Exemplo n.º 1
 def _TruncateTargetSequence(self, targets):
   """Truncate padded time steps from all sequences."""
   # The following tensors are all in the [batch, time] shape.
   p = self.params
   # Let's make a copy of targets.
   targets = targets.Pack(targets.Flatten())
   target_ids = targets.ids
   target_labels = targets.labels
   target_weights = targets.weights
   target_paddings = targets.paddings
   max_seq_length = tf.to_int32(
       tf.reduce_max(tf.reduce_sum(1.0 - target_paddings, 1)))
   summary_utils.scalar('max_seq_length', max_seq_length)
   # Assert to make sure after max_seq_length, all are padded steps for all
   # sequences.
   target_paddings = py_utils.with_dependencies([
           tf.constant(True, tf.bool),
           tf.reduce_all(target_paddings[:, max_seq_length:] > 0.5))
   ], target_paddings)
   target_ids = py_utils.with_dependencies([
           py_utils.GetShape(target_ids), py_utils.GetShape(target_labels),
   ], target_ids)
   targets.ids = target_ids[:, :max_seq_length]
   targets.labels = target_labels[:, :max_seq_length]
   targets.weights = target_weights[:, :max_seq_length]
   targets.paddings = target_paddings[:, :max_seq_length]
   return targets
Exemplo n.º 2
    def ScaleGradients(self, var_grads):
        """Scales gradients according to training params.

      var_grads: a `.NestedMap` whose values are (var, grad) pairs.

      (has_nan_or_inf, grad_scale, final_var_grads).

      - has_nan_or_inf: a scalar of 0 or 1, indicating whether there is any NaN
        or Inf in input gradients.
      - grad_scale: the gradient scale. 0 if gradient updates should be skipped
        for the step.
      - final_var_grads: a `.NestedMap` whose values are (var, grad) pairs, where
        gradients have already been scaled.
        p = self.params
        tp = p.train

        # Computes gradients' norm and adds their summaries. Note that all_grad_norm
        # may be nan, which may cause grad_scale to be nan.
        for name, vg in var_grads.FlattenItems():
            summary_utils.AddNormSummary(p, name, py_utils.NestedMap(s=vg))
        _, all_grad_norm = summary_utils.AddNormSummary(p, 'all', var_grads)
        grad_norm_is_nan_or_inf = tf.logical_or(tf.is_nan(all_grad_norm),

        # Optional gradient adjustment. Note that this happens after computing
        # all_grad_norm.
        var_grads = self.AdjustGradients(var_grads)

        # Handles NaN/Inf gradients.
        has_nan_or_inf = self._HasNanOrInf(var_grads)
        # Grad norm can still be inf even if none of the individual grad is inf.
        has_nan_or_inf = tf.logical_or(has_nan_or_inf, grad_norm_is_nan_or_inf)

        # Computes gradient's scale.
        grad_scale = tf.constant(1.0)
        if tp.clip_gradient_norm_to_value:
            # If all_grad_norm > tp.clip_gradient_norm_to_value, scales
            # all_grads so that the norm is 1.0.
            grad_scale = tf.minimum(
                1.0, tp.clip_gradient_norm_to_value / all_grad_norm)

        if tp.grad_norm_to_clip_to_zero:
            # If all_grad_norm > tp.grad_norm_to_clip_to_zero, treats
            # grad_scale as 0. This way, we ignore this step.
            grad_scale *= tf.cast(all_grad_norm < tp.grad_norm_to_clip_to_zero,

        if tp.grad_norm_tracker:
            grad_scale *= self.grad_norm_tracker.FPropDefaultTheta(
                all_grad_norm, has_nan_or_inf)

