Exemplo n.º 1
def RemoveEdgesWithKnife(doc, Ax, Ay, Bx, By):
    For a graph document in a 2D embedding in the plane
    with doc["V"], doc["E"] and doc["pts"] defined,
    remove edges of doc["E"] such that for edge
    e in doc["E"] and u,v = e, form

    Cx,Cy = doc["pts"][u][:2]
    Dx,Dy = doc["pts"][v][:2]

    and do

    flag,X,Y = line_intersection.SegmentIntersect(Ax,Ay,Bx,By,Cx,Cy,Dx,Dy)

    and if flag, then remove e. The knife is given
    by line segment AB with A = [Ax,Ay] and B = [Bx,By].
    doc1 = deepcopy(doc)
    ES = []
    for e in doc["E"]:
        u, v = e
        Cx, Cy = doc["pts"][u][:2]
        Dx, Dy = doc["pts"][v][:2]
        flag, X, Y = line_intersection.SegmentIntersect(
            Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Cx, Cy, Dx, Dy)
        if not flag:
    doc1["E"] = ES
    return doc1
Exemplo n.º 2
def Intersect(line1, line2):
    A, B = line1
    C, D = line2
    flag, x, y = li.SegmentIntersect(A[0], A[1], B[0], B[1], C[0], C[1], D[0],
    E = [x, y]
    return flag, E
def MassSpectrometer(I, show=True):
    # W,H used in calculation of measurement
    W = 600
    H = 600
    if show:
        gr = racg.Graphics(w=W, h=H)
    E0 = 0
    B0 = 2  # light amplitude
    lam = 5  # light wavelength
    black = [0, 0, 0]
    blue = [0, 0, 255]
    pt_last = [0, 300]
    direction = 1  # direction y-axis or -(y-axis)
    #print "Press 'e' to exit"
    tmax = 55  # time units maximum
    Z = 0
    while I.t <= tmax:
        # make direction change periodically
        direction = 1
        r = I.x
        # Screen transformation of r -> [x,y,z]
        xmin = -10
        xmax = 10
        ymin = -10
        ymax = 10
        x = mapto.MapTo(xmin, 0, xmax, W, r[0])
        y = mapto.MapTo(ymin, 0, ymax, H, r[1])
        z = 0
        # Projective Transformation of [x,y,z] -> [x2,y2]
        pt = [x - W / 2, y]
        #print pt,r
        if show:
            gr.Line(pt, pt_last, color=blue)
        sW = 0.5
        P = [W * sW, 0]
        Q = [W * sW, H]
        if show:
            gr.Line(P, Q, color=black)
        flag, X, Y = li.SegmentIntersect(
            pt_last[1],  # segment 1
        s = "Y = %.2f" % (Y)
        if show:
            gr.Text(s, X + 10, Y, black)
        pt_last = pt
        if show:
            if fmod(I.t, 0.1) < 0.001:
                ch = gr.Show("result", 5)
            if ch == ord('e'):
        E, B = EMfield(I.t, lam, E0, B0)
        F = LorenzForce(I.q, I.v, E, B)
        if flag:
            Z = Y
            if show:
                m0 = finv(Z) * I.q
                s = "mass m = %.3f" % (m0)
                gr.Text(s, X + 10, Y - 25, black)
            if show:
                gr.Show("result", -1)
    if show:
    return Z
Exemplo n.º 4
def SliceWithKnife(doc, Ax, Ay, Bx, By, alpha=0.15, beta=0.15):
    New points added at lerp t = alpha and t = beta
    with default alpha = 0.25 and beta = 0.25 if knife
    AB slices an edge.

    For a graph document doc in a 2D embedding in the plane,
    with doc["V"],doc["E"],doc["pts"] defined, slice
    the edges of doc with knife. The knife is given
    by line segment AB with A = [Ax,Ay] and B = [Bx,By].

    doc1 = deepcopy(doc)

    For e in doc1["E"] and u,v = e, 

    Cx,Cy = doc1["pts"][u][:2]
    Dx,Dy = doc1["pts"][v][:2]

    flag,X,Y = line_intersection.SegmentIntersect(Ax,Ay,Bx,By,Cx,Cy,Dx,Dy)

    then if flag, then break line segments into separated
    two segments and

    orient CD such that C is on interior of plane n*(x-mid) < 0
    # add Utility package folder with sys.path.insert(0, <utility_path>)
    AB = list(array([Ax,Ay]) - array([Bx,By]))
    epsilon = generalized_cross_product.Epsilon(2) # do once to get Cross   
    normal = epsilon_levicivita_TMP.Cross([AB])
    n = normal/vectors.norm(normal)
    mid = vectors.lerp([Cx,Cy],[Dx,Dy],0.5)
    xm = list(array(x) - array(mid))
    interior = vectors.dotprod(n,xm)
    if not interior:
        #swap Cx,Cy with Dx,Dy if not interior
        tx = Cx
        ty = Cy
        Cx = Dx
        Cy = Dy
        Dx = tx
        Dy = ty

    pt_1 = vectors.lerp([Cx,Cy,0],[Dx,Dy,0], alpha=0.25)
    pt_2 = vectors.lerp([Cx,Cy,0],[Dx,Dy,0], beta=0.75)
    doc1,u2 = graph.SplitVertex(doc1,u)
    doc1["pts"].append(pt_1) # assign pt_1 to u2
    doc1,v2 = graph.SplitVertex(doc1,v)
    doc1["pts"].append(pt_2) # assign pt_2 to v2

    and returns:
    doc1 = SliceWithKnife(doc, Ax, Ay, Bx, By) 
    doc1 = deepcopy(doc)
    ES = []
    VS = []
    for e in doc1["E"]:
        u, v = e
        Cx, Cy = doc1["pts"][u][:2]
        Dx, Dy = doc1["pts"][v][:2]
        flag, X, Y = line_intersection.SegmentIntersect(
            Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Cx, Cy, Dx, Dy)
        if flag:
            AB = list(array([Ax, Ay]) - array([Bx, By]))
            normal = generalized_cross_product.cross2(array(AB))
            n = normal / vectors.norm(normal) + [0]
            mid = vectors.lerp([Cx, Cy, 0], [Dx, Dy, 0], 0.5)
            # use x = [Cx,Cy] to check if on interior side
            xm = list(array([Cx, Cy, 0]) - array(mid))
            interior = vectors.dotprod(n, xm)
            if not interior:
                #swap Cx,Cy with Dx,Dy if not interior
                tx = Cx
                ty = Cy
                Cx = Dx
                Cy = Dy
                Dx = tx
                Dy = ty
            pt_1 = vectors.lerp([X, Y, 0], [Cx, Cy, 0], alpha)
            pt_2 = vectors.lerp([X, Y, 0], [Dx, Dy, 0], beta)
            doc1, u2 = graph.SplitVertex(doc1, u)
            doc1["pts"].append(pt_1)  # assign pt_1 to u2
            doc1, v2 = graph.SplitVertex(doc1, v)
            doc1["pts"].append(pt_2)  # assign pt_2 to v2
            ES.append([u, u2])
            ES.append([v2, v])
    doc1["E"] = ES
    doc1["V"] = doc["V"] + VS

    for k in range(len(doc1["pts"])):
        doc1["pts"][k] = map(int, map(round, doc1["pts"][k]))
    return doc1