def init_tasks(): for task_name, task_info in tasks.items(): task_module, task_time, task_interval, task_ttl = task_info log("TASK", "Starting up [" + task_name + "]") libsigma.safe_mode(task_module.task_init) tasks[task_name] = (task_module, time.time(), task_interval, task_ttl)
def run_tasks(): for task_name, task_info in tasks.items(): task_module, task_time, task_interval, task_ttl = task_info if time.time() >= (task_time + task_interval): libsigma.safe_mode(task_module.task_execute) if task_ttl > 1: tasks[task_name] = (task_module, time.time(), task_interval, task_ttl - 1) elif task_ttl == 1: del tasks[task_name] else: tasks[task_name] = (task_module, time.time(), task_interval, -1)
def run_command(speaker, message): reduced = message.lstrip() if reduced: if reduced[0] == "'" and handler.specials["apostrophe"]: message = handler.specials["apostrophe"] + " " + reduced[1:] elif reduced[0] == ',' and handler.specials["comma"]: message = handler.specials["comma"] + " " + reduced[1:] elif reduced[0] == ':' and handler.specials["colon"]: message = handler.specials["colon"] + " " + reduced[1:] elif reduced[0] == '.' and handler.specials["period"]: message = handler.specials["period"] + " " + reduced[1:] else: return True try: tokens = message.lower().split() except: return False tail = message[(message.lower().find(tokens[0]) + len(tokens[0])):].lstrip() if len(tokens): for (command, function) in handler.mappings: if command.startswith(tokens[0]): x = speaker.has_waits(function.priority) if not x: libsigma.safe_mode( function, { "speaker": speaker, "args": tokens, "message": message, "tail": tail, "mapped": command }) else: speaker.send_line("Please wait %d second%s." % (x, "s" if x != 1 else "")) return True return False else: return True
def run_command(speaker, message): reduced = message.lstrip() if reduced: if reduced[0] == "'" and handler.specials["apostrophe"]: message = handler.specials["apostrophe"] + " " + reduced[1:] elif reduced[0] == ',' and handler.specials["comma"]: message = handler.specials["comma"] + " " + reduced[1:] elif reduced[0] == ':' and handler.specials["colon"]: message = handler.specials["colon"] + " " + reduced[1:] elif reduced[0] == '.' and handler.specials["period"]: message = handler.specials["period"] + " " + reduced[1:] else: return True try: tokens = message.lower().split() except: return False tail = message[(message.lower().find(tokens[0]) + len(tokens[0])):].lstrip() if len(tokens): for (command, function) in handler.mappings: if command.startswith(tokens[0]): x = speaker.has_waits(function.priority) if not x: libsigma.safe_mode(function, { "speaker" : speaker, "args" : tokens, "message" : message, "tail" : tail, "mapped" : command }) else: speaker.send_line("Please wait %d second%s." % (x, "s" if x!=1 else "")) return True return False else: return True
def load_handlers(): handler_modules = glob(os.path.join(directories["handlers_root"], "*.py")) for handler_file in handler_modules: n = len(functions) source = os.path.basename(handler_file) module_name = 'handler_' + os.path.splitext(source)[0] h = libsigma.safe_mode(imp.load_source, module_name, handler_file) if h: log("HANDLER", "Loaded %d handler(s) from [%s]" % (len(functions) - n, source)) else: log("HANDLER", "Handler module [%s] is not functional" % source, problem=True) continue
def load_tasks(): task_modules = glob.glob(os.path.join(directories["tasks_root"], "*.py")) for task_file in task_modules: source = os.path.basename(task_file) module_name = 'task_' + os.path.splitext(source)[0] t = libsigma.safe_mode(imp.load_source, module_name, task_file) if not t: log('TASK', 'Not loading [%s]: errors detected' % source, problem=True) continue try: task_name = task_interval = t.interval f_init = t.task_init f_execute = t.task_execute f_deinit = t.task_deinit except AttributeError: log("TASK", "Task module [%s] is missing one or more required members" % source, problem=True) else: tasks[task_name] = (t, 0, task_interval, -1) log("TASK", "Loaded task [%s]" % task_name)
def deinit_tasks(): for task_name, task_info in tasks.items(): task_module, task_time, task_interval, task_ttl = task_info log("TASK", "Shutting down [" + task_name + "]") libsigma.safe_mode(task_module.task_deinit)