Exemplo n.º 1
def make_amplitude_model(self, prefix=None):
    """ Create a constant model.

    @param str prefix: optional string, which serves as a prefix for all
                       parameters used in this model. That will prevent
                       name collisions if this model is used in a composite

    @return tuple: (object model, object params), for more description see in
                   the method make_constant_model.
    def amplitude_function(x, amplitude):
        """ Function of a constant value.

        @param numpy.array x: 1D array as the independent variable - e.g. time
        @param float amplitude: constant offset

        @return: constant function, in order to use it as a model

        return amplitude

    if not isinstance(prefix, str) and prefix is not None:
            'The passed prefix <{0}> of type {1} is not a string and cannot be used as '
            'a prefix and will be ignored for now. Correct that!'.format(
                prefix, type(prefix)))
        model = Model(amplitude_function, independent_vars='x')
        model = Model(amplitude_function, independent_vars='x', prefix=prefix)

    params = model.make_params()

    return model, params
Exemplo n.º 2
def make_gaussianwithoutoffset_model(self, prefix=None):
    """ Create a model of a gaussian with specified amplitude.

    @return tuple: (object model, object params)

    Explanation of the objects:
        object lmfit.model.CompositeModel model:
            A model the lmfit module will use for that fit. Here a
            gaussian model. Returns an object of the class

        object lmfit.parameter.Parameters params:
            It is basically an OrderedDict, so a dictionary, with keys
            denoting the parameters as string names and values which are
            lmfit.parameter.Parameter (without s) objects, keeping the
            information about the current value.

    For further information have a look in:
    def physical_gauss(x, center, sigma):
        """ Function of a bare Gaussian with unit height at center.

        @param numpy.array x: independent variable - e.g. frequency
        @param float center: center around which the distributions (expectation
        @param float sigma: standard deviation of the gaussian

        @return: numpy.array with length equals to input x and with the values
                 of a bare Gaussian.
        return np.exp(-np.power((center - x), 2) / (2 * np.power(sigma, 2)))

    amplitude_model, params = self.make_amplitude_model(prefix=prefix)

    if not isinstance(prefix, str) and prefix is not None:
            'The passed prefix <{0}> of type {1} is not a string and'
            'cannot be used as a prefix and will be ignored for now.'
            'Correct that!'.format(prefix, type(prefix)))
        gaussian_model = Model(physical_gauss, independent_vars='x')
        gaussian_model = Model(physical_gauss,

    full_gaussian_model = amplitude_model * gaussian_model

    if prefix is None:
        prefix = ''

    params = full_gaussian_model.make_params()

    return full_gaussian_model, params
Exemplo n.º 3
def poly_gaussian():
    gauss1 = Model(gaussian, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='gauss1_')
    gauss2 = Model(gaussian, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='gauss2_')
    gauss3 = Model(gaussian, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='gauss3_')
    gauss4 = Model(gaussian, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='gauss4_')
    linear1 = LinearModel(independent_vars=['x'], prefix='linear1_')
    linear2 = LinearModel(independent_vars=['x'], prefix='linear2_')
    model = gauss1 + gauss2 + linear1 + gauss3 + linear2 + gauss4
    return model
Exemplo n.º 4
def poly_lorentzian(number_unique_lorentzians=None):
    model = Model(lorentzian, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='lorentzian1_')
    model += LinearModel(independent_vars=['x'], prefix='linear1_')
    if number_unique_lorentzians is None:
        raise UserWarning('number_unique_lorentzians need to be given')
    for i in range(2, number_unique_lorentzians + 1):
        model += Model(lorentzian,
    return model
Exemplo n.º 5
def lmfit_gaussian(x_array, y_array, err_array, x_boundarys):

    # Find indeces for six points in spectrum
    idcsW = np.searchsorted(x_array, x_boundarys)

    # Emission region
    idcsEmis = (x_array[idcsW[2]] <= x_array) & (x_array <= x_array[idcsW[3]])

    # Return left and right continua merged in one array
    idcsCont = (((x_array[idcsW[0]] <= x_array) &
                 (x_array <= x_array[idcsW[1]])) |
                ((x_array[idcsW[4]] <= x_array) &
                 (x_array <= x_array[idcsW[5]]))).squeeze()

    emisWave, emisFlux = x_array[idcsEmis], y_array[idcsEmis]
    contWave, contFlux = x_array[idcsCont], y_array[idcsCont]
    idx_peak = np.argmax(emisFlux)

