Exemplo n.º 1
	def test_updateAmount(self):
		cart = Cart(currency=self.currency)

		self.factory.session = {'id_cart': cart.pk} # Just make sure the factory got a session object.
		addProduct(self.factory, self.product1.id) # Add a product to the cart.

		self.assertEqual(cart.cartitem_set.get(product=self.product1).amount, 1) # Default amount after added should be 1.

		updateAmount(self.factory, cart.cartitem_set.get(product=self.product1).pk, 5) # Update amount to 5.

		self.assertEqual(cart.cartitem_set.get(product=self.product1).amount, 5) # Amount should be 5 after change.
Exemplo n.º 2
	def test_removeProduct(self):
		from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
		cart = Cart(currency=self.currency)

		self.factory.session = {'id_cart': cart.pk} # Just make sure the factory got a session object.
		addProduct(self.factory, self.product1.id) # Add a product to the cart.

		self.assertEqual(cart.cartitem_set.get(product=self.product1).amount, 1) # Default amount after added should be 1.

		removeProduct(self.factory, cart.cartitem_set.get(product=self.product1).pk) # Remove the product that as just added.
		self.assertEqual(len(cart.cartitem_set.filter(product=self.product1)), 0) # After removing he product, it should not be found.
Exemplo n.º 3
	def test_AddProductToCart(self):
		cart = Cart(currency=self.currency)

		self.factory.session = {'id_cart': cart.pk} # Just make sure the factory got a session object.
		# Add a product to the cart, with correct data.
		# Should return True.
		addProduct(self.factory, self.product1.id)
		self.assertEqual(len(cart.cartitem_set.all()), 1) # It should now exist 1 item in the cart.

			addProduct(self.factory, 53) # Add product with wrong ID.

		# After adding a product with wrong id (above), it should still only be 1
		# item in the cart.
		self.assertEqual(len(cart.cartitem_set.all()), 1)