        # Force grad_scale to be 0 if there is any NaN or Inf in gradients.
        grad_scale = tf.where(has_nan_or_inf, 0.0, grad_scale)

        summary_utils.scalar(p, 'grad_scale_all', grad_scale)
        final_var_grads = py_utils.ApplyGradMultiplier(var_grads, grad_scale)
        return has_nan_or_inf, grad_scale, final_var_grads
Exemplo n.º 3
 def AddSummary(self, lr, optimizer, var_grad):
     summary_utils.scalar('adagrad_lr', lr)
     for v, _ in var_grad.Flatten():
         slot = optimizer.get_slot(v, 'accumulator')
         assert slot is not None
         summary_utils.scalar('optimizer/adagrad_accum_%s' % v.name,
Exemplo n.º 4
 def IncBy(self, params, delta):
   """Increment the counter by delta and return the new value."""
   # NOTE: We must ensure _value is computed (_var + 0) before
   # updating _var with delta.
   delta = tf.to_int64(delta)
   with tf.control_dependencies([self._value]):
     summary_utils.scalar(params, self._name, self._value)
     return tf.identity(tf.assign_add(self._var, delta))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _SummarizeTensor(self, t_name):
     min_var = self._GetQStateVar(t_name, 'min')
     max_var = self._GetQStateVar(t_name, 'max')
     # foo/q/somet_min:0 -> foo/q/somet_min
     summary_name_min = min_var.name.split(':')[0]
     summary_name_max = max_var.name.split(':')[0]
     summary_utils.scalar(summary_name_min, min_var)
     summary_utils.scalar(summary_name_max, max_var)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _FPropMetrics(self, metrics):
     # Adds stats about the input batch.
     metrics['num_samples_in_batch'] = (tf.convert_to_tensor(
         self.input_generator.InputBatchSize()), tf.constant(1.0))
     # Generates summaries.
     for name, (value, weight) in six.iteritems(metrics):
         self.AddEvalMetric(name, value, weight)
     # Loss.
     self._loss, self._num_predictions = metrics['loss']
     self._loss = py_utils.CheckNumerics(self._loss)
     summary_utils.scalar('num_predictions', self._num_predictions)
Exemplo n.º 7
def CreateTaskGlobalStep(params, task_name):
  """Create if needed and return the global_step."""
  with tf.name_scope(None), tf.variable_scope(py_utils.global_variable_scope):
    graph_collections = [tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, 'TASK_GLOBAL_STEP']
    _, v = py_utils.CreateVariable(
        name=task_name + '_global_step',
        params=py_utils.WeightParams([], py_utils.WeightInit.Constant(0),
    summary_utils.scalar(params, v.name, v)
    return v
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _FPropResult(self, metrics, per_example):
   # Adds stats about the input batch.
   metrics['num_samples_in_batch'] = (tf.convert_to_tensor(
       self.input_generator.GlobalBatchSize()), tf.constant(1.0))
   # Generates summaries.
   for name, (value, weight) in six.iteritems(metrics):
     self.AddEvalMetric(name, value, weight)
   per_example = self.FilterPerExampleTensors(per_example)
   for name, value in six.iteritems(per_example):
     self.AddPerExampleTensor(name, value)
   # Loss.
   self._loss, self._num_predictions = metrics['loss']
   self._loss = py_utils.CheckNumerics(self._loss)
   self._metrics = metrics
   summary_utils.scalar('num_predictions', self._num_predictions)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _InputBatch(self):
        """Returns tf.data.Dataset of unbatched NestedMap."""
        p = self.params
        dataset = self._DatasetOfExamples()
        dataset = dataset.map(self._ProcessSingleExample,
        dataset = dataset.take(p.num_samples if p.num_samples > 0 else -1)

        if p.enable_packing:
            dataset = dataset.batch(
                num_parallel_calls=tf.data.AUTOTUNE if p.shuffle else 1).map(
                    self._Pack, num_parallel_calls=tf.data.AUTOTUNE).unbatch()

        dataset = dataset.batch(
            num_parallel_calls=tf.data.AUTOTUNE if p.shuffle else 1,
        dataset = dataset.prefetch(tf.data.AUTOTUNE)
        iterator = tf.data.make_initializable_iterator(dataset)
        self._initializer = iterator.initializer
        batch = iterator.get_next()

        if not hasattr(batch, 'segment_ids'):
            # Supply segment_ids and segment_pos with no packing.
            batch.segment_ids = 1.0 - batch.paddings
            segpos = tf.cast(tf.range(p.source_max_length), dtype=tf.float32)
            batch.segment_pos = tf.cast(batch.segment_ids * segpos,

