Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: Drup/llvm
        def recurse(subpath):
            # Load the LLVMBuild file.
            llvmbuild_path = os.path.join(llvmbuild_source_root + subpath,
            if not os.path.exists(llvmbuild_path):
                fatal("missing LLVMBuild.txt file at: %r" % (llvmbuild_path,))

            # Parse the components from it.
            common,info_iter = componentinfo.load_from_path(llvmbuild_path,
            for info in info_iter:
                yield info

            # Recurse into the specified subdirectories.
            for subdir in common.get_list("subdirectories"):
                for item in recurse(os.path.join(subpath, subdir)):
                    yield item
Exemplo n.º 2
        def recurse(subpath):
            # Load the LLVMBuild file.
            llvmbuild_path = os.path.join(llvmbuild_source_root + subpath,
            if not os.path.exists(llvmbuild_path):
                fatal("missing LLVMBuild.txt file at: %r" % (llvmbuild_path, ))

            # Parse the components from it.
            common, info_iter = componentinfo.load_from_path(
                llvmbuild_path, subpath)
            for info in info_iter:
                yield info

            # Recurse into the specified subdirectories.
            for subdir in common.get_list("subdirectories"):
                for item in recurse(os.path.join(subpath, subdir)):
                    yield item
Exemplo n.º 3
        def visit_component_info(ci, current_stack, current_set):
            # Check for a cycles.
            if ci in current_set:
                # We found a cycle, report it and error out.
                # cycle_description = ' -> '.join(
                #   '%r (%s)' % (ci.name, relation)
                #   for relation,ci in current_stack)
                # fatal("found cycle to %r after following: %s -> %s" % (
                #       ci.name, cycle_description, ci.name))

            # If we have already visited this item, we are done.
            if ci not in components_to_visit:

            # Otherwise, mark the component info as visited and traverse.

            # Validate the parent reference, which we treat specially.
            if ci.parent is not None:
                parent = self.component_info_map.get(ci.parent)
                if parent is None:
                    fatal("component %r has invalid reference %r (via %r)" %
                          (ci.name, ci.parent, 'parent'))

            for relation, referent_name in ci.get_component_references():
                # Validate that the reference is ok.
                referent = self.component_info_map.get(referent_name)
                if referent is None:
                    fatal("component %r has invalid reference %r (via %r)" %
                          (ci.name, referent_name, relation))

                # Visit the reference.
                current_stack.append((relation, ci))
                visit_component_info(referent, current_stack, current_set)

            # Finally, add the component info to the ordered list.
Exemplo n.º 4
    def find_special_group(name):
        info = info_map.get(name)
        if info is None:
            fatal("expected project to contain special %r component" %
                  (name, ))

        if info.type_name != 'LibraryGroup':
            fatal("special component %r should be a LibraryGroup" % (name, ))

        if info.required_libraries:
            fatal("special component %r must have empty %r list" %
                  (name, 'required_libraries'))
        if info.add_to_library_groups:
            fatal("special component %r must have empty %r list" %
                  (name, 'add_to_library_groups'))

        info._is_special_group = True
        return info
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: Drup/llvm
    def find_special_group(name):
        info = info_map.get(name)
        if info is None:
            fatal("expected project to contain special %r component" % (

        if info.type_name != 'LibraryGroup':
            fatal("special component %r should be a LibraryGroup" % (

        if info.required_libraries:
            fatal("special component %r must have empty %r list" % (
                    name, 'required_libraries'))
        if info.add_to_library_groups:
            fatal("special component %r must have empty %r list" % (
                    name, 'add_to_library_groups'))

        info._is_special_group = True
        return info
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: Drup/llvm
        def visit_component_info(ci, current_stack, current_set):
            # Check for a cycles.
            if ci in current_set:
                # We found a cycle, report it and error out.
                cycle_description = ' -> '.join(
                    '%r (%s)' % (ci.name, relation)
                    for relation,ci in current_stack)
                fatal("found cycle to %r after following: %s -> %s" % (
                        ci.name, cycle_description, ci.name))

