Exemplo n.º 1
def add_args(parser):
    """Add my arguments to the given argparse parser."""
        help = _("The name of the brewery for the bottle"),

        help = _("The name of the beer"),

        default = None,
        help = _("Description or additional notes about beer"),
        nargs = "?",

        default = utils.get_year(),
        help = _("The year or edition of the current beer"),
        nargs = "?"
Exemplo n.º 2
def check(db, filePath, quiet):
    Check to see if entries in a file already exist in the database. If quiet mode,
    returns the number found entries. Otherwise, prints out all the duplicates (and the count)

        db - Pointer to database
        filePath - Path to the file. This will be passed to dbconnect()
    __log__.info(_("Checking entries from file: " + filePath))
    lines = []

    # Get connection to the file
    dataFile = dbconnect('text')

    # Yup, the lines in that file
    lines = dataFile.get(True)

    # Did we find a duplicate entry
    duplicateCount = 0

    # Iterate through each line of the file
    # Get values, and then do the check for those values
    for val in lines:
        length = len(val)

        # Required values
        brewery = val[0]
        beerName = val[1]

        # Optional Values
        desc = None
        year = None

        # XXX Is there a better way to do this?
        if len(val) >= 4:
            desc = val[2]
            year = val[3]
        elif len(val) >= 3:
            desc = val[2]
            year = utils.get_year()

        if isDuplicateLine(db, brewery, beerName, year):
            duplicateCount += 1
            __log__.info("Duplicate found: {} {} ({})".format(brewery, beerName, year))

    # Just print the duplicate count if in quiet mode
    if quiet:
        __log__.info("Duplicate Count: {}".format(duplicateCount))

    # Done here, return if any duplicate lines were found
    return duplicateCount > 0
Exemplo n.º 3
def add_by_file(db, filePath):
    Runs add entry on each line of file. Keep brewery and beer name in quotes.

        db - pointer to the database
        filePath - the path to the file that is parsed

    __log__.info(_("Adding entries from a file"))
    lines = []
    lineCount = 1

    dataFile = dbconnect('text')

    lines = dataFile.get(True)

    # Note that the splitting is done before now. So the lines should be in valid form
    for val in lines:
        length = len(val)

        # Required values
        brewery = val[0]
        beerName = val[1]

        # Optional Values
        desc = None
        year = None

        if len(val) >= 4:
            desc = val[2]
            year = val[3]
        elif len(val) >= 3:
            desc = val[2]
            year = utils.get_year()

        __log__.info(_("At line: {}, Adding {} {}, with desc '{}' and year {}").format(lineCount, brewery, beerName, desc, year))

        db.insert(brewery, beerName, desc, year)
