Exemplo n.º 1
    def draw(self, main_map):
        libtcod.console_set_default_background(self.console, libtcod.black)
        libtcod.console_set_alignment(self.console, libtcod.CENTER)

        if main_map.selected_unit:
            start = (self.width - 4)/2
            #Draw all units in the unit image
            for x in range(self.width - 4):
                for y in range(self.width - 4):
                    libtcod.image_put_pixel(self.unit_image, x, y, main_map.map_list[main_map.selected_unit.x + x - start][main_map.selected_unit.y + y - start].color)
                    for u in main_map.units:
                        if u.x == (main_map.selected_unit.x + x - start) and u.y == (main_map.selected_unit.y + y - start):
                            libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(self.console, x + 2, y + 4, u.color)
                            libtcod.console_set_char(self.console, x + 2, y + 4, u.char)

            libtcod.console_print_frame(self.console, 0, 0, self.width, self.height, False, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, main_map.selected_unit.name)
            libtcod.console_rect(self.console, 0,0, 20, 1, False)
            libtcod.image_blit_rect(self.unit_image, self.console, 2, 4, self.width - 4, self.width - 4, libtcod.BKGND_SET)

            libtcod.console_set_alignment(self.console, libtcod.LEFT)
            #Unit stats
            statx = self.width + 1
            libtcod.console_print(self.console, 2, statx, 'Speed')
            libtcod.console_print(self.console, 2, statx + 1, 'Attack')
            libtcod.console_print(self.console, 2, statx + 2, 'Armor')

            libtcod.console_set_alignment(self.console, libtcod.RIGHT)
            libtcod.console_print(self.console, self.width - 2, statx, str(main_map.selected_unit.speed))
            libtcod.console_print(self.console, self.width - 2, statx + 1, str(main_map.selected_unit.attack))
            libtcod.console_print(self.console, self.width - 2, statx + 2, str(main_map.selected_unit.armor))

            libtcod.console_blit(self.console, 0, 0, self.width, self.height, 0, 1, 60 - self.height/2, 1, 0.75)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def draw(self, area):
     if lt.map_is_in_fov(area.fov_map, self.col, self.row):
         lt.console_set_char_foreground(area.con, self.row, self.col, self.f_color)
         light = area.area[self.col][self.row].b_color
         if light.r > 175 and light.g > 175 and light.b > 130:
             lt.console_set_char_foreground(area.con, self.row, self.col, lt.black)
         lt.console_set_char(area.con, self.row, self.col, self.char)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def print_employee(self, console, employeeType, x, y):
     color = TilePainter.employeeToColor[employeeType]
     symbol = TilePainter.EMPLOYEE_SYMBOL
Exemplo n.º 4
def draw_all_tiles():
    for tile in TILES:
                                         TILES.keys().index(tile), 0,
                                         TILES.keys().index(tile), 0,
                              TILES.keys().index(tile), 0, TILES[tile]['icon'])
Exemplo n.º 5
def render_local():
    global map_, fov_recompute
    if len(R.map_) > R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH:
        cam_x = scrolling_map(you.x, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH_HALF + 1, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, R.MAP_WIDTH)
        cam_x = 0
    if len(R.map_[0]) > R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT:
        cam_y = scrolling_map(you.y, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT_HALF, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT, R.MAP_HEIGHT)
        cam_y = 0

    # cam_x = scrolling_map(you.x, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH / 2, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, R.MAP_WIDTH)
    # cam_y = scrolling_map(you.y, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT / 2, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT, R.MAP_HEIGHT)

    if fov_recompute:
        fov_recompute = False
        libtcod.map_compute_fov(R.locale.floors[you.depth].fov_map, you.x, you.y, 10, True, 0)

        for sc_y in range(R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT):  #this refers to the SCREEN position. NOT map.
            for sc_x in range(R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH):
                x = sc_x + cam_x
                y = sc_y + cam_y

                if sc_x < len(R.map_) and sc_y < len(R.map_[0]):
                        # and x < len(R.map_) and y < len(R.map_[0]):  #if it's within the bounds of the map.
                    tile = R.locale.floors[you.depth].tiles[x][y]
                    visible = libtcod.map_is_in_fov(R.locale.floors[you.depth].fov_map, x, y)
                    if not visible:
                        if tile.explored or debug_mode:
                            libtcod.console_put_char_ex(con, x, y, tile.char, libtcod.dark_green, libtcod.dark_gray)
                            libtcod.console_put_char_ex(con, x, y, " ", libtcod.black, libtcod.black)
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con_char, x, y, " ")

                        libtcod.console_put_char_ex(con, x, y, tile.char, libtcod.green, libtcod.light_grey)
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con_char, x, y, " ")
                        tile.explored = True
                    libtcod.console_put_char_ex(con, x, y, " ", libtcod.black, libtcod.black)

        for objects in R.locale_obj:
            #if the tile is explored, then draw the object.
            if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(R.locale.floors[you.depth].fov_map, objects.x, objects.y):
                objects.draw(cam_x, cam_y)
            #if it's explored but out of sight range - draw faded!
            elif R.locale.floors[you.depth].tiles[objects.x][objects.y].explored == True:
                objects.draw_faded(cam_x, cam_y)
        you.draw(cam_x, cam_y)

    libtcod.console_blit(con, 0, 0, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0)
    libtcod.console_blit(con_char, 0, 0, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0)
    libtcod.console_blit(inf, 0, 0, R.INFO_BAR_WIDTH, R.SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, 0)
Exemplo n.º 6
def _draw_unseen(player, screen_x, screen_y, pos, terrain, icon):
    global _con
    current_map = player.current_map
    sc = terrain.unseen_color
    if not sc:
        sc = map.region_colors_unseen[current_map.region_terrain[current_map.region[pos.x][pos.y]]]
    libtcod.console_set_char_background(_con, screen_x, screen_y, sc, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
    # _debug_region(current_map, screen_x, screen_y, pos)
    if icon:
        libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(_con, screen_x, screen_y, terrain.icon_color)
        libtcod.console_set_char(_con, screen_x, screen_y, icon)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def GetChoice(self):
        command = ''
        key = libtcod.console_wait_for_keypress(True)
        while key.vk != libtcod.KEY_ENTER:
            letter = chr(key.c)
            x = len(command)
                0, x, 0,
                letter)  #print new character at appropriate position on screen
            command = command + letter  #add to the string

            key = libtcod.console_wait_for_keypress(True)
        return command
Exemplo n.º 8
 def draw(self, in_sight, area):
     if in_sight:
         lt.console_set_char_foreground(area.con, self.row, self.col, self.f_color)
         lt.console_set_char_background(area.con, self.row, self.col, self.b_color)
         lt.console_set_char(area.con, self.row, self.col, self.char)
         self.explored = True
     elif self.explored:
         f_color = lt.color_lerp(area.fog, self.f_color, area.fog_density)
         b_color = lt.color_lerp(area.fog, self.b_color, area.fog_density)
         lt.console_set_char_background(area.con, self.row, self.col, b_color)
         lt.console_set_default_foreground(area.con, f_color)
         lt.console_put_char(area.con, self.row, self.col, self.char)
         lt.console_set_char_background(area.con, self.row, self.col, area.fog)
Exemplo n.º 9
def _draw_unseen(player, screen_x, screen_y, pos, terrain, icon):
    global _con
    current_map = player.current_map
    sc = terrain.unseen_color
    if not sc:
        sc = map.region_colors_unseen[current_map.region_terrain[
    libtcod.console_set_char_background(_con, screen_x, screen_y, sc,
    # _debug_region(current_map, screen_x, screen_y, pos)
    if icon:
        libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(_con, screen_x, screen_y,
        libtcod.console_set_char(_con, screen_x, screen_y, icon)
Exemplo n.º 10
def render_right_panel():
    # clear panel
    tcod.console_set_default_background(right_panel, tcod.black)
    # drawl separating line
    for y in range(SCREEN_HEIGHT):
        tcod.console_set_char(right_panel, 0, y, 186)
    # show stats for the closest mobs to player
    # note: this includes the player
    # show player's stats
    # blit to root console
        right_panel, 0, 0, RIGHT_PANEL_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, int(CAMERA_WIDTH), 0)
Exemplo n.º 11
def initialize_fov():
    global fov_recompute, fov_map
    fov_recompute = True

