Exemplo n.º 1
 def process_files(self, files):
     Run code checks with sass-lint.
     Only a single process is made for all files
     to save resources.
     log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
     cmd = 'sass-lint'
     if npm_exists('sass-lint'):
         cmd = os.path.join(
     command = [cmd, '-f', 'checkstyle', '-v']
     command += files
     if self.options.get('ignore'):
         command += ['--ignore ', self.options.get('ignore')]
     if self.options.get('config'):
         command += ['--config', self.apply_base(self.options['config'])]
     output = run_command(
     filename_converter = functools.partial(
     process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def process_files(self, files):
        Run code checks with swiftlit.
        log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)

        command = [
            '--reporter', 'checkstyle',

        # swiftlint uses a set of environment variables
        # to lint multiple files at once.
        env = os.environ.copy()
        for index, name in enumerate(files):
            env['SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_%s' % (index,)] = name
        env['SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_COUNT'] = str(len(files))

        output = run_command(

        filename_converter = functools.partial(
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def process_files(self, files):
        Run code checks with checkstyle.
        Only a single process is made for all files
        to save resources.
        log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
        if 'config' not in self.options:
            msg = ("We could not run `checkstyle` you did not set "
                   "the `config` option to a valid checkstyle XML file.")
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg))
        command = self.create_command(files)
        output = docker.run('checkstyle', command, self.base_path)

        # Only one line is generally a config error. Replay the error
        # to the user.
        lines = output.strip().split('\n')
        if not lines[0].startswith('<'):
            msg = ("Running `checkstyle` failed with:\n"
                   "Ensure your config file exists and is valid XML.")
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg % (lines[0], )))

        # Remove the last line if it is not XML
        # Checkstyle outputs text after the XML if there are errors.
        if not lines[-1].strip().startswith('<'):
            lines = lines[0:-1]
        output = ''.join(lines)

        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _process_output(self, output, files):
        missing_ruleset = 'Could not find implementations'
        if missing_ruleset in output:
            msg = u'Your tslint configuration output the following error:\n' \
                   '```\n' \
                   '{}\n' \
            # When tslint fails the error message is trailed by
            # multiple newlines with some bonus space. Use that to segment
            # out the error
            error = re.split(r'\n\s*\n', output)[0]
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg.format(error.strip())))

        if (output.startswith('No valid rules') or
                not output.startswith('<?xml')):
            msg = u'Your tslint config file is missing or invalid. ' \
                   u'Please ensure that `{}` exists and is valid JSON.'
            config = self.options.get('config', 'tslint.json')
            msg = msg.format(config)
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg))

        filename_converter = functools.partial(
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def process_files(self, files):
        Run code checks with swiftlit.
        log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)

        command = [
            'swiftlint', 'lint', '--quiet', '--reporter', 'checkstyle',

        # swiftlint uses a set of environment variables
        # to lint multiple files at once.
        env = os.environ.copy()
        for index, name in enumerate(files):
            env['SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_%s' % (index, )] = name
        env['SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_COUNT'] = str(len(files))

        output = run_command(command,

        filename_converter = functools.partial(self._relativize_filename,
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _process_output(self, output, files):
        if '<?xml' not in output:
            return self._config_error(output)

        filename_converter = functools.partial(self._relativize_filename,
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def process_files(self, files):
        Run code checks with phpcs.
        Only a single process is made for all files
        to save resources.
        log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
        command = self.create_command(files)
        output = run_command(
        filename_converter = functools.partial(