    fit_model = Model(linear_model, prefix=f'{lineLabel}_cont_')
    fit_model.set_param_hint(f'{lineLabel}_cont_slope', **{
        'value': 0,
        'vary': False
    fit_model.set_param_hint(f'{lineLabel}_cont_intercept', **{
        'value': contFlux.mean(),
        'vary': False

    fit_model += Model(gaussian_model, prefix=f'{lineLabel}_')
                             value=emisFlux[idx_peak] - contFlux.mean())
    fit_model.set_param_hint(f'{lineLabel}_center', value=emisWave[idx_peak])
    fit_model.set_param_hint(f'{lineLabel}_sigma', value=1.0)

    x_fit = x_array[idcsEmis + idcsCont]
    y_fit = y_array[idcsEmis + idcsCont]
    w_fit = 1.0 / err_array[idcsEmis + idcsCont]

    fit_params = fit_model.make_params()
    obs_fit_output = fit_model.fit(y_fit, fit_params, x=x_fit, weights=w_fit)

    # amp = obs_fit_output.params[f"{lineLabel}_amp"].value
    mu = obs_fit_output.params[f"{lineLabel}_center"].value
    sigma = obs_fit_output.params[f"{lineLabel}_sigma"].value

    mu_err = obs_fit_output.params[f"{lineLabel}_center"].stderr
    sigma_err = obs_fit_output.params[f"{lineLabel}_sigma"].stderr

    x_obs, y_obs = obs_fit_output.userkws['x'], obs_fit_output.data
    wave_obs = np.linspace(x_obs[0], x_obs[-1], 500)
    flux_comps_obs = obs_fit_output.eval_components(x=wave_obs)
    flux_obs = flux_comps_obs.get(f'{lineLabel}_cont_',
                                  0.0) + flux_comps_obs[f'{lineLabel}_']

    return x_fit, y_fit, wave_obs, flux_obs, mu, sigma, mu_err, sigma_err
Exemplo n.º 6
def make_poissonian_model(self, prefix=None):
    """ Create a model of a single poissonian with an offset.

    param str prefix: optional string, which serves as a prefix for all
                       parameters used in this model. That will prevent
                       name collisions if this model is used in a composite

    @return tuple: (object model, object params)

    Explanation of the objects:
        object lmfit.model.CompositeModel model:
            A model the lmfit module will use for that fit. Here a
            gaussian model. Returns an object of the class

        object lmfit.parameter.Parameters params:
            It is basically an OrderedDict, so a dictionary, with keys
            denoting the parameters as string names and values which are
            lmfit.parameter.Parameter (without s) objects, keeping the
            information about the current value.
    def poisson_function(x, mu):
        """ Function of a poisson distribution.

        @param numpy.array x: 1D array as the independent variable - e.g. occurences
        @param float mu: expectation value

        @return: poisson function: in order to use it as a model
        return self.poisson(x, mu)

    amplitude_model, params = self.make_amplitude_model(prefix=prefix)

    if not isinstance(prefix, str) and prefix is not None:

            'The passed prefix <{0}> of type {1} is not a string and'
            'cannot be used as a prefix and will be ignored for now.'
            'Correct that!'.format(prefix, type(prefix)))

        poissonian_model = Model(poisson_function, independent_vars='x')


        poissonian_model = Model(poisson_function,

    poissonian_ampl_model = amplitude_model * poissonian_model
    params = poissonian_ampl_model.make_params()

    return poissonian_ampl_model, params
Exemplo n.º 7
def make_barestretchedexponentialdecay_model(self, prefix=None):
    """ Create a general bare exponential decay model.

    @param str prefix: optional string, which serves as a prefix for all
                       parameters used in this model. That will prevent
                       name collisions if this model is used in a composite

    @return tuple: (object model, object params)

    Explanation of the objects:
        object lmfit.model.CompositeModel model:
            A model the lmfit module will use for that fit. Here a
            gaussian model. Returns an object of the class

        object lmfit.parameter.Parameters params:
            It is basically an OrderedDict, so a dictionary, with keys
            denoting the parameters as string names and values which are
            lmfit.parameter.Parameter (without s) objects, keeping the
            information about the current value.

    def barestretchedexponentialdecay_function(x, beta, lifetime):
        """ Function of a bare exponential decay.