    #Create the FOV map, according to the generated map
    fov_map = libtcod.map_new(MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT)
    for y in range(MAP_HEIGHT):
        for x in range(MAP_WIDTH):
            libtcod.map_set_properties(fov_map, x, y, not map[x][y].block_sight, not map[x][y].blocked)
    libtcod.console_clear(con) #Unexplored areas start as black

    for y in range(MAP_HEIGHT):
        for x in range(MAP_WIDTH):
            libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, libtcod.black)
            libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, libtcod.darker_grey)
            libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, map[x][y].char)
Exemplo n.º 12
def render_wall(con, x, y, color):
    # TODO: Think of a better way to do this
    # TODO: Improve outside walls
    if y + 1 >= consts.MAP_HEIGHT:
        north = False
        north = Map_Tiles[x][y + 1].blocked
    if y - 1 < 0:
        south = False
        south = Map_Tiles[x][y - 1].blocked
    if x + 1 >= consts.MAP_WIDTH:
        west = False
        west = Map_Tiles[x + 1][y].blocked
    if x - 1 < 0:
        east = False
        east = Map_Tiles[x - 1][y].blocked
    if north and south and east and west:
        wall_char = libtcod.CHAR_DCROSS
    elif north and not south and east and west:
        wall_char = libtcod.CHAR_DTEES
    elif not north and south and east and west:
        wall_char = libtcod.CHAR_DTEEN
    elif north and south and east and not west:
        wall_char = libtcod.CHAR_DTEEW
    elif north and south and not east and west:
        wall_char = libtcod.CHAR_DTEEE
    elif north and not south and east and not west:
        wall_char = libtcod.CHAR_DNE
    elif north and not south and not east and west:
        wall_char = libtcod.CHAR_DNW
    elif not north and south and east and not west:
        wall_char = libtcod.CHAR_DSE
    elif not north and south and not east and west:
        wall_char = libtcod.CHAR_DSW
    elif north and south:
        wall_char = libtcod.CHAR_DVLINE
    elif east and west:
        wall_char = libtcod.CHAR_DHLINE
        wall_char = libtcod.CHAR_DCROSS
    libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, color)
    libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, wall_char)
Exemplo n.º 13
	def draw(self, x, y, color_filter):
		feature = self.feature_at(x, y)
		item = self.item_at(x, y)
		actor = self.actor_at(x, y)
		if self.console is None:
		if feature:
			libtcod.console_put_char_ex(self.console, feature.x, feature.y, feature.symbol, color_filter(feature.color_fore), color_filter(feature.color_back))
		if item:
			libtcod.console_set_fore(self.console, item.x, item.y, color_filter(item.color))
			libtcod.console_set_char(self.console, item.x, item.y, item.symbol)
		if actor:
			libtcod.console_set_fore(self.console, actor.x, actor.y, color_filter(actor.color))
			libtcod.console_set_char(self.console, actor.x, actor.y, actor.symbol)
Exemplo n.º 14
def draw_map(player):
	libtcod.console_set_background_color(0, libtcod.black)
	libtcod.console_rect(0, 0, 0, 80, 40, True, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
	for x, y in player.fov.get_visible():
		player.memory.update(x, y)
	libtcod.console_blit(player.memory.console, 0, 0, 80, 40, 0, 0, 0)
	for feature in player.fov.get_visible_features():
		libtcod.console_put_char_ex(0, feature.x, feature.y, feature.symbol, feature.color_fore, feature.color_back)
	for item in player.fov.get_visible_items():
		libtcod.console_set_fore(0, item.x, item.y, item.color)
		libtcod.console_set_char(0, item.x, item.y, item.symbol)
	for actor in player.fov.get_visible_actors():
		libtcod.console_set_fore(0, actor.x, actor.y, actor.color)
		libtcod.console_set_char(0, actor.x, actor.y, actor.symbol)
Exemplo n.º 15
def render():

    for y in range(R.SCREEN_HEIGHT):
        for x in range(R.SCREEN_WIDTH):
            #             r = int(libtcod.heightmap_get_value(map_.hm, x, y))
            #             g = int(libtcod.heightmap_get_value(map_.hm, x, y))
            if x < R.MAP_WIDTH and y < R.MAP_HEIGHT:
                b = int(map_.tiles[x][y].humidity)
                colour = libtcod.Color(0, 0, int(b))
                libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colour)

                if len(map_.wind_gen.map[x][y]) > 0:
                    libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, ".")
                        con, x, y, libtcod.white)
                        con, x, y, libtcod.black)
                    libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")

            if x >= R.MAP_WIDTH and y < R.MAP_HEIGHT:
                ax = x - R.MAP_WIDTH
                ay = y

                b = int(map_.tiles[ax][y].elevation)
                c = b
                if map_.tiles[ax][ay].type != "water":
                    c = 10
                colour = libtcod.Color(int(b), int(c), int(b))
                libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colour)

            if x >= R.MAP_WIDTH and y >= R.MAP_HEIGHT:
                ax = x - R.MAP_WIDTH
                ay = y - R.MAP_HEIGHT
                b = int(map_.tiles[ax][ay].temperature)
                colour = libtcod.Color(int(b), int(b), int(b))
                libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colour)

    libtcod.console_blit(con, 0, 0, R.SCREEN_WIDTH, R.SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0)

Exemplo n.º 16
def handle_mouse():

    mouse = libtcod.mouse_get_status()

    (x, y) = (mouse.cx, mouse.cy)

    if x > R.MAP_WIDTH - 1:
        x = R.MAP_WIDTH - 1
    if y > R.MAP_HEIGHT - 1:
        y = R.MAP_HEIGHT - 1
    if x < 0:
        x = 0
    if y < 0:
        y = 0

    if x < R.MAP_WIDTH and y < R.MAP_HEIGHT:
        libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, libtcod.orange)
        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, "#")

        ax = x + R.MAP_WIDTH
        ay = y

        libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, ax, ay, libtcod.orange)
        libtcod.console_set_char(con, ax, ay, "#")

        ax = x + R.MAP_WIDTH
        ay = y + R.MAP_HEIGHT

        libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, ax, ay, libtcod.orange)
        libtcod.console_set_char(con, ax, ay, "#")
Exemplo n.º 17
def handle_mouse():
    mouse = libtcod.mouse_get_status()
    (x, y) = (mouse.cx, mouse.cy)

    if x > R.MAP_WIDTH - 1:
        x = R.MAP_WIDTH - 1
    if y > R.MAP_HEIGHT -  1:
        y = R.MAP_HEIGHT - 1
    if x < 0:
        x = 0
    if y < 0:
        y = 0
    if x < R.MAP_WIDTH and y < R.MAP_HEIGHT:
        libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, libtcod.orange)
        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, "#")
        ax = x + R.MAP_WIDTH 
        ay = y
        libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, ax, ay, libtcod.orange)
        libtcod.console_set_char(con, ax, ay, "#")  
        ax = x + R.MAP_WIDTH 
        ay = y + R.MAP_HEIGHT 
        libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, ax, ay, libtcod.orange)
        libtcod.console_set_char(con, ax, ay, "#")    
Exemplo n.º 18
def draw_tile(tile,pos,color):
	_x = pos[0]-var.camera[0]
	_y = pos[1]-var.camera[1]
	if var.output=='libtcod':# and var.player.level.outside:
		#print var.player.level.tmap
		if var.player.level.tmap[pos[0]][pos[1]]:
			libtcod.console_set_char_background(var.tree,_x,_y,libtcod.Color(var.player.level.tmap[pos[0]][pos[1]],0,0), flag=libtcod.BKGND_SET)
	if var.player.level.outside:
		if tile.has_key('id'):
			_icon = False
			if var.buffer[_x][_y] == tile['id'] and var.player.level.outside: return
			else: var.buffer[_x][_y] = tile['id']
		elif tile.has_key('icon'):
			_icon = True
			if tile.has_key('limbs') and var.output=='libtcod':
				for __x in xrange(-6,7):
					for __y in xrange(-6,7):
						if tile['limbs'][__x][__y]:
							libtcod.console_set_char_background(var.tree, _x+__x, _y+__y, libtcod.Color(50,50,50), flag=libtcod.BKGND_SET)
							libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(var.tree, _x+__x, _y+__y, libtcod.Color(50,50,50))
							libtcod.console_set_char(var.tree, _x+__x, _y+__y, '#')
			if var.buffer[_x][_y] == tile['icon'] and var.player.level.outside: return
			else: var.buffer[_x][_y] = tile['icon']
	if isinstance(tile['icon'],unicode):
		tile['icon'] = str(tile['icon'])
	if var.output=='pygame':
		_color = (var.color_codes[color[0]],var.color_codes[color[1]])
		if not var.player.level.outside:
			libtcod.console_set_char_background(var.view, _x, _y, libtcod.Color(_color[1][0],_color[1][1],_color[1][2]), flag=libtcod.BKGND_SET)
		libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(var.view, _x, _y, libtcod.Color(_color[0][0],_color[0][1],_color[0][2]))
		libtcod.console_set_char(var.view, _x, _y, tile['icon'])
Exemplo n.º 19
def render(mouse):
    main_map.draw(0, cam)
    #unit_panel rendering

