Exemplo n.º 1
def run(args, path=None, quiet=False):
    Runs MMT with the given arguments in a given path
    # setup path
    if path == None:
        path = os.getcwd()

    # run the mmt script, wait and return.
        if not os.path.isfile(mmt_executable):
            raise FileNotFoundError
        proc = subprocess.Popen(
            [java_executable, "-jar", mmt_executable] + args,
            stderr=subprocess.PIPE if quiet else sys.stderr,
            stdout=subprocess.PIPE if quiet else sys.stdout,
        return (proc.returncode == 0)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        raise KeyboardInterrupt
    except FileNotFoundError:
        err("mmt not found, is it installed?")
        return False
Exemplo n.º 2
def install_pack(pack):
    """Installs a single pack"""

    (pack, sep, pconfig) = pack.partition(":")

    pack_setup = get_pack_setup(pack)
    pack_dir = get_pack_dir(pack)

    if not pack_setup:
        return False

    # Create ext/ if it does not exist.
    if not os.path.isdir(lmh_locate("ext")):

    if pack_setup.is_installed(pack_dir):
        err("Pack", pack, "is already installed, use --update to update. ")
        return False

        return pack_setup.install(pack_dir, pconfig)
    except classes.UnsupportedAction:
        err("Pack", pack,
            "does not support installing. You may want to --update the pack?")
        return False
Exemplo n.º 3
def remove_pack(pack):
    """Removes a single pack. """

    (pack, sep, pconfig) = pack.partition(":")

    pack_setup = get_pack_setup(pack)
    pack_dir = get_pack_dir(pack)

    if not pack_setup:
        return False

    if not pack_setup.is_installed(pack_dir):
        err("Pack", pack, "is not installed, nothing to remove. ")
        return True

    if not pack_setup.is_managed():
        std("Pack", pack, "is marked as unmanaged, skipping removal. ")
        return True

        return pack_setup.remove(pack_dir, pconfig)
    except classes.UnsupportedAction:
        err("Pack", pack,
            "does not support removal. Maybe you can remove it manually. ")
        return False
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: run.py Projeto: KWARC/localmh
def do(args, unknown):
    rep = match_repo(args.repo)

    if rep == None:
        err("Unable to find repository '"+args.repo+"' locally. ")
        return False

    # Create a generated instance.
    gen = Generated(rep)

    if args.branch == None and not args.list and not args.status:
        err("Branch argument is required unless --list or --status is given. ")
        return False

    if args.install:
        return gen.install_branch(args.branch)

    if args.init:
        return gen.init_branch(args.branch)

    if args.pull:
        return gen.pull_branch(args.branch)

    if args.push:
        return gen.push_branch(args.branch)

    if args.list:
        for b in gen.get_all_branches(tuple=False):
        return True

    return gen.print_status()
Exemplo n.º 5
def status(repos, show_unchanged, remote, *args):
    """Does git status on all installed repositories """

    ret = True

    for rep in repos:

        # If we are clean, do nothing
        if is_clean(rep) and not show_unchanged:

        std("git status", rep)

        if remote:
            r_status = get_remote_status(rep)
            if r_status == "failed":
                std("Remote status:", term_colors("red")+"Unknown (network issues)", term_colors("normal"))
            elif r_status == "ok":
                std("Remote status:", term_colors("green")+"Up-to-date", term_colors("normal"))
            elif r_status == "pull":
                std("Remote status:", term_colors("yellow")+"New commits on remote, please pull. ", term_colors("normal"))
            elif r_status == "push":
                std("Remote status:", term_colors("yellow")+"New local commits, please push. ", term_colors("normal"))
            elif r_status == "divergence":
                std("Remote status:", term_colors("red")+"Remote and local versions have diverged. ", term_colors("normal"))

        val = git_status(rep, *args)
        if not val:
            err("Unable to run git status on", rep)
            ret = False

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 6
def update_pack(pack):
    """Updates a single pack. """

    (pack, sep, pconfig) = pack.partition(":")

    pack_setup = get_pack_setup(pack)
    pack_dir = get_pack_dir(pack)

    if not pack_setup:
        return False

    if not pack_setup.is_installed(pack_dir):
        err("Pack", pack, "is not installed, can not update. ")
        return False

    if not pack_setup.is_managed():
        std("Pack", pack, "is marked as unmanaged, skipping update. ")
        return True

        return pack_setup.update(pack_dir, pconfig)
    except classes.UnsupportedAction:
        err("Pack", pack,
            "does not support updating. You may want to --reset the pack. ")
        return False
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_metainf_lines(package):
        Gets the lines of the meta-inf file.

