Exemplo n.º 1
 def __call__(self, request):
     # According to RFC2617 the username and password are *TEXT, which
     # RFC2616 says may contain characters from outside of ISO-8859-1 if
     # they are MIME-encoded. Our first approach was to assume latin-1 in
     # username and password, but practice has proved us wrong (services
     # like Zendesk allow non-latin-1 characters in both, which are used
     # in basic auth for their API). To be as compatible as possible,
     # allow unicode in username and password, but keep resulting base64
     # in latin-1.
     auth = port.to_u('{0}:{1}').format(port.to_u(self.username),
     encoded = port.to_u(base64.b64encode(port.to_b(auth)), 'latin-1')
     header = 'Basic {0}'.format(encoded)
     request.headers['Authorization'] = header
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __call__(self, request):
     # According to RFC2617 the username and password are *TEXT, which
     # RFC2616 says may contain characters from outside of ISO-8859-1 if
     # they are MIME-encoded. Our first approach was to assume latin-1 in
     # username and password, but practice has proved us wrong (services
     # like Zendesk allow non-latin-1 characters in both, which are used
     # in basic auth for their API). To be as compatible as possible,
     # allow unicode in username and password, but keep resulting base64
     # in latin-1.
     auth = port.to_u('{0}:{1}').format(port.to_u(self.username),
     encoded = port.to_u(base64.b64encode(port.to_b(auth)), 'latin-1')
     header = 'Basic {0}'.format(encoded)
     request.headers['Authorization'] = header
Exemplo n.º 3
    def expect(self, uri, params_expected=None, subdomain=None, b64params=()):
        if not subdomain:
            domain = 'mixpanel.com'
            domain = '{0}.mixpanel.com'.format(subdomain)

        if subdomain != 'api':
            uri = 'api/2.0/{0}'.format(uri)

                         'http://{0}/{1}'.format(domain, uri))
        if not params_expected:

        params_used = self.executor.request.params.copy()

        if 'api_key' in params_used:
            params_expected['api_key'] = 'api-key'

        params_used.pop('sig', None)
        params_used.pop('expire', None)

        for name in b64params:
            decoded = base64.b64decode(params_used[name])
            params_used[name] = json.loads(port.to_u(decoded))

        self.assertEqual(params_used, params_expected)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, subdomain, username=None, password=None,
        Create a Zendesk service.

        :var subdomain: The account-specific part of the Zendesk domain, for
            instance use `mycompany` if your Zendesk domain is
        :vartype subdomain: str

        :var username: The email of the authenticated agent. Use
            `[email protected]/token` for token-based authentication.
        :vartype username: str

        :var password: The password of the authenticated agent, or an API token
            if using token-based authentication.
        :vartype password: str

        :var access_token: An OAuth Access token. Username and password are not
            required if the OAuth Access token is provided.
        :vartype access_token: str
        tmpl = '{0}.zendesk.com/api/v2'
        self.apiroot = http.quote_any(tmpl.format(port.to_u(subdomain)))
        self.apiroot = 'https://' + self.apiroot

        if access_token:
            self.access_token = access_token
            self.add_filter(auth.BasicAuth(username, password))

Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, subdomain, api_key, api_secret=None,
                 access_token=None, access_token_secret=None):
        Create a Desk service.

        :var subdomain: The account-specific part of the Desk domain, for
            instance use `mycompany` if your Desk domain is
        :vartype subdomain: str

        :var api_key: The API key.
        :vartype api_key: str

        :var api_secret: API secret.
        :vartype api_secret: str

        :var access_token: OAuth 1.0a access token.
        :vartype access_token: str

        :var access_token_secret: OAuth 1.0a access token secret.
        :vartype access_token_secret: str
        tmpl = '{0}.desk.com/api/v1'
        self.apiroot = http.quote_any(tmpl.format(port.to_u(subdomain)))
        self.apiroot = 'https://' + self.apiroot

        self.oauth = auth.OAuth(access_token, access_token_secret,
                                api_key, api_secret)