    #unit rendering
    libtcod.console_set_alignment(0, libtcod.CENTER)
    libtcod.console_set_default_background(0, libtcod.black)

    for u in main_map.units:
        #Draw name function
        if (u.x == mouse.cx + cam.x and u.y == mouse.cy + cam.y) or u == main_map.selected_unit:
            libtcod.console_print(0, u.x - cam.x, u.y - cam.y -1, u.name)
            #Draw the destination if moving
            x,y = libtcod.path_get_destination(u.path)
            if not libtcod.path_is_empty(u.path):
        	    libtcod.console_set_char(0, x - cam.x, y - cam.y, libtcod.CHAR_ARROW_S)
Exemplo n.º 20
def render():
    for y in range(R.SCREEN_HEIGHT): 
        for x in range(R.SCREEN_WIDTH):
#             r = int(libtcod.heightmap_get_value(map_.hm, x, y))
#             g = int(libtcod.heightmap_get_value(map_.hm, x, y))
            if x < R.MAP_WIDTH and y < R.MAP_HEIGHT:
                b = int(map_.tiles[x][y].humidity)
                colour = libtcod.Color(0,0,int(b))
                libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colour)
                if len(map_.wind_gen.map[x][y]) > 0:
                    libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, libtcod.white)
                    libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, libtcod.black)
                    libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")
            if x >= R.MAP_WIDTH and y < R.MAP_HEIGHT:
                ax = x - R.MAP_WIDTH 
                ay = y
                b = int(map_.tiles[ax][y].elevation)
                c = b
                if map_.tiles[ax][ay].type != "water":
                    c = 10
                colour = libtcod.Color(int(b),int(c),int(b))
                libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colour)
            if x >= R.MAP_WIDTH and y >= R.MAP_HEIGHT:
                ax = x - R.MAP_WIDTH
                ay = y - R.MAP_HEIGHT 
                b = int(map_.tiles[ax][ay].temperature)
                colour = libtcod.Color(int(b),int(b),int(b))
                libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colour)
    libtcod.console_blit(con, 0, 0, R.SCREEN_WIDTH, R.SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0)
Exemplo n.º 21
def render_bottom_panel():
    # fill it with black
    tcod.console_set_default_background(bottom_panel, tcod.black)
    tcod.console_set_default_foreground(bottom_panel, tcod.white)
    # draw separating line
    for x in range(BOTTOM_PANEL_WIDTH):
        tcod.console_set_char(bottom_panel, x, 0, 205)
    # draw distance traveled
    tcod.console_print(bottom_panel, 1, 1, 'DISTANCE:' +
                       str(terrain.map.scroll_amount + game.player.x))
    # render player stats
    tcod.console_print(bottom_panel, 1, 4, 'Strength: ' +
    tcod.console_print(bottom_panel, 1, 5, 'Defense: ' +
    tcod.console_print(bottom_panel, 1, 7, '[z]' +
    tcod.console_print(bottom_panel, 1, 9, '[x]' +
    tcod.console_print(bottom_panel, 1, 11, '[c]' +
    tcod.console_set_default_foreground(bottom_panel, tcod.cyan)
    tcod.console_print(bottom_panel, 4, 8,
                       str(game.player.inventory[0].mana_use) + ' mana')
    tcod.console_print(bottom_panel, 4, 10,
                       str(game.player.inventory[1].mana_use) + ' mana')
    tcod.console_print(bottom_panel, 4, 12,
                       str(game.player.inventory[2].mana_use) + ' mana')
    tcod.console_set_alignment(bottom_panel, tcod.LEFT)
    # render game messages
    # render object and tile names under mouse
    tcod.console_print(bottom_panel, 1, 0, game.get_names_under_mouse())
        bottom_panel, 0, 0, BOTTOM_PANEL_WIDTH,
Exemplo n.º 22
def render_wilderness():
    global cam_x, cam_y
    #clear the city locations using OLD cam position.
    for city in R.cities:
        loc = R.tiles[city.x][city.y]
        colour = loc.bg
        libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, cam_x + city.x, cam_y + city.y, colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
        libtcod.console_set_char(con, cam_x + city.x, cam_y + city.y, ord(' '))

    cam_x = scrolling_map(you.x, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH / 2, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, R.MAP_WIDTH)
    cam_y = scrolling_map(you.y, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT / 2, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT, R.MAP_HEIGHT)
    #now draw the map!
    for y in range(min(R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT, len(R.world.tiles[0]))):  #this refers to the SCREEN position. NOT map.
        for x in range(min(R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, len(R.world.tiles))):
            map_pos_x = x + cam_x
            map_pos_y = y + cam_y
            if map_pos_x >= R.MAP_WIDTH:
            if map_pos_y >= R.MAP_HEIGHT:

            tile = R.world.tiles[map_pos_x][map_pos_y]
            #visible = libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, tile.x, tile.y)
            visible = True
            if not visible:
                pass  #TODO: re-do the visible/ not visible code.
                #if it"s not visible right now, the player can only see it if it"s explored
                #if tile.explored:
                #if wall:
                #    libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, color_dark_wall, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                #    libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")
                #    libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, color_dark_ground, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                #    libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")
                colour = tile.bg
                libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")
                libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
Exemplo n.º 23
def input(typ, con, posx, posy, min=0, max=100):
	command = ''
	x = 0
	done = False
	key = libtcod.Key()
	while done is False:
		libtcod.sys_wait_for_event(libtcod.EVENT_KEY_PRESS, key, libtcod.Mouse(), True)
		if key.vk == libtcod.KEY_BACKSPACE and x > 0:
			libtcod.console_set_char(con, x + posx - 1, posy, chr(95))
			libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x + posx - 1, posy, libtcod.white)
			libtcod.console_set_char(con, x + posx, posy, ' ')
			command = command[:-1]
			x -= 1
		elif key.vk == libtcod.KEY_ENTER:
			if not len(command) in range(min, max):
				libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(0, libtcod.dark_red)
				libtcod.console_print(con, 2, posy + 2, 'Player name must be between ' + str(min) + ' to ' + str(max - 1) + ' characters!')
			elif typ == 'chargen':
				if command.lower() in game.savefiles:
					libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(0, libtcod.dark_red)
					libtcod.console_rect(con, 2, posy + 2, 50, 1, True)
					libtcod.console_print(con, 2, posy + 2, 'That name already exist!')
					done = True
				done = True
		elif key.c in range(32, 127) and len(command) < 20:
			libtcod.console_set_char(con, x + posx, posy, chr(key.c))  # print new character at appropriate position on screen
			libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x + posx, posy, libtcod.light_red)
			libtcod.console_set_char(con, x + posx + 1, posy, chr(95))
			libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x + posx + 1, posy, libtcod.white)
			command += chr(key.c)  # add to the string
			x += 1

		libtcod.console_blit(con, 0, 0, game.SCREEN_WIDTH, game.SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0)
	return command
Exemplo n.º 24
def render_all():
    global fov_map, color_dark_wall, color_light_wall
    global color_dark_ground, color_light_ground
    global fov_recompute

    if fov_recompute:
        #recompute FOV if needed (the player moved or something)
        fov_recompute = False
        libtcod.map_compute_fov(fov_map, player.x, player.y, TORCH_RADIUS, FOV_LIGHT_WALLS, FOV_ALGO)

        #go through all tiles, and set their background color according to the FOV
        for y in range(MAP_HEIGHT):
            for x in range(MAP_WIDTH):
                visible = libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, x, y)
                wall = level_map[x][y].block_sight
                if not visible:
                    #if it's not visible right now, the player can only see it if it's explored
                    if level_map[x][y].explored:
                        if wall:
                            libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, color_dark_wall)
                            libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, wall_tile)

                            libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, color_dark_ground)
                            libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, floor_tile)
                    #it's visible
                    if wall:
                        libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, color_light_wall)
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, wall_tile)
                        libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, color_light_ground)
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, floor_tile)
                    #since it's visible, explore it
                    level_map[x][y].explored = True

    #draw all objects in the list, except the player. we want it to
    #always appear over all other objects! so it's drawn later.
    for object in objects:
        if object != player:

    #blit the contents of "con" to the root console
    libtcod.console_blit(con, 0, 0, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0)

    #prepare to render the GUI panel
    libtcod.console_set_default_background(panel, libtcod.black)

    #print the game messages, one line at a time
    y = 1
    for (line, color) in game_msgs:
        libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, color)
        libtcod.console_print(panel, MSG_X, y, line)
        y += 1

    #show the player's stats
    render_bar(1, 1, BAR_WIDTH, 'HP', player.combatant[0].hp, player.combatant[0].max_hp,
        libtcod.light_red, libtcod.darker_red)
    libtcod.console_print(panel, 1, 3, 'Dungeon level ' + str(dungeon_level))

    #display names of objects under the mouse
    libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, libtcod.light_gray)
    libtcod.console_print(panel, 1, 0, get_names_under_mouse())

