Exemplo n.º 1
def waypoints2dirDist(waypoints):
    "convert GPS waypoints to desired heading and distance"
    conv = Convertor(waypoints[0])
    ret = []
    for start, goal in zip(waypoints[:-1], waypoints[1:]):
        ret.append((angleTo(conv.geo2planar(start), conv.geo2planar(goal)),
                    distance(conv.geo2planar(start), conv.geo2planar(goal))))
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 2
def rayTraceSingleLine( pose, wallStart, wallEnd, maxRadius ):
  a = wallStart[1] - wallEnd[1]
  b = wallEnd[0] - wallStart[0]
  c = - a * wallStart[0] - b * wallStart[1]

  frac = a * math.cos( pose[2] ) + b * math.sin( pose[2] )
  if math.fabs( frac ) < 0.0001:
    return maxRadius

  t = -(a * pose[0] + b * pose[1] + c)/frac;
  if t < 0:
    return maxRadius

  # check that crossing belongs to the wall and is not outside
  crossing = ( pose[0] + t * math.cos( pose[2] ), pose[1] + t * math.sin( pose[2] ) )
  if distance( crossing, wallStart ) + distance( crossing, wallEnd ) > distance( wallStart, wallEnd ) + 0.01:
    return maxRadius
  return t < maxRadius and t or maxRadius
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: ro.py Projeto: Vibri/heidi
def waypoints2dirDist( waypoints ):
  "convert GPS waypoints to desired heading and distance"
  conv = Convertor( waypoints[0] )
  ret = []
  for start,goal in zip(waypoints[:-1],waypoints[1:]):
    ret.append( (
        angleTo( conv.geo2planar(start), conv.geo2planar(goal) ),
        distance( conv.geo2planar(start), conv.geo2planar(goal) )
       ) )
  return ret
Exemplo n.º 4
def rayTraceSingleLine(pose, wallStart, wallEnd, maxRadius):
    a = wallStart[1] - wallEnd[1]
    b = wallEnd[0] - wallStart[0]
    c = -a * wallStart[0] - b * wallStart[1]

    frac = a * math.cos(pose[2]) + b * math.sin(pose[2])
    if math.fabs(frac) < 0.0001:
        return maxRadius

    t = -(a * pose[0] + b * pose[1] + c) / frac
    if t < 0:
        return maxRadius

    # check that crossing belongs to the wall and is not outside
    crossing = (pose[0] + t * math.cos(pose[2]),
                pose[1] + t * math.sin(pose[2]))
    if distance(crossing, wallStart) + distance(crossing, wallEnd) > distance(
            wallStart, wallEnd) + 0.01:
        return maxRadius
    return t < maxRadius and t or maxRadius
Exemplo n.º 5
    def crossRows2(self, row, num, rowsOnLeft):
        ROWS_OFFSET = 0.7  #0.5

        #    if row.lastLeft:
        #      viewlog.dumpBeacon(row.lastLeft[:2], color=(0,128,0))
        #    if row.lastRight:
        #      viewlog.dumpBeacon(row.lastRight[:2], color=(0,128,50))
        start = self.robot.localisation.pose()[:2]
        viewlog.dumpBeacon(start, color=(255, 128, 0))

        goal = combinedPose(self.robot.localisation.pose(), (1.0, 0, 0))
        line = Line(self.robot.localisation.pose(), goal)
        lastA, lastB = None, None
        ends = []
        while True:
            for cmd in self.driver.followLineG(line):
                if row.newData:
                    row.newData = False
                print "END OF LINE REACHED!"