        @param package {string} Package to read meta-inf lines form.

        @returns {string[]}

    # Find the package root directory.
    package_dir = find_repo_dir(lmh_locate("content", package))

    # Check that repository is installed.
    if not package_dir:
        err("Repository", package, "is not installed. Failed to read META-INF. ")
        return []

    # Read the path to meta_inf
    meta_inf_path = os.path.join(package_dir, "META-INF", "MANIFEST.MF")

        # Try and read the file lines
        return read_file_lines(meta_inf_path)
        # File is not readable, silently fail.
        return []
Exemplo n.º 8
def install(*reps):
    """Install a repositories and its dependencies"""

    ret = True

    reps = list(filter(lambda x:x, [r.strip() for r in reps]))

    for rep in reps:
        if not is_installed(rep):
            std("Starting installation:         ", term_colors("blue")+"'"+rep+"'"+term_colors("normal"))
            (res, deps) = do_install(rep)

            if not res:
                err("Failed installation:           ", term_colors("red")+"'"+rep+"'"+term_colors("normal"))
                ret = False
                std("Finished installation:         ", term_colors("green")+"'"+rep+"'"+term_colors("normal"))
                reps.extend([d for d in deps if not d in reps])
            std("Re-scanning for dependencies: ", term_colors("blue")+"'"+rep+"'"+term_colors("normal"))

            (res, deps) = do_deps_install(rep)

            if not res:
                err("Failed scan:                  ", term_colors("red")+"'"+rep+"'"+term_colors("normal"))
                std("Finished scan:                ", term_colors("green")+"'"+rep+"'"+term_colors("normal"))
                reps.extend([d for d in deps if not d in reps])
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 9
    def push_branch(self, branch):
            Pushes the given branch.

        # Resolve path to branch.
        (rpath, dpath) = self.get_paths(branch)

        # make sure it exists
        if not dpath:
            err("Unable to find given generated content branch '"+branch+"'. ")
            return False

        # and is installed.
        if not self.is_installed(branch):
            err("Given generated branch '"+branch+"' is not installed, can not push. ")
            return False

        # add all the changes.
        if not do(dpath, "add", "-A", "."):
            return False

        # commit them.
        if not do(dpath, "commit", "--amend", "--allow-empty", "-m", "Update generated content"):
            return False

        # and force push them.
        if not do(dpath, "push", "--force", "origin", branch):
            return False

        # and thats it.
        return True
Exemplo n.º 10
def do(args, unknown):
    if args.reset_all:
            return True
        return False

    if args.reset:
        if args.key == None:
            err("Missing key. ")
            return False
            return config.reset_config(args.key)
        return False

    if args.key == None:
        std("Type 'lmh config KEY' to get more information on KEY. ")
        std("Type 'lmh config KEY VALUE' to change KEY to VALUE. ")
        return True
    elif args.value == None:
        return config.get_config_help(args.key)
            return config.set_config(args.key, args.value)
        return False
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: run.py Projeto: KWARC/localmh
def do(args, unknown):
    if args.reset_all:
            return True
        return False

    if args.reset:
        if args.key == None:
            err("Missing key. ")
            return False
            return config.reset_config(args.key)
        return False

    if args.key == None:
        std("Type 'lmh config KEY' to get more information on KEY. ")
        std("Type 'lmh config KEY VALUE' to change KEY to VALUE. ")
        return True
    elif args.value == None:
        return config.get_config_help(args.key)
            return config.set_config(args.key, args.value)
        return False
Exemplo n.º 12
def get_metainf_lines(package):
        Gets the lines of the meta-inf file.

        @param package {string} Package to read meta-inf lines form.

