False, pgf=False, latex=False, name='ising')

def unique(arr):
    order = np.lexsort(arr.T)
    arr = arr[order]
    diff = np.diff(arr, axis=0)
    ui = np.ones(len(arr), 'bool')
    ui[1:] = (diff != 0).any(axis=1)
    return arr[ui]

itmp = np.arange(-1, n - 1)
Exemplo n.º 9
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
import sys, os, pickle
import numpy as np
from libs.cython import set_globals, compute_distances
from libs.simlib import Plotter
from matplotlib import cm

p = Plotter(show=True, pdf=False, pgf=False, name='ljsim')
"""==== DEFINITIONS ===="""
# density
density = 0.316
# number of particles per side for cubic setup
n = 10

# total number of particles
N = n * n * n
# volume of the system
volume = N / density
# side length of the system
L = volume**(1. / 3.)

# get filename on command line
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    print "Usage: python %s FILE" % sys.argv[0]
    datafilename = sys.argv[1]
Exemplo n.º 10
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
import os, pickle
import numpy as np
from libs.cython import set_globals, compute_forces, compute_distances, compute_energy, compute_pressure, rebuild_neighbor_lists
from libs.simlib import Plotter
from matplotlib import cm

p = Plotter(show=True, pdf=False, pgf=False, name='ljsim')
"""==== DEFINITIONS ===="""
# density
density = 0.316
# timestep
dt = 0.01
# max length of each run 800
tadd = 1000.0
# max length of all runs
tges = 1000.0
# number of particles per side for cubic setup
n = 10
# Desired temperature {0.3, 1.0, 2.0}
Tdes = 0.3

NEWRUN = False
LD = True
Exemplo n.º 11
params.Ising_J = 1
params.Ising_H = 0

params.MC_Seed = 42
params.MC_Sweeps = 100000

params.T_Start = 1
params.T_Stop = 3
params.T_StepSize = 0.1

Ising_L = [4, 8, 16, 32, 64]
Binning_K = [50, 100, 200, 400, 800]

useCache = True

p = Plotter(show=True, pdf=False, pgf=False, latex=False, name='3beta')

Tc = 2.27
v = -1

# FUNCTIONS ###############################################################################################
#===Error analysis===
def binning(allValues, k):
    nBlocks = len(allValues) // k

    allBlocks = allValues[:nBlocks * k].reshape((-1, k))
    meanBlocks = np.mean(allBlocks, axis=1)
    meanValue = np.mean(meanBlocks)

    variance = np.mean((meanBlocks - meanValue)**2) / (nBlocks - 1)
Exemplo n.º 12
params.Ising_J = 1
params.Ising_H = 0

params.MC_Seed = 42
params.MC_Sweeps = 10000

params.T_Start = 2
params.T_Stop = 2.4
params.T_StepSize = 0.005 # only 0.02 would be needed

Ising_L = [4,16,64]
Binning_K = [50,200,800]

useCache = True

p = Plotter(show = True, pdf = False, pgf = False, latex=False, name='2binder')

# FUNCTIONS ###############################################################################################
#===Error analysis===
def binning(allValues,k):

    allBlocks = allValues[:nBlocks*k].reshape((-1,k))
    meanBlocks = np.mean(allBlocks,axis=1)
    meanValue = np.mean(meanBlocks)
    variance = np.mean((meanBlocks-meanValue)**2)/(nBlocks-1)
    return np.sqrt(variance)

def errorAll(func,arr,k):
Exemplo n.º 13
    MC_M = arrayM.flat
    MC_P = arrayP

    MC_errmE = calcError(MC_meanE)
    MC_errmM = calcError(MC_meanM)
    MC_errmMabs = calcError(MC_meanMabs)
    print "error of MC mean E:", MC_errmE
    print "error of MC mean M:", MC_errmM
    print "error of MC mean |M|:", MC_errmMabs
    print 'Finished metropolis calculation.'