        # Check for errors from PHPCS
        if output.startswith('ERROR'):
            msg = ('Your PHPCS configuration output the following error:\n'
            error = '\n'.join(output.split('\n')[0:1])
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg.format(error)))
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def process_files(self, files):
        Run code checks with swiftlit.
        log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)

        command = [
            '--reporter', 'checkstyle',

        # swiftlint uses a set of environment variables
        # to lint multiple files at once.
        env = {}
        for index, name in enumerate(files):
            env['SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_%s' % (index,)] = name
        env['SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_COUNT'] = str(len(files))

        output = docker.run(
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _process_output(self, output, files):
        if '<?xml' not in output:
            return self._config_error(output)

        filename_converter = functools.partial(
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def process_files(self, files):
     Run code checks with shellcheck.
     command = self.create_command(files)
     output = docker.run('shellcheck', command, self.base_path)
     process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
     list(map(self.escape_backtick, self.problems))
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _process_output(self, output, files):
        # Strip deprecations off as they break XML parsing
        if re.match(r'.*?DeprecationWarning', output):
            output = self._handle_deprecation_warning(output)

        if not output.strip().startswith('<?xml'):
            return self._config_error(output)
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _process_output(self, output, files):
        # Strip deprecations off as they break XML parsing
        if re.match(r'.*?DeprecationWarning', output):
            output = self._handle_deprecation_warning(output)

        if not output.strip().startswith('<?xml'):
            return self._config_error(output)
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def process_files(self, files):
     Run code checks with shellcheck.
     log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
     command = self.create_command(files)
     output = docker.run('shellcheck', command, self.base_path)
     process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
     list(map(self.escape_backtick, self.problems))
Exemplo n.º 14
 def process_files(self, files):
     Run code checks with jshint.
     Only a single process is made for all files
     to save resources.
     command = self.create_command(files)
     output = docker.run('nodejs', command, source_dir=self.base_path)
     process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, False)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def process_files(self, files):
        Run code checks with ktlint.
        command = self._create_command()
        command += files

        output = docker.run('ktlint', command, self.base_path)
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def process_files(self, files):
     Run code checks with jscs.
     Only a single process is made for all files
     to save resources.
     log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
     command = self.create_command(files)
     output = run_command(command, ignore_error=True)
     process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, None)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def process_files(self, files):
        Run code checks with XO.
        log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
        command = ['xo', '--reporter', 'checkstyle']

        command += files
        output = docker.run('nodejs', command, source_dir=self.base_path)
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def process_files(self, files):
     Run code checks with jscs.
     Only a single process is made for all files
     to save resources.
     log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
     command = self.create_command(files)
     output = docker.run('nodejs', command, source_dir=self.base_path)
     process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, None)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _process_output(self, output, files):
        # Strip deprecations off as they break XML parsing
        if re.match(r'.*?DeprecationWarning', output):
                "Received deprecation warning from eslint which should not happen in eslint7."
            output = self._handle_deprecation_warning(output)

        if not output.strip().startswith('<?xml'):
            return self._config_error(output)
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_process_checkstyle__non_int():
    problems = Problems()
    xml = """
  <file name="other_things.py">
    <error line="undefined" message="Not good" />
    tools.process_checkstyle(problems, xml, lambda x: x)
    eq_(0, len(problems))
Exemplo n.º 21
 def test_process_checkstyle__non_int(self):
     problems = Problems()
     xml = """
   <file name="other_things.py">
     <error line="undefined" message="Not good" />
     tools.process_checkstyle(problems, xml, lambda x: x)
     self.assertEqual(0, len(problems))
Exemplo n.º 22
 def process_files(self, files):
     Run code checks with shellcheck.
     log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
     command = self.create_command(files)
     output = run_command(command, ignore_error=True, include_errors=False)
     filename_converter = functools.partial(self._relativize_filename,
     process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
     list(map(self.escape_backtick, self.problems))
Exemplo n.º 23
 def process_files(self, files):
     Run code checks with jshint.
     Only a single process is made for all files
     to save resources.
     log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
     command = self.create_command(files)
     output = run_command(
     process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, False)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def process_files(self, files):
     Run code checks with jshint.
     Only a single process is made for all files
     to save resources.
     log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
     command = self.create_command(files)
     output = docker.run(
     process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, False)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def _process_output(self, output, files):
        missing_ruleset = 'Could not find implementations'
        if missing_ruleset in output:
            msg = u'Your tslint configuration output the following error:\n' \
                   '```\n' \
                   '{}\n' \
            # When tslint fails the error message is trailed by
            # multiple newlines with some bonus space. Use that to segment
            # out the error
            error = re.split(r'\n\s*\n', output)[0]
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg.format(error.strip())))

