Exemplo n.º 1
def Load_PKL_or_Compute_Kernels_With_GC_From_Other_Map(HDFfilename, Context,
                                                       Band, MapPath):
    Band = Band.upper()
    path = Context['wdir']
    pklz_fn = path + 'GC/' + HDFfilename + '_' + Band + 'Ker' + '.pklz'
    pklz2_fn = MapPath + 'GC/' + HDFfilename + '_' + Band + 'Ker' + '.pklz'
    if L_Files.exists(pklz_fn):
        print('##   Using precomputed kernels for band', Band)
        Observation, tita = Load_PKL_Obs(HDFfilename, Context, Band)
        #read geocorrection from other map
        print('##   Reading GeoCorr from %s for Band %s' % (MapPath, Band))
        Context2 = L_Context.Load_Context(MapPath, L_Context.NO_NEIGHBORS)
        Dict_Bands2 = Load_PKL_or_HDF_Ells(HDFfilename, Context2)

        #read data and copy geocorrection
        print('##   Reading Ells')
        Dict_Bands = Load_PKL_or_HDF_Ells(HDFfilename, Context, GC=False)
        Dict_Bands[Band]['GeoCorrection'] = Dict_Bands2[Band]['GeoCorrection']

        #compute and save kernels
        Observation, tita = L_Kernels.Compute_Kernels(Dict_Bands,
        if SAVE_OBS:
            Save_PKL_Obs([Observation, tita], HDFfilename, Context, Band)
    return Observation, tita
Exemplo n.º 2
def Load_Shifted_Band_Kernels(HDFfilename, Context, Band, Shift_X, Shift_Y):
    path = Context['wdir']
    Band = Band.upper()
    pklz_fn = path + 'GC/' + HDFfilename + '_' + Band + 'Ker' + '.pklz'
    MSG = "*******************************************************************************\n"
    Dict_Bands = Load_SingleBand_Ells(HDFfilename, Context, Band)
    Dict_Bands[Band]['GeoCorrection']['X'] += Shift_X
    Dict_Bands[Band]['GeoCorrection']['Y'] += Shift_Y

    print('##   PRECOMPUTING K for BAND', Band, '#####')
    MSG += 'Computing Kernels for Band' + Band
    Observation, tita = L_Kernels.Compute_Kernels(Dict_Bands, Band, Context)

    localtime = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) + '\n'
    MSG += '\n'
    if Observation == {}:
        MSG += "Error loading " + HDFfilename + '\n'
        MSG += "Loaded " + HDFfilename + '\n'
        MSG += (not Observation['GeoCorrection']['OK']
                ) * 'FAILED GeoCorrecting: ' + Observation['GeoCorrection'][
                    'OK'] * 'GeoCorrection: '
        MSG += '[' + str(Observation['GeoCorrection']['X']) + ', ' + str(
            Observation['GeoCorrection']['Y']) + ']\n'
        MSG += 'LSQRSols: H ' + str(
            Observation['LSQRSols']['H']['Sol']) + ' Error:' + str(
                Observation['LSQRSols']['H']['norm']) + '\n'
        MSG += '          V ' + str(
            Observation['LSQRSols']['V']['Sol']) + ' Error:' + str(
                Observation['LSQRSols']['V']['norm']) + '\n'
    logging.info(localtime + MSG)
    return Observation, tita
Exemplo n.º 3
def Load_PKL_or_Compute_Kernels(HDFfilename, Context, Band, GC=True):
    path = Context['wdir']
    Band = Band.upper()
    pklz_fn = path + 'GC/' + HDFfilename + '_' + Band + 'Ker' + '.pklz'
    MSG = "*******************************************************************************\n"
    print("Presto a cargar para banda", Band)
    if L_Files.exists(pklz_fn):
        print('##   Using precomputed kernels for band', Band)
        Observation, tita = Load_PKL_Obs(HDFfilename, Context, Band)
        MSG += 'From PKL'
        print("Preparando a cargar las cosas....")
        Dict_Bands = Load_PKL_or_HDF_Ells(HDFfilename, Context, GC=GC)
        print('##   PRECOMPUTING K for BAND', Band, '#####')
        MSG += 'Computing Kernels for Band' + Band
        Observation, tita = L_Kernels.Compute_Kernels(Dict_Bands, Band,

