Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, elements, name=''):
        """Initialize the instance."""
        element_types = [element._ptr for element in elements]
        super(MiddleIrTypeStruct, self).__init__(
            Type.struct(element_types))#, name)) #FIXME name is unused in LLVMLite?

        self.type = list(elements)
Exemplo n.º 2
def array_type(elt_type):
    return Type.struct([
        pointer(elt_type),  # data
        int_type,  # dimensions
        pointer(int_type),  # shape
        'ndarray_' + str(elt_type),  # name
Exemplo n.º 3
def ptx_vote_sync(context, builder, sig, args):
    fname = 'llvm.nvvm.vote.sync'
    lmod = builder.module
    fnty = Type.function(Type.struct((Type.int(32), Type.int(1))),
                         (Type.int(32), Type.int(32), Type.int(1)))
    func = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=fname)
    return builder.call(func, args)
Exemplo n.º 4
def ptx_vote_sync(context, builder, sig, args):
    fname = 'llvm.nvvm.vote.sync'
    lmod = builder.module
    fnty = Type.function(Type.struct((Type.int(32), Type.int(1))),
                         (Type.int(32), Type.int(32), Type.int(1)))
    func = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=fname)
    return builder.call(func, args)
Exemplo n.º 5
def make_anonymous_struct(builder, values):
    Create an anonymous struct containing the given LLVM *values*.
    struct_type = Type.struct([v.type for v in values])
    struct_val = Constant.undef(struct_type)
    for i, v in enumerate(values):
        struct_val = builder.insert_value(struct_val, v, i)
    return struct_val
Exemplo n.º 6
def make_anonymous_struct(builder, values):
    Create an anonymous struct constant containing the given LLVM *values*.
    struct_type = Type.struct([v.type for v in values])
    struct_val = Constant.undef(struct_type)
    for i, v in enumerate(values):
        struct_val = builder.insert_value(struct_val, v, i)
    return struct_val
Exemplo n.º 7
def ptx_match_all_sync(context, builder, sig, args):
    mask, value = args
    width = sig.args[1].bitwidth
    if sig.args[1] in types.real_domain:
        value = builder.bitcast(value, Type.int(width))
    fname = 'llvm.nvvm.match.all.sync.i{}'.format(width)
    lmod = builder.module
    fnty = Type.function(Type.struct((Type.int(32), Type.int(1))),
                         (Type.int(32), Type.int(width)))
    func = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=fname)
    return builder.call(func, (mask, value))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def get_value_type(self, ty):
        if ty == types.boolean:
            return Type.int(1)
        dataty = self.get_data_type(ty)

        if isinstance(ty, types.Record):
            # Record data are passed by refrence
            memory = dataty.elements[0]
            return Type.struct([Type.pointer(memory)])

        return dataty
Exemplo n.º 9
    def get_value_type(self, ty):
        if ty == types.boolean:
            return Type.int(1)
        dataty = self.get_data_type(ty)

        if isinstance(ty, types.Record):
            # Record data are passed by refrence
            memory = dataty.elements[0]
            return Type.struct([Type.pointer(memory)])