            if self.robot.preprocessedLaser != None:
                tmp = self.robot.preprocessedLaser[:]
                tlen = len(tmp)
                if rowsOnLeft:
                    tmp = tmp[:tlen / 2] + [3.0] * (tlen - tlen / 2)
                    tmp = [3.0] * (tlen - tlen / 2) + tmp[tlen / 2:]
                sarr = sorted([(x, i) for (i, x) in enumerate(tmp)])[:5]
                ax, ai = sarr[0]
                for bx, bi in sarr[1:]:
                    if abs(ai - bi) > IGNORE_NEIGHBORS:
                    print "NO 2nd suitable minimum"
                print(ax, ai), (bx, bi)
                if rowsOnLeft:
                    offset = -ROWS_OFFSET
                    if ai > bi:
                        (ax, ai), (bx, bi) = (bx, bi), (ax, ai)
                    offset = ROWS_OFFSET
                    if ai < bi:  # rows on right
                        (ax, ai), (bx, bi) = (bx, bi), (ax, ai)
                p = self.robot.localisation.pose()
                A = combinedPose(
                    (p[0], p[1], p[2] + math.radians(135 - 5 * ai)),
                    (ax, 0, 0))
                B = combinedPose(
                    (p[0], p[1], p[2] + math.radians(135 - 5 * bi)),
                    (bx, 0, 0))
                if lastA == None:
                    ends.extend([A, B])
                    lastA, lastB = A, B
                if self.verbose:
                    print "DIST", distance(lastA,
                                           A), distance(lastB,
                                                        B), distance(lastB, A)
                if distance(lastB, A) < 0.2:
                    dist = distance(start, self.robot.localisation.pose())
                    print "NEXT ROW", dist
                    if dist > 0.4:
                        ends.append(B)  # new one
                    lastA, lastB = A, B
                line = Line(A, B)  # going through the ends of rows
                A2 = combinedPose((A[0], A[1], line.angle), (0, offset, 0))
                B2 = combinedPose((B[0], B[1], line.angle), (2.0, offset, 0))
                line = Line(A2, B2)
                viewlog.dumpBeacon(A[:2], color=(200, 0, 0))
                viewlog.dumpBeacon(B[:2], color=(200, 128, 0))
                viewlog.dumpBeacon(A2[:2], color=(255, 0, 0))
                viewlog.dumpBeacon(B2[:2], color=(255, 128, 0))
                if len(ends) > num + 1:
                print "BACKUP solution!!!"
                goal = combinedPose(self.robot.localisation.pose(),
                                    (1.0, 0, 0))
                line = Line(self.robot.localisation.pose(), goal)
Exemplo n.º 6
  def approachFeeder( self, timeout=60, digitHelper=None, verifyTarget=True ):
    "robot should be within 1m of the feeder"
    print "Approaching Feeder"
    verified = False
    desiredDist = 0.4 #0.2
    countOK = 0
    startTime = self.robot.time
    angularSpeed = 0
    prevPose = None
    prevName = None
    prevLaser = None
    target = None
    frontDist, minDistL, minDistR = None, None, None
    while startTime + timeout > self.robot.time:
      if self.robot.cameraData is not None and len(self.robot.cameraData)> 0 and self.robot.cameraData[0] is not None:
        if prevName != self.robot.cameraData[1]:
#          print prevName, self.robot.localisation.pose()
          prevName = self.robot.cameraData[1]
          if prevPose is None:
            prevPose = self.robot.localisation.pose()
            prevLaser = self.robot.laserData[:]
          arr = eval(self.robot.cameraData[0])
          angularSpeed = None
          for a in arr:
            for digit, (x,y,dx,dy) in a:
              if digit == 'X':
                verified = True
                angularSpeed = (320-(x+dx/2))/100.0
#                print "angularSpeed", math.degrees(angularSpeed), self.robot.cameraData[1], (x,y,dx,dy)
                centerX = 320
                angle = (centerX-(x+dx/2))*0.002454369260617026
                dist = prevLaser[int(angle/2.)+271]/1000.
                print "Target at", dist, self.robot.cameraData[1]
                t = combinedPose( (prevPose[0], prevPose[1], prevPose[2]+angle), (dist,0,0) )
                target = (t[0],t[1])
                viewlog.dumpBeacon( target, color=(255,128,0) )
          if target is None and digitHelper is not None:
            # if you do not have goal try to re-search old number
            for a in arr:
              for digit, (x,y,dx,dy) in a:
                if digit == 'X':
                  angularSpeed = (320-(x+dx/2))/100.0
                  centerX = 320
                  angle = (centerX-(x+dx/2))*0.002454369260617026
                  dist = prevLaser[int(angle/2.)+271]/1000.
                  t = combinedPose( (prevPose[0], prevPose[1], prevPose[2]+angle), (dist,0,0) )
                  target = (t[0],t[1])
                  viewlog.dumpBeacon( target, color=(255,0,255) )

          prevPose = self.robot.localisation.pose()
          prevLaser = self.robot.laserData[:]
        if angularSpeed is None:
          angularSpeed = 0

      if target is None or distance( target, self.robot.localisation.pose() ) < 0.3:
        angularSpeed = 0.0
        pose = self.robot.localisation.pose()
        angularSpeed = normalizeAnglePIPI( angleTo( pose, target) - pose[2] )
#        print "target:", target, math.degrees(angularSpeed)