        def ShapeAndCast(x):
            x = tf.ensure_shape(x,
                                (self.InfeedBatchSize(), p.source_max_length))
            if x.dtype.is_floating:
                x = tf.cast(x, py_utils.FPropDtype(p))
            return x

        batch = batch.Transform(ShapeAndCast)

        num_samples = tf.math.reduce_max(batch.segment_ids, axis=1)
        return batch
Exemplo n.º 10
    def PostTrainingStepUpdate(self, global_step):
        """Update the cap value."""
        p = self.params
        if p.is_inference:

        # Calculations/vars need to be float but these can be ints in the params.
        clip_end_step = tf.cast(p.clip_end_step, tf.float32)
        clip_start_step = tf.cast(p.clip_start_step, tf.float32)
        quant_start_step = tf.cast(p.quant_start_step, tf.float32)
        global_step = tf.cast(global_step, tf.float32)

        # Will be negative if before clipping starts.
        new_clip_ratio = (tf.minimum(clip_end_step - clip_start_step,
                                     global_step - clip_start_step) /
                          (clip_end_step - clip_start_step))
        # Currently fq is either on (1.0) or off (-1.0). Progressive quantization
        # may later occupy 0..1.0.
        new_fq_ratio = tf.where(global_step < quant_start_step, -1.0, 1.0)
        summary_utils.scalar(p, 'clip_ratio', new_clip_ratio)
        summary_utils.scalar(p, 'fq_ratio', new_fq_ratio)
        return tf.group(self.vars.clip_ratio.assign(new_clip_ratio),
Exemplo n.º 11
 def AddSummary(self, lr, optimizer, var_grad):
     summary_utils.scalar('distributed_shampoo', lr)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def _AddScalarSummary(self, key, value):
     summary_utils.scalar('%s/%s' % (key, self.params.name), value)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def PostTrainingStepUpdate(self, global_step):
   summary_utils.scalar('cap', self._Value(global_step))
   return tf.no_op()
Exemplo n.º 14
  def _BPropForVariables(self, vmap):
    """Constructs the backward graph for the given variables.

      vmap: a `.NestedMap` of variables.
    p = self.params
    tp = p.train

    # Compute gradients.
    self._var_grads = py_utils.ComputeGradients(self.loss, vmap)

    # L2 regularizer.
    if tp.l2_regularizer_weight is not None:
      l2_loss, self._var_grads = py_utils.AdjustGradientsWithLpLoss(
          self._var_grads, tp.l2_regularizer_weight, p=2.0)
      summary_utils.scalar(p, 'l2_loss', l2_loss)

    # L1 regularizer.
    if tp.l1_regularizer_weight is not None:
      l1_loss, self._var_grads = py_utils.AdjustGradientsWithLpLoss(
          self._var_grads, tp.l1_regularizer_weight, p=1.0)
      summary_utils.scalar(p, 'l1_loss', l1_loss)

    # Mask gradients only if the mask is set.
    if self._per_input_gradient_mask:
      bprop_onehot = self.input_generator.GetInputSourceOneHot()
      self._var_grads = py_utils.MaskGradients(
          self._var_grads, self._per_input_gradient_mask, bprop_onehot)

    # Apply gradient clipping.
    has_nan_or_inf, _, self._var_grads = self.ScaleGradients(self._var_grads)

    # Histogram summary.
    summary_utils.CollectVarHistogram(p, self._var_grads)

    lrs = self.lr_schedule.Value(self._global_step)
    summary_utils.scalar(p, 'lr_schedule', lrs)
    lr = tp.learning_rate * lrs

    var_update_op = self.optimizer.Apply(lr, self._var_grads)

    increment_global_step_ops = []
    with tf.colocate_with(self._shared_global_step):
          tf.assign_add(self._shared_global_step, 1))
    if self._task_global_step:
      with tf.colocate_with(self._task_global_step):
            tf.assign_add(self._task_global_step, 1))
    increment_global_steps = tf.group(*increment_global_step_ops)

    relevant_bn_updates, _ = py_utils.FindRelevantBatchNormUpdates(
        self.loss, tf.get_collection(py_utils.BATCH_NORM_UPDATES))
    batch_norm_updates = tf.group(*relevant_bn_updates)

