Exemplo n.º 1
    def add_two_numbers(self, l1, l2):
        list1 = l1
        list2 = l2
        list3 = ListNode(0)
        head = list3
        carry_bit = 0
        while list1 or list2:
            val1 = 0
            val2 = 0
            if list1:
                val1 = list1.val
                list1 = list1.next
            if list2:
                val2 = list2.val
                list2 = list2.next
            val_sum = (val1 + val2 + carry_bit)
            val = val_sum % 10
            list3.next = ListNode(val)
            list3 = list3.next
            carry_bit = 1
            if val_sum / 10 < 1:
                carry_bit = 0
        if carry_bit:
            list3.next = ListNode(carry_bit)

        return head.next
Exemplo n.º 2
def merge_two_sorted_lists(L1, L2):
    # TODO - you fill in here.
    Inputs are two head ListNode instances of linked lists of integers; 
    output is a ListNode instance - the head of the combined sorted linked list.
    Time Complexity: O(m+n) where m is the length of L1 and n is the length of L2
    Space Complexity: O(3) which is just O(1)

    new_head = ListNode()
    p = new_head
    new_tail = ListNode()
    new_head.next = new_tail
    while L1 and L2:
        if L1.data <= L2.data:
            new_tail.next = ListNode(L1.data)
            L1 = L1.next
            new_tail.next = ListNode(L2.data)
            L2 = L2.next
        new_tail = new_tail.next

    if L1:
        new_tail.next = L1
    elif L2:
        new_tail.next = L2

    return new_head.next.next
Exemplo n.º 3
    def mergeTwoLists(self, A, B):
        sorted = ListNode(-1)
        head = sorted

        while not A is None or not B is None:
            if A is None:
                if not sorted: return B
                    sorted.next = B

            if B is None:
                if not sorted: return A
                    sorted.next = A

            if A.val < B.val:
                if sorted is None:
                    sorted = A
                    sorted.next = A
                    sorted = sorted.next
                A = A.next
                if sorted is None:
                    sorted = B
                    sorted.next = B
                    sorted = sorted.next
                B = B.next

        return head.next
Exemplo n.º 4
    def getSum(self, l1, l2):
        if self.passToNext == 0:
            sum = l1.val + l2.val
        elif self.passToNext == 1:
            sum = l1.val + l2.val + 1

        if sum >= 10:
            final_result = sum - 10
            self.passToNext = 1
            final_result = sum
            self.passToNext = 0

        result_node = ListNode(final_result)
        if (l1.next is not None and l2.next is not None):
            result_node.next = self.getSum(l1.next, l2.next)
        elif (l1.next is not None and l2.next is None):
            tempNode = ListNode(0)
            result_node.next = self.getSum(l1.next, tempNode)
        elif (l1.next is None and l2.next is not None):
            tempNode = ListNode(0)
            result_node.next = self.getSum(tempNode, l2.next)
            if self.passToNext == 1:
                result_node.next = ListNode(1)
                result_node.next = None

        return result_node
Exemplo n.º 5
def merge_two_sorted_lists(L1: Optional[ListNode],
                           L2: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]:
    r = ListNode()
    dummy_head = r
    while not (L1 == None and L2 == None):
        if L1 is not None and (L2 is None or L1.data <= L2.data):
            r.next = L1
            L1 = L1.next
            r.next = L2
            L2 = L2.next
        r = r.next

    return dummy_head.next
Exemplo n.º 6
def merge_two_sorted_lists(l1, l2):
    # res = ListNode(0, None)
    pre = ListNode(0)
    ans = pre
    while (l1 != None or l2 != None):
        if l1 == None or (l2 != None and l2.data <= l1.data):
            pre.next = l2
            l2 = l2.next
            pre = pre.next
            pre.next = l1
            l1 = l1.next
            pre = pre.next
    return ans.next
Exemplo n.º 7
def is_linked_list_a_palindrome(L: ListNode) -> bool:
    lhalf = ListNode(0)
    slow = L
    if not slow: return True
    fast = slow.next
    if not fast: return True

    while fast:
        temp = slow
        slow = slow.next
        lhalf.next, temp.next = temp, lhalf.next
        if fast.next:
            fast = fast.next
            if not fast.next:
                slow = slow.next
            fast = fast.next
            fast = fast.next

    lhalf = lhalf.next
    while lhalf and slow:
        if lhalf.data != slow.data:
            return False
        lhalf = lhalf.next
        slow = slow.next
    return True
Exemplo n.º 8
def reverse_sublist(L: ListNode, start: int,
                    finish: int) -> Optional[ListNode]:
    # TODO - you fill in here.
    res = ListNode()
    res.next = L