        missing_module = re.search(r'Failed to load .*?: Invalid.*', output)
        if missing_module:
            msg = (u'Your tslint configuration output the following error:\n'
            error = missing_module.group(0)
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg.format(error)))

        # tslint outputs warnings when rule constraints are violated
        if output.startswith('Warning'):
            lines = output.split('\n')
            warnings = []
            xml = []
            for line in lines:
                if line.startswith('Warning'):
                    warnings.append('* ' + line[9:])

            # Recreate the xml output without warnings
            output = '\n'.join(xml)

            msg = u'`tslint` output the following warnings:\n\n{}'
            warning_bullets = '\n'.join(warnings)

        if (output.startswith('No valid rules') or
                not output.startswith('<?xml')):
            msg = u'Your tslint configuration file is missing or invalid. ' \
                   u'Please ensure that `{}` exists and is valid JSON.'
            config = self.options.get('config', 'tslint.json')
            msg = msg.format(config)
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg))

        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def process_files(self, files):
        Run code checks with checkstyle.
        Only a single process is made for all files
        to save resources.
        log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
        if 'config' not in self.options:
            msg = ("We could not run `checkstyle` you did not set "
                   "the `config` option to a valid checkstyle XML file.")
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg))

        props_path = os.path.join(self.base_path, '_lintreview.properties')
        # Close the file before trying to read.
        # There have been problems with reading properties while
        # the file handle is still open.
        with open(props_path, 'w+') as f:
            properties_filename = os.path.basename(f.name)

        command = self.create_command(properties_filename, files)
        output = docker.run('checkstyle', command, self.base_path)

        # Cleanup the generated properties file.

        # Only one line is generally a config error. Replay the error
        # to the user.
        lines = output.strip().split('\n')

        # Checkstyle >=8.28 outputs non-xml summary data at the beginning.
        if lines[0].startswith('Checkstyle ends with'):
            lines = lines[1:]

        if not lines[0].startswith('<'):
            msg = ("Running `checkstyle` failed with:\n"
                   "Ensure your config file exists and is valid XML.")
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg % (lines[0], )))

        # Remove the last line if it is not XML
        # Checkstyle may output text after the XML if there are errors.
        if not lines[-1].strip().startswith('<'):
            lines = lines[0:-1]

        output = ''.join(lines)
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def _process_output(self, output, files):
        missing_ruleset = 'Could not find implementations'
        if missing_ruleset in output:
            msg = u'Your tslint configuration output the following error:\n' \
                '```\n' \
                '{}\n' \
            # When tslint fails the error message is trailed by
            # multiple newlines with some bonus space. Use that to segment
            # out the error
            error = re.split(r'\n\s*\n', output)[0]
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg.format(error.strip())))

        missing_module = re.search(r'Failed to load .*?: Invalid.*', output)
        if missing_module:
            msg = (u'Your tslint configuration output the following error:\n'
            error = missing_module.group(0)
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg.format(error)))

        # tslint outputs warnings when rule constraints are violated
        if output.startswith('Warning'):
            lines = output.split('\n')
            warnings = []
            xml = []
            for line in lines:
                if line.startswith('Warning'):
                    warnings.append('* ' + line[9:])

            # Recreate the xml output without warnings
            output = '\n'.join(xml)

            msg = u'`tslint` output the following warnings:\n\n{}'
            warning_bullets = '\n'.join(warnings)

        if (output.startswith('No valid rules') or
                not output.startswith('<?xml')):
            msg = u'Your tslint configuration file is missing or invalid. ' \
                u'Please ensure that `{}` exists and is valid JSON.'
            config = self.options.get('config', 'tslint.json')
            msg = msg.format(config)
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg))