    # Update stats.
    stats_updates = tf.group(

    # Post training step update.
    post_training_step_updates = self.PostTrainingStepUpdate(self._global_step)

    # Get the op to update the weight masks and thresholds
    mask_update_op = self._GetMaskUpdateOp()

    # TODO(rpang): try to structure _train_op as:
    #   tf.cond(skip_step, <only update skip stats>, <all updates>)
    # so that we skip all other updates when a step is skipped.
    if p.contiguous:
        var_update_op = tf.group(var_update_op, self.last_state_group_op)

    self._train_op = tf.group(
Exemplo n.º 15
  def __init__(self, params):
    assert issubclass(params.cls, BaseTask)
    # Ensure global_step exists before calling super.

    p = self.params

    self._encoder = None
    self._online_encoder = None
    self._decoder = None

    self._loss = None
    self._num_predictions = None
    self._train_op = None
    self._post_train_ops = []
    self._eval_metrics = {}
    self._per_example = {}

    # Create the gradient mask,
    self._per_input_gradient_mask = None

    if p.task_global_step:
      with tf.name_scope(None), tf.variable_scope(
        var_name = p.name + '_global_step'
        # Create the variable immediately.
                    [], py_utils.WeightInit.Constant(0), tf.int64),
        summary_utils.scalar(var_name, self._private_vars[var_name])
        self._global_step_var = self._private_vars[var_name]
      self._global_step_var = py_utils.GetOrCreateGlobalStepVar()

    if p.input:
      # TODO(zhifengc): Consider a simpler way to ensure the input
      # generator stops after one epoch.
      if self.do_eval and p.eval:
        seq_inp = issubclass(p.input.cls,
        if p.input.num_samples == 0:
          # Dataset size is unknown. Computes eval summary based on num_samples.
          assert p.eval.samples_per_summary > 0
        elif (p.eval.samples_per_summary == 0) or (p.input.num_samples <
          # If we know the dataset size and we want to evaluate the full
          # set, we need to coordinate the input generator to flush out
          # all samples so the evaler and decoder compute metrics on the
          # whole set for each summary step.
          if seq_inp:
            p.input.flush_every_n = p.input.num_samples
          p.eval.samples_per_summary = p.input.num_samples
        if seq_inp and p.input.num_batcher_threads > 1:
              'input.num_batcher_threads > 1 inside eval mode.  '
              'The input generator may not iterate over exactly '
              'one epoch per run')
      tf.logging.info('input_params: %s', p.input)
      input_params = self.cluster.PlaceInput(p.input)

      # For TPU training, we create the input generator in a
      # different scope and AddChild it in later.
      if 'skip_create_child' not in p.input:
        self.CreateChild('input', input_params)

    tp = p.train

    # p.train can be None if this task is the teacher/student task in a
    # DistillationTask.
    if tp:
      if tp.learner is not None:
        if isinstance(tp.learner, (list, tuple)):
          self.CreateChildren('learners', tp.learner)
          self.CreateChildren('learners', [tp.learner])
Exemplo n.º 16
  def FProp(self, theta, x, paddings=None, update=False):
    """Computes distances of the given input 'x' to all centroids.

    This implementation applies layer normalization on 'x' internally first,
    and the returned 'dists' is computed using the normalized 'x'.

      theta: A `.NestedMap` of weights' values of this layer.
      x: A tensor of shape [B, L, N, H].
      paddings: If not None, a tensor of shape [B, L].
      update: bool, whether to update centroids using x.

      dists: "distances" of the given input 'x' to all centroids.
             Shape [B, L, N, K].
      k_means_loss: the average squared Euclidean distances to the closest
                    centroid, a scalar.
    p = self.params
    if paddings is None:
      paddings = tf.zeros_like(x[:, :, 0, 0])
    # Shape [B, L, 1, 1]
    paddings_4d = paddings[:, :, None, None]

    if p.apply_layer_norm:
      x = KMeansClusteringForAtten.LayerNorm(x, p.epsilon)