        return dataty
Exemplo n.º 10
def ptx_match_all_sync(context, builder, sig, args):
    mask, value = args
    width = sig.args[1].bitwidth
    if sig.args[1] in types.real_domain:
        value = builder.bitcast(value, Type.int(width))
    fname = 'llvm.nvvm.match.all.sync.i{}'.format(width)
    lmod = builder.module
    fnty = Type.function(Type.struct((Type.int(32), Type.int(1))),
                         (Type.int(32), Type.int(width)))
    func = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=fname)
    return builder.call(func, (mask, value))
Exemplo n.º 11
def ptx_shfl_sync_i32(context, builder, sig, args):
    The NVVM intrinsic for shfl only supports i32, but the cuda intrinsic
    function supports both 32 and 64 bit ints and floats, so for feature parity,
    i64, f32, and f64 are implemented. Floats by way of bitcasting the float to
    an int, then shuffling, then bitcasting back. And 64-bit values by packing
    them into 2 32bit values, shuffling thoose, and then packing back together.
    mask, mode, value, index, clamp = args
    value_type = sig.args[2]
    if value_type in types.real_domain:
        value = builder.bitcast(value, Type.int(value_type.bitwidth))
    fname = 'llvm.nvvm.shfl.sync.i32'
    lmod = builder.module
    fnty = Type.function(
        Type.struct((Type.int(32), Type.int(1))),
        (Type.int(32), Type.int(32), Type.int(32), Type.int(32), Type.int(32))
    func = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=fname)
    if value_type.bitwidth == 32:
        ret = builder.call(func, (mask, mode, value, index, clamp))
        if value_type == types.float32:
            rv = builder.extract_value(ret, 0)
            pred = builder.extract_value(ret, 1)
            fv = builder.bitcast(rv, Type.float())
            ret = cgutils.make_anonymous_struct(builder, (fv, pred))
        value1 = builder.trunc(value, Type.int(32))
        value_lshr = builder.lshr(value, context.get_constant(types.i8, 32))
        value2 = builder.trunc(value_lshr, Type.int(32))
        ret1 = builder.call(func, (mask, mode, value1, index, clamp))
        ret2 = builder.call(func, (mask, mode, value2, index, clamp))
        rv1 = builder.extract_value(ret1, 0)
        rv2 = builder.extract_value(ret2, 0)
        pred = builder.extract_value(ret1, 1)
        rv1_64 = builder.zext(rv1, Type.int(64))
        rv2_64 = builder.zext(rv2, Type.int(64))
        rv_shl = builder.shl(rv2_64, context.get_constant(types.i8, 32))
        rv = builder.or_(rv_shl, rv1_64)
        if value_type == types.float64:
            rv = builder.bitcast(rv, Type.double())
        ret = cgutils.make_anonymous_struct(builder, (rv, pred))
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 12
def ptx_shfl_sync_i32(context, builder, sig, args):
    The NVVM intrinsic for shfl only supports i32, but the cuda intrinsic function supports
    both 32 and 64 bit ints and floats, so for feature parity, i64, f32, and f64 are implemented.
    Floats by way of bitcasting the float to an int, then shuffling, then bitcasting back.
    And 64-bit values by packing them into 2 32bit values, shuffling thoose, and then packing back together.
    mask, mode, value, index, clamp = args
    value_type = sig.args[2]
    if value_type in types.real_domain:
        value = builder.bitcast(value, Type.int(value_type.bitwidth))
    fname = 'llvm.nvvm.shfl.sync.i32'
    lmod = builder.module
    fnty = Type.function(
        Type.struct((Type.int(32), Type.int(1))),
        (Type.int(32), Type.int(32), Type.int(32), Type.int(32), Type.int(32))
    func = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=fname)
    if value_type.bitwidth == 32:
        ret = builder.call(func, (mask, mode, value, index, clamp))
        if value_type == types.float32:
            rv = builder.extract_value(ret, 0)
            pred = builder.extract_value(ret, 1)
            fv = builder.bitcast(rv, Type.float())
            ret = cgutils.make_anonymous_struct(builder, (fv, pred))
        value1 = builder.trunc(value, Type.int(32))
        value_lshr = builder.lshr(value, context.get_constant(types.i8, 32))
        value2 = builder.trunc(value_lshr, Type.int(32))
        ret1 = builder.call(func, (mask, mode, value1, index, clamp))
        ret2 = builder.call(func, (mask, mode, value2, index, clamp))
        rv1 = builder.extract_value(ret1, 0)
        rv2 = builder.extract_value(ret2, 0)
        pred = builder.extract_value(ret1, 1)
        rv1_64 = builder.zext(rv1, Type.int(64))
        rv2_64 = builder.zext(rv2, Type.int(64))
        rv_shl = builder.shl(rv2_64, context.get_constant(types.i8, 32))
        rv = builder.or_(rv_shl, rv1_64)
        if value_type == types.float64:
            rv = builder.bitcast(rv, Type.double())
        ret = cgutils.make_anonymous_struct(builder, (rv, pred))
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 13
_trace_refs_ = hasattr(sys, "getobjects")
_plat_bits = struct_.calcsize("@P") * 8