        @param numpy.array x: 1D array as the independent variable - e.g. time
        @param float lifetime: constant lifetime

        @return: bare exponential decay function: in order to use it as a model
        return np.exp(-np.power(x / lifetime, beta))

    if not isinstance(prefix, str) and prefix is not None:

            'The passed prefix <{0}> of type {1} is not a string and'
            'cannot be used as a prefix and will be ignored for now.'
            'Correct that!'.format(prefix, type(prefix)))
        model = Model(barestretchedexponentialdecay_function,
        model = Model(barestretchedexponentialdecay_function,

    params = model.make_params()

    return model, params
Exemplo n.º 8
def make_amplitude_model(self, prefix=None):
    """ This method creates a model of a constant model.
    @param string prefix: variable prefix

    @return tuple: (object model, object params)

    Explanation of the objects:
        object lmfit.model.CompositeModel model:
            A model the lmfit module will use for that fit. Returns an object of the class

        object lmfit.parameter.Parameters params:
            It is basically an OrderedDict, so a dictionary, with keys
            denoting the parameters as string names and values which are
            lmfit.parameter.Parameter (without s) objects, keeping the
            information about the current value.

    For further information have a look in:
    def amplitude_function(x, amplitude):
        Function of a constant value.
        @param x: variable variable
        @param amplitude: independent variable - e.g. amplitude

        @return: constant function: in order to use it as a model

        return amplitude + 0.0 * x

    if prefix is None:
        model = Model(amplitude_function)
        if not isinstance(prefix, str):
            logger.error('Given prefix in constant model is no string. '
                         'Deleting prefix.')
            model = Model(amplitude_function, prefix=prefix)
            logger.error('Creating the constant model failed. '
                         'The prefix might not be a valid string. '
                         'The prefix was deleted.')
            model = Model(amplitude_function)

    params = model.make_params()

    return model, params
def make_hyperbolicsaturation_model(self, prefix=None):
    """ Create a model of the fluorescence depending on excitation power with
        linear offset.

    @return tuple: (object model, object params)

    Explanation of the objects:
        object lmfit.model.CompositeModel model:
            A model the lmfit module will use for that fit. Here a
            gaussian model. Returns an object of the class

        object lmfit.parameter.Parameters params:
            It is basically an OrderedDict, so a dictionary, with keys
            denoting the parameters as string names and values which are
            lmfit.parameter.Parameter (without s) objects, keeping the
            information about the current value.
    def hyperbolicsaturation_function(x, I_sat, P_sat):
        """ Fluorescence depending excitation power function

        @param numpy.array x: 1D array as the independent variable e.g. power
        @param float I_sat: Saturation Intensity
        @param float P_sat: Saturation power

        @return: hyperbolicsaturation function: for using it as a model

        return I_sat * (x / (x + P_sat))

    if not isinstance(prefix, str) and prefix is not None:
            'The passed prefix <{0}> of type {1} is not a string and'
            'cannot be used as a prefix and will be ignored for now.'
            'Correct that!'.format(prefix, type(prefix)))

        mod_sat = Model(hyperbolicsaturation_function, independent_vars='x')
        mod_sat = Model(hyperbolicsaturation_function,

    linear_model, params = self.make_linear_model(prefix=prefix)
    complete_model = mod_sat + linear_model

    params = complete_model.make_params()

    return complete_model, params
Exemplo n.º 10
def make_twoDgaussian_model(self):
    """ This method creates a model of the 2D gaussian function.

    The parameters are: 'amplitude', 'center', 'sigm, 'fwhm' and offset
    'c'. For function see:

    @return lmfit.model.CompositeModel model: Returns an object of the
                                              class CompositeModel
    @return lmfit.parameter.Parameters params: Returns an object of the
                                               class Parameters with all
                                               parameters for the
                                               gaussian model.


    def twoDgaussian_function(x, amplitude, x_zero, y_zero, sigma_x, sigma_y,
                              theta, offset):
        # FIXME: x_data_tuple: dimension of arrays

        """ This method provides a two dimensional gaussian function.