            # If we have already visited this item, we are done.
            if ci not in components_to_visit:

            # Otherwise, mark the component info as visited and traverse.

            # Validate the parent reference, which we treat specially.
            if ci.parent is not None:
                parent = self.component_info_map.get(ci.parent)
                if parent is None:
                    fatal("component %r has invalid reference %r (via %r)" % (
                            ci.name, ci.parent, 'parent'))

            for relation,referent_name in ci.get_component_references():
                # Validate that the reference is ok.
                referent = self.component_info_map.get(referent_name)
                if referent is None:
                    fatal("component %r has invalid reference %r (via %r)" % (
                            ci.name, referent_name, relation))

                # Visit the reference.
                visit_component_info(referent, current_stack, current_set)

            # Finally, add the component info to the ordered list.
Exemplo n.º 7
def _read_components_from_parser(parser, path, subpath):
    # We load each section which starts with 'component' as a distinct component
    # description (so multiple components can be described in one file).
    for section in parser.sections():
        if not section.startswith('component'):
            # We don't expect arbitrary sections currently, warn the user.
            warning("ignoring unknown section %r in %r" % (section, path))

        # Determine the type of the component to instantiate.
        if not parser.has_option(section, 'type'):
            fatal("invalid component %r in %r: %s" %
                  (section, path, "no component type"))

        type_name = parser.get(section, 'type')
        type_class = _component_type_map.get(type_name)
        if type_class is None:
            fatal("invalid component %r in %r: %s" %
                  (section, path, "invalid component type: %r" % type_name))

        # Instantiate the component based on the remaining values.
            info = type_class.parse(subpath,
        except TypeError:
            print("error: invalid component %r in %r: %s" %
                  (section, path, "unable to instantiate: %r" % type_name),
            import traceback
            raise SystemExit(1)
        except ParseError:
            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
            fatal("unable to load component %r in %r: %s" %
                  (section, path, e.message))

        info._source_path = path
        yield info
Exemplo n.º 8
def _read_components_from_parser(parser, path, subpath):
    # We load each section which starts with 'component' as a distinct component
    # description (so multiple components can be described in one file).
    for section in parser.sections():
        if not section.startswith('component'):
            # We don't expect arbitrary sections currently, warn the user.
            warning("ignoring unknown section %r in %r" % (section, path))

        # Determine the type of the component to instantiate.
        if not parser.has_option(section, 'type'):
            fatal("invalid component %r in %r: %s" % (
                    section, path, "no component type"))

        type_name = parser.get(section, 'type')
        type_class = _component_type_map.get(type_name)
        if type_class is None:
            fatal("invalid component %r in %r: %s" % (
                    section, path, "invalid component type: %r" % type_name))

        # Instantiate the component based on the remaining values.
            info = type_class.parse(subpath,
        except TypeError:
            print("error: invalid component %r in %r: %s" % (
                section, path, "unable to instantiate: %r" % type_name), file=sys.stderr)
            import traceback
            raise SystemExit(1)
        except ParseError:
            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
            fatal("unable to load component %r in %r: %s" % (
                    section, path, e.message))

        info._source_path = path
        yield info
Exemplo n.º 9
    def validate_components(self):
        """validate_components() -> None

        Validate that the project components are well-defined. Among other
        things, this checks that:
          - Components have valid references.
          - Components references do not form cycles.

        We also construct the map from component names to info, and the
        topological ordering of components.

        # Create the component info map and validate that component names are
        # unique.
        self.component_info_map = {}
        for ci in self.component_infos:
            existing = self.component_info_map.get(ci.name)
            if existing is not None:
                # We found a duplicate component name, report it and error out.
                fatal("found duplicate component %r (at %r and %r)" %
                      (ci.name, ci.subpath, existing.subpath))
            self.component_info_map[ci.name] = ci

        # Disallow 'all' as a component name, which is a special case.
        if 'all' in self.component_info_map:
            fatal("project is not allowed to define 'all' component")

        # Add the root component.
        if '$ROOT' in self.component_info_map:
            fatal("project is not allowed to define $ROOT component")
        self.component_info_map['$ROOT'] = componentinfo.GroupComponentInfo(
            '/', '$ROOT', None)

        # Topologically order the component information according to their
        # component references.
        def visit_component_info(ci, current_stack, current_set):
            # Check for a cycles.
            if ci in current_set:
                # We found a cycle, report it and error out.
                cycle_description = ' -> '.join(
                    '%r (%s)' % (ci.name, relation)
                    for relation, ci in current_stack)
                fatal("found cycle to %r after following: %s -> %s" %
                      (ci.name, cycle_description, ci.name))