        # authenticate has to be the last filter, because anything that
        # modifies the request after it's signed will make the signature
        # invalid!
Exemplo n.º 6
    def expect(self, uri, params_expected=None, subdomain=None, b64params=()):
        if not subdomain:
            domain = 'mixpanel.com'
            domain = '{0}.mixpanel.com'.format(subdomain)

        if subdomain != 'api':
            uri = 'api/2.0/{0}'.format(uri)

                         'http://{0}/{1}'.format(domain, uri))
        if not params_expected:

        params_used = self.executor.request.params.copy()

        if 'api_key' in params_used:
            params_expected['api_key'] = 'api-key'

        params_used.pop('sig', None)
        params_used.pop('expire', None)

        for name in b64params:
            decoded = base64.b64decode(params_used[name])
            params_used[name] = json.loads(port.to_u(decoded))

        self.assertEqual(params_used, params_expected)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def get(self):
     Fetch information about the subdomain.
     url = '{0}/subdomains/{1}'.format(self.parent.get_url(),
     return http.Request('GET', url), parsers.parse_json
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _make_track_import_params(self, event, properties, ip, test):
        if not self.token:
            raise InsufficientSettings('token is required for this method')

        if properties is None:
            properties = {}
        properties['token'] = self.token

        properties = dict((port.to_u(key), self.serialize_property(value)) for
                          key, value in properties.items())

        params = base.get_params(('ip', 'test'), locals(),

        data = {'event': port.to_u(event), 'properties': properties}
        params['data'] = base64.b64encode(port.to_b(json.dumps(data)))
        return params
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, api_key):
        Create a MixRank service.

        :var api_key: The MixRank API key.
        :vartype api_key: str
        self.apiroot = 'http://api.mixrank.com/v2/json/' + port.to_u(api_key)
Exemplo n.º 10
def serialize(prefix, value):
    Recursive helper for serialize_param.
    if isinstance(value, dict):
        # serializing a dictionary, use prefix[key] as the prefix, recurse for
        # all dict items and flatten the result
        return chain.from_iterable(
                                         port.to_u(key)), val)for
             key, val in value.items()))
    elif isinstance(value, list):
        # serializing a list, use prefix[i] as the prefix, recurse for
        # all items and flatten the result
        return chain.from_iterable(
                                         port.to_u(num)), val) for
             num, val in enumerate(value)))
    elif isinstance(value, bool):
        # serializing a boolean, take the prefix as-is and serialize the value
        # to string
        return ((port.to_u(prefix), 'true' if value else 'false'), )
        # anything else, just use the prefix and value as-is
        return ((port.to_u(prefix), port.to_u(value)), )
Exemplo n.º 11
def element_for_value(obj, parent):
    for key, value in obj.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            node = etree.SubElement(parent, key)
            element_for_value(value, node)
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            if not value:
                node = etree.SubElement(parent, key)

            for item in value:
                node = etree.SubElement(parent, key)
                element_for_value(item, node)
            if key.startswith("@"):
                parent.set(key.lstrip("@"), value)
                node = etree.SubElement(parent, key)
                node.text = port.to_u(value) if value is not None else port.to_u("")
Exemplo n.º 12
def element_for_value(obj, parent):
    for key, value in obj.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            node = etree.SubElement(parent, key)
            element_for_value(value, node)
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            if not value:
                node = etree.SubElement(parent, key)

            for item in value:
                node = etree.SubElement(parent, key)
                element_for_value(item, node)
            if key.startswith('@'):
                parent.set(key.lstrip('@'), value)
                node = etree.SubElement(parent, key)
                node.text = (port.to_u(value)
                             if value is not None else port.to_u(''))
Exemplo n.º 13
    def serialize_property(self, value):
        Serialize a Mixpanel property value. According to
        the allowed types are string, numeric, boolean, date (represented as a
        string) and list.
        if isinstance(value, self.LITERAL_PROPERTY_TYPES):
            return value