    #blit the contents of "panel" to the root console
    libtcod.console_blit(panel, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, PANEL_HEIGHT, 0, 0, PANEL_Y)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def display_char(self, console, x, y, char):
     libtcod.console_set_char(console, x, y, char)
Exemplo n.º 26
def render_all():
    global fov_map, color_dark_wall, color_light_wall
    global color_dark_ground, color_light_ground
    #global fov_recompute

    if GameState.lighting_recompute or GameState.fov_recompute:
        for y in range(cfg.MAP_HEIGHT):
                for x in range(cfg.MAP_WIDTH):
                    GameState.player.floor.Tiles[x][y].currentLight = lightsOffValue

        for o in GameState.objects:
            if (o.lightSource != None):
                libtcod.map_compute_fov(GameState.fov_map, o.x, o.y, 0, cfg.FOV_LIGHT_WALLS, cfg.FOV_ALGO)
            for y in range(cfg.MAP_HEIGHT):
                for x in range(cfg.MAP_WIDTH):
                    visible = libtcod.map_is_in_fov(GameState.fov_map, x, y)
                    wall = GameState.player.floor.Tiles[x][y].block_sight
                    distance = math.sqrt(pow(o.x - x,2) + pow(o.y - y,2))
                    if visible:
                        #it's visible
                        if wall:
                            if distance != 0:
                                GameState.player.floor.Tiles[x][y].currentLight += o.lightSource.value / distance
                                GameState.player.floor.Tiles[x][y].currentLight += o.lightSource.value / 1
                            if distance != 0:
                                GameState.player.floor.Tiles[x][y].currentLight += o.lightSource.value / distance
                                GameState.player.floor.Tiles[x][y].currentLight += o.lightSource.value / 1
                            #since it's visible, explore it
                        #GameState.player.floor.Tiles[x][y].explored = True
        GameState.lighting_recompute = False
        GameState.fov_recompute = True

    if GameState.fov_recompute:
        #recompute FOV if needed (the player moved or something)
        GameState.fov_recompute = False
        libtcod.map_compute_fov(GameState.fov_map, GameState.player.x, GameState.player.y, cfg.TORCH_RADIUS, cfg.FOV_LIGHT_WALLS, cfg.FOV_ALGO)

        #go through all tiles, and set their background color according to the FOV
        for y in range(cfg.MAP_HEIGHT):
            for x in range(cfg.MAP_WIDTH):
                light = Lights.LightValue()
                visible = libtcod.map_is_in_fov(GameState.fov_map, x, y)
                wall = GameState.player.floor.Tiles[x][y].block_sight
                light = GameState.player.floor.Tiles[x][y].currentLight + GameState.player.floor.Tiles[x][y].NaturalLight
                if light.Brightness < 1:
                    visible = False
                if not visible:
                    #if it's not visible right now, the player can only see it if it's explored
                    if GameState.player.floor.Tiles[x][y].explored:
                        if wall:
                            libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(cfg.con, libtcod.Color(255,255,255))
                            libtcod.console_set_char_background(cfg.con, x, y, libtcod.Color(0,0,0), libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                            libtcod.console_set_char(cfg.con, x, y,"#")
                            libtcod.console_set_char_background(cfg.con, x, y, libtcod.Color(0,0,0), libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                            libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(cfg.con, libtcod.Color(255,255,255))
                            libtcod.console_set_char(cfg.con, x, y,".")
                    #it's visible
                    if wall:
                        libtcod.console_set_char(cfg.con, x, y," ")
                        libtcod.console_set_char_background(cfg.con, x, y, (light/2).lightToLibtcodColor(), libtcod.BKGND_SET )
                        libtcod.console_set_char(cfg.con, x, y," ")
                        libtcod.console_set_char_background(cfg.con, x, y, light.lightToLibtcodColor(), libtcod.BKGND_SET )
                        #since it's visible, explore it
                    if(light.Brightness >= 1):
                        GameState.player.floor.Tiles[x][y].explored = True

    #draw all objects in the list, except the player. we want it to
    #always appear over all other objects! so it's drawn later.
    for object in GameState.objects:
        if object != GameState.player:

    #blit the contents of "con" to the root console
    libtcod.console_blit(cfg.con, 0, 0, cfg.MAP_WIDTH, cfg.MAP_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0)

    #prepare to render the GUI panel
    libtcod.console_set_default_background(cfg.panel, libtcod.black)

    #print the game messages, one line at a time
    y = 1
    for (line, color) in GameState.game_msgs:
        libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(cfg.panel, color)
        libtcod.console_print_ex(cfg.panel, cfg.MSG_X, y, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT,line)
        y += 1

    #show the player's stats
    #TODO: Fix HP Bar
    render_bar(1, 1, cfg.BAR_WIDTH, 'HP', GameState.player.entity.hitPoints, GameState.player.entity.maxHitPoints,
               libtcod.light_red, libtcod.darker_red)
    libtcod.console_print_ex(cfg.panel, 1, 3, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, 'Dungeon level ' + str(GameState.dungeon.floors.index(GameState.player.floor)))

    #display names of objects under the mouse
    libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(cfg.panel, libtcod.light_gray)
    #libtcod.console_print_ex(cfg.panel, 1, 0, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, get_names_under_mouse())
    libtcod.console_print_ex(cfg.panel, 1, 0, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, get_light_under_mouse())

    #blit the contents of "panel" to the root console
    libtcod.console_blit(cfg.panel, 0, 0, cfg.SCREEN_WIDTH, cfg.PANEL_HEIGHT, 0, 0, cfg.PANEL_Y)
Exemplo n.º 27
def render_all():
    global cam_x, cam_y, selected

    #clear the city locations using OLD cam position.
    for city in R.cities:
        loc = R.tiles[city.x][city.y]
        colour = loc.bg
        libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, cam_x + city.x, cam_y + city.y, colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
        libtcod.console_set_char(con, cam_x + city.x, cam_y + city.y, ord(' '))

    #clear position of old object
    for objects in R.world_obj:
        objects.clear(cam_x, cam_y)

    #find the NEW camera position
    cam_x = scrolling_map(you.x, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH / 2, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, R.MAP_WIDTH)
    cam_y = scrolling_map(you.y, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT / 2, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT, R.MAP_HEIGHT)

    #now draw the map!

    #this x and y refers to the SCREEN position. NOT map.
    for y in range(min(R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT, len(R.world.tiles[0]))):
        for x in range(min(R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, len(R.world.tiles))):

            #find out *actual" map-pos
            map_pos_x = x + cam_x
            map_pos_y = y + cam_y

            #skip if out of bounds
            if map_pos_x >= R.MAP_WIDTH:
            if map_pos_y >= R.MAP_HEIGHT:

            tile = R.world.tiles[map_pos_x][map_pos_y]

            #visible = libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, tile.x, tile.y)
            visible = True
            #wall = tile.block_sight

            if not visible:
                pass #TODO: re-do the visible/ not visible code.
                #if it"s not visible right the player can only see it if it"s explored
                #if tile.explored:
                    #if wall:
                    #    libtcod.console_set_char_backgrnow, ound(con, x, y, color_dark_wall, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                    #    libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")
                    #    libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, color_dark_ground, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                    #    libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")
                #it"s visible
                if tile.POI is None:
                    if traffic:  # for b&w image.
                        v = world.get_foot_traffic(map_pos_x, map_pos_y)
                        colour = libtcod.Color(v, v, v)
                        libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")

                    elif temperature:  # for b&w image.
                        v = world.get_temperature(map_pos_x, map_pos_y)
                        v = int(v)
                        colour = libtcod.Color(v, v, v)
                        libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")

                    elif continent:
                        m = 255 / len(R.world.continents)
                        if tile.type != "water":
                            v = tile.continent * m
                            colour = libtcod.Color(v, v, v)
                            colour = tile.bg
                        libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")

                    elif pathfinding:

                        char = " "
                        if len(selected) > 0 and hasattr(selected[0], "ai") and selected[0].ai is not None: # and selected[0].ai.pather.end is not None:
                            if path_to_draw == 3:
                                draw_path =  selected[0].ai.path3
                                pather = selected[0].ai.pather3
                            elif path_to_draw == 2:
                                draw_path =  selected[0].ai.path2
                                pather = selected[0].ai.pather2
                                draw_path =  selected[0].ai.path
                                pather = selected[0].ai.pather

                            loc = (map_pos_x,map_pos_y)
                            loc_str = str(loc)
                            if path_to_draw < 3 and pather.node_costs.has_key(loc_str):
                                v = float(pather.node_costs[loc_str])
                                v /= pather.largest_cost
                                v = int( v * 255 )
                                colour = libtcod.Color(v, v, v)