=== PLOTS ===
p = Plotter(show = True, pdf = False, pgf = False, name='ising')

p.new(name='Mean energy',xlabel='Temperature',ylabel='Energy')
if useExact:
if useMC:
    p.errorbar(T, MC_meanE, yerr=MC_errmE, label='metropolis')

p.new(name='Mean magnetization',xlabel='Temperature',ylabel='Magnetization')
if useExact:
if useMC:
    p.errorbar(T, MC_meanM, yerr=MC_errmM, label='metropolis')

p.new(name='Mean absolute magnetization',xlabel='Temperature',ylabel=r'\vertMagnetization\vert')
if useExact:
Exemplo n.º 14
params.Ising_J = 1
params.Ising_H = 0

params.MC_Seed = 42
params.MC_Sweeps = 100000

params.T_Start = 1
params.T_Stop = 3
params.T_StepSize = 0.1

Ising_L = [4,8,16,32,64]
Binning_K = [50,100,200,400,800]

useCache = True

p = Plotter(show = True, pdf = False, pgf = False, latex=False, name='3beta')

Tc = 2.27
v = -1

# FUNCTIONS ###############################################################################################
#===Error analysis===
def binning(allValues,k):

    allBlocks = allValues[:nBlocks*k].reshape((-1,k))
    meanBlocks = np.mean(allBlocks,axis=1)
    meanValue = np.mean(meanBlocks)
    variance = np.mean((meanBlocks-meanValue)**2)/(nBlocks-1)
Exemplo n.º 15
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
from numpy import *
from libs.cython2.lj import *
from libs.simlib import Plotter
import sys

p = Plotter(show = True, pdf = False, pgf = False, name='7_ljfluid_lists')

# density
density = 0.7
# number of particles per side
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1].isdigit(): n = int(sys.argv[1])
else: n = 5
# timestep
dt = 0.01
# length of run
tmax = 50.0
# cutoff length
rcut = 2.5
# potential shift
shift = -0.016316891136
# skin size
skin = 0.3

# total number of particles
Exemplo n.º 16
        params.T_StepSize = 0.005  # only 0.02 would be needed

        Ising_L = [4, 16, 64]
        Binning_K = [50, 200, 800]
    # parameters used to estimate beta_m
    elif OverParam == 2:
        params.T_Start = 2.27  # << estimated critical Temperature
        params.T_Stop = params.T_Start
        params.T_StepSize = 0.01  # only 0.02 would be needed

        Ising_L = [4, 16, 32, 64, 128]
        Binning_K = [50, 200, 800, 800, 800]

useCache = True

p = Plotter(show=False, pdf=False, pgf=False, latex=False, name="ising")

# FUNCTIONS ###############################################################################################
# ==Exact===
itmp = np.arange(-1, 4 - 1)

def generateAllStates(n=4):
    nsqrt = n * n
    possibilities = np.mgrid[
        [slice(-1, 3, 2) for _ in range(nsqrt)]
    ]  # Vectorization makes the calculation fast as hell.
    configurations = possibilities.reshape(n, n, -1).T
    return configurations

Exemplo n.º 17
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
import os, pickle
import numpy as np
from libs.cython import set_globals, compute_forces, compute_distances, compute_energy, compute_pressure, rebuild_neighbor_lists
from libs.simlib import Plotter
from matplotlib import cm

p = Plotter(show = True, pdf = False, pgf = False, name='ljsim')

"""==== DEFINITIONS ===="""
# density
density = 0.316
# timestep
dt = 0.01
# max length of each run 800
tadd = 20.0
# max length of all runs
tges = 1000.0
# number of particles per side for cubic setup
n = 10
# Desired temperature {0.3, 1.0, 2.0}
Tdes= 10.0