        if SAVE_OBS:
            MSG += '\nSaving PKL'
            Save_PKL_Obs([Observation, tita], HDFfilename, Context, Band)
    localtime = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) + '\n'
    MSG += '\n'
    if Observation == {}:
        MSG += "Error loading " + HDFfilename + '\n'
        MSG += "Loaded " + HDFfilename + '\n' + "Band: " + Band + '\n'
        MSG += (not Observation['GeoCorrection']['OK']
                ) * 'FAILED GeoCorrecting: ' + Observation['GeoCorrection'][
                    'OK'] * 'GeoCorrection: '
        MSG += '[' + str(Observation['GeoCorrection']['X']) + ', ' + str(
            Observation['GeoCorrection']['Y']) + ']\n'
        MSG += 'LSQRSols: H ' + str(
            Observation['LSQRSols']['H']['Sol']) + ' Error:' + str(
                Observation['LSQRSols']['H']['norm']) + '\n'
        MSG += '          V ' + str(
            Observation['LSQRSols']['V']['Sol']) + ' Error:' + str(
                Observation['LSQRSols']['V']['norm']) + '\n'
    logging.info(localtime + MSG)
    return Observation, tita
Exemplo n.º 4
def GeoCorrect_Band(Dict_Band, WA_Cords, Dict_Grids):
    print("  Correcting HDF georreference:")
    LandPropMargin_Grid = Dict_Grids['LandTypeMargin_Grid']
    GeoCorr_margin = Dict_Grids['GeoCorr_margin']
    dx = WA_Cords['dx']
    dy = WA_Cords['dy']
    cols = WA_Cords['cols']
    rows = WA_Cords['rows']
    nlt = Dict_Grids['nlt']
    #Select ellipses that intersect at least 90% the ROI
    Orig_Ells = Dict_Band['Ell'].copy()
    Orig_n_ell = Dict_Band['n_ell']

    Grid = L_Kernels.Compute_Elliptic_Kernels(Dict_Band,
    n_ell = Dict_Band['n_ell']
    Band = Dict_Band['Band']

    max_error = GeoCorr_margin * dx

    mdsp_x = 0
    ctr_x = int(max_error / dx)
    dsp_x = ctr_x
    Mdsp_x = 2 * dsp_x
    ndsp_x = Mdsp_x - mdsp_x

    mdsp_y = 0
    ctr_y = int(max_error / dy)
    dsp_y = ctr_y
    Mdsp_y = 2 * dsp_y
    ndsp_y = Mdsp_y - mdsp_y
    Score = np.zeros([ndsp_x, ndsp_y, 2])  #2 because of the H&V polarizations
    M = np.zeros([n_ell,
                  nlt])  #one equation for ellipse, one varible for land_type
    bh = np.zeros(n_ell)
    bv = np.zeros(n_ell)

    found = False
    ok_corr = True
    min_score = 65500

    #%% FIND GEO CORRECTION    , step 1
    while (not found):
        #evaluate arround dsp_x, dsp_y
        print("      Evaluating displacement: %dmH, %dmV" %
              ((dsp_x - ctr_x) * dx, (dsp_y - ctr_y) * dy))
        for evx, evy in [[dsp_x - 1, dsp_y], [dsp_x + 1, dsp_y],
                         [dsp_x, dsp_y - 1], [dsp_x, dsp_y + 1],
                         [dsp_x, dsp_y]]:
            if (Score[evx, evy, 0] == 0):  # not yet evaluated
                U = LandPropMargin_Grid[evx:evx + cols, evy:evy + rows]
                for i in range(n_ell):
                    for lt in range(nlt):
                        M[i, lt] = (Grid[:, :, i] * (U[:, :] == lt)).sum()
                    bh[i] = Dict_Band['Ell'][i]['Tbh']
                S = lsqr(M, bh)
                s = S[3]
                Score[evx, evy, 0] = s
                if (s < min_score):
                    min_score = s
                    best_x = evx
                    best_y = evy
            else:  # already evaluated
                s = Score[evx, evy, 0]
                if (s < min_score):
                    min_score = s
                    best_x = evx
                    best_y = evy

        if ((dsp_x != best_x) or (dsp_y != best_y)):
            if ((best_x < mdsp_x + 2) or (best_x > Mdsp_x - 3)
                    or (best_y < mdsp_y + 2) or (best_y > Mdsp_y - 3)):
                print("Reached the border when correcting georreference!!")
                print("Please, manually look at the image")
                print("Band", Band)
                found = True
                ok_corr = False  #geocorrection is not good
                dsp_x = best_x
                dsp_y = best_y
            found = True
                "    Found best geocorrection with %dmts error margin, improving correction..."
                % (dx / 2))