                                if loc in draw_path:
                                    char = "." #path tile

                            elif path_to_draw == 3 and pather.node_costs.has_key(loc): #todo: hack for old pather, remove!!!
                                v = float(pather.node_costs[loc])
                                v /= pather.largest_cost
                                v = int( v * 255 )
                                colour = libtcod.Color(v, v, v)

                                if loc in draw_path:
                                    char = "." #path tile
                                if tile.type == "water":
                                    colour = libtcod.Color(0, 10, 100)
                                elif tile.type == "grass":
                                    colour = libtcod.Color(0, 100, 10)
                                elif tile.type == "coast":
                                    colour = libtcod.Color(50, 10, 100)
                                elif tile.type == "path":
                                    colour = libtcod.Color(10, 60, 200)
                                    colour = libtcod.Color(100, 10, 0)
                            if tile.type == "water":
                                colour = libtcod.Color(0, 10, 100)
                            elif tile.type == "grass":
                                colour = libtcod.Color(0, 100, 10)
                            elif tile.type == "coast":
                                colour = libtcod.Color(50, 10, 100)
                            elif tile.type == "path":
                                colour = libtcod.Color(10, 60, 200)
                                colour = libtcod.Color(100, 10, 0)
                        libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, char)

                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")
                        libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, tile.bg, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                        #libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, libtcod.black)
                        #libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, libtcod.CHAR_BULLET)
                    libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, tile.POI.colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                    libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, libtcod.white)
                    libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, tile.POI.char)
                #since it"s visible, explore it
                tile.explored = True

    #now draw all the merchants
    for city in cities:
        for merchant in city.trade_house.caravans_out:
            merchant.draw(cam_x, cam_y)
    for objects in R.world_obj:
        if objects.ai:
            # objects.clear(cam_x, cam_y)
            objects.draw(cam_x, cam_y)
    you.draw(cam_x, cam_y)

    #libtcod.console_print_ex(message_bar, R.SCREEN_WIDTH - R.INFO_BAR_WIDTH, 0, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, get_names_under_mouse())         
    # libtcod.console_set_default_background(con, libtcod.white)
    libtcod.console_blit(con, 0, 0, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0)
    libtcod.console_blit(con_char, 0, 0, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0)
    libtcod.console_blit(inf, 0, 0, R.INFO_BAR_WIDTH, R.SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, 0)
    libtcod.console_blit(minmap, 0, 0, R.INFO_BAR_WIDTH, R.PANEL_HEIGHT, 0, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, R.PANEL_Y)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def set_symbol(self, position, icon, console=0):
     x, y = position
     libtcod.console_set_char(console, x, y, icon)
Exemplo n.º 29
def render_all(con, panel, game_map, entities, player, fov_map, fov_recompute,
               message_log, screen_width, screen_height, bar_width,
               panel_height, panel_y, mouse, tile_data, game_state):

    entities_in_render_order = sorted(entities,
                                      key=lambda x: x.render_order.value)
    for entity in entities_in_render_order:
        draw_entity(con, entity, fov_map, game_map)

    if fov_recompute:
        stairs_x, stairs_y = stairs_location(entities)

        for y in range(game_map.height):
            for x in range(game_map.width):

                visible = lc.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, x, y)

                if visible:
                        con, x, y,
                    if not (y == stairs_y and x == stairs_x):
                            con, x, y,
                        lc.console_set_char(con, x, y,
                    game_map.tiles[x][y].explored = True
                elif game_map.tiles[x][y].explored:
                    # lc.console_put_char(con,x,y,chr(game_map.tiles[x][y].texture),lc.BKGND_NONE)

                        con, x, y,
                    if not (y == stairs_y and x == stairs_x):
                        lc.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, lc.black)
                        lc.console_set_char(con, x, y,

    lc.console_blit(con, 0, 0, screen_width, screen_height, 0, 0, 0)

    lc.console_set_default_background(panel, lc.black)

    y = 1
    for message in message_log.messages:
        lc.console_set_default_foreground(panel, message.colour)
        lc.console_print_ex(panel, message_log.x, y, lc.BKGND_NONE, lc.LEFT,
        y += 1

    render_bar(panel, 1, 1, bar_width, 'HP', player.fighter.health,
               player.fighter.max_health, lc.red, lc.darker_red)
    lc.console_print_ex(panel, 1, 3, lc.BKGND_NONE, lc.LEFT,
                        'Dungeon Level: {0}'.format(game_map.floor))

    lc.console_set_default_background(panel, lc.light_gray)
    lc.console_print_ex(panel, 1, 0, lc.BKGND_NONE, lc.LEFT,
                        get_names_under_mouse(mouse, entities, fov_map))

    lc.console_blit(panel, 0, 0, screen_width, panel_height, 0, 0, panel_y)

    if game_state in (GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY, GameStates.DROP_INVENTORY):
        if game_state == GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY:
            inventory_title = 'Press the key next to an item to use it or Esc to cancel.\n'
            inventory_title = 'Press the key next to an item to drop it or Esc to cancel. \n'

        inventory_menu(con, inventory_title, player, 50, screen_width,
    elif game_state == GameStates.LEVEL_UP:
        level_up_menu(con, 'Level up! Choose a stat to raise:', player, 40,
                      screen_width, screen_height)
    elif game_state == GameStates.CHARACTER_SCREEN:
        character_screen(player, 30, 10, screen_width, screen_height)
Exemplo n.º 30
 def draw_entity(self, entity):
Exemplo n.º 31
def _debug_region(current_map, screen_x, screen_y, pos):
    global _con
    libtcod.console_set_char(_con, screen_x, screen_y, chr(65 + (current_map.region[pos.x][pos.y] % 26)))
Exemplo n.º 32
def _debug_elevation(current_map, screen_x, screen_y, pos):
    global _con
    libtcod.console_set_char(_con, screen_x, screen_y,
                             chr(48 + current_map.region_elevations[current_map.region[pos.x][pos.y]]))
Exemplo n.º 33
def draw_all_tiles():
	for tile in TILES:
		tcod.console_set_char_foreground(ITEM_WINDOW, TILES.keys().index(tile), 0, TILES[tile]['color'][0])
		tcod.console_set_char_background(ITEM_WINDOW, TILES.keys().index(tile), 0, TILES[tile]['color'][1])
		tcod.console_set_char(ITEM_WINDOW, TILES.keys().index(tile), 0, TILES[tile]['icon'])
Exemplo n.º 34
 def console_set_char(self,con,x,y,chr):
     if con == 0:
Exemplo n.º 35
 def print_employee(self, console, employeeType, x, y):
     color = TilePainter.employeeToColor[employeeType]
     symbol = TilePainter.EMPLOYEE_SYMBOL
     libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(console, x, y, color)
     libtcod.console_set_char(console, x, y, symbol)
Exemplo n.º 36
	player_screen_pos = player_x-offset_x,player_y-offset_y
	for y,row in enumerate(levelmap[offset_y:offset_y+Settings.SCREEN_HEIGHT]):
		for x,cell in enumerate(row[offset_x:offset_x+Settings.SCREEN_WIDTH]):
			color,char,bgcolor = mapping.get(cell, (libtcod.Color(0,0,0),' ',libtcod.Color(0,0,0)))

			color = lm.get_color(level, x+offset_x, y+offset_y, color)
			bgcolor = lm.get_color(level, x+offset_x, y+offset_y, bgcolor)

			if (x,y) == player_screen_pos:
				color = libtcod.Color(128,128,100)
				char = '\x01'

			libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x,y, color)
			libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x,y, bgcolor)

	print 'draw loop:', time.time()-t1

	libtcod.console_print(message_con, 0,1,lm.get_tile_type(level, player_x,player_y)[0])
	libtcod.console_blit(message_con, 0,0, Settings.SCREEN_WIDTH,2, 0, 0,Settings.DISPLAY_HEIGHT-2)

	blit_x,blit_y = 0,0
	blit_w,blit_h = Settings.SCREEN_WIDTH, Settings.SCREEN_HEIGHT
	if blit_x + MAP_X < Settings.SCREEN_WIDTH:
		blit_x = (Settings.SCREEN_WIDTH - (blit_x + MAP_X))/2
		blit_x = int(blit_x)
		blit_w = MAP_X
	if blit_y + MAP_Y < Settings.SCREEN_HEIGHT:
		blit_y = (Settings.SCREEN_HEIGHT - (blit_y + MAP_Y))/2
		blit_y = int(blit_y)
Exemplo n.º 37
def test_console_set_char(console, ch):
    libtcodpy.console_set_char(console, 0, 0, ch)
    assert_char(console, 0, 0, ch=ch)
Exemplo n.º 38
def render_all():
    global cam_x, cam_y

