Exemplo n.º 1
def specgram(x, NFFT=256, shift=128, Fs=1.0, drange=60,
             ax=None, cmap=mplt.cm.gray_r, **kwargs):
    from numpy import hanning
    from libtfr import stft, fgrid, tgrid, dynamic_range
    w = hanning(NFFT)
    S = stft(x, w, shift)
    F,ind = fgrid(Fs,NFFT,(0,Fs/2))
    T = tgrid(x.size, Fs, shift)
    S = nx.log10(dynamic_range(S, drange))
    if ax is None: ax = mplt.gca()
    ax.imshow(S, extent = (T[0],T[-1],F[0]-0.01,F[-1]), cmap=cmap, **kwargs)
    return S
Exemplo n.º 2
def specgram(x, NFFT=256, shift=128, Fs=1.0, drange=60,
             ax=None, cmap=mplt.cm.gray_r, **kwargs):
    from numpy import hanning
    from libtfr import stft, fgrid, tgrid, dynamic_range
    w = hanning(NFFT)
    S = stft(x, w, shift)
    F,ind = fgrid(Fs,NFFT,(0,Fs/2))
    T = tgrid(x.size, Fs, shift)
    S = nx.log10(dynamic_range(S, drange))
    if ax is None: ax = mplt.gca()
    ax.imshow(S, extent = (T[0],T[-1],F[0]-0.01,F[-1]), cmap=cmap, **kwargs)
    return S
Exemplo n.º 3
    def load_signal(self, locator, dtype='d'):
        Loads the signal and computes the spectrogram.

        dtype: the data type to store the output in. Use
               single-precision floats if needed to reduce storage
        from ewave import wavfile
        from libtfr import fgrid, dynamic_range
        from chirp.common.signal import spectrogram
        from chirp.common.geom import elementlist, masker
        from numpy import linspace, log10

        fp = wavfile(locator)
        signal = fp.read()
        Fs = fp.sampling_rate

        speccr = spectrogram(**self.options)
        # adjust window size to get correct number of frequency bands
        df = 1. * (self.options['freq_range'][1] - self.options['freq_range'][0]) / self.options['nfreq']
        nfft = int(Fs / df)

        spec, extent = speccr.linspect(signal, Fs / 1000, nfft=nfft)
        F, ind = fgrid(Fs, nfft, self.options['freq_range'])   # in Hz
        spec = spec[ind, :]
        T = linspace(extent[0], extent[1], spec.shape[1])      # in ms

        # first convert the spectrogram to its final scale
        if self.options['powscale'].startswith('log'):
            # TODO calculate dynamic range of the signal for non 16 bit PCM?
            spec = log10(dynamic_range(spec, 96))
            # recenter spectrogram
            if self.options['subtract_mean']:
                spec -= spec.mean()

        if self.options['mask'] != 'none':
            eblfile = os.path.splitext(locator)[0] + elementlist.default_extension
            if os.path.exists(eblfile):
                mask = elementlist.read(eblfile)
                spec = masker(boxmask=self.options['mask'] == 'box').cut(spec, mask, T, F / 1000.)

        return spec.astype(dtype)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def dbspect(self, signal, Fs, dBrange=96, *args, **kwargs):
     from numpy import log10
     from libtfr import dynamic_range
     S, extent = self.linspect(signal, Fs, *args, **kwargs)
     return log10(dynamic_range(S, dBrange)), extent