      if self.robot.laserData == None or len(self.robot.laserData) != 541:
        self.robot.setSpeedPxPa( 0, 0 )
        minDistR = min([10000]+[x for x in self.robot.laserData[180:541/2] if x > 0])/1000.
        minDistL = min([10000]+[x for x in self.robot.laserData[541/2:-180] if x > 0])/1000.
        minDist = min(minDistL, minDistR)
        frontDist = min([10000]+[x for x in self.robot.laserData[265:-265] if x > 0])/1000.
        self.robot.setSpeedPxPa( min(self.driver.maxSpeed, minDist - desiredDist), angularSpeed )
#        print min(self.driver.maxSpeed, minDist - desiredDist)
#        self.robot.setSpeedPxPa( 0, angularSpeed )
        if abs(minDist - desiredDist) < 0.01:
          countOK += 1
          countOK = 0
        if countOK >= 10:
    self.robot.setSpeedPxPa( 0, 0 )
    print "done."

    if verifyTarget and not verified:
      print "TARGET not verified!"
      return False

    # compute proper rotation and backup distance
    toTurn, toBackup = computeLoadManeuver( minDistL, frontDist, minDistR )
    print "Suggestion: ", math.degrees(toTurn), toBackup
    self.driver.turn( toTurn, angularSpeed = math.radians(20), timeout=30, verbose=True )
    self.driver.goStraight( toBackup, timeout=30 )
    return True
Exemplo n.º 7
def ver0(metalog, waypoints=None):
    assert metalog is not None
    assert waypoints is not None  # for simplicity (first is start)

    conv = Convertor(refPoint = waypoints[0]) 
    waypoints = waypoints[1:-1]  # remove start/finish

    can_log_name = metalog.getLog('can')
    if metalog.replay:
        if metalog.areAssertsEnabled():
            can = CAN(ReplayLog(can_log_name), skipInit=True)
            can = CAN(ReplayLogInputsOnly(can_log_name), skipInit=True)
        can = CAN()
    robot = JohnDeere(can=can)
    robot.UPDATE_TIME_FREQUENCY = 20.0  # TODO change internal and integrate setup

    robot.localization = None  # TODO

    # mount_sensor(GPS, robot, metalog)
    gps_log_name = metalog.getLog('gps')
    print gps_log_name
    if metalog.replay:
        robot.gps = DummySensor()
        function = SourceLogger(None, gps_log_name).get
        robot.gps = GPS(verbose=0)
        function = SourceLogger(robot.gps.coord, gps_log_name).get
    robot.gps_data = None
    robot.register_data_source('gps', function, gps_data_extension) 

    # mount_sensor(VelodyneThread, robot, metalog)
    velodyne_log_name = metalog.getLog('velodyne_dist')
    print velodyne_log_name
    sensor = Velodyne(metalog=metalog)
    if metalog.replay:
        robot.velodyne = DummySensor()
        function = SourceLogger(None, velodyne_log_name).get
        robot.velodyne = VelodyneThread(sensor)
        function = SourceLogger(robot.velodyne.scan_safe_dist, velodyne_log_name).get
    robot.velodyne_data = None
    robot.register_data_source('velodyne', function, velodyne_data_extension) 

    robot.gps.start()  # ASAP so we get GPS fix
    robot.velodyne.start()  # the data source is active, so it is necessary to read-out data


    moving = False
    robot.desired_speed = 0.5
    start_time = robot.time
    prev_gps = robot.gps_data
    prev_destination_dist = None
    while robot.time - start_time < 30*60:  # RO timelimit 30 minutes
        if robot.gps_data != prev_gps:
            print robot.time, robot.gas, robot.gps_data, robot.velodyne_data
            prev_gps = robot.gps_data
            if robot.gps_data is not None:
                dist_arr = [distance( conv.geo2planar((robot.gps_data[1], robot.gps_data[0])), 
                                      conv.geo2planar(destination) ) for destination in waypoints]
                dist = min(dist_arr)
                print "DIST-GPS", dist
                if prev_destination_dist is not None:
                    if prev_destination_dist < dist and dist < 10.0:
                        robot.drop_ball = True
                        # remove nearest
                        i = dist_arr.index(dist)  # ugly, but ...
                        print "INDEX", i
                        del waypoints[i]
                        moving = False
                        robot.drop_ball = False
                        dist = None
                prev_destination_dist = dist