    #clear the city locations using OLD cam position.
    for city in R.cities:
        loc = R.tiles[city.x][city.y]
        colour = loc.bg
        libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, cam_x + city.x,
                                            cam_y + city.y, colour,
        libtcod.console_set_char(con, cam_x + city.x, cam_y + city.y, ord(' '))

    cam_x = scrolling_map(player.x, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH / 2, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH,
    cam_y = scrolling_map(player.y, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT / 2, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT,
    #now draw the map!
    for y in range(min(R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT, len(
            R.world.tiles[0]))):  #this refers to the SCREEN position. NOT map.
        for x in range(min(R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, len(R.world.tiles))):
            map_pos_x = x + cam_x
            map_pos_y = y + cam_y
            if map_pos_x >= R.MAP_WIDTH:
                map_pos_x = R.MAP_WIDTH - 1
            if map_pos_y >= R.MAP_HEIGHT:
                map_pos_y = R.MAP_HEIGHT - 1

            tile = R.world.tiles[map_pos_x][map_pos_y]
            # try:
            #    tile = map[map_pos_x][map_pos_y]
            # except:
            #    print str(map_pos_x) + " or " + str(map_pos_y) + " is out of bounds."
            #    break

            #visible = libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, tile.x, tile.y)
            visible = True
            #wall = tile.block_sight

            if not visible:
                pass  #TODO: re-do the visible/ not visible code.
                #if it"s not visible right now, the player can only see it if it"s explored
                #if tile.explored:
                #if wall:
                #    libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, color_dark_wall, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                #    libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")
                #    libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, color_dark_ground, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                #    libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")
                #it"s visible
                if tile.POI is None:
                    if traffic:  # for b&w image.
                        v = world.get_foot_traffic(map_pos_x, map_pos_y)
                        colour = libtcod.Color(v, v, v)
                            con, x, y, colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")

                    elif temperature:  # for b&w image.
                        v = world.get_temperature(map_pos_x, map_pos_y)
                        v = int(v)
                        colour = libtcod.Color(v, v, v)
                            con, x, y, colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")

                        colour = tile.bg
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")
                            con, x, y, colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                    #libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, libtcod.black)
                    #libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, libtcod.CHAR_BULLET)
                        con, x, y, tile.POI.colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                        con, x, y, libtcod.white)
                    libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, tile.POI.char)
                #since it"s visible, explore it
                tile.explored = True

    #now draw the mini map
    for cell_x in range(len(world.mini_map)):
        for cell_y in range(len(world.mini_map[cell_x])):
            colour = world.mini_map[cell_x][cell_y].bg
            libtcod.console_set_char_background(minmap, cell_x, cell_y, colour,
            #libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, libtcod.white)

#    for char in R.world_obj:
#        if char != player:
#            char.draw(cam_x, cam_y)

#now draw all the merchants
    for city in cities:
        for merchant in city.trade_house.caravans_out:
            merchant.draw(cam_x, cam_y)
    for objects in R.world_obj:
        if objects.ai:
            objects.clear(cam_x, cam_y)
            objects.draw(cam_x, cam_y)
    player.draw(cam_x, cam_y)

    libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(message_bar, libtcod.white)
        message_bar, 0, 0, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT,
        str(date[0]) + " " + str(date[1][2]) + " " + str(date[1][0]) + " " +
    # print the messages, one line at a time.
    y = 2
    for (line, colour) in R.game_msgs:
        libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(message_bar, colour)
        libtcod.console_print_ex(message_bar, R.MSG_X, R.MSG_HEIGHT - y,
                                 libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, line)
        y += 1

#    y = 0
#    for y in range(R.MAP_HEIGHT):
#        for x in range(R.MAP_WIDTH):
#            libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, map_[x][y].bg, libtcod.BKGND_SET)

#libtcod.console_print_ex(message_bar, R.SCREEN_WIDTH - R.INFO_BAR_WIDTH, 0, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, get_names_under_mouse())

    libtcod.console_set_default_background(con, libtcod.white)
    libtcod.console_blit(con, 0, 0, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT, 0, 0,
    #libtcod.console_blit(con, mini_map_x, mini_map_y, mini_map_x+ mini_map_width, mini_map_y +mini_map_height, 0, 0, 0)
    libtcod.console_blit(con_char, 0, 0, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT,
                         0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0)
    libtcod.console_blit(inf, 0, 0, R.INFO_BAR_WIDTH, R.SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0,
                         R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, 0)
    libtcod.console_blit(minmap, 0, 0, R.INFO_BAR_WIDTH, R.PANEL_HEIGHT, 0,
                         R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, R.PANEL_Y)
    libtcod.console_blit(message_bar, 0, 0, R.PANEL_WIDTH, R.PANEL_HEIGHT, 0,
                         0, R.PANEL_Y)
Exemplo n.º 39
 def refresh(self):
     # First, handle the flow of combat or the active animation.
     if self.animPhase == 2: # If the blinking box phase is active, handle that.
         if time.time() >= self.animStarted + 0.5: # If a second has passed since this animation phase started, end it.
             self.animPhase = 0
             if self.checkBattleStatus() != None: # If the battle is won or lost, change the current scene.
                 return self.checkBattleStatus()
             self.advanceTurn() # Move to the next turn.
     else: # If there is no animation going on, handle the flow of combat.
         if self.turnOrder[0].isAI(): # If it's an enemy's turn, act according to their AI.
             self.parseTurnResults(self.turnOrder[0].aiAct(self.party,self.enemies)) # Execute the enemy AI, thne add the result to the log.
         elif len(self.moveBoxes) == 0: # Otherwise, it must be the player's turn. If there aren't any move boxes open, open one.
     # Now on to the actual display.
     rl.console_clear(0) # Fill the window with the background color.
     for i,box in enumerate(self.partyBoxes): # Display the party boxes. Only the boxes themselves for now.
         if len(self.party) <= i or self.party[i].isDead(): # Draw a gray box if party member is not present or dead.
         else: # Otherwise, draw normal stats, aside from the bars.
             rl.console_print(0, 12, i*6+1, self.party[i].getHPLine()) # Draw HP.
             rl.console_print(0, 12, i*6+2, self.party[i].getAPLine()) # Draw AP.
             rl.console_print(0, 12, i*6+3, self.party[i].getMPLine()) # Draw MP.
             rl.console_print(0, 2, i*6+4, self.party[i].getStatusLine(18)) # Draw status effects.
         if len(self.party) <= i or self.party[i].getHP() <= 0: # Draw a red box if party member is unconscious.
         elif self.animPhase == 2 and (self.animTarget == i or self.animTarget == ALL_ALLIES) and int((time.time() - self.animStarted) * 8) % 2 == 0: # If the current animPhase is 2, this is the current animation target, and the time since the animation started dictates the box should be dark red, make it dark red.
         else: # Otherwise, draw the normal party box.
     for i,box in enumerate(self.enemyBoxes): # Display the enemy boxes. Only the boxes themselves for now.
         if len(self.enemies) <= i or self.enemies[i].getHP() <= 0: # Draw a gray box if enemy is not present or KO'd.
         elif self.animPhase == 2 and (self.animTarget - 4 == i or self.animTarget == ALL_ENEMIES) and int((time.time() - self.animStarted) * 8) % 2 == 0: # If the current animPhase is 2, this is the current animation target, and the time since the animation started dictates the box should be dark red, make it dark red.
             rl.console_print(0, 61, i*4+2, self.enemies[i].getStatusLine(18)) # Draw status effects.
             box.draw(rl.crimson) # Otherwise, draw the normal party box.
             rl.console_print(0, 61, i*4+2, self.enemies[i].getStatusLine(18)) # Draw status effects.
     self.infoBox.draw(rl.white) # Draw the combat log box.
     self.turnBox.draw(rl.white) # Draw the X's Turn box.
     rl.console_print_ex(0, 31, 1, rl.BKGND_NONE, rl.CENTER, "{0}".format(self.turnOrder[0].getColoredName())) # Draw whose turn it is.
     numBattlers = 0 # The number of conscious actors in the fight that will be shown in the turn order box (as such, this should never exceed 7).
     actorList = "" # The list of conscious actors in the fight, in the order they appear in turnOrder.
     for actor in self.turnOrder: # For each actor...
         if numBattlers < 8 and actor.getHP() > 0: # If they're conscious and the turn order box isn't already filled up...
             numBattlers += 1 # Increase the size of the box by one.
             actorList += actor.getColoredName()+"\n" # Add the battler to the list.
     self.turnOrderBox.setHeight(numBattlers+2) # Adjust the turn order box's size to match the amount of conscious battlers.
     self.turnOrderBox.draw(rl.white) # Draw the turn order box.
     rl.console_set_char(0, 42, 1, ">") # Draw the cursor in the turn order box. Purely aesthetic.
     rl.console_print(0, 44, 1, actorList) # Draw the list of conscious battlers in the turn order box.
     y = 11 # The line to draw the current log entry at.
     for msg in self.log: # Draw the lines of the log, advancing y as appropriate.
         rl.console_set_char(0, 24, y, ">") # Draw something to indicate when a log line starts. This ensures it is clear when one entry ends and a new one begins.
         rl.console_print_rect(0, 26, y, 31, 12, msg) # Draw the log line.
         y += rl.console_get_height_rect(0, 0, 0, 31, 12, msg) # Lower the y coordinate.
     # Once all that is drawn, draw the background image.
     rl.image_blit_rect(self.image, 0, 0, 0, 80, 24, rl.BKGND_SET) # Display the battle background image.
     rl.console_set_default_foreground(0, rl.white) # Sets the foreground (text) color to white.
     rl.console_set_default_background(0, rl.black) # Sets the background color to black.
     # However, only after that should the actual stats be drawn. This is so the life bar backgrounds can override the background image.
     for i,box in enumerate(self.partyBoxes): # Display the party boxes.
         if not len(self.party) <= i and not self.party[i].isDead(): # Don't draw stats if party member is not present or dead (should still show if merely KO'd.
             rl.console_print(0, 2, i*6+1, self.party[i].getHPBar()) # Draw HP bar.
             rl.console_print(0, 2, i*6+2, self.party[i].getAPBar()) # Draw AP bar.
             rl.console_print(0, 2, i*6+3, self.party[i].getMPBar()) # Draw MP bar.
     for i,box in enumerate(self.enemyBoxes): # Display the enemy boxes.
         if not len(self.enemies) <= i and not self.enemies[i].getHP() <= 0: # Don't draw stats if enemy is not present or KO'd.
             rl.console_print(0, 61, i*4+1, self.enemies[i].getHPBar()) # Draw HP bar.
             rl.console_print(0, 67, i*4+1, self.enemies[i].getAPBar()) # Draw AP bar.
             rl.console_print(0, 73, i*4+1, self.enemies[i].getMPBar()) # Draw MP bar.
     for i,box in enumerate(self.moveBoxes): # Draw all the move boxes, the current one being yellow. Since this can overlap the enemy stats, this must be drawn after that.
         if i+1 == len(self.moveBoxes):
Exemplo n.º 40
def _debug_region(current_map, screen_x, screen_y, pos):
    global _con
    libtcod.console_set_char(_con, screen_x, screen_y,
                             chr(65 + (current_map.region[pos.x][pos.y] % 26)))
Exemplo n.º 41
def _debug_elevation(current_map, screen_x, screen_y, pos):
    global _con
        _con, screen_x, screen_y,
        chr(48 +
Exemplo n.º 42
	var.splatter = libtcod.console_new(var.window_size[0], var.window_size[1]-6)
	var.log = libtcod.console_new(var.window_size[0], 6)
	_logofile = open(os.path.join('data','logo.txt'),'r')
	for line in _logofile.readlines():
		_i = 1
		for char in line:
			if char == '\n': continue
			#libtcod.console_print(0, _i, _y, char)
			libtcod.console_set_char(0, _i, _y, char)