    # 'x' is normalized (but theta.means is not), we use negative dot product to
    # approximate the Euclidean distance here.
    dists = -tf.einsum('BLNH, NKH -> BLNK', x, theta.means)

    # For padded positions we update the distances to very large numbers.
    very_large_dists = tf.ones_like(dists) * tf.constant(
        0.1, dtype=dists.dtype) * dists.dtype.max
    paddings_tiled = tf.tile(paddings_4d, [1, 1, p.num_heads, p.num_clusters])
    dists = tf.where(paddings_tiled > 0.0, very_large_dists, dists)

    # Shape [B, L, N, K], the same as 'dists' above.
    nearest_one_hot = tf.one_hot(
        tf.math.argmin(dists, axis=-1),
    # Same shape as the input 'x'.
    nearest_centroid = tf.einsum('BLNK, NKH -> BLNH', nearest_one_hot,
    diff = tf.math.squared_difference(x, tf.stop_gradient(nearest_centroid))
    diff = py_utils.ApplyPadding(paddings_4d, diff)
    diff = tf.math.reduce_mean(diff, axis=2)

    # The commitment loss which when back proped against encourages the 'x'
    # values to commit to their chosen centroids.
    k_means_loss = tf.math.reduce_sum(diff) / tf.math.reduce_sum(1.0 - paddings)
    summary_utils.scalar('k_means/squared_distance_loss', k_means_loss)

    # TODO(zhouwk): investigate normalizing theta.means after each update.
    means_norm = tf.norm(theta.means)

    if not update:
      return dists, k_means_loss

    # To update the centroids (self.vars.means), we apply gradient descent on
    # the mini-batch of input 'x', which yields the following:
    #   new_centroid = centroid + (1 - decay) * (x_mean - centroid)
    # where x_mean is the average over all the input vectors closest to this
    # centroid.
    # Note that this approach is equivalent with backprop via
    #    loss = tf.math.reduce_mean(
    #        tf.math.squared_difference(tf.stop_gradient(x), nearest_centroid)))
    # , except that here the learning rate is independently set via 'decay'.

    # Ensure that the padded positions are not used to update the centroids.
    nearest_one_hot = py_utils.ApplyPadding(paddings_4d, nearest_one_hot)

    # Sum away batch and sequence length dimensions to get per cluster count.
    # Shape: [N, K]
    per_cluster_count = tf.reduce_sum(nearest_one_hot, axis=[0, 1])
    summary_utils.histogram('k_means/per_cluster_vec_count', per_cluster_count)

    # Sum of the input 'x' per each closest centroid.
    sum_x = tf.einsum('BLNK, BLNH -> NKH', nearest_one_hot, x)

    if py_utils.use_tpu():
      per_cluster_count = tf.tpu.cross_replica_sum(per_cluster_count)
      sum_x = tf.tpu.cross_replica_sum(sum_x)

    # If per_cluster_count for a cluster is 0, then 'nearest_one_hot' in that
    # cluster's position will always be 0, hence 'sum_x' in that dimension will
    # be 0.
    new_means = sum_x / tf.maximum(
        tf.constant(1.0, dtype=per_cluster_count.dtype),
        tf.expand_dims(per_cluster_count, axis=-1))

    # We use exponential moving average. TODO(zhouwk): investigate smooth this
    # over an exponentially moving averaged per cluster count.
    # Note that we intentionally do not normalize the means after this update
    # as empirically this works better.
    update_means_diff = tf.cast((1.0 - p.decay) * (new_means - theta.means),
    return py_utils.with_dependencies(
        [tf.assign_add(self.vars.means, update_means_diff)],
        dists), k_means_loss
Exemplo n.º 17
 def AddSummary(self, lr, optimizer, var_grad):
     summary_utils.scalar(self.params, 'adam_lr', lr)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def ScaleGradients(self, var_grads, gradient_adjuster=None):
        """Scales gradients according to training params.

      var_grads: a `.NestedMap` whose values are (var, grad) pairs.
      gradient_adjuster: if not None, a function that mutates a given var_grads.