Exemplo n.º 18
=== SETUP ===
n = 4
J = 1
H = 0
TStart = 1
TStop = 5
TStep = 0.1
MCSteps = 10000
k = 200

useExact = True
useMC = True

p = Plotter(show = True, pdf = False, pgf = False, latex=False, name='ising')

def unique(arr):
    order = np.lexsort(arr.T)
    arr = arr[order]
    diff = np.diff(arr, axis=0)
    ui = np.ones(len(arr), 'bool')
    ui[1:] = (diff != 0).any(axis=1)
    return arr[ui]

itmp = np.arange(-1,n-1)

Exemplo n.º 19
params.Ising_J = 1
params.Ising_H = 0

params.MC_Seed = 42
params.MC_Sweeps = 10000

params.T_Start = 2.27 # << estimated critical Temperature
params.T_Stop = params.T_Start
params.T_StepSize = 0.01 # only 0.02 would be needed

Ising_L = [4,16,32,64,128]
Binning_K = [50,200,800,800,800]

useCache = True

p = Plotter(show = True, pdf = False, pgf = False, latex=False, name='3beta')


# FUNCTIONS ###############################################################################################
#===Error analysis===
def binning(allValues,k):

    allBlocks = allValues[:nBlocks*k].reshape((-1,k))
    meanBlocks = np.mean(allBlocks,axis=1)
    meanValue = np.mean(meanBlocks)
    variance = np.mean((meanBlocks-meanValue)**2)/(nBlocks-1)
    return np.sqrt(variance)
Exemplo n.º 20
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
from numpy import *
from libs.cython1.lj import *
from libs.simlib import Plotter
import sys

p = Plotter(show=True, pdf=False, pgf=False, name='6_ljfluid_cython')

# density
density = 0.7
# number of particles per side
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1].isdigit(): n = int(sys.argv[1])
else: n = 3
# timestep
dt = 0.01
# length of run
tmax = 1.0
# cutoff
rcut = 2.5
# potential shift
shift = -0.016316891136

# total number of particles
N = n * n * n
# volume of the system
volume = N / density
Exemplo n.º 21
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
import sys, os, pickle
import numpy as np
from libs.cython import set_globals, compute_distances
from libs.simlib import Plotter
from matplotlib import cm

p = Plotter(show=True, pdf=False, pgf=False, name="ljsim")

"""==== DEFINITIONS ===="""
# density
density = 0.316
# number of particles per side for cubic setup
n = 10

# total number of particles
N = n * n * n
# volume of the system
volume = N / density
# side length of the system
L = volume ** (1.0 / 3.0)

# get filename on command line
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    print "Usage: python %s FILE" % sys.argv[0]
    datafilename = sys.argv[1]
Exemplo n.º 22
    MC_acceptance = np.mean(arrayA)

    MC_E = arrayE.flat
    MC_M = arrayM.flat
    MC_P = arrayP
    print 'Finished metropolis calculation.'

    MC_errmE = binningAll(arrayE)
    MC_errmM = binningAll(arrayM)
    MC_errmMabs = binningAll(abs(arrayM))

    print 'Finished error calculation.'
=== PLOTS ===
p = Plotter(show=True, pdf=False, pgf=False, name='ising')

p.new(name='Mean energy', xlabel='Temperature', ylabel='Energy')
if useExact:
    p.plot(T, meanE, label='exact')
if useMC:
    p.errorbar(T, MC_meanE, yerr=MC_errmE, label='metropolis')

p.new(name='Mean magnetization', xlabel='Temperature', ylabel='Magnetization')
if useExact:
    p.plot(T, meanM, label='exact')
if useMC:
    p.errorbar(T, MC_meanM, yerr=MC_errmM, label='metropolis')

p.new(name='Mean absolute magnetization',
Exemplo n.º 23
from __future__ import division
import os, pickle
import numpy as np
from libs.cython import (
from libs.simlib import Plotter
from matplotlib import cm

p = Plotter(show=True, pdf=False, pgf=False, name="ljsim")

