def test_delete_linode(self): """ Tests that deleting a Linode creates the correct api request """ with self.mock_delete() as m: linode = Linode(self.client, 123) linode.delete() self.assertEqual(m.call_url, '/linode/instances/123')
def test_mutate(self): """ Tests that you can submit a correct mutate api request """ linode = Linode(self.client, 123) result = {} with self.mock_post(result) as m: linode.mutate() self.assertEqual(m.call_url, '/linode/instances/123/mutate')
def test_shutdown(self): """ Tests that you can submit a correct shutdown api request """ linode = Linode(self.client, 123) result = {} with self.mock_post(result) as m: linode.shutdown() self.assertEqual(m.call_url, '/linode/instances/123/shutdown')
def test_boot_with_config(self): """ Tests that you can submit a correct boot with a config api request """ linode = Linode(self.client, 123) config = linode.configs[0] result = {} with self.mock_post(result) as m: linode.boot(config=config) self.assertEqual(m.call_url, '/linode/instances/123/boot')
def test_rebuild(self): """ Tests that you can rebuild with an image """ linode = Linode(self.client, 123) with self.mock_post('/linode/instances/123') as m: pw = linode.rebuild('linode/debian9') self.assertIsNotNone(pw) self.assertTrue(isinstance(pw, str)) self.assertEqual(m.call_url, '/linode/instances/123/rebuild') self.assertEqual(m.call_data, { "image": "linode/debian9", "root_pass": pw, })
def create_linode(self, service, datacenter, source=None, **kwargs): if not 'linode' in service.service_type: raise AttributeError("{} is not a linode service!".format(service.label)) ret_pass = None if type(source) is Distribution and not 'root_pass' in kwargs: ret_pass = Linode.generate_root_password() kwargs['root_pass'] = ret_pass if 'root_ssh_key' in kwargs: root_ssh_key = kwargs['root_ssh_key'] accepted_types = ('ssh-dss', 'ssh-rsa', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp', 'ssh-ed25519') if not any([ t for t in accepted_types if root_ssh_key.startswith(t) ]): # it doesn't appear to be a key.. is it a path to the key? import os root_ssh_key = os.path.expanduser(root_ssh_key) if os.path.isfile(root_ssh_key): with open(root_ssh_key) as f: kwargs['root_ssh_key'] = "".join([ l.strip() for l in f ]) else: raise ValueError('root_ssh_key must either be a path to the key file or a ' 'raw public key of one of these types: {}'.format(accepted_types)) params = { 'service':, 'datacenter':, 'source': if source else None, } params.update(kwargs) result ='/linodes', data=params) if not 'id' in result: return result l = Linode(self, result['id']) l._populate(result) if not ret_pass: return l else: return l, ret_pass
def test_get_linode(self): """ Tests that a client is loaded correctly by ID """ linode = Linode(self.client, 123) self.assertEqual(linode._populated, False) self.assertEqual(linode.label, "linode123") self.assertEqual(, "test") self.assertTrue(isinstance(linode.image, Image)) self.assertEqual(linode.image.label, "Ubuntu 17.04")
def test_rebuild(self): """ Tests that you can rebuild with an image """ linode = Linode(self.client, 123) # barebones result of a rebuild result = { "config": [], "disks": [] } with self.mock_post(result) as m: pw = linode.rebuild('linode/debian9') self.assertIsNotNone(pw) self.assertTrue(isinstance(pw, str)) self.assertEqual(m.call_url, '/linode/instances/123/rebuild') self.assertEqual(m.call_data, { "image": "linode/debian9", "root_pass": pw, })
def test_available_backups(self): """ Tests that a Linode can retrieve its own backups """ linode = Linode(self.client, 123) backups = linode.available_backups # assert we got the correct number of automatic backups self.assertEqual(len(backups.automatic), 3) # examine one automatic backup b = backups.automatic[0] self.assertEqual(, 12345) self.assertEqual(b._populated, True) self.assertEqual(b.status, 'successful') self.assertEqual(b.type, 'auto') self.assertEqual( b.created, datetime(year=2018, month=1, day=9, hour=0, minute=1, second=1)) self.assertEqual( b.updated, datetime(year=2018, month=1, day=9, hour=0, minute=1, second=1)) self.assertEqual( b.finished, datetime(year=2018, month=1, day=9, hour=0, minute=1, second=1)) self.assertEqual(, 'us-east-1a') self.assertEqual(b.label, None) self.assertEqual(b.message, None) self.assertEqual(len(b.disks), 2) self.assertEqual(b.disks[0].size, 1024) self.assertEqual(b.disks[0].label, 'Debian 8.1 Disk') self.assertEqual(b.disks[0].filesystem, 'ext4') self.assertEqual(b.disks[1].size, 0) self.assertEqual(b.disks[1].label, '256MB Swap Image') self.assertEqual(b.disks[1].filesystem, 'swap') self.assertEqual(len(b.configs), 1) self.assertEqual(b.configs[0], 'My Debian 8.1 Profile') # assert that snapshots came back as expected self.assertEqual(backups.snapshot.current, None) self.assertEqual(backups.snapshot.in_progress, None)
def test_update_linode(self): """ Tests that a Linode can be updated """ with self.mock_put('linode/instances/123') as m: linode = Linode(self.client, 123) linode.label = "NewLinodeLabel" = "new_group" self.assertEqual(m.call_url, '/linode/instances/123') self.assertEqual(m.call_data, { "label": "NewLinodeLabel", "group": "new_group" })
def linode(self): if self.entity and self.entity.type == 'linode': return Linode(self._client, return None