            # If we have already visited this item, we are done.
            if ci not in components_to_visit:

            # Otherwise, mark the component info as visited and traverse.

            # Validate the parent reference, which we treat specially.
            if ci.parent is not None:
                parent = self.component_info_map.get(ci.parent)
                if parent is None:
                    fatal("component %r has invalid reference %r (via %r)" %
                          (ci.name, ci.parent, 'parent'))

            for relation, referent_name in ci.get_component_references():
                # Validate that the reference is ok.
                referent = self.component_info_map.get(referent_name)
                if referent is None:
                    fatal("component %r has invalid reference %r (via %r)" %
                          (ci.name, referent_name, relation))

                # Visit the reference.
                current_stack.append((relation, ci))
                visit_component_info(referent, current_stack, current_set)

            # Finally, add the component info to the ordered list.

        # FIXME: We aren't actually correctly checking for cycles along the
        # parent edges. Haven't decided how I want to handle this -- I thought
        # about only checking cycles by relation type. If we do that, it falls
        # out easily. If we don't, we should special case the check.

        self.ordered_component_infos = []
        components_to_visit = sorted(set(self.component_infos),
                                     key=lambda c: c.name)
        while components_to_visit:
            visit_component_info(components_to_visit[0], [], set())

        # Canonicalize children lists.
        for c in self.ordered_component_infos:
            c.children.sort(key=lambda c: c.name)
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: Drup/llvm
    def validate_components(self):
        """validate_components() -> None

        Validate that the project components are well-defined. Among other
        things, this checks that:
          - Components have valid references.
          - Components references do not form cycles.

        We also construct the map from component names to info, and the
        topological ordering of components.

        # Create the component info map and validate that component names are
        # unique.
        self.component_info_map = {}
        for ci in self.component_infos:
            existing = self.component_info_map.get(ci.name)
            if existing is not None:
                # We found a duplicate component name, report it and error out.
                fatal("found duplicate component %r (at %r and %r)" % (
                        ci.name, ci.subpath, existing.subpath))
            self.component_info_map[ci.name] = ci

        # Disallow 'all' as a component name, which is a special case.
        if 'all' in self.component_info_map:
            fatal("project is not allowed to define 'all' component")

        # Add the root component.
        if '$ROOT' in self.component_info_map:
            fatal("project is not allowed to define $ROOT component")
        self.component_info_map['$ROOT'] = componentinfo.GroupComponentInfo(
            '/', '$ROOT', None)

        # Topologically order the component information according to their
        # component references.
        def visit_component_info(ci, current_stack, current_set):
            # Check for a cycles.
            if ci in current_set:
                # We found a cycle, report it and error out.
                cycle_description = ' -> '.join(
                    '%r (%s)' % (ci.name, relation)
                    for relation,ci in current_stack)
                fatal("found cycle to %r after following: %s -> %s" % (
                        ci.name, cycle_description, ci.name))

            # If we have already visited this item, we are done.
            if ci not in components_to_visit:

            # Otherwise, mark the component info as visited and traverse.

            # Validate the parent reference, which we treat specially.
            if ci.parent is not None:
                parent = self.component_info_map.get(ci.parent)
                if parent is None:
                    fatal("component %r has invalid reference %r (via %r)" % (
                            ci.name, ci.parent, 'parent'))

            for relation,referent_name in ci.get_component_references():
                # Validate that the reference is ok.
                referent = self.component_info_map.get(referent_name)
                if referent is None:
                    fatal("component %r has invalid reference %r (via %r)" % (
                            ci.name, referent_name, relation))

                # Visit the reference.
                visit_component_info(referent, current_stack, current_set)

            # Finally, add the component info to the ordered list.

        # FIXME: We aren't actually correctly checking for cycles along the
        # parent edges. Haven't decided how I want to handle this -- I thought
        # about only checking cycles by relation type. If we do that, it falls
        # out easily. If we don't, we should special case the check.

        self.ordered_component_infos = []
        components_to_visit = sorted(
            key = lambda c: c.name)
        while components_to_visit:
            visit_component_info(components_to_visit[0], [], set())

        # Canonicalize children lists.
        for c in self.ordered_component_infos:
            c.children.sort(key = lambda c: c.name)