"""==== DEFINITIONS ===="""
# density
density = 0.316
# timestep
dt = 0.01
# max length of each run 800
tadd = 1000.0
# max length of all runs
tges = 1000.0
# number of particles per side for cubic setup
n = 10
# Desired temperature {0.3, 1.0, 2.0}
Tdes = 0.3
Exemplo n.º 24
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from libs.simlib import Plotter

p = Plotter(show = True, pdf = False, pgf = False, name='3_periodic')

# ==== DEFINITIONS ====
EPS = 1
SIG = 1
L = 10

# constants
dt = 0.01
tmax = 20.0

# running variables
t = 0.0

# particle positions
x = np.zeros((3,2))
x[:,0] = [3.9, 3, 4]
x[:,1] = [6.1, 5, 6]

# particle velocities
v = np.zeros((3,2))
v[:,0] = [-2, -2, -2]
v[:,1] = [2, 2, 2]
Exemplo n.º 25
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
import sys, os, pickle
import numpy as np
from libs.cython import set_globals, compute_distances
from libs.simlib import Plotter
from matplotlib import cm

p = Plotter(show = True, pdf = False, pgf = False, name='ljsim')

"""==== DEFINITIONS ===="""
# density
density = 0.316
# number of particles per side for cubic setup
n = 10

# total number of particles
N = n*n*n
# volume of the system
volume = N/density
# side length of the system
L = volume**(1./3.)

# get filename on command line
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    print "Usage: python %s FILE" % sys.argv[0]
    datafilename = sys.argv[1]
Exemplo n.º 26
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import sys
from libs.simlib import Plotter

p = Plotter(show=True, pdf=False, pgf=False, name='4_ljfluid')

# ==== DEFINITIONS ====
EPS = 1
SIG = 1
# density
density = 0.7
# number of particles per side
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1].isdigit(): n = int(sys.argv[1])
else: n = 3
# timestep
dt = 0.01
# length of run
tmax = 1.0
# cutoff
rcut = 2.5 * SIG
# potential shift
shift = -0.016316891136
# total number of particles
N = n * n * n

# particle positions on a cubic lattice
Exemplo n.º 27
    MC_E = arrayE.flat
    MC_M = arrayM.flat
    MC_P = arrayP
    print "Finished metropolis calculation."

    MC_errmE = binningAll(arrayE)
    MC_errmM = binningAll(arrayM)
    MC_errmMabs = binningAll(abs(arrayM))

    print "Finished error calculation."

=== PLOTS ===
p = Plotter(show=True, pdf=False, pgf=False, name="ising")

p.new(name="Mean energy", xlabel="Temperature", ylabel="Energy")
if useExact:
    p.plot(T, meanE, label="exact")
if useMC:
    p.errorbar(T, MC_meanE, yerr=MC_errmE, label="metropolis")

p.new(name="Mean magnetization", xlabel="Temperature", ylabel="Magnetization")
if useExact:
    p.plot(T, meanM, label="exact")
if useMC:
    p.errorbar(T, MC_meanM, yerr=MC_errmM, label="metropolis")

p.new(name="Mean absolute magnetization", xlabel="Temperature", ylabel=r"\vertMagnetization\vert")
if useExact:
Exemplo n.º 28
params.Ising_J = 1
params.Ising_H = 0

params.MC_Seed = 42
params.MC_Sweeps = 10000

params.T_Start = 1
params.T_Stop = 5
params.T_StepSize = 0.1

Ising_L = [4,16,64]
Binning_K = [50,200,800]

useCache = True

p = Plotter(show = True, pdf = False, pgf = False, latex=False, name='1simulation')