    #%% FIND GEO CORRECTION    , step 2
    #found dsp_x, dsp_y
    # EVALUATE AT:     +
    #                  +
    #              + + o + +
    #                  +
    #                  +
    for evx, evy in [[dsp_x - 2, dsp_y], [dsp_x - 1, dsp_y], [dsp_x, dsp_y],
                     [dsp_x + 1, dsp_y], [dsp_x + 2, dsp_y]]:
        if (Score[evx, evy, 1] == 0):  # not yet evaluated
            U = LandPropMargin_Grid[evx:evx + cols, evy:evy + rows]
            for i in range(n_ell):
                for lt in range(nlt):
                    M[i, lt] = (Grid[:, :, i] * (U[:, :] == lt)).sum()
                bh[i] = Dict_Band['Ell'][i]['Tbh']
                bv[i] = Dict_Band['Ell'][i]['Tbv']
            S = lsqr(M, bh)
            s = S[3]
            Score[evx, evy, 0] = s
            S = lsqr(M, bv)
            s = S[3]
            Score[evx, evy, 1] = s

    for evx, evy in [[dsp_x, dsp_y - 2], [dsp_x, dsp_y - 1], [dsp_x, dsp_y],
                     [dsp_x, dsp_y + 1], [dsp_x, dsp_y + 2]]:
        if (Score[evx, evy, 1] == 0):  # not yet evaluated
            U = LandPropMargin_Grid[evx:evx + cols, evy:evy + rows]
            for i in range(n_ell):
                for lt in range(nlt):
                    M[i, lt] = (Grid[:, :, i] * (U[:, :] == lt)).sum()
                bh[i] = Dict_Band['Ell'][i]['Tbh']
                bv[i] = Dict_Band['Ell'][i]['Tbv']
            S = lsqr(M, bh)
            s = S[3]
            Score[evx, evy, 0] = s
            S = lsqr(M, bv)
            s = S[3]
            Score[evx, evy, 1] = s

    #%% adjust quadratic and find optimum
    x = np.array([dsp_x - 2, dsp_x - 1, dsp_x, dsp_x + 1, dsp_x + 2])
    sx = Score[dsp_x - 2:dsp_x + 3, dsp_y, 0]
    cpx = np.polyfit(x, sx, 2)
    best_x = -cpx[1] / (2 * cpx[0])
    y = np.array([dsp_y - 2, dsp_y - 1, dsp_y, dsp_y + 1, dsp_y + 2])
    sy = Score[dsp_x, dsp_y - 2:dsp_y + 3, 0]
    cpy = np.polyfit(y, sy, 2)
    best_y = -cpy[1] / (2 * cpy[0])
    corr_xh = best_x * dx - max_error
    corr_yh = best_y * dy - max_error
    #Found best correction for H POL
    #comparing with V POL
    sx = Score[dsp_x - 2:dsp_x + 3, dsp_y, 1]
    cpx = np.polyfit(x, sx, 2)
    best_x = -cpx[1] / (2 * cpx[0])
    sy = Score[dsp_x, dsp_y - 2:dsp_y + 3, 1]
    cpy = np.polyfit(y, sy, 2)
    best_y = -cpy[1] / (2 * cpy[0])
    corr_xv = best_x * dx - max_error
    corr_yv = best_y * dy - max_error

    corr_x = (corr_xh + corr_xv) / 2
    corr_y = (corr_yh + corr_yv) / 2
    corr_diff = np.sqrt((corr_xh - corr_xv)**2 + (corr_yh - corr_yv)**2)
        "    Improved geocorrection: %.0fm, %.0fm (%.0fm from best corr for each pol)"
        % (corr_x, corr_y, corr_diff / 2))
    if (corr_diff > 3 * dx):
            "WARNING: geocorrection for different polarizations do not agree,",
        print("Please, manually look at the image")
        ok_corr = False  #geocorrection is not good