        return port.to_u(value)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def serialize_property(self, value):
        Serialize a Mixpanel property value. According to
        the allowed types are string, numeric, boolean, date (represented as a
        string) and list.
        if isinstance(value, self.LITERAL_PROPERTY_TYPES):
            return value

        return port.to_u(value)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def sign_request(self, request):
        if getattr(request, 'nosign', False):

        expires = str(calendar.timegm(self.timesource()) + self.EXPIRES)
        to_sign = port.to_b(self.access_id + '\n' + expires)
        signature = hmac.new(port.to_b(self.secret_key), to_sign, hashlib.sha1).digest()

        request.params['AccessID'] = self.access_id
        request.params['Expires'] = expires
        request.params['Signature'] = port.to_u(base64.b64encode(signature))
Exemplo n.º 16
    def track(self, event, properties=None, ip=False, test=False):
        Track an event.

        Upstream documentation: {0}

        :var event: The name of the event.
        :vartype event: str

        :var properties: The event's properties, your access token will be
            inserted into it automatically.
        :vartype properties: dict

        :var ip: Should Mixpanel automatically use the incoming request IP.
        :vartype ip: bool

        :var test: Use a high priority rate limited queue for testing.
        :vartype test: bool

        :return: A boolean that tells if the event has been logged.
        if not self.token:
            raise InsufficientSettings('token is required for this method')

        if properties is None:
            properties = {}
        properties['token'] = self.token

        properites = dict((port.to_u(key), port.to_u(value))for
                          key, value in properties.items())

        params = base.get_params(('ip', 'test'), locals(),

        data = {'event': port.to_u(event), 'properties': properties}
        params['data'] = base64.b64encode(port.to_b(json.dumps(data)))

        request = http.Request('GET', 'http://api.mixpanel.com/track/', params)
        request.nosign = True

        return request, resources.parse_boolean
Exemplo n.º 17
    def track(self, event, properties=None, ip=False, test=False):
        Track an event.

        Upstream documentation: {0}

        :var event: The name of the event.
        :vartype event: str

        :var properties: The event's properties, your access token will be
            inserted into it automatically.
        :vartype properties: dict

        :var ip: Should Mixpanel automatically use the incoming request IP.
        :vartype ip: bool

        :var test: Use a high priority rate limited queue for testing.
        :vartype test: bool

        :return: A boolean that tells if the event has been logged.
        if not self.token:
            raise InsufficientSettings('token is required for this method')

        if properties is None:
            properties = {}
        properties['token'] = self.token

        properites = dict((port.to_u(key), port.to_u(value))
                          for key, value in properties.items())

        params = base.get_params(('ip', 'test'), locals(),

        data = {'event': port.to_u(event), 'properties': properties}
        params['data'] = base64.b64encode(port.to_b(json.dumps(data)))

        request = http.Request('GET', 'http://api.mixpanel.com/track/', params)
        request.nosign = True

        return request, resources.parse_boolean
Exemplo n.º 18
    def sign_request(self, request):
        if getattr(request, 'nosign', False):

        expires = str(calendar.timegm(self.timesource()) + self.EXPIRES)
        to_sign = port.to_b(self.access_id + '\n' + expires)
        signature = hmac.new(port.to_b(self.secret_key), to_sign,

        request.params['AccessID'] = self.access_id
        request.params['Expires'] = expires
        request.params['Signature'] = port.to_u(base64.b64encode(signature))
Exemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, apikey, label):
        Get a datasource resource.

        :var apikey: Your API key.
        :vartype apikey: str

        :var label: data source label
        :vartype label: str
        self.url_tmpl = port.to_u('https://{0}.ducksboard.com/values/{1}')
        self.label = label

        self.add_filter(auth.BasicAuth(apikey, 'x'))
Exemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self, apikey, label):
        Get a datasource resource.

        :var apikey: Your API key.
        :vartype apikey: str

        :var label: data source label
        :vartype label: str
        self.url_tmpl = port.to_u('https://{0}.ducksboard.com/values/{1}')
        self.label = label

        self.add_filter(auth.BasicAuth(apikey, 'x'))
Exemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self, api_key):
        Create a Mailchimp service.