        @returns {string[]}

    # Find the package root directory.
    package_dir = find_repo_dir(lmh_locate("content", package))

    # Check that repository is installed.
    if not package_dir:
        err("Repository", package,
            "is not installed. Failed to read META-INF. ")
        return []

    # Read the path to meta_inf
    meta_inf_path = os.path.join(package_dir, "META-INF", "MANIFEST.MF")

        # Try and read the file lines
        return read_file_lines(meta_inf_path)
        # File is not readable, silently fail.
        return []
Exemplo n.º 13
def find_source(name, quiet = False):
        Finds the source of a repository.
        @param name - Name of repository to find.
        @param quiet - Should we print output.

    # Check if the result is cached.
    # In that case we won't have to query again.
    if name in find_source.cache:
        return find_source.cache[name]

    # Iterate over the root urls
    # and the suffixes.
    root_urls = get_config("install::sources").rsplit(";")
    root_suffix = ["", ".git"]

    for url in root_urls:
        for url_suf in root_suffix:
            # Check if the remote repository exists.
            if exists(url+name+url_suf, False):
                find_source.cache[name] = url+name+url_suf
                return url+name+url_suf

    # We could not find any matching remote.
    # So send an error message unless we are quiet.
    if not quiet:
        err("Can not find remote repository", name)
        err("Please check install::sources and check your network connection. ")

    # and we failed.
    return False
Exemplo n.º 14
 def do_update(self, pack_dir, sstring):
     """Updates a git controlled package. """
         return git_pull(pack_dir)
         err("git pull failed to update. Please make sure that you have a network connection. ")
         err("If you were using a specific version (with the PACKAGE:URL@REFSEPEC syntax), try using --reinstall. ")
         return False
Exemplo n.º 15
def rm_untracked(file, t = ""):
    if not is_tracked(file):
            std("Removed", t, file)
            err("Unable to remove", file)
            return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: run.py Projeto: KWARC/localmh
def do(args, unknown):
    args.source = args.source[0]

    if not os.path.isfile(args.source) or not args.source.endswith(".tex"):
        err("Module", args.source, "does not exist or is not a valid module. ")

    # Remove the .tex
    args.source = args.source[:-len(".tex")]

    return create_multi(args.source, args.terms, *args.dest)
Exemplo n.º 17
def do(args, unknown):
    repos = match_repo_args(args.repository, args.all)

    res = calc_deps(repos, apply=args.apply)

    if res:
        return True
        err("lmh depcrawl must be run from within a Repository. ")
        return False
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: run.py Projeto: KWARC/localmh
def do(args, unknown):
    repos = match_repo_args(args.repository, args.all)

    res = calc_deps(repos, apply=args.apply)
    if res:
        return True
        err("lmh depcrawl must be run from within a Repository. ")
        return False
Exemplo n.º 19
def do(args, unknown):
    args.source = args.source[0]

    if not os.path.isfile(args.source) or not args.source.endswith(".tex"):
        err("Module", args.source, "does not exist or is not a valid module. ")

    # Remove the .tex
    args.source = args.source[:-len(".tex")]

    return create_multi(args.source, args.terms, *args.dest)
Exemplo n.º 20
def warn_symbols(fname, syms, symdefs, warns):

    # fwanr about double things
    for sym in ["-".join(s[2]) for s in syms]:
        if sym in symdefs:
            # Only make a warning if wehaven't done so already
            warn = (sym, fname)
            if not (warn in warns):
                err(fname+",", "Symbol", sym+": Found both symdef and symi. ")
    return True
Exemplo n.º 21
def warn_symbols(fname, syms, symdefs, warns):