        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def process_files(self, files):
     Run code checks with shellcheck.
     log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
     command = self.create_command(files)
     output = run_command(
     filename_converter = functools.partial(
     process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
     map(self.escape_backtick, self.problems)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def test_process_undefined(self):
     problems = Problems()
     xml = """
   <file name="other_things.py">
     <error line="undefined" message="Not good" />
     tools.process_checkstyle(problems, xml, lambda x: x)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(problems))
     errors = problems.all('other_things.py')
     assert len(errors) == 1, errors
     assert errors[0].line == Comment.FIRST_LINE_IN_DIFF
     assert errors[0].body == 'Not good'
Exemplo n.º 30
 def process_files(self, files):
     Run code checks with sass-lint.
     Only a single process is made for all files
     to save resources.
     command = ['sass-lint', '-f', 'checkstyle', '-v', '-q']
     command += files
     if self.options.get('ignore'):
         command += ['--ignore ', self.options.get('ignore')]
     if self.options.get('config'):
         command += ['--config', docker.apply_base(self.options['config'])]
     output = docker.run('nodejs', command, source_dir=self.base_path)
     # sass-lint is very silly and outputs multiple xml documents.
     # One for each file...
     for line in output.split("\n"):
         process_checkstyle(self.problems, line, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 31
    def process_files(self, files):
        Run code checks with checkstyle.
        Only a single process is made for all files
        to save resources.
        log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
        if 'config' not in self.options:
            msg = ("We could not run `checkstyle` you did not set "
                   "the `config` option to a valid checkstyle XML file.")
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg))

        props_path = os.path.join(self.base_path, '_lintreview.properties')
        # Close the file before trying to read.
        # There have been problems with reading properties while
        # the file handle is still open.
        with open(props_path, 'w+') as f:
            properties_filename = os.path.basename(f.name)

        command = self.create_command(properties_filename, files)
        output = docker.run('checkstyle', command, self.base_path)

        # Cleanup the generated properties file.

        # Only one line is generally a config error. Replay the error
        # to the user.
        lines = output.strip().split('\n')
        if not lines[0].startswith('<'):
            msg = ("Running `checkstyle` failed with:\n"
                   "Ensure your config file exists and is valid XML.")
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg % (lines[0],)))

        # Remove the last line if it is not XML
        # Checkstyle outputs text after the XML if there are errors.
        if not lines[-1].strip().startswith('<'):
            lines = lines[0:-1]
        output = ''.join(lines)

        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 32
    def _process_output(self, output, files):
        if output.startswith('Cannot read config file'):
            msg = u'Your eslint config file is missing or invalid. ' \
                   u'Please ensure that `{}` exists and is valid.'
            msg = msg.format(self.options['config'])
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg))

        missing_ruleset = 'Cannot find module'
        if missing_ruleset in output:
            msg = u'Your eslint configuration output the following error:\n' \
                   '```\n' \
                   '{}\n' \
            error = '\n'.join(output.split('\n')[0:2])
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg.format(error)))

        filename_converter = functools.partial(self._relativize_filename,
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
Exemplo n.º 33
    def process_files(self, files):
        Run code checks with phpcs.
        Only a single process is made for all files
        to save resources.
        log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
        command = self.create_command(files)
        output = docker.run('phpcs', command, source_dir=self.base_path)

