def test_estimate_background():
    """Verifies tpf.estimate_background()."""
    # Create a TPF with 100 electron/second in every pixel
    tpf = read(filename_tpf_all_zeros) + 100.0
    # The resulting background should be 100 e/s/pixel
    bg = tpf.estimate_background(aperture_mask="all")
    assert_array_equal(bg.flux.value, 100)
    assert bg.flux.unit == tpf.flux.unit / u.pixel
def test_parse_numeric_aperture_masks():
    """Regression test for #694: float or int aperture masks should be
    interpreted as boolean masks."""
    tpf = read(filename_tpf_one_center)
    mask = tpf._parse_aperture_mask(np.zeros(tpf.shape[1:], dtype=float))
    assert mask.dtype == bool
    mask = tpf._parse_aperture_mask(np.zeros(tpf.shape[1:], dtype=int))
    assert mask.dtype == bool
def test_get_header():
    """Test the basic functionality of ``tpf.get_header()``"""
    tpf = read(filename_tpf_one_center)
    assert tpf.get_header()["CHANNEL"] == tpf.get_keyword("CHANNEL")
    assert tpf.get_header(0)["MISSION"] == tpf.get_keyword("MISSION")
    assert tpf.get_header(ext=2)["EXTNAME"] == "APERTURE"
    # ``tpf.header`` is deprecated
    with pytest.warns(LightkurveDeprecationWarning, match="deprecated"):
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_read():
    # define paths to k2 and tess data
    k2_path = os.path.join(TESTDATA, "test-tpf-star.fits")
    tess_path = os.path.join(TESTDATA,
    # Ensure files are read in as the correct object
    k2tpf = read(k2_path)
    assert isinstance(k2tpf, KeplerTargetPixelFile)
    tesstpf = read(tess_path)
    assert isinstance(tesstpf, TessTargetPixelFile)
    # Open should fail if the filetype is not recognized
        read(os.path.join(PACKAGEDIR, "data", "lightkurve.mplstyle"))
    except LightkurveError:
    # Can you instantiate with a path?
    assert isinstance(KeplerTargetPixelFile(k2_path), KeplerTargetPixelFile)
    assert isinstance(TessTargetPixelFile(tess_path), TessTargetPixelFile)
    # Can open take a quality_bitmask argument?
    assert read(k2_path, quality_bitmask="hard").quality_bitmask == "hard"
def test_tpf_meta():
    """Can we access meta data using tpf.meta?"""
    tpf = read(filename_tpf_one_center)
    assert tpf.meta.get("MISSION") == "K2"
    assert tpf.meta["MISSION"] == "K2"
    assert tpf.meta.get("mission", None) is None  # key is case in-sensitive
    assert tpf.meta.get("CHANNEL") == 45
    # ensure meta is read-only view of the underlying self.hdu[0].header
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        tpf.meta["CHANNEL"] = 44
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        tpf.meta["KEY-NEW"] = 44
def test_centroid_methods_consistency():
    """Are the centroid methods consistent for a well behaved target?"""
    pixels = read(filename_synthetic_flat)
    centr_moments = pixels.estimate_centroids(method="moments")
    centr_quadratic = pixels.estimate_centroids(method="quadratic")
    # check that the maximum relative difference doesnt exceed 1%
    assert (np.max(
        np.abs(centr_moments[0] - centr_quadratic[0]) / centr_moments[0]) <
    assert (np.max(
        np.abs(centr_moments[1] - centr_quadratic[1]) / centr_moments[1]) <
def test_aperture_photometry_nan():
    """Regression test for #648.

    When FLUX or FLUX_ERR is entirely NaN in a TPF, the resulting light curve
    should report NaNs in that cadence rather than zero."""
    tpf = read(filename_tpf_one_center)
    tpf.hdu[1].data["FLUX"][2] = np.nan
    tpf.hdu[1].data["FLUX_ERR"][2] = np.nan
    lc = tpf.to_lightcurve(aperture_mask="all")
    assert ~np.isnan(lc.flux[1])
    assert ~np.isnan(lc.flux_err[1])
    assert np.isnan(lc.flux[2])
    assert np.isnan(lc.flux_err[2])
def test_fluxmode():
    """This should verify the median flux use in an aperture"""
    tpf = read(filename_tpf_one_center)
    lc_n = tpf.extract_aperture_photometry(aperture_mask="all")
    lc_sum = tpf.extract_aperture_photometry(aperture_mask="all",
    lc_med = tpf.extract_aperture_photometry(aperture_mask="all",
    lc_mean = tpf.extract_aperture_photometry(aperture_mask="all",
    assert lc_n.flux.value[0] == np.nansum(tpf.flux.value[0])
    assert lc_sum.flux.value[0] == np.nansum(tpf.flux.value[0])
    assert lc_med.flux.value[0] == np.nanmedian(tpf.flux.value[0])
    assert lc_mean.flux.value[0] == np.nanmean(tpf.flux.value[0])
def test_tpf_meta():
    """Can we access meta data using tpf.meta?"""
    tpf = read(filename_tpf_one_center)
    assert tpf.meta.get("MISSION") == "K2"
    assert tpf.meta["MISSION"] == "K2"
    assert tpf.meta.get("mission", None) is None  # key is case in-sensitive
    assert tpf.meta.get("CHANNEL") == 45
    # ensure meta is read-only view of the underlying self.hdu[0].header
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        tpf.meta["CHANNEL"] = 44
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        tpf.meta["KEY-NEW"] = 44
    # needed for current internal HduToMetaMapping-based meta, ensuring it has
    # a friendly __repr__() and __str__()
    expected = collections.OrderedDict(tpf.meta).__repr__()
    assert tpf.meta.__repr__() == expected
    assert tpf.meta.__str__() == expected
def test_animate():
    tpf = read(filename_tpf_one_center)
def test_cutout_quality_masking():
    """Regression test for #813: Does tpf.cutout() maintain the quality mask?"""
    tpf = read(filename_tpf_one_center, quality_bitmask=8192)
    tpfcut = tpf.cutout()
    assert len(tpf) == len(tpfcut)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_filenotfound():
    """Regression test for #540; ensure yields `FileNotFoundError`."""
    with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):