    # fwanr about double things
    for sym in ["-".join(s[2]) for s in syms]:
        if sym in symdefs:
            # Only make a warning if wehaven't done so already
            warn = (sym, fname)
            if not (warn in warns):
                err(fname + ",", "Symbol",
                    sym + ": Found both symdef and symi. ")
    return True
Exemplo n.º 22
def log(ordered, *repos):
    """Prints out log messages on all repositories. """
    ret = True

    def get_log(repo):
        get_format = lambda frm:git_do_data(repo, "log", "--pretty=format:"+frm+"")[0].split("\n")

        hash_short = get_format("%h")
        commit_titles = get_format("%s")
        dates = get_format("%at")
        dates_human = get_format("%ad")
        author_names = get_format("%an")
        author_mails = get_format("%ae")

        res = [{
                "hash": hash_short[i],
                "subject": commit_titles[i],
                "date": int(dates[i]),
                "date_human": dates_human[i],
                "author": author_names[i],
                "author_mail": author_mails[i],
                "repo": match_repo(repo)
        } for i in range(len(hash_short))]

        return res

    entries = []

    for rep in repos:
        except Exception as e:
            ret = False

    if ordered:
        entries.sort(key=lambda e: -e["date"])

    strout = ""

    for entry in entries:
        strout += "\nRepo:    " + entry["repo"]
        strout += "\nSubject: " + entry["subject"]
        strout += "\nHash:    " + entry["hash"]
        strout += "\nAuthor:  " + entry["author"] + " <" + entry["author_mail"] + ">"
        strout += "\nDate:    " + entry["date_human"]
        strout += "\n"

    std_paged(strout, newline=False)

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 23
    def is_installed(self, branch):
            Checks if a specific branch is installed.

        # Resolve path to branch.
        (rpath, dpath) = self.get_paths(branch)

        if not dpath:
            err("Unable to find given generated content branch. ")
            return False

        return os.path.isdir(dpath)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def is_installed(self, branch):
            Checks if a specific branch is installed.

        # Resolve path to branch.
        (rpath, dpath) = self.get_paths(branch)

        if not dpath:
            err("Unable to find given generated content branch. ")
            return False

        return os.path.isdir(dpath)
Exemplo n.º 25
def reset_config(key):
    Resets a given config setting to the default by deleting it from the config

    # check if the given key exists
    if not key in config_meta:
        err("Option", key, " does not exist, unable to reset. ")
        return False
    # load the default and set it to that. 
    set_config(key, str(config_meta[key]["default"]))
Exemplo n.º 26
def reset_config(key):
    Resets a given config setting to the default by deleting it from the config

    # check if the given key exists
    if not key in config_meta:
        err("Option", key, " does not exist, unable to reset. ")
        return False

    # load the default and set it to that.
    set_config(key, str(config_meta[key]["default"]))
Exemplo n.º 27
def cpanm_make(pack_dir):
    """Run CPANM make commands for a package. """

    _env = perl5env(os.environ)
    _env.pop("STEXSTYDIR", None)
        call(cpanm_installdeps_args, env=_env, cwd=pack_dir, stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
        call(cpanm_installself_args, env=_env, cwd=pack_dir, stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
        return True
    except Exception as e:
        err("Failed to run cpanm on", pack_dir)
        return False
Exemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(self, rep):
            Loads information about generated repositories.

        # Get the repository.
        self.repo = match_repo(rep)

        # Check if we exist at all.
        if not self.repo:
            err("Unable to find repository '"+rep+"'")

        # Initialise the cache.
        self.__branch_cache = None
Exemplo n.º 29
def resolve_package_spec(packages):
    """Resolves package specification. """

    to_install = set()
    for p in packages:
        (pname, sep, pconfig) = p.partition(":")
        if pname in av_packs["packs"]:
        elif pname in av_packs["groups"]:
            for q in av_packs["groups"][p]:
            err("No package or group with the name", pname, "found. ")
    return sorted(to_install, key=lambda p:av_packs["packs"][p.partition(":")[0]])
Exemplo n.º 30
    def __init__(self, rep):
            Loads information about generated repositories.

        # Get the repository.
        self.repo = match_repo(rep)

        # Check if we exist at all.
        if not self.repo:
            err("Unable to find repository '" + rep + "'")

        # Initialise the cache.
        self.__branch_cache = None
Exemplo n.º 31
def resolve_package_spec(packages):
    """Resolves package specification. """

    to_install = set()
    for p in packages:
        (pname, sep, pconfig) = p.partition(":")
        if pname in av_packs["packs"]:
        elif pname in av_packs["groups"]:
            for q in av_packs["groups"][p]:
                to_install.add(q + sep + pconfig)
            err("No package or group with the name", pname, "found. ")
    return sorted(to_install,
                  key=lambda p: av_packs["packs"][p.partition(":")[0]])
Exemplo n.º 32
def export(f=None):
    """Exports the list of currently installed repositories. """

