Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_conj_solve(self):
     x,y = np.exp(1.), np.exp(2.+1j)
     d,w = {'x*y_':x*y.conjugate(), 'x':x}, {}
     for k in d: w[k] = 1.
     ls = linsolve.LogProductSolver(d,w,sparse=self.sparse)
     sol = ls.solve()
     for k in sol:
         self.assertAlmostEqual(sol[k], eval(k))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_solve(self):
     x,y,z = np.exp(1.), np.exp(2.), np.exp(3.)
     keys = ['x*y*z', 'x*y', 'y*z']
     d,w = {}, {}
     for k in keys: d[k],w[k] = eval(k), 1.
     ls = linsolve.LogProductSolver(d,w,sparse=self.sparse)
     sol = ls.solve()
     for k in sol:
         self.assertAlmostEqual(sol[k], eval(k))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_solve(self):
     x, y, z = np.exp(1. + 1j), np.exp(2. + 2j), np.exp(3. + 3j)
     keys = ['x*y*z', 'x*y', 'y*z']
     d, w = {}, {}
     for k in keys:
         d[k], w[k] = eval(k), 1.
     ls = linsolve.LogProductSolver(d, w, sparse=self.sparse)
     sol = ls.solve()
     for k in sol:
         np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sol[k], eval(k))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_init(self):
     x,y,z = np.exp(1.), np.exp(2.), np.exp(3.)
     keys = ['x*y*z', 'x*y', 'y*z']
     d,w = {}, {}
     for k in keys: d[k],w[k] = eval(k), 1.
     ls = linsolve.LogProductSolver(d,w,sparse=self.sparse)
     for k in ls.ls_phs.data:
         np.testing.assert_equal(ls.ls_phs.data[k], 0)
     x,y,z = 1.,2.,3.
     for k in ls.ls_amp.data:
         np.testing.assert_equal(eval(k), ls.ls_amp.data[k])
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_dtype(self):
     for dtype in (np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128):
         x,y,z = np.exp(1.), np.exp(2.), np.exp(3.)
         keys = ['x*y*z', 'x*y', 'y*z']
         d,w = {}, {}
         for k in keys:
             d[k] = eval(k).astype(dtype)
             w[k] = np.float32(1.)
         ls = linsolve.LogProductSolver(d,w,sparse=self.sparse)
         sol = ls.solve()
         for k in sol:
             self.assertEqual(sol[k].dtype, dtype)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_conj(self):
     x,y = 1+1j, 2+2j
     d,w = {}, {}
     d['x*y_'] = x * y.conjugate()
     d['x_*y'] = x.conjugate() * y
     d['x*y'] = x * y
     d['x_*y_'] = x.conjugate() * y.conjugate()
     for k in d: w[k] = 1.
     ls = linsolve.LogProductSolver(d,w,sparse=self.sparse)
     self.assertEqual(len(ls.ls_amp.data), 4)
     for k in ls.ls_amp.data:
         self.assertEqual(eval(k), 3+3j) # make sure they are all x+y
         self.assertTrue(k.replace('1','-1') in ls.ls_phs.data)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_no_abs_phs_solve(self):
     x,y,z = 1.+1j, 2.+2j, 3.+3j
     d,w = {'x*y_':x*y.conjugate(), 'x*z_':x*z.conjugate(), 'y*z_':y*z.conjugate()}, {}
     for k in list(d.keys()): w[k] = 1.
     ls = linsolve.LogProductSolver(d,w,sparse=self.sparse)
     sol = ls.solve()
     x,y,z = sol['x'], sol['y'], sol['z']
     self.assertAlmostEqual(np.angle(x*y.conjugate()), 0.)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(np.angle(x*z.conjugate()), 0.)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(np.angle(y*z.conjugate()), 0.)
     # check projection of degenerate mode
     self.assertAlmostEqual(np.angle(x), 0.)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(np.angle(y), 0.)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(np.angle(z), 0.)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_conj(self):
     x, y = 1 + 1j, 2 + 2j
     d, w = {}, {}
     d['x*y_'] = x * y.conjugate()
     d['x_*y'] = x.conjugate() * y
     d['x*y'] = x * y
     d['x_*y_'] = x.conjugate() * y.conjugate()
     for k in d:
         w[k] = 1.
     ls = linsolve.LogProductSolver(d, w, sparse=self.sparse)
     assert len(ls.ls_amp.data) == 4
     for k in ls.ls_amp.data:
         assert eval(k) == 3 + 3j  # make sure they are all x+y
         assert k.replace('1', '-1') in ls.ls_phs.data
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_dtype(self):
     for dtype in (np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128):
         x, y, z = np.exp(1.), np.exp(2.), np.exp(3.)
         keys = ['x*y*z', 'x*y', 'y*z']
         d, w = {}, {}
         for k in keys:
             d[k] = eval(k).astype(dtype)
             w[k] = np.float32(1.)
         ls = linsolve.LogProductSolver(d, w, sparse=self.sparse)
         # some ridiculousness to avoid "The exact solution is  x = 0" prints
         save_stdout = sys.stdout
         sys.stdout = io.StringIO()
         sol = ls.solve()
         sys.stdout = save_stdout
         for k in sol:
             assert sol[k].dtype == dtype
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_no_abs_phs_solve(self):
     x, y, z = 1. + 1j, 2. + 2j, 3. + 3j
     d, w = {
         'x*y_': x * y.conjugate(),
         'x*z_': x * z.conjugate(),
         'y*z_': y * z.conjugate()
     }, {}
     for k in list(d.keys()):
         w[k] = 1.
     ls = linsolve.LogProductSolver(d, w, sparse=self.sparse)
     # some ridiculousness to avoid "The exact solution is  x = 0" prints
     save_stdout = sys.stdout
     sys.stdout = io.StringIO()
     sol = ls.solve()
     sys.stdout = save_stdout
     x, y, z = sol['x'], sol['y'], sol['z']
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.angle(x * y.conjugate()), 0.)
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.angle(x * z.conjugate()), 0.)
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.angle(y * z.conjugate()), 0.)
     # check projection of degenerate mode
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.angle(x), 0.)
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.angle(y), 0.)
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.angle(z), 0.)