        Function taken from:

        Question from: http://stackoverflow.com/users/2097737/bland & http://stackoverflow.com/users/3273102/kokomoking
                       & http://stackoverflow.com/users/2767207/jojodmo
        Answer: http://stackoverflow.com/users/1461210/ali-m & http://stackoverflow.com/users/5234/mrjrdnthms

        @param array[k][M] x_data_tuple: array which is (k,M)-shaped, x and y
        @param float or int amplitude: Amplitude of gaussian
        @param float or int x_zero: x value of maximum
        @param float or int y_zero: y value of maximum
        @param float or int sigma_x: standard deviation in x direction
        @param float or int sigma_y: standard deviation in y direction
        @param float or int theta: angle for eliptical gaussians
        @param float or int offset: offset

        @return callable function: returns the function

        (u, v) = x
        x_zero = float(x_zero)
        y_zero = float(y_zero)

        a = (np.cos(theta) ** 2) / (2 * sigma_x ** 2) \
            + (np.sin(theta) ** 2) / (2 * sigma_y ** 2)
        b = -(np.sin(2 * theta)) / (4 * sigma_x ** 2) \
            + (np.sin(2 * theta)) / (4 * sigma_y ** 2)
        c = (np.sin(theta) ** 2) / (2 * sigma_x ** 2) \
            + (np.cos(theta) ** 2) / (2 * sigma_y ** 2)
        g = offset + amplitude * np.exp(- (a * ((u - x_zero) ** 2) \
                                           + 2 * b * (u - x_zero) * (v - y_zero) \
                                           + c * ((v - y_zero) ** 2)))
        return g.ravel()

    model = Model(twoDgaussian_function)
    params = model.make_params()

    return model, params
Exemplo n.º 11
def make_slope_model(self):
    """ This method creates a model of a slope model.

    @return tuple: (object model, object params)

    Explanation of the objects:
        object lmfit.model.CompositeModel model:
            A model the lmfit module will use for that fit. Returns an object of the class

        object lmfit.parameter.Parameters params:
            It is basically an OrderedDict, so a dictionary, with keys
            denoting the parameters as string names and values which are
            lmfit.parameter.Parameter (without s) objects, keeping the
            information about the current value.

    For further information have a look in:
    def slope_function(x, slope):
        Function of a constant value.
        @param x: variable variable
        @param slope: independent variable - slope

        @return: slope function: in order to use it as a model

        return slope + 0.0 * x

    model = Model(slope_function)
    params = model.make_params()

    return model, params
Exemplo n.º 12
def fitGompertz(x, y, dias):  # fit a logistic function~
    def Gompertz(a, b, c, x):
        return a * np.exp(-1 * np.exp(-b * (x - c)))

    model = Model(Gompertz, independent_vars=["x"])

    params = model.make_params()
    params["a"].value = 10000
    params["b"].value = 0.05
    params["c"].value = 100
    output = model.fit(y, params, x=x)
    amplitude = output.params["a"].value
    amplitude = math.floor(amplitude)
    center = output.params["c"].value
    sigma = output.params["b"].value
    fit = []
    xfit = []
    cumulative = []
    for i in range(61, dias):
        if i == 61:
            value = amplitude * np.exp(-1 * np.exp(-sigma * (i - center)))
            value = amplitude * np.exp(-1 * np.exp(-sigma * (i - center)))
            c = value - fit[i - 62]
    return amplitude, center, sigma, xfit, fit, cumulative, output.fit_report()
def make_bareexponentialdecay_model(self):
    This method creates a model of bare exponential decay.

    @return tuple: (object model, object params)

    Explanation of the objects:
        object lmfit.model.CompositeModel model:
            A model the lmfit module will use for that fit. Here a
            gaussian model. Returns an object of the class

        object lmfit.parameter.Parameters params:
            It is basically an OrderedDict, so a dictionary, with keys
            denoting the parameters as string names and values which are
            lmfit.parameter.Parameter (without s) objects, keeping the
            information about the current value.

    def bareexponentialdecay_function(x, lifetime):
        Function of a bare exponential decay.
        @param x: variable variable - e.g. time
        @param lifetime: lifetime
        @return: bare exponential decay function: in order to use it as a model
        return np.exp(-x / lifetime)

    model = Model(bareexponentialdecay_function)
    params = model.make_params()

    return model, params
def test_custom_independentvar():
    """Tests using a non-trivial object as an independent variable."""
    npts = 501
    xmin = 1
    xmax = 21
    cen = 8
    obj = Stepper(xmin, xmax, npts)
    y = gaussian(obj.get_x(), amplitude=3.0, center=cen, sigma=2.5)
    y += np.random.normal(scale=0.2, size=npts)

    gmod = Model(gaussian_mod)

    params = gmod.make_params(amplitude=2, center=5, sigma=8)
    out = gmod.fit(y, params, obj=obj)

    assert (out.nvarys == 3)
    assert (out.nfev > 10)
    assert (out.chisqr > 1)
    assert (out.chisqr < 100)
    assert (out.params['sigma'].value < 3)
    assert (out.params['sigma'].value > 2)
    assert (out.params['center'].value > xmin)
    assert (out.params['center'].value < xmax)
    assert (out.params['amplitude'].value > 1)
    assert (out.params['amplitude'].value < 5)
Exemplo n.º 15
def make_constant_model(self, prefix=None):
    """ Create constant model.