    # Get all locally installed directories
    installed = match_repos(lmh_locate("content"))

    if (f == None):
        for mod in installed:
        return True
        write_file(f, os.linesep.join(installed))
        return True
        err("Unable to write %s" % f)
        return False
Exemplo n.º 33
def export(f = None):
    """Exports the list of currently installed repositories. """

    # Get all locally installed directories
    installed = match_repos(lmh_locate("content"))

    if(f == None):
        for mod in installed:
        return True
        write_file(f, os.linesep.join(installed))
        return True
        err("Unable to write %s" % f)
        return False
Exemplo n.º 34
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
    """Calls the main program with given arguments. """

    # Load commands + aliases
    commands = json.loads(read_file(lmh_locate("lib", "data",
    aliases = json.loads(read_file(lmh_locate("lib", "data", "aliases.json")))

    parser = create_parser(submods, commands, aliases)

    if len(argv) == 0:

    # parse arguments
    (args, unknown) = parser.parse_known_args(argv)

    # do the quiet stuff.
    if args.quiet:
        lmh.lib.io.__supressStd__ = True
        lmh.lib.io.__supressErr__ = True
    if args.non_interactive:
        lmh.lib.io.__supressIn__ = True

    # No action.
    if args.action == None:

    # an alias, so change the arguments.
    if args.action in aliases:

        # new argvs
        argv = shlex.split(aliases[args.action]) + unknown

        # and re-parse
        (args, unknown) = parser.parse_known_args(argv)

        if not submods[args.action].allow_unknown and len(unknown) > 0:
            err("Too many arguments. ")
            return False
    except Exception as e:

    # run normally.
    return submods[args.action].do(args, unknown)
Exemplo n.º 35
def do_install(rep):
        Installs a single repository.

    # pre-installation hook.
    std("Running pre-installation hook for '"+rep+"' ... ", newline=False)

    if not hook_pre_install(rep):
        err("Failed. ")
        return (False, [])
    std("Done. ")

    # Find the remote.
    std("Finding remote for '"+rep+"' ... ")
    repoURL = find_source(rep)

    # Did we find a url?
    if repoURL == False:
        err("   Could not find a remote. ")
        return (False, [])

    std("   OK, will clone from '"+repoURL+"'")

    # Clone the repository.
    if not clone(lmh_locate("content"), repoURL, rep):
        err("git clone did not exit cleanly, cloning failed. ")
Most likely your network connection is bad.
If you are using localmh_docker make sure that you have internet access inside the virtual machine.
        return (False, [])

    std("   OK. ")

    # post-installation hook.
    std("Running post-installation hook for '"+rep+"' ... ", newline=False)

    if not hook_post_install(rep):
        err("Failed. ")
        return (False, [])
    std("Done. ")

    # Check for dependencies.
    return do_deps_install(rep)
Exemplo n.º 36
    def do_install(self, pack_dir, sstring):
        """Installs a git controlled package. """
        (source, branch) = get_item_source(sstring, self.dsource, self.dbranch, self.name)

            # git clone first
            if not git_clone(lmh_locate("ext"), source, pack_dir):
                return False

            # do the checkout
            if branch != "":
                return git_do(lmh_locate("ext", pack_dir), "checkout", branch)
                return True
            err("git clone failed to clone", source, ". Check your network connection. ")
            return False
Exemplo n.º 37
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
    """Calls the main program with given arguments. """

    # Load commands + aliases
    commands = json.loads(read_file(lmh_locate("lib", "data", "commands.json")))
    aliases = json.loads(read_file(lmh_locate("lib", "data", "aliases.json")))

    parser = create_parser(submods, commands, aliases)

    if len(argv) == 0:

    # parse arguments
    (args, unknown) = parser.parse_known_args(argv)

    # do the quiet stuff.
    if args.quiet:
        lmh.lib.io.__supressStd__ = True
        lmh.lib.io.__supressErr__ = True
    if args.non_interactive:
        lmh.lib.io.__supressIn__ = True