_int8 = Type.int(8)
_int32 = Type.int(32)

_void_star = Type.pointer(_int8)

_int8_star = _void_star

_sizeof_py_ssize_t = ctypes.sizeof(getattr(ctypes, "c_size_t"))
_llvm_py_ssize_t = Type.int(_sizeof_py_ssize_t * 8)

if _trace_refs_:
    _pyobject_head = Type.struct(
        [_void_star, _void_star, _llvm_py_ssize_t, _void_star])
    _pyobject_head_init = Constant.struct([
        Constant.null(_void_star),  # _ob_next
        Constant.null(_void_star),  # _ob_prev
        Constant.int(_llvm_py_ssize_t, 1),  # ob_refcnt
        Constant.null(_void_star),  # ob_type

    _pyobject_head = Type.struct([_llvm_py_ssize_t, _void_star])
    _pyobject_head_init = Constant.struct([
        Constant.int(_llvm_py_ssize_t, 1),  # ob_refcnt
        Constant.null(_void_star),  # ob_type

_pyobject_head_p = Type.pointer(_pyobject_head)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def get_data_type(self, ty):
        Get a LLVM data representation of the Numba type *ty* that is safe
        for storage.  Record data are stored as byte array.

        The return value is a llvmlite.ir.Type object, or None if the type
        is an opaque pointer (???).
            fac = type_registry.match(ty)
        except KeyError:
            return fac(self, ty)

        if (isinstance(ty, types.Dummy) or isinstance(ty, types.Module)
                or isinstance(ty, types.Function)
                or isinstance(ty, types.Dispatcher)
                or isinstance(ty, types.Object)
                or isinstance(ty, types.Macro)):
            return PYOBJECT

        elif isinstance(ty, types.CPointer):
            dty = self.get_data_type(ty.dtype)
            return Type.pointer(dty)

        elif isinstance(ty, types.Optional):
            return self.get_struct_type(self.make_optional(ty))

        elif isinstance(ty, types.Array):
            return self.get_struct_type(self.make_array(ty))

        elif isinstance(ty, types.UniTuple):
            dty = self.get_value_type(ty.dtype)
            return Type.array(dty, ty.count)

        elif isinstance(ty, types.Tuple):
            dtys = [self.get_value_type(t) for t in ty]
            return Type.struct(dtys)

        elif isinstance(ty, types.Record):
            # Record are represented as byte array
            return Type.struct([Type.array(Type.int(8), ty.size)])

        elif isinstance(ty, types.UnicodeCharSeq):
            charty = Type.int(numpy_support.sizeof_unicode_char * 8)
            return Type.struct([Type.array(charty, ty.count)])

        elif isinstance(ty, types.CharSeq):
            charty = Type.int(8)
            return Type.struct([Type.array(charty, ty.count)])

        elif ty in STRUCT_TYPES:
            return self.get_struct_type(STRUCT_TYPES[ty])

                impl = struct_registry.match(ty)
            except KeyError:
                return self.get_struct_type(impl(ty))

        if isinstance(ty, types.Pair):
            pairty = self.make_pair(ty.first_type, ty.second_type)
            return self.get_struct_type(pairty)

            return LTYPEMAP[ty]
Exemplo n.º 15
double64 = TCon("Double")
void = TCon("Void")
array = lambda t: TApp(TCon("Array"), t)

array_int32 = array(int32)
array_int64 = array(int64)
array_double64 = array(double64)

pointer = Type.pointer
int_type = Type.int()
float_type = Type.float()
double_type = Type.double()
bool_type = Type.int(1)
void_type = Type.void()
void_ptr = pointer(Type.int(8))
struct_type = Type.struct([])

def array_type(elt_type):
    return Type.struct([
        pointer(elt_type),  # data
        int_type,  # dimensions
        pointer(int_type),  # shape
        'ndarray_' + str(elt_type),  # name

int32_array = pointer(array_type(int_type))
int64_array = pointer(array_type(Type.int(64)))
double_array = pointer(array_type(double_type))
Exemplo n.º 16
    def get_data_type(self, ty):
        Get a LLVM data representation of the Numba type *ty* that is safe
        for storage.  Record data are stored as byte array.