    @param str prefix: optional string, which serves as a prefix for all
                       parameters used in this model. That will prevent
                       name collisions if this model is used in a composite

    @return tuple: (object model, object params)

    Explanation of the objects:
        object lmfit.model.CompositeModel model:
            A model the lmfit module will use for that fit. Returns an object of the class

        object lmfit.parameter.Parameters params:
            It is basically an OrderedDict, so a dictionary, with keys
            denoting the parameters as string names and values which are
            lmfit.parameter.Parameter (without s) objects, keeping the
            information about the current value.

    For further information have a look in:
    def constant_function(x, offset):
        """ Function of a constant value.

        @param numpy.array x: 1D array as the independent variable - e.g. time
        @param float offset: constant offset

        @return: constant function, in order to use it as a model

        return offset

    if not isinstance(prefix, str) and prefix is not None:
            'The passed prefix <{0}> of type {1} is not a string and cannot be used as '
            'a prefix and will be ignored for now. Correct that!'.format(
                prefix, type(prefix)))
        model = Model(constant_function, independent_vars='x')
        model = Model(constant_function, independent_vars='x', prefix=prefix)

    params = model.make_params()

    return model, params
Exemplo n.º 16
def _make_model(fct, number_unique_lorentzians=None):
    if not fct == poly_gaussian and not fct == double_gaussian and not fct == poly_lorentzian:
        return Model(fct, independent_vars=['x'])
    elif not fct == poly_lorentzian:
        return fct()
        return poly_lorentzian(
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _fit_echo(self):

        fit_start, fit_end = self._get_region()

        df = self.data_in_range[(self.data_in_range.index > fit_start)
                                & (self.data_in_range.index < fit_end)]
        # Fit arrays
        fit_variable = self._graph_select.currentText() + '_mean'
        x = np.array(df.index.get_values())
        if self._fit_res_checkbox.isChecked():
            y = df['peak_fit_res'] + self.c.best_val
            y = df[fit_variable]

        params = Parameters()
            ('y0', self.y0.param.value, self.y0.param.vary, self.y0.param.min,
            ('A', self.A.param.value, self.A.param.vary, self.A.param.min,
            ('t2', self.t2.param.value, self.t2.param.vary, self.t2.param.min,
        model = Model(echo_decay_curve, independent_vars=['x'])
        result = model.fit(y, x=x, params=params)

        all_time = np.linspace(0.1,

        # plot data
        self.echo_fit_line.set_data(x, echo_decay_curve(x=x, **result.values))
            all_time, echo_decay_curve(x=all_time, **result.values))

        # Подсчитываем данные
        t2 = result.values['t2']
        t2_stderr = result.params.get('t2').stderr
        # Ширина линии в MHz
        delta_f = 10**6 / (np.pi * result.values['t2'])
        delta_f_stderr = delta_f * t2_stderr / t2
            "$T_2$: {:0.2f} $\pm$ {:0.2f} $ps$ ({:0.2f} $\pm$ {:0.2f} $MHz$ )".
            format(t2, t2_stderr, delta_f, delta_f_stderr))
        # refresh canvas and rescale
        # update plot
        # Populating report
        # Populating spinboxes
Exemplo n.º 18
def make_baresine_model(self, prefix=None):
    """ This method creates a model of bare sine without amplitude and

    @param string prefix: variable prefix

    @return tuple: (object model, object params)

    Explanation of the objects:
        object lmfit.model.CompositeModel model:
            A model the lmfit module will use for that fit. Here a
            gaussian model. Returns an object of the class

        object lmfit.parameter.Parameters params:
            It is basically an OrderedDict, so a dictionary, with keys
            denoting the parameters as string names and values which are
            lmfit.parameter.Parameter (without s) objects, keeping the
            information about the current value.