#Load dictionary files
logging.debug('Loading dictionaries')

_fnames = open(os.path.join('data','names_female.txt'),'r')
for line in _fnames.readlines():
Exemplo n.º 43
 def display_char(self, console, x, y, char):
     libtcod.console_set_char(console, x, y, char)
Exemplo n.º 44
def render_all(window, ui_panel, entities, game_map, fov_map, fov_recompute,
               message_log, screen_width, screen_height, ui_panel_width,
               ui_panel_height, ui_panel_y, mouse, colors, game_state):
    results = []

    # draw game map
    if fov_recompute or libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, mouse.cx, mouse.cy):
        for y in range(game_map.height):
            for x in range(game_map.width):
                visible = libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, x, y)
                wall = game_map.tiles[x][y].block_sight

                if visible:
                    if wall:
                            window, x, y, colors.get("light_wall"),
                            window, x, y, libtcod.white)
                        libtcod.console_set_char(window, x, y, '#')
                            window, x, y, colors.get("light_ground"),
                            window, x, y, libtcod.white)
                        libtcod.console_set_char(window, x, y, '.')

                    if mouse.cx == x and mouse.cy == y:
                            window, x, y, libtcod.white,

                    game_map.tiles[x][y].explored = True

                elif game_map.tiles[x][y].explored:
                    if wall:
                            window, x, y, colors.get("dark_wall"),
                            window, x, y, libtcod.light_gray)
                        libtcod.console_set_char(window, x, y, '#')
                            window, x, y, colors.get("dark_ground"),
                            window, x, y, libtcod.lighter_gray)
                        libtcod.console_set_char(window, x, y, '.')

    # Draw all entities in rendering order e.g. corpses should be below player.
    entities_in_render_order = sorted(entities,
                                      key=lambda x: x.render_order.value)
    for entity in entities_in_render_order:
        draw_entity(window, entity, fov_map, game_map)

    # Blit offscreen window to main window
    libtcod.console_blit(window, 0, 0, screen_width, screen_height, 0, 0, 0)

    # Prepare offscreen UI panel for drawing
    player = entities[0]  # first entity is always player
    libtcod.console_set_default_background(ui_panel, libtcod.black)

    # Draw event message log to offscreen UI panel
    for y, message in enumerate(message_log.messages):  # Draw message log
        libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(ui_panel, message.color)
        libtcod.console_print_ex(ui_panel, message_log.x, y + 1,
                                 libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT,

    # Draw player info bar to offscreen UI panel
    render_bar(ui_panel, 1, 1, ui_panel_width, "HP", player.fighter.hp,
               player.fighter.max_hp, libtcod.light_red, libtcod.darker_red)
        ui_panel, 1, 3, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT,
        "Dungeon level: {0}".format(game_map.dungeon_level))

    # Draw entity name at mouse position to offscreen UI panel
    libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(ui_panel, libtcod.light_gray)
    libtcod.console_print_ex(ui_panel, 1, 0, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT,
                             get_names_under_mouse(mouse, entities, fov_map))

    # Blit UI panel to main window
    libtcod.console_blit(ui_panel, 0, 0, screen_width, ui_panel_height, 0, 0,

    if game_state in (GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY, GameStates.DROP_INVENTORY):
        if game_state == GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY:
            inventory_header = "Press the key next to item to use it. Press Esc to cancel.\n"
            inventory_header = "Press the key next to item to drop it. Press Esc to cancel.\n"

            inventory_menu(window, inventory_header, player, 50, screen_width,
                           screen_height, mouse))
    elif game_state == GameStates.LEVEL_UP:
            level_up_menu(window, "Level up! Choose a stat to raise:", player,
                          40, screen_width, screen_height, mouse))
    elif game_state == GameStates.CHARACTER_SCREEN:
        character_screen_menu(player, 30, 10, screen_width, screen_height)

    return results
Exemplo n.º 45
def render_all(con, panel, entities, player, game_map, fov_map, fov_recompute,
               message_log, screen_width, screen_height, bar_width,
               panel_height, panel_y, mouse, colors, game_state):
    if fov_recompute:
        # Draw all the tiles in the game map
        for y in range(game_map.height):
            for x in range(game_map.width):
                visible = libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, x, y)
                wall = game_map.tiles[x][y].block_sight

                if visible:
                        con, x, y, libtcod.Color(15, 15, 15))
                    if wall:
                            con, x, y, colors.get('light_wall'))
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, '#')
                            con, x, y, colors.get('light_ground'))
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, '.')

                    game_map.tiles[x][y].explored = True
                elif game_map.tiles[x][y].explored:
                        con, x, y, libtcod.Color(5, 10, 15))
                    if wall:
                            con, x, y, colors.get('dark_wall'))
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, '#')
                            con, x, y, colors.get('dark_ground'))
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, '.')

    entities_in_render_order = sorted(entities,
                                      key=lambda x: x.render_order.value)

    # Draw all entities in the list
    for entity in entities_in_render_order:
        draw_entity(con, entity, fov_map, game_map)

    libtcod.console_blit(con, 0, 0, screen_width, screen_height, 0, 0, 0)

    libtcod.console_set_default_background(panel, libtcod.black)