        The return value is a llvmlite.ir.Type object, or None if the type
        is an opaque pointer (???).
            fac = type_registry.match(ty)
        except KeyError:
            return fac(self, ty)

        if (
            isinstance(ty, types.Dummy)
            or isinstance(ty, types.Module)
            or isinstance(ty, types.Function)
            or isinstance(ty, types.Dispatcher)
            or isinstance(ty, types.Object)
            or isinstance(ty, types.Macro)
            return PYOBJECT

        elif isinstance(ty, types.CPointer):
            dty = self.get_data_type(ty.dtype)
            return Type.pointer(dty)

        elif isinstance(ty, types.Optional):
            return self.get_struct_type(self.make_optional(ty))

        elif isinstance(ty, types.Array):
            return self.get_struct_type(self.make_array(ty))

        elif isinstance(ty, types.UniTuple):
            dty = self.get_value_type(ty.dtype)
            return Type.array(dty, ty.count)

        elif isinstance(ty, types.Tuple):
            dtys = [self.get_value_type(t) for t in ty]
            return Type.struct(dtys)

        elif isinstance(ty, types.Record):
            # Record are represented as byte array
            return Type.struct([Type.array(Type.int(8), ty.size)])

        elif isinstance(ty, types.UnicodeCharSeq):
            charty = Type.int(numpy_support.sizeof_unicode_char * 8)
            return Type.struct([Type.array(charty, ty.count)])

        elif isinstance(ty, types.CharSeq):
            charty = Type.int(8)
            return Type.struct([Type.array(charty, ty.count)])

        elif ty in STRUCT_TYPES:
            return self.get_struct_type(STRUCT_TYPES[ty])

                impl = struct_registry.match(ty)
            except KeyError:
                return self.get_struct_type(impl(ty))

        if isinstance(ty, types.Pair):
            pairty = self.make_pair(ty.first_type, ty.second_type)
            return self.get_struct_type(pairty)

            return LTYPEMAP[ty]
Exemplo n.º 17
Arquivo: base.py Projeto: yuguen/numba
 def get_struct_type(self, struct):
     Get the LLVM struct type for the given Structure class *struct*.
     fields = [self.get_value_type(v) for _, v in struct._fields]
     return Type.struct(fields)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def get_struct_type(self, struct):
     Get the LLVM struct type for the given Structure class *struct*.
     fields = [self.get_value_type(v) for _, v in struct._fields]
     return Type.struct(fields)
Exemplo n.º 19
_trace_refs_ = hasattr(sys, "getobjects")
_plat_bits = struct_.calcsize("@P") * 8

_int8 = Type.int(8)
_int32 = Type.int(32)

_void_star = Type.pointer(_int8)

_int8_star = _void_star

_sizeof_py_ssize_t = ctypes.sizeof(getattr(ctypes, "c_size_t"))
_llvm_py_ssize_t = Type.int(_sizeof_py_ssize_t * 8)

if _trace_refs_:
    _pyobject_head = Type.struct([_void_star, _void_star, _llvm_py_ssize_t, _void_star])
    _pyobject_head_init = Constant.struct(
            Constant.null(_void_star),  # _ob_next
            Constant.null(_void_star),  # _ob_prev
            Constant.int(_llvm_py_ssize_t, 1),  # ob_refcnt
            Constant.null(_void_star),  # ob_type

    _pyobject_head = Type.struct([_llvm_py_ssize_t, _void_star])
    _pyobject_head_init = Constant.struct(
        [Constant.int(_llvm_py_ssize_t, 1), Constant.null(_void_star)]  # ob_refcnt  # ob_type