# FUNCTIONS ###############################################################################################
itmp = np.arange(-1,4-1)
def generateAllStates(n=4):
    nsqrt = n*n
    possibilities = np.mgrid[[slice(-1,3,2) for _ in range(nsqrt)]] # Vectorization makes the calculation fast as hell.
    configurations = possibilities.reshape(n,n,-1).T 
    return configurations

def calcEFromAll(configurations, J=params.Ising_J, H=params.Ising_H, n=4, i=itmp):
    E = -J*np.sum(np.sum(configurations*configurations[:,:,i]+configurations*configurations[:,i,:],axis=1),axis=1)
    E -= H*np.sum(np.sum(configurations,axis=1),axis=1) # Attention: Numpy doesn't like "E /= n**2". It applies integer division!
    return E
Exemplo n.º 29
params.Ising_J = 1
params.Ising_H = 0

params.MC_Seed = 42
params.MC_Sweeps = 10000

params.T_Start = 1
params.T_Stop = 5
params.T_StepSize = 0.1

Ising_L = [4, 16, 64]
Binning_K = [50, 200, 800]

useCache = True

p = Plotter(show=True, pdf=False, pgf=False, latex=False, name='1simulation')

# FUNCTIONS ###############################################################################################
itmp = np.arange(-1, 4 - 1)

def generateAllStates(n=4):
    nsqrt = n * n
    possibilities = np.mgrid[[
        slice(-1, 3, 2) for _ in range(nsqrt)
    ]]  # Vectorization makes the calculation fast as hell.
    configurations = possibilities.reshape(n, n, -1).T
    return configurations

Exemplo n.º 30
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
import os, pickle
import numpy as np
from libs.cython import set_globals, compute_forces, compute_distances, compute_energy, compute_pressure, rebuild_neighbor_lists
from libs.simlib import Plotter
from matplotlib import cm

p = Plotter(show=True, pdf=False, pgf=False, name='ljsim')
"""==== DEFINITIONS ===="""
# density
density = 0.316
# timestep
dt = 0.01
# max length of each run 800
tadd = 20.0
# max length of all runs
tges = 1000.0
# number of particles per side for cubic setup
n = 10
# Desired temperature {0.3, 1.0, 2.0}
Tdes = 10.0

Exemplo n.º 31
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from libs.simlib import Plotter

p = Plotter(show=True, pdf=False, pgf=False, name='1_potential')

# ==== DEFINITIONS ====
EPS = 1
SIG = 1
NParticles = 1000

# ==== FUNCTIONS ====
def compute_lj_potential(rij, eps=EPS, sig=SIG):
    q = sig / np.linalg.norm(rij)
    return 4 * eps * (q**12 - q**6)

def compute_lj_force(rij, eps=EPS, sig=SIG):
    norm = np.linalg.norm(rij)
    q = sig / norm
    return 4 * eps * (12 * q**11 - 6 * q**5) * q / norm**2 * rij

# ==== CALCULATION ====
d = np.zeros((NParticles, 3))
d[:, 0] = np.linspace(0.85, 2.5, NParticles)
potential = np.array(map(compute_lj_potential, d))
Exemplo n.º 32
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
from numpy import *
from libs.cython2.lj import *
from libs.simlib import Plotter
import sys

p = Plotter(show=True, pdf=False, pgf=False, name="7_ljfluid_lists")

# density
density = 0.7
# number of particles per side
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1].isdigit():
    n = int(sys.argv[1])
    n = 5
# timestep
dt = 0.01
# length of run
tmax = 50.0
# cutoff length
rcut = 2.5
# potential shift
shift = -0.016316891136
# skin size
skin = 0.3
Exemplo n.º 33
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
import sys, os, pickle
import numpy as np
from libs.cython import set_globals, compute_distances
from libs.simlib import Plotter
from matplotlib import cm

p = Plotter(show = True, pdf = False, pgf = False, name='ljsim')

"""==== DEFINITIONS ===="""
# density
density = 0.316
# number of particles per side for cubic setup
n = 10

# total number of particles
N = n*n*n
# volume of the system
volume = N/density
# side length of the system
L = volume**(1./3.)

# get filename on command line
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    print "Usage: python %s FILE" % sys.argv[0]
    datafilename = sys.argv[1]