    For further information have a look in:
    def sine_function(x, frequency, phase):
        Function of a sine.
        @param x: variable variable - e.g. time
        @param frequency: frequency
        @param phase: phase

        @return: sine function: in order to use it as a model

        return np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * x + phase)

    if prefix is not None:
        model = Model(sine_function, prefix=prefix)
        model = Model(sine_function)

    params = model.make_params()

    return model, params
def make_model(num):
    pref = "f{0}_".format(num)

    model = Model(Lorexponential, prefix=pref)

    model.set_param_hint(pref + "simetricL", value=0.01)
    model.set_param_hint(pref + "asymetricL", value=0.01)
    model.set_param_hint(pref + "center", value=paramos[num]["center"])
    model.set_param_hint(pref + "sigma", value=paramos[num]["sigma"])
    model.set_param_hint(pref + "C", value=0.001)

    return model
Exemplo n.º 20
def make_linear_model(self, prefix=None):
    """ Create linear model.

    @param str prefix: optional string, which serves as a prefix for all
                       parameters used in this model. That will prevent
                       name collisions if this model is used in a composite

    @return tuple: (object model, object params), for more description see in
                   the method make_constant_model.
    def linear_function(x):
        """ Function of a linear model.

        @param numpy.array x: 1D array as the independent variable - e.g. time

        @return: linear function, in order to use it as a model

        return x

    if not isinstance(prefix, str) and prefix is not None:
            'The passed prefix <{0}> of type {1} is not a string and cannot be used as '
            'a prefix and will be ignored for now. Correct that!'.format(
                prefix, type(prefix)))
        linear_mod = Model(linear_function, independent_vars='x')
        linear_mod = Model(linear_function,

    slope, slope_param = self.make_slope_model(prefix=prefix)
    constant, constant_param = self.make_constant_model(prefix=prefix)

    model = slope * linear_mod + constant
    params = model.make_params()

    return model, params
Exemplo n.º 21
def make_poissonian_model(self, no_of_functions=None):
    """ This method creates a model of a poissonian with an offset.
    @param no_of_functions: if None or 1 there is one poissonian, else
                            more functions are added
    @return tuple: (object model, object params)

    Explanation of the objects:
        object lmfit.model.CompositeModel model:
            A model the lmfit module will use for that fit. Here a
            gaussian model. Returns an object of the class

        object lmfit.parameter.Parameters params:
            It is basically an OrderedDict, so a dictionary, with keys
            denoting the parameters as string names and values which are
            lmfit.parameter.Parameter (without s) objects, keeping the
            information about the current value.
            The used model has the Parameter with the meaning:
                'mu' : expected value mu
    def poisson_function(x, mu):
        Function of a poisson distribution.
        @param x: occurences
        @param mu: expected value

        @return: poisson function: in order to use it as a model
        return self.poisson(x, mu)

    def amplitude_function(x, amplitude):
        Function of a amplitude value.
        @param x: variable variable
        @param offset: independent variable - amplitude

        @return: amplitude function: in order to use it as a model

        return amplitude + 0.0 * x

    if no_of_functions is None or no_of_functions == 1:
        model = (Model(poisson_function, prefix='poissonian_') *
                 Model(amplitude_function, prefix='poissonian_'))
        model = (
            Model(poisson_function, prefix='poissonian{0}_'.format('0')) *
            Model(amplitude_function, prefix='poissonian{0}_'.format('0')))
        for ii in range(no_of_functions - 1):
            model += (Model(poisson_function,
                            prefix='poissonian{0}_'.format(ii + 1)) *
                            prefix='poissonian{0}_'.format(ii + 1)))
    params = model.make_params()

    return model, params
Exemplo n.º 22
def fitgaussian_lmfit(x,
        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
        from lmfit.models import Model, GaussianModel
    except ImportError:
        print(' Need module lmfit to use fitgauss_lmfit')
    # calculate guess
    mod = GaussianModel()
    params = mod.guess(y, x=x)
    guess = np.array([
        params['height'].value, params['center'].value, params['sigma'].value,
    # set up model fit
    gmodel = Model(gauss_function)
    # run model fit
    out = gmodel.fit(y,
    # extract out parameters
    pfit = [
        out.values['a'], out.values['x0'], out.values['sigma'],
    # extract out standard errors
    siga = [
        out.params['a'].stderr, out.params['x0'].stderr,
        out.params['sigma'].stderr, out.params['dc'].stderr
    # return
    if return_fit and return_uncertainties:
        return np.array(pfit), np.array(siga), out.best_fit
    elif return_uncertainties:
        return np.array(pfit), np.array(siga)
    elif return_fit:
        return np.array(pfit), out.best_fit
        return np.array(pfit)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def _calc_fit_start_dep_curve(self):
        t2_array = []
        t2_var_array = []
        x_array = []
        # Fit value
        fit_variable_name = self._graph_select.currentText()
        for start_fit_from in self.means[DELAY_TITLE]:
            start_fit_from = float(start_fit_from)
            fit_means = self.means[start_fit_from < self.means[DELAY_TITLE]]
            fit_std = self.std[start_fit_from < self.std[DELAY_TITLE]]