    # No action.
    if args.action == None:

    # an alias, so change the arguments.
    if args.action in aliases:

        # new argvs
        argv = shlex.split(aliases[args.action]) + unknown

        # and re-parse
        (args, unknown) = parser.parse_known_args(argv)

        if not submods[args.action].allow_unknown and len(unknown) > 0:
            err("Too many arguments. ")
            return False
    except Exception as e:

    # run normally.
    return submods[args.action].do(args, unknown)
Exemplo n.º 38
def load_command(cmd, subparsers):

    # Load the module
    module = getattr(getattr(__import__("lmh.commands."+cmd), "commands"), cmd)

        command = module.Command()

        # Create the sub parser
        new_parser = subparsers.add_parser(cmd, help=command.help, description=command.help, formatter_class=LMHFormatter,add_help=command.allow_help_arg)

        # and add some arguments.
    except Exception as e:
        err("Command", cmd, "failed to load. ")
        command = None

    # return the new command instance.
    return command
Exemplo n.º 39
def get_config_help(key):
    Prints help to stdout about the given configuration settting. 

    # check if the key exists
    if not key in config_meta:
        err("Option", key, " does not exist. ")
        return False

    # get its meta-information
    meta = config_meta[key]

    # and print that
    std(format_type(meta["type"]), key)
    std("Current Value: " + json.dumps(get_config(key)))
    std("Default Value: " + json.dumps(meta["default"]))

    return True
Exemplo n.º 40
def get_config_help(key):
    Prints help to stdout about the given configuration settting. 
    # check if the key exists
    if not key in config_meta:
        err("Option", key, " does not exist. ")
        return False

    # get its meta-information
    meta = config_meta[key]
    # and print that
    std(format_type(meta["type"]), key)
    std("Current Value: " + json.dumps(get_config(key)))
    std("Default Value: " + json.dumps(meta["default"]))

    return True
Exemplo n.º 41
    def install_branch(self, branch):
            Installs the given branch.

        # Resolve path to branch.
        (rpath, dpath) = self.get_paths(branch)

        # make sure it exists
        if not dpath:
            err("Unable to find given generated content branch '" + branch +
                "'. ")
            return False

        # and is not installed.
        if self.is_installed(branch):
            err("Given generated branch '" + branch +
                "' already installed. Did you want to pull?")
            return False

        (o, e) = do_data(rpath, "config", "--local", "--get",

        if not do(rpath, "rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", branch):
            if not do(rpath, "branch", branch, "--track", "origin/" + branch):
                return False

        # Clone it shared
        if not do(rpath, "clone", rpath, dpath, "--shared", "-b", branch):
            return False

        # set up .git/objects/info/alternates relatively
        if not write_file(os.path.join(dpath, ".git/objects/info/alternates"),
            return False

        # and set the origin correctly.
        if not do(dpath, "remote", "set-url", "origin", o.rstrip("\n")):
            return False

        return do(rpath, "branch", "-D", branch)
Exemplo n.º 42
def reset_pack(pack):
    """Resets a single pack. """

    (pack, sep, pconfig) = pack.partition(":")

    pack_setup = get_pack_setup(pack)
    pack_dir = get_pack_dir(pack)

    if not pack_setup:
        return False

    if not pack_setup.is_managed():
        std("Pack", pack, "is marked as unmanaged, skipping reset. ")
        return True

    if not pack_setup.is_installed(pack_dir):
        err("Pack", pack, "is not installed, skipping removal. ")
        if not remove_pack(pack+sep+pconfig):
            err("Pack", pack, "could not be removed, --reset has failed. ")
            return False

    if not install_pack(pack+sep+pconfig):
        err("Pack", pack, "could not be (re)installed, --reset has failed. ")
        return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 43
def reset_pack(pack):
    """Resets a single pack. """

    (pack, sep, pconfig) = pack.partition(":")

    pack_setup = get_pack_setup(pack)
    pack_dir = get_pack_dir(pack)

    if not pack_setup:
        return False

    if not pack_setup.is_managed():
        std("Pack", pack, "is marked as unmanaged, skipping reset. ")
        return True

    if not pack_setup.is_installed(pack_dir):
        err("Pack", pack, "is not installed, skipping removal. ")
        if not remove_pack(pack + sep + pconfig):
            err("Pack", pack, "could not be removed, --reset has failed. ")
            return False

    if not install_pack(pack + sep + pconfig):
        err("Pack", pack, "could not be (re)installed, --reset has failed. ")
        return False
    return True
Exemplo n.º 44
def do_pull(rep, needs_update):
        Actually pulls a repository.