        dist = None
        if robot.velodyne_data is not None:
            index, dist = robot.velodyne_data
            if dist is not None:
                dist = min(dist)  # currently supported tupple of readings
        if moving:
            if dist is None or dist < SAFE_DISTANCE_STOP:
                print "!!! STOP !!! -",  robot.velodyne_data
                moving = False

            elif dist < TURN_DISTANCE:
                if abs(robot.steering_angle) < STRAIGHT_EPS:
                    arr = robot.velodyne_data[1]
                    num = len(arr)
                    left, right = min(arr[:num/2]), min(arr[num/2:])
                    print "DECIDE", left, right, robot.velodyne_data
                    if left <= right:
                        robot.steering_angle = math.radians(-30)  # TODO replace by autodetect
                        robot.steering_angle = math.radians(30)  # TODO replace by autodetect

            elif dist > NO_TURN_DISTANCE:
                if abs(robot.steering_angle) > STRAIGHT_EPS:
                    if robot.steering_angle < 0:
                    robot.steering_angle = 0.0  # TODO replace by autodetect

        else:  # not moving
            if dist is not None and dist > SAFE_DISTANCE_GO:
                print "GO",  robot.velodyne_data
                moving = True
        if not robot.buttonGo:
            print "STOP!"
Exemplo n.º 8
  def crossRows2( self, row, num, rowsOnLeft ):
    ROWS_OFFSET = 0.7 #0.5

#    if row.lastLeft:
#      viewlog.dumpBeacon(row.lastLeft[:2], color=(0,128,0))
#    if row.lastRight:
#      viewlog.dumpBeacon(row.lastRight[:2], color=(0,128,50))
    start = self.robot.localisation.pose()[:2]
    viewlog.dumpBeacon( start, color=(255,128,0))

    goal = combinedPose( self.robot.localisation.pose(), (1.0, 0, 0) )    
    line = Line( self.robot.localisation.pose(), goal )
    lastA, lastB = None, None
    ends = []
    while True:
      for cmd in self.driver.followLineG( line ):
        self.robot.setSpeedPxPa( *cmd ) 
        if row.newData:
          row.newData = False
        print "END OF LINE REACHED!"