      A `.NestedMap` containing

      - final_var_grads: a `.NestedMap` whose values are (var, grad) pairs,
        where gradients have already been scaled.
      - grad_scale: the gradient scale. 0 if gradient updates should be skipped
        for the step. (Optional, only returned in case global norm clipping is
        p = self.params

        # Computes gradients' norm and adds their summaries. Note that all_grad_norm
        # may be nan, which may cause grad_scale to be nan.
        for name, vg in var_grads.FlattenItems():
                py_utils.SanitizeScopeKey(name) + '/' + p.name, vg)
        flatten = py_utils.Flatten(var_grads)
        all_grad_norm = tf.sqrt(py_utils.SumSquared([g for (_, g) in flatten]))
        all_var_norm = tf.sqrt(py_utils.SumSquared([v for (v, _) in flatten]))
        grad_norm_is_nan_or_inf = tf.math.logical_or(
            tf.math.is_nan(all_grad_norm), tf.math.is_inf(all_grad_norm))

        # Optional gradient adjustment. Note that this happens after computing
        # all_grad_norm.
        if gradient_adjuster is not None:
            tf.logging.info('gradient_adjuster=%s', gradient_adjuster)
            var_grads = gradient_adjuster(var_grads)

        # Handles NaN/Inf gradients.
        has_nan_or_inf = py_utils.HasNanOrInfGradient(var_grads)
        # Grad norm can still be inf even if none of the individual grad is inf.
        has_nan_or_inf = tf.math.logical_or(has_nan_or_inf,
        self._AddEvalMetric('has_nan_or_inf', has_nan_or_inf, tf.constant(1.0))

        return_values = py_utils.NestedMap()
        if p.clip_gradient_single_norm_to_value:
            # Currently using both types of clipping simultaneously is unsupported.
            if p.clip_gradient_norm_to_value:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Cannot use clip_gradient_single_norm_to_value=%f and '
                    'clip_gradient_norm_to_value=%f.' %
            final_var_grads = py_utils.ApplyGradNormClipping(
                var_grads, p.clip_gradient_single_norm_to_value)

            grad_scale = self._GetGlobalGradScale(all_grad_norm,
            # grad_norm/all is both a eval metric(collected by trainer) and a summary
            # (collected by controller).
            summary_utils.scalar(f'grad_norm/all/{p.name}', all_grad_norm)
            self._AddEvalMetric('grad_norm/all', all_grad_norm,
            self._AddEvalMetric('var_norm/all', all_var_norm, tf.constant(1.0))
            self._AddEvalMetric('grad_scale_all', grad_scale, tf.constant(1.0))
            final_var_grads = py_utils.ApplyGradMultiplier(
                var_grads, grad_scale)
            return_values.grad_scale = grad_scale

        return_values.final_var_grads = final_var_grads
        return return_values
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _ApplyPacking(self, batch):
        """Packs a given batch.

    Note that this may change the batch size.

    This function packs the input batch and adds .segment_ids and .segment_pos
    fields to its `src` and `tgt` fields.

      batch: a `.NestedMap` of input tensors to be packed. It is modified in
        src_actual_seq_len = tf.math.reduce_sum(tf.cast(
            batch.src.ids_indicator, tf.int32),
        tgt_actual_seq_len = tf.math.reduce_sum(tf.cast(
            batch.tgt.ids_indicator, tf.int32),
        summary_utils.histogram('source_seq_lengths', src_actual_seq_len)
        summary_utils.histogram('target_seq_lengths', tgt_actual_seq_len)

        if not self.params.packing_factor:
            # Supply segment_ids and segment_pos with no packing.
            batch.src.segment_ids = batch.src.ids_indicator
            batch.src.segment_pos = _GetSegmentPos(batch.src.ids_indicator)
            batch.tgt.segment_ids = batch.tgt.ids_indicator
            batch.tgt.segment_pos = _GetSegmentPos(batch.tgt.ids_indicator)