    # pre-installation hook.
    std("Running pre-update hook for '" + rep + "' ... ", newline=False)

    if not hook_pre_pull(rep):
        err("Failed. ")
        return (False, [])

    std("Done. ")

    ret = True

    if needs_update:
        std("Running git pull ...")
        rgp = git_pull(match_repo(rep, abs=True))
        ret = rgp and ret
        if rgp:
            err("Failed (merge conflicts or network issues?)")
            ret = False
        std("Nothing to pull ...")

    std("Running post-update hook for '" + rep + "' ... ", newline=False)
    if not hook_post_pull(rep):
        err("Failed. ")
        return (False, [])
    std("Done. ")

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 45
    def pull_branch(self, branch):
            Pulls the given branch.

        # Resolve path to branch.
        (rpath, dpath) = self.get_paths(branch)

        # make sure it exists
        if not dpath:
            err("Unable to find given generated content branch '"+branch+"'. ")
            return False

        # make sure it exists
        if not dpath:
            err("Unable to find given generated content branch '"+branch+"'. ")
            return False

        # and is installed.
        if not self.is_installed(branch):
            err("Given generated branch '"+branch+"' is not installed, can not pull. ")
            return False

        # Fetch origin in the clone repo.
        if not do(rpath, "fetch", "--depth", "1", "origin", branch):
            return False

        # Hard reset this repository.
        if not do(dpath, "reset", "--hard", "origin/"+branch):
            return False

        # Run some housekeeping in the parent repo
        return do(rpath, "gc", "--auto")
Exemplo n.º 46
def do_pull(rep, needs_update):
        Actually pulls a repository.

    # pre-installation hook.
    std("Running pre-update hook for '"+rep+"' ... ", newline=False)

    if not hook_pre_pull(rep):
        err("Failed. ")
        return (False, [])

    std("Done. ")

    ret = True

    if needs_update:
        std("Running git pull ...")
        rgp = git_pull(match_repo(rep, abs=True))
        ret = rgp and ret
        if rgp:
            err("Failed (merge conflicts or network issues?)")
            ret = False
        std("Nothing to pull ...")

    std("Running post-update hook for '"+rep+"' ... ", newline=False)
    if not hook_post_pull(rep):
        err("Failed. ")
        return (False, [])
    std("Done. ")

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 47
def do(args, unknown):

    if not args.no_check and not check_deps():
        err("Dependency check failed. ")
        err("Cannot perform specefied action. ")
        err("Use --no-check to skip checking dependencies. ")
        return False

    if len(args.pack) == 0:
        args.pack = ["default"]
        if args.saction == "update":
            # Update self as well when calling lmh setup --update
            args.pack += ["self"]

    if args.saction == "install":
        return lmh.lib.packs.install(*args.pack)
    elif args.saction == "update":
        return lmh.lib.packs.update(*args.pack)
    elif args.saction == "remove":
        return lmh.lib.packs.remove(*args.pack)
    elif args.saction == "reset":
        return lmh.lib.packs.reset(*args.pack)
    elif args.saction == "manage":
        return lmh.lib.packs.manage(*args.pack)
    elif args.saction == "unmanage":
        return lmh.lib.packs.unmanage(*args.pack)
    elif args.saction == "status":
        return lmh.lib.packs.status(*args.pack)
        std("No setup action specefied, assuming --install. ")
        std("Please specify some action in the future. ")
        return lmh.lib.packs.install(*args.pack)
Exemplo n.º 48
def find_cached(files, match, replace = None, replace_match = None):
    """Finds and replaces inside of files. """

