Exemplo n.º 1
def _get_feedback_for_recording(recording_type, recording):
    score = _parse_int_arg('score')

    offset = get_non_negative_param('offset', default=0)
    count = get_non_negative_param('count', default=DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_GET)

    count = min(count, MAX_ITEMS_PER_GET)

    if score:
        if score not in [-1, 1]:
            log_raise_400("Score can have a value of 1 or -1.", request.args)

    feedback = db_feedback.get_feedback_for_recording(recording_type,
    total_count = db_feedback.get_feedback_count_for_recording(
        recording_type, recording)

    feedback = [fb.to_api() for fb in feedback]

    return jsonify({
        "feedback": feedback,
        "count": len(feedback),
        "total_count": total_count,
        "offset": offset
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_feedback_for_user(user_name):
    Get feedback given by user ``user_name``. The format for the JSON returned is defined in our :ref:`feedback-json-doc`.

    If the optional argument ``score`` is not given, this endpoint will return all the feedback submitted by the user.
    Otherwise filters the feedback to be returned by score.

    :param score: Optional, If 1 then returns the loved recordings, if -1 returns hated recordings.
    :type score: ``int``
    :param count: Optional, number of feedback items to return, Default: :data:`~webserver.views.api.DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_GET`
        Max: :data:`~webserver.views.api.MAX_ITEMS_PER_GET`.
    :type count: ``int``
    :param offset: Optional, number of feedback items to skip from the beginning, for pagination.
        Ex. An offset of 5 means the top 5 feedback will be skipped, defaults to 0.
    :type offset: ``int``
    :param metadata: Optional, 'true' or 'false' if this call should return the metadata for the feedback.
    :type metadata: ``str``
    :statuscode 200: Yay, you have data!
    :resheader Content-Type: *application/json*

    score = _parse_int_arg('score')
    metadata = parse_boolean_arg('metadata')

    offset = get_non_negative_param('offset', default=0)
    count = get_non_negative_param('count', default=DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_GET)

    count = min(count, MAX_ITEMS_PER_GET)

    user = db_user.get_by_mb_id(user_name)
    if user is None:
        raise APINotFound("Cannot find user: %s" % user_name)

    if score:
        if score not in [-1, 1]:
            log_raise_400("Score can have a value of 1 or -1.", request.args)

    feedback = db_feedback.get_feedback_for_user(user_id=user["id"],
    total_count = db_feedback.get_feedback_count_for_user(user["id"])

    feedback = [fb.to_api() for fb in feedback]

    return jsonify({
        "feedback": feedback,
        "count": len(feedback),
        "total_count": total_count,
        "offset": offset
def huesound(color):
    Fetch a list of releases that have cover art that has a predominant
    color that is close to the given color.

    .. code-block:: json

            "payload": {
                "releases" : [
                      "artist_name": "Letherette",
                      "color": [ 250, 90, 192 ],
                      "dist": 109.973,
                      "release_mbid": "00a109da-400c-4350-9751-6e6f25e89073",
                      "caa_id": 34897349734,
                      "release_name": "EP5",
                      "recordings": "< array of listen formatted metadata >",
                    ". . ."

    :statuscode 200: success
    :resheader Content-Type: *application/json*

        if len(color) != 6:
            raise ValueError()

        color_tuple = tuple(int(color[i:i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4))
    except ValueError:
        raise APIBadRequest("color must be a 6 digit hex color code.")

    count = _parse_int_arg("count", DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_RELEASES)

    cache_key = HUESOUND_PAGE_CACHE_KEY % (color, count)
    results = cache.get(cache_key, decode=True)
    if not results:
        results = get_releases_for_color(*color_tuple, count)
        results = [c.to_api() for c in results]
        cache.set(cache_key, results, DEFAULT_CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME, encode=True)

    return jsonify({"payload": {"releases": results}})
def get_feedback_for_recording(recording_msid):
    Get feedback for recording with given ``recording_msid``. The format for the JSON returned
    is defined in our :ref:`feedback-json-doc`.

    :param score: Optional, If 1 then returns the loved recordings, if -1 returns hated recordings.
    :type score: ``int``
    :param count: Optional, number of feedback items to return, Default: :data:`~webserver.views.api.DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_GET`
        Max: :data:`~webserver.views.api.MAX_ITEMS_PER_GET`.
    :type count: ``int``
    :param offset: Optional, number of feedback items to skip from the beginning, for pagination.
        Ex. An offset of 5 means the top 5 feedback will be skipped, defaults to 0.
    :type offset: ``int``
    :statuscode 200: Yay, you have data!
    :resheader Content-Type: *application/json*

    if not is_valid_uuid(recording_msid):
        log_raise_400("%s MSID format invalid." % recording_msid)

    score = _parse_int_arg('score')

    offset = _get_non_negative_param('offset', default=0)
    count = _get_non_negative_param('count', default=DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_GET)

    count = min(count, MAX_ITEMS_PER_GET)

    if score:
        if score not in [-1, 1]:
            log_raise_400("Score can have a value of 1 or -1.", request.args)

    feedback = db_feedback.get_feedback_for_recording(
        recording_msid=recording_msid, limit=count, offset=offset, score=score)
    total_count = db_feedback.get_feedback_count_for_recording(recording_msid)

    for i, fb in enumerate(feedback):
        fb.user_id = fb.user_name
        del fb.user_name
        feedback[i] = fb.dict()

    return jsonify({
        "feedback": feedback,
        "count": len(feedback),
        "total_count": total_count,
        "offset": offset