Exemplo n.º 1
 def copy(self):
     from lists_and_dicts import ObserverList
     memo = {}
     memo[id(self)] = self
     memo[id(self.observers)] = ObserverList()
     return self.__deepcopy__(memo)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(Observable, self).__init__()
     from lists_and_dicts import ObserverList
     self.observers = ObserverList()
Exemplo n.º 3
class Observable(object):
    Observable pattern for parameterization.

    This Object allows for observers to register with self and a (bound!) function
    as an observer. Every time the observable changes, it sends a notification with
    self as only argument to all its observers.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Observable, self).__init__()
        from lists_and_dicts import ObserverList
        self.observers = ObserverList()

    def add_observer(self, observer, callble, priority=0):
        Add an observer `observer` with the callback `callble`
        and priority `priority` to this observers list.
        self.observers.add(priority, observer, callble)

    def remove_observer(self, observer, callble=None):
        Either (if callble is None) remove all callables,
        which were added alongside observer,
        or remove callable `callble` which was added alongside
        the observer `observer`.
        to_remove = []
        for poc in self.observers:
            _, obs, clble = poc
            if callble is not None:
                if (obs is observer) and (callble == clble):
                if obs is observer:
        for r in to_remove:

    def notify_observers(self, which=None, min_priority=None):
        Notifies all observers. Which is the element, which kicked off this
        notification loop. The first argument will be self, the second `which`.

        NOTE: notifies only observers with priority p > min_priority!
        :param min_priority: only notify observers with priority > min_priority
                             if min_priority is None, notify all observers in order
        if which is None:
            which = self
        if min_priority is None:
            [callble(self, which=which) for _, _, callble in self.observers]
            for p, _, callble in self.observers:
                if p <= min_priority:
                callble(self, which=which)

    def change_priority(self, observer, callble, priority):
        self.remove_observer(observer, callble)
        self.add_observer(observer, callble, priority)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __setstate__(self, state):
     from lists_and_dicts import ObserverList
     self.observers = ObserverList()
     self._optimizer_copy_transformed = False