        # Check for errors from PHPCS
        if output.startswith('ERROR'):
            msg = ('Your PHPCS configuration output the following error:\n'
            error = '\n'.join(output.split('\n')[0:1])
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg.format(error)))
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 34
    def process_files(self, files):
        Run code checks with csslint.
        Only a single process is made for all files
        to save resources.
        log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
        cmd = 'csslint'
        command = [cmd, '--format=checkstyle-xml']

        if self.options.get('ignore'):
            command += ['--ignore=' + self.options.get('ignore')]
        command += files

        output = docker.run(
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 35
    def test_process_checkstyle(self):
        problems = Problems()
        xml = """
      <file name="things.py">
        <error line="1" message="Not good" />
        <error line="2" message="Also not good" />
      <file name="other_things.py">
        <error line="3" message="Not good" />
        tools.process_checkstyle(problems, xml, lambda x: x)
        self.assertEqual(3, len(problems))

        things = problems.all('things.py')
        self.assertEqual(2, len(things))
        self.assertEqual(1, things[0].line)
        self.assertEqual('Not good', things[0].body)
Exemplo n.º 36
    def process_files(self, files):
        Run code checks with swiftlit.
        log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)

        command = [
            'swiftlint', 'lint', '--quiet', '--reporter', 'checkstyle',

        # swiftlint uses a set of environment variables
        # to lint multiple files at once.
        env = {}
        for index, name in enumerate(files):
            env['SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_%s' % (index, )] = name
        env['SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_COUNT'] = str(len(files))

        output = docker.run('swiftlint', command, self.base_path, env=env)
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 37
    def _process_output(self, output, files):
        if output.startswith('Cannot read config file'):
            msg = u'Your eslint config file is missing or invalid. ' \
                   u'Please ensure that `{}` exists and is valid.'
            msg = msg.format(self.options['config'])
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg))

        missing_ruleset = 'Cannot find module'
        if missing_ruleset in output:
            msg = u'Your eslint configuration output the following error:\n' \
                   '```\n' \
                   '{}\n' \
            error = '\n'.join(output.split('\n')[0:2])
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg.format(error)))

        filename_converter = functools.partial(
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
Exemplo n.º 38
def test_process_checkstyle():
    problems = Problems()
    xml = """
  <file name="things.py">
    <error line="1" message="Not good" />
    <error line="2" message="Also not good" />
  <file name="other_things.py">
    <error line="3" message="Not good" />
    tools.process_checkstyle(problems, xml, lambda x: x)
    eq_(3, len(problems))

    things = problems.all('things.py')
    eq_(2, len(things))
    eq_(1, things[0].line)
    eq_('Not good', things[0].body)
Exemplo n.º 39
    def process_files(self, files):
        Run code checks with swiftlit.
        command = [
            'swiftlint', 'lint', '--quiet', '--reporter', 'checkstyle',

        # swiftlint uses a set of environment variables
        # to lint multiple files at once.
        env = {}
        for index, name in enumerate(files):
            env['SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_%s' % (index, )] = name
        env['SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_COUNT'] = str(len(files))

        output = docker.run('swiftlint', command, self.base_path, env=env)
        if not output.strip().startswith('<?xml'):
            output = self._process_warnings(output)
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 40
    def process_files(self, files):
        Run code checks with phpcs.
        Only a single process is made for all files
        to save resources.
        log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
        command = self.create_command(files)
        output = run_command(command, ignore_error=True, include_errors=False)
        filename_converter = functools.partial(self._relativize_filename,

        # Check for errors from PHPCS
        if output.startswith('ERROR'):
            msg = ('Your PHPCS configuration output the following error:\n'
            error = '\n'.join(output.split('\n')[0:1])
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg.format(error)))
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
Exemplo n.º 41
    def _process_output(self, output, files):
        missing_ruleset = 'Could not find implementations'
        if missing_ruleset in output:
            msg = u'Your tslint configuration output the following error:\n' \
                   '```\n' \
                   '{}\n' \
            # When tslint fails the error message is trailed by
            # multiple newlines with some bonus space. Use that to segment
            # out the error
            error = re.split(r'\n\s*\n', output)[0]
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg.format(error.strip())))

        if (output.startswith('No valid rules')
                or not output.startswith('<?xml')):
            msg = u'Your tslint config file is missing or invalid. ' \
                   u'Please ensure that `{}` exists and is valid JSON.'
            config = self.options.get('config', 'tslint.json')
            msg = msg.format(config)
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg))