    Dict_Band['GeoCorrection'] = {'X': corr_x, 'Y': corr_y, 'OK': ok_corr}
    Dict_Band['Ell'] = Orig_Ells
    Dict_Band['n_ell'] = Orig_n_ell
Exemplo n.º 5
def Read_HDF_AMSR_E_L2A(path, filename, Bands, WA_Cords):
    Bands = [x.upper() for x in Bands]
    mLat = WA_Cords['mLat']
    mLon = WA_Cords['mLon']
    MLat = WA_Cords['MLat']
    MLon = WA_Cords['MLon']
    if ((filename.find('_D') * filename.find('_A')) > 0):
    elif filename.find('_D') >= 0:
        PASS = '******'
        PASS = '******'
    inf = path + filename + '.hdf'
    #uncomment to read AMSRE files
    #hdf = SD(inf, SDC.READ)
    #print (hdf.datasets())

    # Get the data
    Lat89A = hdf.select("Latitude")[:][:]
    Lon89A = hdf.select("Longitude")[:][:]

    print("Reading HDF:" + filename)
    print("Pass:"******"36.5H_Res.4_TB_(not-resampled)")[:, :][(ymin):(
        ymax), int(xmin):int(xmax)]
    Tbv['KA'] = hdf.select("36.5V_Res.4_TB_(not-resampled)")[:, :][(ymin):(
        ymax), int(xmin):int(xmax)]
    Tbh['K'] = hdf.select("23.8H_Approx._Res.3_TB_(not-resampled)")[:, :][(
        ymin):(ymax), int(xmin):int(xmax)]
    Tbv['K'] = hdf.select("23.8V_Approx._Res.3_TB_(not-resampled)")[:, :][(
        ymin):(ymax), int(xmin):int(xmax)]
    Tbh['KU'] = hdf.select("18.7H_Res.3_TB_(not-resampled)")[:, :][(ymin):(
        ymax), int(xmin):int(xmax)]
    Tbv['KU'] = hdf.select("18.7V_Res.3_TB_(not-resampled)")[:, :][(ymin):(
        ymax), int(xmin):int(xmax)]
    Tbh['X'] = hdf.select("10.7H_Res.2_TB_(not-resampled)")[:, :][(ymin):(
        ymax), int(xmin):int(xmax)]
    Tbv['X'] = hdf.select("10.7V_Res.2_TB_(not-resampled)")[:, :][(ymin):(
        ymax), int(xmin):int(xmax)]
    Tbh['C'] = hdf.select("6.9H_Res.1_TB_(not-resampled)")[:, :][(ymin):(
        ymax), int(xmin):int(xmax)]
    Tbv['C'] = hdf.select("6.9V_Res.1_TB_(not-resampled)")[:, :][(ymin):(
        ymax), int(xmin):int(xmax)]
    Nang = hdf.select("Earth_Azimuth")[:, :][(ymin):(ymax),

    Dict_Bands = {}
    Dict_Bands['pass'] = PASS
    for i in range(len(Bands)):
        #outWM=path+'Dict/'+infilenm+'_'+Band #working area
        print("  Reading band:" + Band + ',', end=" ")

        n_ell = 0
        Dict_Band = {}
        Dict_Ells = {}
        Dict_Band['Band'] = Band
        Dict_Band['HPDm'] = HPDms[Band]
        Dict_Band['HPDM'] = HPDMs[Band]
        for y in range(Lat89A.shape[0]):
            for x in range(int(Lat89A.shape[1])):
                #Write ellipses info to DICT
                #m1 = np.array([ Lat89A[y,x],Lon89A[y,x]])
                nlat = Lat89A[y, x]
                nlon = Lon89A[y, x]

                #if (nlat<MLat)&(nlat>mLat)&(nlon<MLon)&(nlon>mLon):
                if (nlat < MLat) & (nlat > mLat) & (nlon < MLon) & (nlon >
                    #D=np.append(D,[[nlat, nlon,nang,'Tbh':Tbh[Band][y,x]/100,'Tbv[Band][y,x],x,y]],axis=0)
                    X, Y = utm.from_latlon(nlat, nlon,

                    ###Scale factor 0.1, el offset value de +327.68
                    Dict_Ell = {
                        'lat': nlat,
                        'lon': nlon,
                        'tilt': Nang[y, x] / 100,
                        'Tbh': Tbh[Band][y, x] / 100 + 327.68,
                        'Tbv': Tbv[Band][y, x] / 100 + 327.68,
                        'AlongScan_Id': x + xmin,
                        'AlongTrack_Id': y + ymin,
                        'X': X,
                        'Y': Y