    # Make sure match and replace are arrays
    match = [match] if is_string(match) else match
    if replace != None:
        replace = [replace] if is_string(replace) else replace

        if len(replace) != len(match):
            err("Find and Replace patterns are not of the same length. ")
            return False

    rep = False
    for file in files:
        repo = os.path.relpath(find_repo_dir(file), lmh_locate("content"))
        matcher = [Template(m).substitute(repo=repo) for m in match]
        if replace != None:
            rep = find_and_replace_file(file, matcher, replace, replace_match = replace_match) or rep
            rep = find_file(file, matcher) or rep
    return rep
Exemplo n.º 49
def find_sds(fname, warns=[]):
    # skip non-language bindings
    languageFilePattern = r"\.(\w+)\.tex$"

    # Find the associated module
    fmodname = re.sub(languageFilePattern, ".tex", fname)
    content = read_file(fname)

    if len(re.findall(languageFilePattern, fname)) == 0:
        # This is what we have
        syms = find_all_symis(content)
        symdefs = find_all_symdefs(content)

        # for non-language-bndings
        return [warn_symbols(fname, syms, symdefs, warns)]

    # Try and read the other file
        modcontent = read_file(fmodname)
    except IOError:
        err("Missing module:", fmodname)
        return [False]

    # FInd all the symbolds and definitions
    defs = find_all_defis(content)

    # This is what we have
    syms = find_all_symis(modcontent)
    symdefs = find_all_symdefs(modcontent)

    # Warn about symbols
    warn_symbols(fmodname, syms, symdefs, warns)

    if defs == None:
        defs = []
    if syms == None:
        syms = []

    return (fmodname, defs, syms, symdefs, modcontent)
Exemplo n.º 50
def do(args, unknown):
    # If there are no repositories, check everything for dependencies.
    if len(args.spec) == 0:
        std("Nothing to install, re-installing all existing repositories.  ")
        return install(*match_repos(lmh_locate("content")))

    if not get_config("install::noglobs"):
        args.spec = ls_remote(*args.spec)
        if len(args.spec) == 0:
            err("Nothing to install...")
            return True
        if args.no_confirm_install:
            std("Picked", len(args.spec),"repositories. ")
            std("Picked", len(args.spec),"repositories: ")
            if read_raw("Continue (y/N)?").lower() != "y":
                err("Installation aborted. ")
                return False

    return install(*args.spec)
Exemplo n.º 51
def get_config(key):
    Gets a given configuration setting. If it does not exist in the 
    configuration file, the default will be returned

    # check if the given key exists in the configuration
    if not key in config_meta:
        err("Option", key, "does not exist. ")
        raise KeyError

    # Read the setting from the config file
    # TODO: Think about verifying the type
        data = json.loads(read_file(config_file))

        return data[key]

    # return the default value
    return config_meta[key]["default"]
Exemplo n.º 52
def find_sds(fname, warns=[]):
        # skip non-language bindings
    languageFilePattern = r"\.(\w+)\.tex$"

    # Find the associated module
    fmodname = re.sub(languageFilePattern, ".tex", fname)
    content = read_file(fname)

    if len(re.findall(languageFilePattern, fname)) == 0:
            # This is what we have
        syms = find_all_symis(content)
        symdefs = find_all_symdefs(content)

        # for non-language-bndings
        return [warn_symbols(fname, syms, symdefs, warns)]

    # Try and read the other file
        modcontent = read_file(fmodname)
    except IOError:
        err("Missing module:", fmodname)
        return [False]

    # FInd all the symbolds and definitions
    defs = find_all_defis(content)

    # This is what we have
    syms = find_all_symis(modcontent)
    symdefs = find_all_symdefs(modcontent)

    # Warn about symbols
    warn_symbols(fmodname, syms, symdefs, warns)

    if defs == None:
        defs = []
    if syms == None:
        syms = []

    return (fmodname, defs, syms, symdefs, modcontent)
Exemplo n.º 53
def get_config(key):
    Gets a given configuration setting. If it does not exist in the 
    configuration file, the default will be returned

    # check if the given key exists in the configuration
    if not key in config_meta:
        err("Option", key, "does not exist. ")
        raise KeyError

    # Read the setting from the config file
    # TODO: Think about verifying the type
        data = json.loads(read_file(config_file))

        return data[key]

    # return the default value
    return config_meta[key]["default"]