        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 42
    def test_process_checkstyle__comma_lines(self):
        problems = Problems()
        xml = """
      <file name="other_things.py">
        <error line="3,4,5" message="Not good" />
        tools.process_checkstyle(problems, xml, lambda x: x)
        self.assertEqual(3, len(problems))

        things = problems.all('other_things.py')
        self.assertEqual(3, len(things))
        self.assertEqual(3, things[0].line)
        self.assertEqual('Not good', things[0].body)

        self.assertEqual(4, things[1].line)
        self.assertEqual('Not good', things[1].body)

        self.assertEqual(5, things[2].line)
        self.assertEqual('Not good', things[2].body)
Exemplo n.º 43
 def process_files(self, files):
     Run code checks with sass-lint.
     Only a single process is made for all files
     to save resources.
     log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
     command = ['sass-lint', '-f', 'checkstyle', '-v', '-q']
     command += files
     if self.options.get('ignore'):
         command += ['--ignore ', self.options.get('ignore')]
     if self.options.get('config'):
         command += ['--config',
     output = docker.run(
     # sass-lint is very silly and outputs multiple xml documents.
     # One for each file...
     for line in output.split("\n"):
         process_checkstyle(self.problems, line, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 44
    def process_files(self, files):
        Run code checks with phpcs.
        Only a single process is made for all files
        to save resources.
        log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
        command = self.create_command(files)
        output = docker.run(

        # Check for errors from PHPCS
        if output.startswith('ERROR'):
            msg = ('Your PHPCS configuration output the following error:\n'
            error = '\n'.join(output.split('\n')[0:1])
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg.format(error)))
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 45
def test_process_checkstyle__comma_lines():
    problems = Problems()
    xml = """
  <file name="other_things.py">
    <error line="3,4,5" message="Not good" />
    tools.process_checkstyle(problems, xml, lambda x: x)
    eq_(3, len(problems))

    things = problems.all('other_things.py')
    eq_(3, len(things))
    eq_(3, things[0].line)
    eq_('Not good', things[0].body)

    eq_(4, things[1].line)
    eq_('Not good', things[1].body)

    eq_(5, things[2].line)
    eq_('Not good', things[2].body)
Exemplo n.º 46
    def process_files(self, files):
        Run code checks with checkstyle.
        Only a single process is made for all files
        to save resources.
        log.debug('Processing %s files with %s', files, self.name)
        if 'config' not in self.options:
            msg = ("We could not run `checkstyle` you did not set "
                   "the `config` option to a valid checkstyle XML file.")
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg))
        command = self.create_command(files)
        output = run_command(

        # Only one line is generally a config error. Replay the error
        # to the user.
        lines = output.strip().split('\n')
        if not lines[0].startswith('<'):
            msg = ("Running `checkstyle` failed with:\n"
                   "Ensure your config file exists and is valid XML.")
            return self.problems.add(IssueComment(msg % (lines[0],)))

        # Remove the last line if it is not XML
        # Checkstyle outputs text after the XML if there are errors.
        if not lines[-1].strip().startswith('<'):
            lines = lines[0:-1]
        output = ''.join(lines)

        filename_converter = functools.partial(
        process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
Exemplo n.º 47
 def _process_output(self, output, files):
     filename_converter = functools.partial(self._relativize_filename,
     process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)
Exemplo n.º 48
 def _process_output(self, output, files):
     if '<?xml' not in output:
         return self._config_error(output)
     process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, docker.strip_base)
Exemplo n.º 49
 def _process_output(self, output, files):
     filename_converter = functools.partial(
     process_checkstyle(self.problems, output, filename_converter)