                    Dict_Ells[n_ell] = Dict_Ell
                    n_ell = n_ell + 1

        Dict_Band['n_ell'] = n_ell
        Dict_Band['filename'] = filename
        Dict_Band['pass'] = PASS
        Dict_Band['Ell'] = Dict_Ells
        L_Kernels.Compute_Elliptic_Kernel(Dict_Band, WA_Cords)  ### NEW
        Dict_Bands[Band] = Dict_Band
        print('100%', end=" ")
    Dict_Bands['Bands'] = Bands
    Dict_Bands['WA_Cords'] = WA_Cords
    Dict_Bands['FileName'] = filename
    return Dict_Bands
Exemplo n.º 6
def Read_HDF_AMSR2_L1R(path, filename, Bands, WA_Cords):  #OJO L1R!!!
    Bands = [x.upper() for x in Bands]
    mLat = WA_Cords['mLat']
    mLon = WA_Cords['mLon']
    MLat = WA_Cords['MLat']
    MLon = WA_Cords['MLon']
    if ((filename.find('D_') * filename.find('A_')) >= 0):
    elif filename.find('D_') > 0:
        PASS = '******'
        PASS = '******'
    inf = path + filename + '.h5'
    infile = hdf.File(inf, "r")

    # Get the data
    Lat89A = infile["/Latitude of Observation Point for 89A"][:][:]
    Lon89A = infile["/Longitude of Observation Point for 89A"][:][:]

    print("Reading HDF:" + filename)
    print("Pass:"******"/Brightness Temperature (res36,36.5GHz,H)"][(ymin):(
        ymax), int(xmin / 2):int(xmax / 2)]
    Tbv['KA'] = infile["/Brightness Temperature (res36,36.5GHz,V)"][(ymin):(
        ymax), int(xmin / 2):int(xmax / 2)]
    #Tbh['K']  = infile["/Brightness Temperature (res23,23.8GHz,H)"][(ymin):(ymax),int(xmin/2):int(xmax/2)]
    #Tbv['K']  = infile["/Brightness Temperature (res23,23.8GHz,V)"][(ymin):(ymax),int(xmin/2):int(xmax/2)]
    #Tbh['ku'] = infile["/Brightness Temperature (res23,18.7GHz,H)"][(ymin):(ymax),int(xmin/2):int(xmax/2)]
    #Tbv['ku'] = infile["/Brightness Temperature (res23,18.7GHz,V)"][(ymin):(ymax),int(xmin/2):int(xmax/2)]
    #Tbh['x']  = infile["/Brightness Temperature (res10,10.7GHz,H)"][(ymin):(ymax),int(xmin/2):int(xmax/2)]
    #Tbv['x']  = infile["/Brightness Temperature (res10,10.7GHz,V)"][(ymin):(ymax),int(xmin/2):int(xmax/2)]
    #Tbh['xka']= infile["/Brightness Temperature (res10,36.5GHz,H)"][(ymin):(ymax),int(xmin/2):int(xmax/2)]
    #Tbv['x']  = infile["/Brightness Temperature (res10,36.5GHz,V)"][(ymin):(ymax),int(xmin/2):int(xmax/2)]
    #Tbh['c']  = infile["/Brightness Temperature (res06,6.9GHz,H)"][(ymin):(ymax),int(xmin/2):int(xmax/2)]
    #Tbv['c']  = infile["/Brightness Temperature (res06,6.9GHz,V)"][(ymin):(ymax),int(xmin/2):int(xmax/2)]
    #Tbh['cx'] = infile["/Brightness Temperature (res06,10.7GHz,H)"][(ymin):(ymax),int(xmin/2):int(xmax/2)]
    #Tbv['cx'] = infile["/Brightness Temperature (res06,10.7GHz,V)"][(ymin):(ymax),int(xmin/2):int(xmax/2)]
    Tbh['C'] = infile["/Brightness Temperature (res06,36.5GHz,H)"][(ymin):(
        ymax), int(xmin / 2):int(xmax / 2)]
    Tbv['C'] = infile["/Brightness Temperature (res06,36.5GHz,V)"][(ymin):(
        ymax), int(xmin / 2):int(xmax / 2)]
    Nang = infile["/Earth Azimuth"][(ymin):(ymax), int(xmin / 2):int(xmax / 2)]