            params = self._init_params()

            model = Model(echo_decay_curve, independent_vars=['x'])
                result = model.fit(fit_means[fit_variable_name],
                                   weights=1 / fit_std[LASER_TITLE]**2)
            except TypeError:

        ax = self._fitting_stats_figure.add_subplot(111)
        ax.set_xlim([-10, 100])
        ax.set_ylim([0, 2000])
        ax.set_title("Зависимость $T_2$ от точки старта фитирования")
        # refresh canvas and tight layout
        self._fit_stats = True
        # Adding to fit report
            "Зависимость t2 от точки старта фитирования:\n")
        self.fit_report_text.append(" ".join(
            "{:.4f}: {:.2f}".format(x, y) for x, y in zip(x_array, t2_array)))
Exemplo n.º 24
Arquivo: fit.py Projeto: 9dogs/edp
def fit_residuals(df, start_fit_from=0.4, fit_field='fit_lorenz_res', init_params=None):
    Fits residuals with EchoDecay curve
    x = np.array(df[df.index > start_fit_from].index.get_values())
    y = np.array(df[df.index > start_fit_from][fit_field].values)

    echo_model = Model(echo_decay_curve, independent_vars=['x'])
    if init_params:
        params = init_params
        params = _init_echo_params(0, 500, 50)
    result = echo_model.fit(y, x=x, params=params)

    full_x = np.array(df.index.get_values())
    res_fit_eval = result.eval(x=full_x)
    df['res_echo_fit'] = pd.Series(res_fit_eval, index=df.index)

    return df, result
Exemplo n.º 25
def make_powerfluorescence_model(self):
    """ This method creates a model of the fluorescence depending on excitation power with an linear offset.

    @return tuple: (object model, object params)

    Explanation of the objects:
        object lmfit.model.CompositeModel model:
            A model the lmfit module will use for that fit. Here a
            gaussian model. Returns an object of the class

        object lmfit.parameter.Parameters params:
            It is basically an OrderedDict, so a dictionary, with keys
            denoting the parameters as string names and values which are
            lmfit.parameter.Parameter (without s) objects, keeping the
            information about the current value.

    For further information have a look in:
    def powerfluorescence_function(x, I_saturation, P_saturation):
        Function to describe the fluorescence depending on excitation power
        @param x: variable variable - Excitation pwer
        @param I_saturation: Saturation Intensity
        @param P_saturation: Saturation power

        @return: powerfluorescence function: for using it as a model

        return I_saturation * (x / (x + P_saturation))

    mod_sat = Model(powerfluorescence_function)

    model = mod_sat + LinearModel()

    params = model.make_params()

    return model, params
def make_stretchedexponentialdecay_model(self):
    This method creates a model of stretched exponential decay.

    @return tuple: (object model, object params)

    Explanation of the objects:
        object lmfit.model.CompositeModel model:
            A model the lmfit module will use for that fit. Here a
            gaussian model. Returns an object of the class

        object lmfit.parameter.Parameters params:
            It is basically an OrderedDict, so a dictionary, with keys
            denoting the parameters as string names and values which are
            lmfit.parameter.Parameter (without s) objects, keeping the
            information about the current value.

    def stretched_exponentialdecay_function(x, lifetime, beta):
        Function of a stretched exponential decay.
        @param x: variable variable - e.g. time
        @param amplitude: amplitude
        @param beta: stretch exponent
        @param offset: offset

        @return: streched exponential decay function:
        in order to use it as a model
        return np.exp(-np.power(x / lifetime, beta))

    constant_model, params = self.make_constant_model()
    amplitude_model, params = self.make_amplitude_model()
    model = amplitude_model * Model(
        stretched_exponentialdecay_function) + constant_model
    params = model.make_params()
    return model, params
Exemplo n.º 27
    def UserDefinedFunctionFit(self):

        userDefinedFunctionList = [s for s in dir(UserDefinedFunction) if s[0].isupper()]

        d = QtGui.QInputDialog()
        func_name, ok = d.getItem(
            self, 'User Defined Function', 'Choose a function',

        if ok:
                fun = getattr(UserDefinedFunction, str(func_name))
                # print fun
            except AttributeError:
                    self, 'Warning',
                    'No such a function,\nplease check the name.')