        (src_segment_ids, src_segment_pos, src_indices_in_input,
         tgt_segment_ids, tgt_segment_pos,
         tgt_indices_in_input) = ops.pack_sequences(
             src_actual_seq_len, tgt_actual_seq_len, self._ScaledBatchSize(),
             self.params.source_max_length, self.params.target_max_length)

        uniq_src_indices_in_input = tf.unique(
            tf.reshape(src_indices_in_input, [-1])).y
        uniq_tgt_indices_in_input = tf.unique(
            tf.reshape(tgt_indices_in_input, [-1])).y
            tf.gather(src_actual_seq_len, uniq_src_indices_in_input, axis=0))
            tf.gather(tgt_actual_seq_len, uniq_tgt_indices_in_input, axis=0))

        # Ratio of number of non-padded tokens. If < 1.0, we are dropping
        # input data due to p.packing_factor too high.
        src_orig_tokens_count = tf.cast(tf.reduce_sum(src_actual_seq_len),
        src_packed_tokens_count = tf.reduce_sum(
            tf.cast(src_segment_ids > 0, tf.float32))
                             src_packed_tokens_count / src_orig_tokens_count)
        tgt_orig_tokens_count = tf.cast(tf.reduce_sum(tgt_actual_seq_len),
        tgt_packed_tokens_count = tf.reduce_sum(
            tf.cast(tgt_segment_ids > 0, tf.float32))
                             tgt_packed_tokens_count / tgt_orig_tokens_count)

        # We deferred adding .paddings and use its complement .ids_indicator
        # exclusively so that we can apply the packing with padding set to 0 for all
        # fields.
        def ApplyPackingToSource(x):
            if x.dtype == tf.string:
                return ops.apply_packing(x, '\t', src_segment_ids,
            return ops.apply_packing(x, 0, src_segment_ids,

        src_paddings = ops.apply_packing(batch.src.paddings, 1,
                                         src_segment_ids, src_indices_in_input)
        batch.src = batch.src.Transform(ApplyPackingToSource)
        batch.src.paddings = src_paddings
        batch.src.segment_ids = tf.cast(src_segment_ids, tf.float32)
        batch.src.segment_pos = src_segment_pos

        def ApplyPackingToTarget(x):
            if x.dtype == tf.string:
                return ops.apply_packing(x, '\t', tgt_segment_ids,
            return ops.apply_packing(x, 0, tgt_segment_ids,

        tgt_paddings = ops.apply_packing(batch.tgt.paddings, 1,
                                         tgt_segment_ids, tgt_indices_in_input)
        batch.tgt = batch.tgt.Transform(ApplyPackingToTarget)
        batch.tgt.paddings = tgt_paddings
        batch.tgt.segment_ids = tf.cast(tgt_segment_ids, tf.float32)
        batch.tgt.segment_pos = tgt_segment_pos

        # The number of examples is indicated by the segment_ids of the target.
        num_segments = tf.math.reduce_max(batch.tgt.segment_ids, axis=1)
        num_examples = tf.reduce_sum(num_segments)
        # Note that this is per infeed value when p.use_per_host_infeed = True.
        metric_name = 'examples/num_packed_examples'
        summary_utils.scalar(metric_name, num_examples)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def PostTrainingStepUpdate(self, global_step):
     """Update the cap value."""
     p = self.params
     cap = self.Value(global_step)
     summary_utils.scalar('cap', cap)
     return self.vars.cap.assign(cap)
Exemplo n.º 21
        def _Gradient(inputs, _, original_grad):

            # Compute the gradients for each loss w.r.t. the inputs.
            # TODO(jngiam): Look into whether TF dedups this computation.
            per_loss_grads = []
            for loss, _ in self._losses:
                per_loss_grad = tf.gradients(loss, self._output_tensor)[0]
                if per_loss_grad is None:
                        'Loss %s did not result in a gradient during '
                        'GradDrop computation.', loss)

            if not per_loss_grads:
                raise ValueError('No valid gradients for GradDrop.')