    Dict_Bands = {}
    Dict_Bands['pass'] = PASS
    for i in range(len(Bands)):
        #outWM=path+'Dict/'+infilenm+'_'+Band #working area
        print("  Reading band:" + Band + ',', end=" ")

        n_ell = 0
        Dict_Band = {}
        Dict_Ells = {}
        Dict_Band['Band'] = Band
        Dict_Band['HPDm'] = HPDms[Band]
        Dict_Band['HPDM'] = HPDMs[Band]
        for y in range(Lat89A.shape[0]):
            for x in range(int(Lat89A.shape[1] / 2)):
                #Write ellipses info to DICT
                m1 = np.array([Lat89A[y, 2 * x], Lon89A[y, 2 * x]])
                m2 = np.array([Lat89A[y, 2 * x + 1], Lon89A[y, 2 * x + 1]])
                #print m1,m2,
                P1 = (np.cos(m1[1] * np.pi / 180) *
                      np.cos(m1[0] * np.pi / 180),
                      np.sin(m1[1] * np.pi / 180) *
                      np.cos(m1[0] * np.pi / 180), np.sin(m1[0] * np.pi / 180))
                P2 = (np.cos(m2[1] * np.pi / 180) *
                      np.cos(m2[0] * np.pi / 180),
                      np.sin(m2[1] * np.pi / 180) *
                      np.cos(m2[0] * np.pi / 180), np.sin(m2[0] * np.pi / 180))
                ex = np.array(P1)
                C = np.cross(ex, np.array(P2))
                ez = C / la.norm(C)
                ey = np.cross(ez, ex)
                th = np.arccos(np.dot(P1, P2))

                A1 = A1s[Band]
                A2 = A2s[Band]
                nP = np.cos(A2 * th) * np.cos(A1 * th) * ex + np.cos(
                    A2 * th) * np.sin(A1 * th) * ey + np.sin(A2 * th) * ez
                nlat = np.arcsin(nP[2])
                nlon = 180 / np.pi * np.arcsin(nP[1] / np.cos(nlat))
                nlat = 180 / np.pi * nlat

                LocalNorth = np.dot(np.array([0, 0, 1]), ey) * ey + np.dot(
                    np.array([0, 0, 1]), ez) * ez
                LocalNorth /= la.norm(LocalNorth)
                LocalWest = np.cross(ex, LocalNorth)

                #####RAFA!!para el tilt usamos el earth azimut o dejamos el cálculo? ver en lector de AMSR-E
                nang = 180 / np.pi * np.arccos(np.dot(
                    LocalNorth, ez)) * np.sign(np.dot(LocalWest, ez))

                #if (nlat<MLat)&(nlat>mLat)&(nlon<MLon)&(nlon>mLon):
                if (m1[0] < MLat) & (m1[0] > mLat) & (m1[1] < MLon) & (m1[1] >
                    #D=np.append(D,[[nlat, nlon,nang,'Tbh':Tbh[Band][y,x]/100,'Tbv[Band][y,x],x,y]],axis=0)
                    X, Y = utm.from_latlon(nlat, nlon,
                    Dict_Ell = {
                        'lat': nlat,
                        'lon': nlon,
                        'tilt': Nang[y, x] / 100,
                        'Tbh': Tbh[Band][y, x] / 100,
                        'Tbv': Tbv[Band][y, x] / 100,
                        'AlongScan_Id': x + xmin,
                        'AlongTrack_Id': y + ymin,
                        'X': X,
                        'Y': Y
                    Dict_Ells[n_ell] = Dict_Ell
                    n_ell = n_ell + 1

        Dict_Band['n_ell'] = n_ell
        Dict_Band['filename'] = filename
        Dict_Band['pass'] = PASS
        Dict_Band['Ell'] = Dict_Ells
        L_Kernels.Compute_Elliptic_Kernel(Dict_Band, WA_Cords)  ### NEW
        Dict_Bands[Band] = Dict_Band
        print('100%', end=" ")
    Dict_Bands['Bands'] = Bands
    Dict_Bands['WA_Cords'] = WA_Cords
    Dict_Bands['FileName'] = filename
    return Dict_Bands