        fun_model = Model(fun)
        self.Fitting(False, fun_model)
Exemplo n.º 28
        # ----------------------- Observed frame
        flux_voxel_norm = flux_voxel / norm_flux
        err_voxel_norm = flux_err / norm_flux
        obsLineWaves = wave_regions * (1 + z_objs[i])
        idcsEmis, idcsCont = obsLm.define_masks(wave, flux_voxel_norm,

        emisWave, emisFlux = wave[idcsEmis], flux_voxel_norm[idcsEmis]
        contWave, contFlux = wave[idcsCont], flux_voxel_norm[idcsCont]

        fit_model = Model(linear_model, prefix=f'{lineLabel}_cont_')
        fit_model.set_param_hint(f'{lineLabel}_cont_slope', **{
            'value': obsLm.m_cont,
            'vary': False
        fit_model.set_param_hint(f'{lineLabel}_cont_intercept', **{
            'value': obsLm.n_cont,
            'vary': False

        fit_model += Model(gaussian_model, prefix=f'{lineLabel}_')
                                 value=obsLm.peak_flux - obsLm.cont)
        fit_model.set_param_hint(f'{lineLabel}_center', value=obsLm.peak_wave)
        fit_model.set_param_hint(f'{lineLabel}_sigma', value=1.0)
Exemplo n.º 29
def double_gaussian():
    gauss1 = Model(gaussian, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='gauss1_')
    gauss2 = Model(gaussian, independent_vars=['x'], prefix='gauss2_')
    linear1 = LinearModel(independent_vars=['x'], prefix='linear1_')
    model = gauss1 + linear1 + gauss2
    return model
Exemplo n.º 30
def make_twoDgaussian_model(self, prefix=None):
    """ Creates a model of the 2D gaussian function.

    @param str prefix: optional, if multiple models should be used in a
                       composite way and the parameters of each model should be
                       distinguished from each other to prevent name collisions.

    @return tuple: (object model, object params), for more description see in
                   the method make_gaussianwithoutoffset_model.

    def twoDgaussian_function(x, amplitude, center_x, center_y, sigma_x,
                              sigma_y, theta, offset):
        """ Provide a two dimensional gaussian function.

        @param float amplitude: Amplitude of gaussian
        @param float center_x: x value of maximum
        @param float center_y: y value of maximum
        @param float sigma_x: standard deviation in x direction
        @param float sigma_y: standard deviation in y direction
        @param float theta: angle for eliptical gaussians
        @param float offset: offset

        @return callable function: returns the reference to the function

        Function taken from:

        Question from: http://stackoverflow.com/users/2097737/bland
        Answer: http://stackoverflow.com/users/1461210/ali-m

        # FIXME: x_data_tuple: dimension of arrays
        # @param np.arra[k][M] x_data_tuple: array which is (k,M)-shaped,
        #                                   x and y values

        (u, v) = x
        center_x = float(center_x)
        center_y = float(center_y)

        a = (np.cos(theta) ** 2) / (2 * sigma_x ** 2) \
            + (np.sin(theta) ** 2) / (2 * sigma_y ** 2)
        b = -(np.sin(2 * theta)) / (4 * sigma_x ** 2) \
            + (np.sin(2 * theta)) / (4 * sigma_y ** 2)
        c = (np.sin(theta) ** 2) / (2 * sigma_x ** 2) \
            + (np.cos(theta) ** 2) / (2 * sigma_y ** 2)
        g = offset + amplitude * np.exp(-(a * ((u - center_x)**2) + 2 * b *
                                          (u - center_x) * (v - center_y) + c *
                                          ((v - center_y)**2)))
        return g.ravel()

    if not isinstance(prefix, str) and prefix is not None:
            'The passed prefix <{0}> of type {1} is not a string and'
            'cannot be used as a prefix and will be ignored for now.'
            'Correct that!'.format(prefix, type(prefix)))
        gaussian_2d_model = Model(twoDgaussian_function, independent_vars='x')
        gaussian_2d_model = Model(twoDgaussian_function,

    params = gaussian_2d_model.make_params()

    return gaussian_2d_model, params