    count = 1
    while count != start:
        L = L.next
        count += 1
    sub = L
    L = L.next
    while count != finish:
        L.next = sub

    return None
Exemplo n.º 9
def reverse_sublist(head: ListNode, s: int,
                    f: int) -> Optional[ListNode]:
    if not head or s < 1 or f < 1:
        return head

    i = 0
    p = head
    prev = None
    while p and i < s-1:
        prev = p
        p = p.next
        i += 1
    q = prev

    while p and i < f:
        pnext = p.next
        p.next = prev
        prev = p
        p = pnext
        i += 1

    if q:
        qnext = q.next
        q.next = prev
        qnext.next = p
        return head
        head.next = p
        return prev
Exemplo n.º 10
def deletion_from_list(node_to_delete: ListNode) -> None:
    if not node_to_delete:
        return None

    nachste = node_to_delete.next
    node_to_delete.data = nachste.data
    node_to_delete.next = nachste.next
Exemplo n.º 11
def cyclically_right_shift_list(L, k):
    if not L:
        return L

    dummy = ListNode(0, L)
    tail = dummy

    length = 0
    while tail.next is not None:
        length += 1
        tail = tail.next

    k = k % length
    if k == 0:
        return L

    new_tail = dummy
    for _ in range(length - k):
        new_tail = new_tail.next

    tail.next = dummy.next
    dummy.next = new_tail.next
    new_tail.next = None

    return dummy.next
Exemplo n.º 12
def reverse_sublist(L: ListNode, start: int,
                    finish: int) -> Optional[ListNode]:
    dummyHead = ListNode()
    dummyHead.next = L
    head = dummyHead
    tail =  L
    count = 1
    # get sublist bounds. Head points right before the first element in sublist
    # and tail should point after last element in sublist
    while tail and count <= finish :
        if count < start :
            head = head.next
        tail = tail.next
        count +=1

    curr = head.next
    end = tail
    while curr != tail :
        tmp = curr
        curr = curr.next
        tmp.next = end
        end = tmp
    head.next = end

    return dummyHead.next
Exemplo n.º 13
def main():
    solver = Solution()
    head = ListNode(3)
    head.next = ListNode(2)
    ptr = head
    while ptr:
        ptr = ptr.next
    head = ListNode(2)
    head.next = ListNode(1)
    ptr = head
    while ptr:
        ptr = ptr.next
Exemplo n.º 14
def remove_kth_last(head, n):

    if head.next is None:
        return None

    count = 0
    pre = ListNode(0)
    pre.next = head
    while (pre.next is not None):
        pre = pre.next
        count += 1

    pre2 = head
    ans = pre2

    if n == 1:
        while (count != 2):
            count -= 1
            pre2 = pre2.next
        pre2.next = None

        while (count != n):
            count -= 1
            pre2 = pre2.next
        pre2.data = pre2.next.data
        # must data first, then next
        pre2.next = pre2.next.next
    return ans
    def test_node_delete(self):
        # Failure message:
        # Your `Node.delete` method did not work as expected
        node_1 = ListNode(3)
        node_2 = ListNode(4)
        node_3 = ListNode(5)

        node_1.next = node_2
        node_2.next = node_3
        node_2.prev = node_1
        node_3.prev = node_2


        self.assertEqual(node_1.next, node_3)
        self.assertEqual(node_3.prev, node_1)
Exemplo n.º 16
def merge_two_sorted_lists(L1: Optional[ListNode],
                           L2: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]:
    head = ListNode()
    cpy = head

    while L1 and L2:
        if L1.data < L2.data:
            head.next = L1
            L1 = L1.next
            head.next = L2
            L2 = L2.next

        head = head.next

    head.next = L1 or L2
    return cpy.next
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_case_with_one_more_digit_sum_result(self):
        addTwoNumbersInstance = addTwoNumbers()
        l1_3 = ListNode(6)
        l1_2 = ListNode(5)
        l1_2.next = l1_3
        l1_1 = ListNode(9)
        l1_1.next = l1_2
        l2_3 = ListNode(8)
        l2_2 = ListNode(4)
        l2_2.next = l2_3
        l2_1 = ListNode(9)
        l2_1.next = l2_2

        result_4 = ListNode(1)
        result_3 = ListNode(5)
        result_3.next = result_4
        result_2 = ListNode(0)
        result_2.next = result_3
        result_1 = ListNode(8)
        result_1.next = result_2
        expected_result = [
            result_1.val, result_2.val, result_3.val, result_4.val