    # Print the game messages, one line at a time
    y = 1
    for message in message_log.message:
        libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, message.color)
        libtcod.console_print_ex(panel, message_log.x, y, libtcod.BKGND_NONE,
                                 libtcod.LEFT, message.text)
        y += 1

    render_bar(panel, 1, 1, bar_width, 'HP', player.fighter.hp,
               player.fighter.max_hp, libtcod.light_red, libtcod.darker_red)
        panel, 1, 3, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT,
        'Dungeon level: {0}'.format(game_map.dungeon_level))
    if player.fighter.dodge_chance > 0:
            panel, 1, 4, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT,
            'Dodge Chance: {0}'.format(player.fighter.dodge_chance))

    libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, libtcod.light_gray)
    libtcod.console_print_ex(panel, 1, 0, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT,
                             get_names_under_mouse(mouse, entities, fov_map))

    libtcod.console_blit(panel, 0, 0, screen_width, panel_height, 0, 0,

    if game_state in (GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY, GameStates.DROP_INVENTORY):
        if game_state == GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY:
            inventory_title = ('Press the key next to an item to use it,' +
                               ' or Esc to cancel.\n')
            inventory_title = ('Press the key next to an item to drop it,' +
                               ' or Esc to cancel.\n')

        inventory_menu(con, inventory_title, player, 50, screen_width,

    elif game_state == GameStates.LEVEL_UP:
        level_up_menu(con, 'Level up! Choose a stat to raise:', player, 40,
                      screen_width, screen_height)

    elif game_state == GameStates.CHARACTER_SCREEN:
        character_screen(player, 30, 10, screen_width, screen_height)
Exemplo n.º 46
def render_all():
    global cam_x, cam_y
    #clear the city locations using OLD cam position.
    for city in R.cities:
        loc = R.tiles[city.x][city.y]
        colour = loc.bg
        libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, cam_x+city.x, cam_y+city.y, colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET )
        libtcod.console_set_char(con, cam_x+city.x, cam_y+city.y, ord(' '))
    cam_x = scrolling_map(player.x, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH/2, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, R.MAP_WIDTH)
    cam_y = scrolling_map(player.y, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT/2, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT, R.MAP_HEIGHT)
    #now draw the map!
    for y in range(min(R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT, len(R.world.tiles[0]))): #this refers to the SCREEN position. NOT map.
        for x in range(min(R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, len(R.world.tiles))):
            map_pos_x = x + cam_x
            map_pos_y = y + cam_y
            if map_pos_x >= R.MAP_WIDTH:
                map_pos_x = R.MAP_WIDTH -1
            if map_pos_y >= R.MAP_HEIGHT:
                map_pos_y = R.MAP_HEIGHT - 1
            tile = R.world.tiles[map_pos_x][map_pos_y]
            # try: 
            #    tile = map[map_pos_x][map_pos_y]
            # except: 
            #    print str(map_pos_x) + " or " + str(map_pos_y) + " is out of bounds."
            #    break
            #visible = libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, tile.x, tile.y)
            visible = True
            #wall = tile.block_sight
            if not visible:
                pass #TODO: re-do the visible/ not visible code.
                #if it"s not visible right now, the player can only see it if it"s explored
                #if tile.explored:
                    #if wall:
                    #    libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, color_dark_wall, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                    #    libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")
                    #    libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, color_dark_ground, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                    #    libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")
                #it"s visible
                if tile.POI is None:
                    if traffic: # for b&w image.
                        v = world.get_foot_traffic(map_pos_x,map_pos_y)
                        colour = libtcod.Color(v,v,v)
                        libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET )
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")
                    elif temperature: # for b&w image.
                        v = world.get_temperature(map_pos_x,map_pos_y)
                        v = int(v)
                        colour = libtcod.Color(v,v,v)
                        libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET )
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")
                        colour = tile.bg
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, " ")
                        libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET )
                    #libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, libtcod.black)
                    #libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, libtcod.CHAR_BULLET)
                    libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, tile.POI.colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET )
                    libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, libtcod.white)
                    libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, tile.POI.char)
                #since it"s visible, explore it
                tile.explored = True
    #now draw the mini map
    for cell_x in range(len(world.mini_map)):
        for cell_y in range(len(world.mini_map[cell_x])):
            colour = world.mini_map[cell_x][cell_y].bg
            libtcod.console_set_char_background(minmap, cell_x, cell_y, colour, libtcod.BKGND_SET )
            #libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, libtcod.white)
#    for char in R.world_obj:
#        if char != player:
#            char.draw(cam_x, cam_y)

    #now draw all the merchants
    for city in cities:
        for merchant in city.trade_house.caravans_out:
    for objects in R.world_obj:
            if objects.ai:
    player.draw(cam_x, cam_y)
    libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(message_bar, libtcod.white)
    libtcod.console_print_ex(message_bar, 0, 0, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, str(date[0]) + " " + str(date[1][2]) + " " + str(date[1][0]) + " " + str(date[2][0]))
    # print the messages, one line at a time.
    y = 2
    for (line, colour) in R.game_msgs:
        libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(message_bar, colour)
        libtcod.console_print_ex(message_bar, R.MSG_X, R.MSG_HEIGHT - y, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, line)
        y += 1
#    y = 0
#    for y in range(R.MAP_HEIGHT):
#        for x in range(R.MAP_WIDTH):
#            libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, map_[x][y].bg, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
    #libtcod.console_print_ex(message_bar, R.SCREEN_WIDTH - R.INFO_BAR_WIDTH, 0, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, get_names_under_mouse())         
    libtcod.console_set_default_background(con, libtcod.white)
    libtcod.console_blit(con, 0, 0, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0)
    #libtcod.console_blit(con, mini_map_x, mini_map_y, mini_map_x+ mini_map_width, mini_map_y +mini_map_height, 0, 0, 0)
    libtcod.console_blit(con_char, 0, 0, R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH, R.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0)
    libtcod.console_blit(inf, 0, 0, R.INFO_BAR_WIDTH, R.SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0,R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH,0)
    libtcod.console_blit(minmap, 0, 0, R.INFO_BAR_WIDTH, R.PANEL_HEIGHT, 0,R.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH,R.PANEL_Y)
    libtcod.console_blit(message_bar, 0, 0, R.PANEL_WIDTH, R.PANEL_HEIGHT, 0 , 0, R.PANEL_Y)
Exemplo n.º 47
def render_all():
    global fov_map, color_dark_wall, color_light_wall
    global color_dark_ground, color_light_ground
    global fov_recompute

    if fov_recompute:
        #Recompute FOV
        fov_recompute = False
        libtcod.map_compute_fov(fov_map, player.x, player.y, TORCH_RADIUS, FOV_LIGHT_WALLS, FOV_ALGO)
        for y in range(MAP_HEIGHT):
            for x in range(MAP_WIDTH):
                visible = libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, x, y)
                wall = map[x][y].block_sight

                distance_light = TORCH_RADIUS + 1 - player.distance(x, y) #Make the light dimmer further from player
                distance_dark = SCREEN_WIDTH - player.distance(x, y)
                distance_light = abs(distance_light) ** 0.5 #Square root to make transition non linear
                distance_dark = abs(distance_dark) ** 0.5
                if not visible:
                    #If it's not visible right now, the player can only see it if it is already explored
                    if map[x][y].explored:
                        #It is out of FOV
                        if wall:
                            libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, 
                                    color_dark_wall * (0.075) * distance_dark, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                            libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, 
                                    color_dark_ground * (0.075) * distance_dark, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                            libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, ' ')
                    #It's visible
                    if wall:
                        libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, 
                                color_light_wall * (0.35) * distance_light, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                        libtcod.console_set_char_background(con, x, y, 
                                color_light_ground * (0.35) * distance_light, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
                        libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, x, y, libtcod.dark_orange)
                        libtcod.console_set_char(con, x, y, map[x][y].char)
                    #Since it is visible, explore it
                    map[x][y].explored = True

    #draw all objects in the list
    for object in objects:
    for tree in trees:

    #Blit to con
    libtcod.console_blit(con, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0)

    #Prepare to render GUI panel
    libtcod.console_set_default_background(panel, libtcod.darkest_grey)

    #Print the game messages, one line at a time
    y = 1
    for (line, color) in game_msgs:
        libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, color)
        libtcod.console_print_ex(panel, MSG_X, y, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, line)
        y += 1

    #Show the player's stats
    render_bar(1, 1, BAR_WIDTH, 'HP', player.fighter.hp, player.fighter.max_hp,
            libtcod.light_red, libtcod.darker_red)
    level_up_xp = LEVEL_UP_BASE + player.level * LEVEL_UP_FACTOR
    render_bar(1, 2, BAR_WIDTH, 'XP', player.fighter.xp, level_up_xp,
            libtcod.darker_green, libtcod.darkest_green)

    #Print dungeon level
    libtcod.console_print_ex(panel, 1, 4, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, 'Dungeon Level: ' + str(dungeon_level))
    libtcod.console_print_ex(panel, 1, 5, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, 'Player Level: ' + str(player.level))

    #Display names of objects under the mouse
    libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(panel, libtcod.light_gray)
    libtcod.console_print_ex(panel, 1, 0, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, get_names_under_mouse())

    #Blit the contents of panel to root console
    libtcod.console_blit(panel, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, PANEL_HEIGHT, 0, 0, PANEL_Y)
Exemplo n.º 48
 def draw(self, con, cam):
     libtcod.console_set_char_foreground(con, self.x - cam.x, self.y - cam.y, self.color)
     libtcod.console_set_char(con, self.x - cam.x, self.y - cam.y, self.char)