        :var api_key: The API key including the region, for instance
        :vartype api_key: str
        self.api_key, dc = port.to_u(api_key).split('-')

        tmpl = '{0}.api.mailchimp.com/1.3/'
        self.apiroot = http.quote_any(tmpl.format(dc))
        self.apiroot = 'https://' + self.apiroot

Exemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, api_key):
        Create a Mailchimp service.

        :var api_key: The API key including the region, for instance
        :vartype api_key: str
        self.api_key, dc = port.to_u(api_key).split('-')

        tmpl = '{0}.api.mailchimp.com/1.3/'
        self.apiroot = http.quote_any(tmpl.format(dc))
        self.apiroot = 'https://' + self.apiroot

Exemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self,
        Create a UserVoice service.

        :var subdomain: The account-specific part of the UserVoice domain, for
            instance use `mycompany` if your UserVoice domain is
        :vartype subdomain: str

        :var api_key: The API key.
        :vartype api_key: str

        :var api_secret: Optional API secret. If you leave this as None, all
            requests will be made as unauthenticated requests.
        :vartype api_secret: str or None

        :var access_token: Optional OAuth 1.0a access token. If you leave this
            as None, all requests be made as unauthenticated requests.
        :vartype access_token: str or None

        :var access_token_secret: Optional OAuth 1.0a access token secret. If
            you leave this as None, all requests be made as unauthenticated
        :vartype access_token_secret: str or None
        self.api_key = api_key
        self.oauth = None

        if api_secret and access_token and access_token_secret:
            self.oauth = auth.OAuth1a(access_token, access_token_secret,
                                      api_key, api_secret)

        tmpl = '{0}.uservoice.com/api/v1'
        self.apiroot = http.quote_any(tmpl.format(port.to_u(subdomain)))
        self.apiroot = 'http://' + self.apiroot

        # authenticate has to be the last filter, because anything that
        # modifies the request after it's signed will make the signature
        # invalid!
Exemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, subdomain, api_key):
        Create a CartoDB service.

        :var subdomain: The account-specific part of the CartoDB domain, for
            instance use `mycompany` if your CartpDB domain is
        :vartype subdomain: str

        :var api_key: The API key.
        :vartype api_key: str
        tmpl = '{0}.cartodb.com/api'
        self.apiroot = http.quote_any(tmpl.format(port.to_u(subdomain)))
        self.apiroot = 'https://' + self.apiroot

        self.api_key = api_key
Exemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self, subdomain, api_key, api_secret=None,
                 access_token=None, access_token_secret=None):
        Create a UserVoice service.

        :var subdomain: The account-specific part of the UserVoice domain, for
            instance use `mycompany` if your UserVoice domain is
        :vartype subdomain: str

        :var api_key: The API key.
        :vartype api_key: str

        :var api_secret: Optional API secret. If you leave this as None, all
            requests will be made as unauthenticated requests.
        :vartype api_secret: str or None

        :var access_token: Optional OAuth 1.0a access token. If you leave this
            as None, all requests be made as unauthenticated requests.
        :vartype access_token: str or None

        :var access_token_secret: Optional OAuth 1.0a access token secret. If
            you leave this as None, all requests be made as unauthenticated
        :vartype access_token_secret: str or None
        self.api_key = api_key
        self.oauth = None

        if api_secret and access_token and access_token_secret:
            self.oauth = auth.OAuth1a(access_token, access_token_secret,
                                      api_key, api_secret)

        tmpl = '{0}.uservoice.com/api/v1'
        self.apiroot = http.quote_any(tmpl.format(port.to_u(subdomain)))
        self.apiroot = 'http://' + self.apiroot