        returned_result = addTwoNumbersInstance.addTwoNumbersSolution(
            l1_1, l2_1)
        returned_result_list = addTwoNumbersInstance.toList(
            returned_result, [])

        self.assertEqual(returned_result_list, expected_result)
Exemplo n.º 18
def even_odd_merge(L: ListNode) -> Optional[ListNode]:
    if L is None:
        return None
    odd, even = ListNode(0), ListNode(0)
    head_even, head_odd = even, odd
    index = 0
    while L:
        if index % 2 == 0:
            even.next = L
            even = even.next
            odd.next = L
            odd = odd.next
        L = L.next
        index += 1
    odd.next = None
    even.next = head_odd.next
    return head_even.next
Exemplo n.º 19
    def reverse_list_1(L: ListNode) -> ListNode:
        if not L or not L.next:
            return L

        new_head = reverse_list_1(L.next)
        L.next.next = L
        L.next = None

        return new_head
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_case_with_different_length_short_test(self):
        addTwoNumbersInstance = addTwoNumbers()
        l1_2 = ListNode(8)
        l1_1 = ListNode(1)
        l1_1.next = l1_2
        l2_1 = ListNode(0)

        result_2 = ListNode(8)
        result_1 = ListNode(1)
        result_1.next = result_2
        expected_result = [result_1.val, result_2.val]

        returned_result = addTwoNumbersInstance.addTwoNumbersSolution(
            l1_1, l2_1)
        returned_result_list = addTwoNumbersInstance.toList(
            returned_result, [])
        self.assertEqual(returned_result_list, expected_result)
def merge_list(head_a, head_b):
    pa = head_a
    pb = head_b
    pre = ListNode(-1)
    new_head = pre
    while pa and pb:
        if pa.val > pb.val:
            pre.next = pb
            pb = pb.next
            pre.next = pa
            pa = pa.next
        pre = pre.next
    if pa:
        pre.next = pa
    if pb:
        pre.next = pb
    return new_head.next
Exemplo n.º 22
def reverse_list(head: ListNode) -> ListNode:
    dummy = ListNode(0)
    while head:
        dummy.next, head.next, head = head, dummy.next, head.next
        #tmp1 = dummy.next
        #tmp2 = head.next
        #dummy.next = head
        #head.next = tmp1
        #head = tmp2
    return dummy.next
Exemplo n.º 23
def list_pivoting(l: ListNode, x: int) -> Optional[ListNode]:
    less_than, equal_to, greater_than = ListNode(0), ListNode(0), ListNode(0)
    dummy_less, dummy_equal, dummy_greater = less_than, equal_to, greater_than

    while l:
        if l.data < x:
            less_than.next = l
            less_than = less_than.next
        elif l.data == x:
            equal_to.next = l
            equal_to = equal_to.next
            greater_than.next = l
            greater_than = greater_than.next
        l = l.next
    greater_than.next = None
    equal_to.next = dummy_greater.next
    less_than.next = dummy_equal.next
    return dummy_less.next
Exemplo n.º 24
def pair(list1, list2):
    # no tail pointer but done recursivly so no O(n^2)
    if not list1 or not list2:  # if either list is over, finish our list
        return None  # wtih a None and end recursion
        this_node = ListNode((list1.val, list2.val))
        # gets the next node by calling this function with the next item
        # in each list
        next_node = pair(list1.next, list2.next)
        this_node.next = next_node
        return this_node
Exemplo n.º 25
def pair_recursive(head1, head2):
    #if either list is empty, we have reached the end and finish the list with None
    if head1 is None or head2 is None:
        return None
        # makes a list node and sets its value to a tup of the values of each lists heads
        node = ListNode((head1.val, head2.val))
        # sets its next node to the returned node of this function on the two lists 
        # without thier heads
        node.next = pair_recursive(head1.next, head2.next)
        return node
Exemplo n.º 26
def add_two_numbers(L1, L2):
    L = ListNode()
    dummy_head = L
    carry = 0

    while L1 and L2:
        summ = L1.data + L2.data + carry

        if summ >= 10:
            L.next = ListNode(summ % 10)
            carry = 1
            L.next = ListNode(summ)
            carry = 0
        L = L.next
        L1, L2 = L1.next, L2.next

    while L1:
        if carry == 0:
            L.next = L1
        summ = L1.data + carry
        if summ >= 10:
            L.next = ListNode(summ % 10)
            carry = 1
            L.next = ListNode(summ)
            carry = 0
        L, L1 = L.next, L1.next

    while L2:
        if carry == 0:
            L.next = L2
        summ = L2.data + carry
        if summ >= 10:
            L.next = ListNode(summ % 10)
            carry = 1
            L.next = ListNode(summ)
            carry = 0
        L, L2 = L.next, L2.next