            # Multiply the gradients with the inputs.
            grads = per_loss_grads
            if p.use_input_sign_only:
                input_abs = tf.abs(
                    tf.cast(tf.abs(inputs) <= p.epsilon, tf.float32) + inputs)
                grads = [grad * ((inputs) / (input_abs)) for grad in grads]
                grads = [grad * inputs for grad in grads]

            # Sum gradient over batch, assuming that batch is always on dim 0.
            if p.marginalize_batch_dim:
                grads = [
                    tf.reduce_sum(grad, axis=0, keepdims=True)
                    for grad in grads

            # First discretize all gradients into their sign values.
            grad_sign_positive = [
                tf.cast(grad > 0.0, tf.float32) for grad in grads
            grad_sign_negative = [
                tf.cast(grad < 0.0, tf.float32) for grad in grads

            # Calculate the probability of positive gradients based on equation (1)
            # in the GradDrop paper.
            grad_abs_sum = tf.add_n([tf.abs(grad) for grad in grads])
            prob_pos = (tf.add_n(grads) / (2. * grad_abs_sum + p.epsilon))
            # Implementation of different scales for the keep function. Larger
            # scales result in steeper keep functions.
            prob_pos *= p.keep_prob_function_scale

            if p.keep_prob_function == 'sigmoid':
                # Standard sigmoid has derivative of 0.25 at 0 so the factor of 4.0
                # allows the function scale in sigmoid to be compatible with the
                # function scale in the linear case.
                prob_pos = tf.sigmoid(4.0 * prob_pos)
            elif p.keep_prob_function == 'linear':
                prob_pos += 0.5

            # The main, default mode of GradDrop. Only gradients of one sign are kept,
            # and which sign is calculated via equation (1) of the main paper.
            prob_pos = tf.cast(prob_pos >= tf.random.uniform(prob_pos.shape),
                               tf.float32) - 0.5
            grad_masks = [
                (gsp - gsn) * prob_pos >= 0
                for (gsn, gsp) in zip(grad_sign_negative, grad_sign_positive)

            # This diag value gives us the percentage of grads which are kept.
            gradmask_diag = [tf.cast(gm, tf.float32) for gm in grad_masks]
            diag = tf.reduce_mean(tf.add_n(gradmask_diag) / len(grad_masks))
            summary_utils.scalar('average_grad_mask', diag)
            leak_ratios = [leak_ratio for _, leak_ratio in self._losses]
            transformed_per_loss_grads = [
                grad * (leak + (1.0 - leak) * tf.cast(grad_mask, tf.float32))
                for (leak, grad,
                     grad_mask) in zip(leak_ratios, per_loss_grads, grad_masks)

            transformed_grad = tf.cast(tf.add_n(transformed_per_loss_grads),

            if not p.keep_gradnorm_constant:
                return transformed_grad

            transformed_grad_norm = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(transformed_grad**2))
            original_grad_norm = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(original_grad**2))
            return transformed_grad * original_grad_norm / (
                transformed_grad_norm + p.epsilon)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def AddSummary(self, lr, optimizer, var_grad):
     summary_utils.scalar('adafactor_lr', lr)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def AddSummary(self, lr, optimizer, var_grad):
     summary_utils.scalar('sgd_lr', lr)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def AddSummary(self, lr, optimizer, var_grad):
        summary_utils.scalar('adagraft_lr', lr)

        if self.params.diagnostic:  # verbose option
            m_step_norm_total = 0.0
            d_step_norm_total = 0.0

            for v, _ in var_grad.Flatten():  # record layer-wise gradient norms
                m_step_norm = optimizer.get_slot(v, 'm_step_norm')
                d_step_norm = optimizer.get_slot(v, 'd_step_norm')
                summary_utils.scalar('optimizer/m_step_norm_%s' % v.name,
                summary_utils.scalar('optimizer/d_step_norm_%s' % v.name,
                m_step_norm_total += m_step_norm**2
                d_step_norm_total += d_step_norm**2

            # record global gradient norms
            m_step_norm_total **= 0.5
            d_step_norm_total **= 0.5
            summary_utils.scalar('optimizer/m_step_norm', m_step_norm_total)
            summary_utils.scalar('optimizer/d_step_norm', d_step_norm_total)
                                 m_step_norm_total / d_step_norm_total)