        # authenticate has to be the last filter, because anything that
        # modifies the request after it's signed will make the signature
        # invalid!
Exemplo n.º 26
    def sign_request(self, request):
        if getattr(request, "nosign", False):

        if not self.api_key or not self.api_secret:
            raise InsufficientSettings("api_key and api_secret are required " "for this method")

        request.params["api_key"] = self.api_key

        if self.USE_EXPIRE:
            request.params["expire"] = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()) + 600

        to_hash = "".join(
            "{0}={1}".format(key, port.to_u(request.params[key])) for key in sorted(request.params.keys())

        md5 = hashlib.md5()

        request.params["sig"] = md5.hexdigest()
Exemplo n.º 27
    def sign_request(self, request):
        if getattr(request, 'nosign', False):

        if not self.api_key or not self.api_secret:
            raise InsufficientSettings('api_key and api_secret are required '
                                       'for this method')

        request.params['api_key'] = self.api_key

        if self.USE_EXPIRE:
            request.params['expire'] = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()) + 600

        to_hash = ''.join('{0}={1}'.format(key, port.to_u(request.params[key]))
                          for key in sorted(request.params.keys()))

        md5 = hashlib.md5()

        request.params['sig'] = md5.hexdigest()
Exemplo n.º 28
    def sign_request(self, request):
        if getattr(request, 'nosign', False):

        if not self.api_key or not self.api_secret:
            raise InsufficientSettings('api_key and api_secret are required '
                                       'for this method')

        request.params['api_key'] = self.api_key

        if self.USE_EXPIRE:
            request.params['expire'] = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()) + 600

        to_hash = ''.join('{0}={1}'.format(key, port.to_u(request.params[key]))
                          for key in sorted(request.params.keys()))

        md5 = hashlib.md5()

        request.params['sig'] = md5.hexdigest()
Exemplo n.º 29
    def __init__(self, subdomain, username, password):
        Create a Zendesk service.

        :var subdomain: The account-specific part of the Zendesk domain, for
            instance use `mycompany` if your Zendesk domain is
        :vartype subdomain: str

        :var username: The email of the authenticated agent.
        :vartype username: str

        :var password: The password of the authenticated agent.
        :vartype password: str
        tmpl = '{0}.zendesk.com/api/v2'
        self.apiroot = http.quote_any(tmpl.format(port.to_u(subdomain)))
        self.apiroot = 'https://' + self.apiroot

        self.add_filter(auth.BasicAuth(username, password))
Exemplo n.º 30
    def __init__(self, subdomain, username, password):
        Create a Zendesk service.

        :var subdomain: The account-specific part of the Zendesk domain, for
            instance use `mycompany` if your Zendesk domain is
        :vartype subdomain: str

        :var username: The email of the authenticated agent.
        :vartype username: str

        :var password: The password of the authenticated agent.
        :vartype password: str
        tmpl = '{0}.zendesk.com/api/v2'
        self.apiroot = http.quote_any(tmpl.format(port.to_u(subdomain)))
        self.apiroot = 'https://' + self.apiroot

        self.add_filter(auth.BasicAuth(username, password))
Exemplo n.º 31
    def __init__(self, subdomain, api_key, api_secret=None,
                 access_token=None, access_token_secret=None):
        Create a Desk service.

        :var subdomain: The account-specific part of the Desk domain, for
            instance use `mycompany` if your Desk domain is
            `mycompany.desk.com`, or the full domain if using Desk whitelabel,
            for instance `support.mycompany.com`. If the parameter contains a
            dot, it is treated as a full domain, otherwise as a subdomain.
        :vartype subdomain: str

        :var api_key: The API key.
        :vartype api_key: str

        :var api_secret: API secret.
        :vartype api_secret: str

        :var access_token: OAuth 1.0a access token.
        :vartype access_token: str

        :var access_token_secret: OAuth 1.0a access token secret.
        :vartype access_token_secret: str
        tmpl = '{0}/api/v1'
        if '.' not in subdomain:
            subdomain += '.desk.com'
        self.apiroot = http.quote_any(tmpl.format(port.to_u(subdomain)))
        self.apiroot = 'https://' + self.apiroot

        self.oauth = auth.OAuth(access_token, access_token_secret,
                                api_key, api_secret)

        # authenticate has to be the last filter, because anything that
        # modifies the request after it's signed will make the signature
        # invalid!
Exemplo n.º 32
    def __init__(self, subdomain, api_key, api_secret=None,
                 access_token=None, access_token_secret=None):
        Create a Desk service.