      if self.robot.preprocessedLaser != None:
        tmp = self.robot.preprocessedLaser[:]
        tlen = len(tmp)
        if rowsOnLeft:
          tmp = tmp[:tlen/2] + [3.0]*(tlen-tlen/2)
          tmp = [3.0]*(tlen-tlen/2) + tmp[tlen/2:]
        sarr = sorted([(x,i) for (i,x) in enumerate(tmp)])[:5]
        ax,ai = sarr[0]
        for bx,bi in sarr[1:]:
          if abs(ai-bi) > IGNORE_NEIGHBORS:
          print "NO 2nd suitable minimum"
        print (ax,ai), (bx,bi)
        if rowsOnLeft:
          offset = -ROWS_OFFSET
          if ai > bi:
            (ax,ai), (bx,bi) = (bx,bi), (ax,ai)
          offset = ROWS_OFFSET
          if ai < bi: # rows on right
            (ax,ai), (bx,bi) = (bx,bi), (ax,ai)
        p = self.robot.localisation.pose()
        A = combinedPose( (p[0], p[1], p[2]+math.radians(135-5*ai) ), (ax,0,0) )
        B = combinedPose( (p[0], p[1], p[2]+math.radians(135-5*bi) ), (bx,0,0) )
        if lastA == None:
          ends.extend( [A,B] )
          lastA, lastB = A, B
        if self.verbose:
          print "DIST", distance(lastA, A), distance(lastB, B), distance(lastB,A)
        if distance(lastB,A) < 0.2:
          dist = distance(start, self.robot.localisation.pose())
          print "NEXT ROW", dist
          if dist > 0.4:
            ends.append( B ) # new one
          lastA, lastB = A, B
        line = Line(A,B) # going through the ends of rows
        A2 = combinedPose( (A[0], A[1], line.angle), (0, offset, 0) )
        B2 = combinedPose( (B[0], B[1], line.angle), (2.0, offset, 0) )
        line = Line(A2, B2)
        viewlog.dumpBeacon( A[:2], color=(200,0,0) )
        viewlog.dumpBeacon( B[:2], color=(200,128,0) )
        viewlog.dumpBeacon( A2[:2], color=(255,0,0) )
        viewlog.dumpBeacon( B2[:2], color=(255,128,0) )
        if len(ends) > num + 1:
        print "BACKUP solution!!!"
        goal = combinedPose( self.robot.localisation.pose(), (1.0, 0, 0) )    
        line = Line( self.robot.localisation.pose(), goal )
Exemplo n.º 9
    def approachFeeder(self, timeout=60, digitHelper=None, verifyTarget=True):
        "robot should be within 1m of the feeder"
        print "Approaching Feeder"
        verified = False
        desiredDist = 0.4  #0.2
        countOK = 0
        startTime = self.robot.time
        angularSpeed = 0
        prevPose = None
        prevName = None
        prevLaser = None
        target = None
        frontDist, minDistL, minDistR = None, None, None
        while startTime + timeout > self.robot.time:
            if self.robot.cameraData is not None and len(
            ) > 0 and self.robot.cameraData[0] is not None:
                if prevName != self.robot.cameraData[1]:
                    #          print prevName, self.robot.localisation.pose()
                    prevName = self.robot.cameraData[1]
                    if prevPose is None:
                        prevPose = self.robot.localisation.pose()
                        prevLaser = self.robot.laserData[:]
                    arr = eval(self.robot.cameraData[0])
                    angularSpeed = None
                    for a in arr:
                        for digit, (x, y, dx, dy) in a:
                            if digit == 'X':
                                verified = True
                                angularSpeed = (320 - (x + dx / 2)) / 100.0
                                #                print "angularSpeed", math.degrees(angularSpeed), self.robot.cameraData[1], (x,y,dx,dy)
                                centerX = 320
                                angle = (centerX -
                                         (x + dx / 2)) * 0.002454369260617026
                                dist = prevLaser[int(angle / 2.) + 271] / 1000.
                                print "Target at", dist, self.robot.cameraData[
                                t = combinedPose((prevPose[0], prevPose[1],
                                                  prevPose[2] + angle),
                                                 (dist, 0, 0))
                                target = (t[0], t[1])
                                viewlog.dumpBeacon(target, color=(255, 128, 0))
                    if target is None and digitHelper is not None:
                        # if you do not have goal try to re-search old number
                        for a in arr:
                            for digit, (x, y, dx, dy) in a:
                                if digit == 'X':
                                    angularSpeed = (320 - (x + dx / 2)) / 100.0
                                    centerX = 320
                                    angle = (
                                        centerX -
                                        (x + dx / 2)) * 0.002454369260617026
                                    dist = prevLaser[int(angle / 2.) +
                                                     271] / 1000.
                                    t = combinedPose((prevPose[0], prevPose[1],
                                                      prevPose[2] + angle),
                                                     (dist, 0, 0))
                                    target = (t[0], t[1])
                                                       color=(255, 0, 255))

                    prevPose = self.robot.localisation.pose()
                    prevLaser = self.robot.laserData[:]
                if angularSpeed is None:
                    angularSpeed = 0

            if target is None or distance(
                    target, self.robot.localisation.pose()) < 0.3:
                angularSpeed = 0.0
                pose = self.robot.localisation.pose()
                angularSpeed = normalizeAnglePIPI(
                    angleTo(pose, target) - pose[2])

#        print "target:", target, math.degrees(angularSpeed)

            if self.robot.laserData == None or len(
                    self.robot.laserData) != 541:
                self.robot.setSpeedPxPa(0, 0)
                minDistR = min(
                    [10000] +
                    [x for x in self.robot.laserData[180:541 / 2]
                     if x > 0]) / 1000.
                minDistL = min(
                    [10000] +
                    [x for x in self.robot.laserData[541 / 2:-180]
                     if x > 0]) / 1000.
                minDist = min(minDistL, minDistR)
                frontDist = min(
                    [10000] +
                     for x in self.robot.laserData[265:-265] if x > 0]) / 1000.
                    min(self.driver.maxSpeed, minDist - desiredDist),
                #        print min(self.driver.maxSpeed, minDist - desiredDist)
                #        self.robot.setSpeedPxPa( 0, angularSpeed )
                if abs(minDist - desiredDist) < 0.01:
                    countOK += 1
                    countOK = 0
                if countOK >= 10:
        self.robot.setSpeedPxPa(0, 0)
        print "done."

        if verifyTarget and not verified:
            print "TARGET not verified!"
            return False

        # compute proper rotation and backup distance
        toTurn, toBackup = computeLoadManeuver(minDistL, frontDist, minDistR)
        print "Suggestion: ", math.degrees(toTurn), toBackup
        self.driver.goStraight(toBackup, timeout=30)
        return True