    if carry != 0:
        L.next = ListNode(carry)
    return dummy_head.next
Exemplo n.º 27
def array_to_list(input_array):
    '''this fuction works recursivly by creating a node with the first value in
    the list, then setting its next node to the return value of this fuction 
    called again minus its first value. once there are no more values in the
    array, it returns None, finishing off the linked list and ending the 
    if input_array:
        node = ListNode(input_array[0])
        node.next = array_to_list(input_array[1:])
        return node
        return None
Exemplo n.º 28
def array_to_list_recursive(data):
    # if there are any elements in the array
    if data:
        # created a list node with the current first value then sets its next value to 
        # the node returned by this function called on the list without the first index
        node = ListNode(data[0])
        child_node = array_to_list_recursive(data[1:])
        node.next = child_node
        return node
        # once there are no more items in the array, finish off the list with None
        return None
Exemplo n.º 29
    def test_case_sample_value(self):
        addTwoNumbersInstance = addTwoNumbers()
        l1_3 = ListNode(3)
        l1_2 = ListNode(4)
        l1_2.next = l1_3
        l1_1 = ListNode(2)
        l1_1.next = l1_2
        l2_3 = ListNode(4)
        l2_2 = ListNode(6)
        l2_2.next = l2_3
        l2_1 = ListNode(5)
        l2_1.next = l2_2
        result_3 = ListNode(8)
        result_2 = ListNode(0)
        result_2.next = result_3
        result_1 = ListNode(7)
        result_1.next = result_2
        expected_result = [result_1.val, result_2.val, result_3.val]

        returned_result = addTwoNumbersInstance.addTwoNumbersSolution(
            l1_1, l2_1)
        # result = [returned_result.val]
        # result.append(returned_result.next.val)
        # result.append(returned_result.next.next.val)
        returned_result_list = addTwoNumbersInstance.toList(
            returned_result, [])

        self.assertEqual(returned_result_list, expected_result)
Exemplo n.º 30
def merge_two_sorted_lists(L1: Optional[ListNode],
                           L2: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]:
    dummy = ListNode(0)
    dummyHead = dummy
    L1Dummy = L1
    L2Dummy = L2
    while L1Dummy is not None or L2Dummy is not None:
        if L1Dummy is None:
            dummy.next = L2Dummy
            L2Dummy = L2Dummy.next
        elif L2Dummy is None:
            dummy.next = L1Dummy
            L1Dummy = L1Dummy.next
            if L1Dummy.data < L2Dummy.data:
                dummy.next = L1Dummy
                L1Dummy = L1Dummy.next
                dummy.next = L2Dummy
                L2Dummy = L2Dummy.next
        dummy = dummy.next
    return dummyHead.next
Exemplo n.º 31
    def add_front(self, item):
        # Check the item if it is Listnode.
        if not isinstance(item, ListNode):
            item = ListNode(item)

        # First item.
        if self.head == None:
            self.head = item
            self.tail = item
        # Add the item front of the link list.
            item.next = self.head
            self.head = item
Exemplo n.º 32
 def sortList2(self, head):
     if not head or not head.next:
         return head
     n = 0
     ptr = head
     while ptr:
         ptr = ptr.next
         n += 1
     step = 1
     sentry = ListNode(0)
     while step < n:
         sentry.next = head
         prev = sentry
         while prev.next:
             head1 = prev.next
             tail1 = head1
             for i in range(step - 1):
                 if tail1.next is None:
                 tail1 = tail1.next
             if tail1.next is None:
             head2 = tail1.next
             tail2 = head2
             tail1.next = None
             for i in range(step - 1):
                 if tail2.next is None:
                 tail2 = tail2.next
             post = tail2.next
             tail2.next = None
             prev.next = self.merge(head1, head2)
             tail = prev.next
             while tail.next:
                 tail = tail.next
             tail.next = post
             prev = tail
         head = sentry.next
         step <<= 1
     return head
Exemplo n.º 33
        if A == None:
            return B
        elif B == None:
            return A
        if A.val <  B.val:
            A.next = self.mergeTwoLists(A.next, B)
            return A
            B.next = self.mergeTwoLists(A, B.next)
            return B

s = Solution()
a1 = ListNode(1)
a2 = ListNode(5)
a3 = ListNode(9)
a1.next = a2
a2.next = a3

b1 = ListNode(2)
b2 = ListNode(3)
b3 = ListNode(10)
b1.next = b2
b2.next = b3

merged = s.mergeTwoLists(a1, b1)

tmp = merged
while tmp.next != None:
    tmp = tmp.next