        :var subdomain: The account-specific part of the Desk domain, for
            instance use `mycompany` if your Desk domain is
            `mycompany.desk.com`, or the full domain if using Desk whitelabel,
            for instance `support.mycompany.com`. If the parameter contains a
            dot, it is treated as a full domain, otherwise as a subdomain.
        :vartype subdomain: str

        :var api_key: The API key.
        :vartype api_key: str

        :var api_secret: API secret.
        :vartype api_secret: str

        :var access_token: OAuth 1.0a access token.
        :vartype access_token: str

        :var access_token_secret: OAuth 1.0a access token secret.
        :vartype access_token_secret: str
        tmpl = '{0}/api/v2'
        if '.' not in subdomain:
            subdomain += '.desk.com'
        self.apiroot = http.quote_any(tmpl.format(port.to_u(subdomain)))
        self.apiroot = 'https://' + self.apiroot

        self.oauth = auth.OAuth(access_token, access_token_secret,
                                api_key, api_secret)

        # authenticate has to be the last filter, because anything that
        # modifies the request after it's signed will make the signature
        # invalid!
Exemplo n.º 33
    def __init__(self,
        Create a Zendesk service.

        :var subdomain: The account-specific part of the Zendesk domain, for
            instance use `mycompany` if your Zendesk domain is
        :vartype subdomain: str

        :var username: The email of the authenticated agent. Use
            `[email protected]/token` for token-based authentication.
        :vartype username: str

        :var password: The password of the authenticated agent, or an API token
            if using token-based authentication.
        :vartype password: str

        :var access_token: An OAuth Access token. Username and password are not
            required if the OAuth Access token is provided.
        :vartype access_token: str
        tmpl = '{0}.zendesk.com/api/v2'
        self.apiroot = http.quote_any(tmpl.format(port.to_u(subdomain)))
        self.apiroot = 'https://' + self.apiroot

        if access_token:
            self.access_token = access_token
            self.add_filter(auth.BasicAuth(username, password))

Exemplo n.º 34
def serialize(prefix, value):
    Recursive helper for serialize_param.
    if isinstance(value, dict):
        # serializing a dictionary, use prefix[key] as the prefix, recurse for
        # all dict items and flatten the result
        return chain.from_iterable(
            (serialize('{0}[{1}]'.format(port.to_u(prefix), port.to_u(key)),
                       val) for key, val in value.items()))
    elif isinstance(value, list):
        # serializing a list, use prefix[i] as the prefix, recurse for
        # all items and flatten the result
        return chain.from_iterable(
            (serialize('{0}[{1}]'.format(port.to_u(prefix), port.to_u(num)),
                       val) for num, val in enumerate(value)))
    elif isinstance(value, bool):
        # serializing a boolean, take the prefix as-is and serialize the value
        # to string
        return ((port.to_u(prefix), 'true' if value else 'false'), )
        # anything else, just use the prefix and value as-is
        return ((port.to_u(prefix), port.to_u(value)), )
Exemplo n.º 35
def serialize_param(val):
    if isinstance(val, bool):
        return '1' if val else '0'
    if isinstance(val, list):
        return json.dumps([port.to_u(v) for v in val])
    return val
Exemplo n.º 36
 def get_url(self, api):
     return self.url_tmpl.format(api, port.to_u(self.label))
Exemplo n.º 37
 def get_url(self, api):
     return self.url_tmpl.format(api, port.to_u(self.label))
Exemplo n.º 38
def serialize_param(val):
    if isinstance(val, bool):
        return '1' if val else '0'
    if isinstance(val, list):
        return json.dumps([port.to_u(v) for v in val])
    return val